I take ALCAR (0,8 g twice) and regular ALA (0,4 g twice, I'll change for KRALA when it's gone) for maybe 3 weeks now and I'm starting to notice a really strange change in my beard growth - it suddently grows MUCH faster and thicker.
My facial hair was quite average for my age (30). I like some stubble, so I mostly shave every other day, maybe three days on the weekends. I had different styles of beards in the past too, so I know what to expect if I don't shave for a longer period. So, I shaved last Friday, and on Sunday, I looked like I didn't shave for 10 days. Seriously. I asked family and friends, and they couldn't believe it's only a few days of growth. I was quite shocked, to say at least.
I don't think it has anything to do with my test levels, there are no other hormon related side effects I'm aware of. I have some starting male pattern baldness that's at rest at the moment (*knock on wood*), and I didn't notice any change in this regard.
Did anyone experience the same with ALCAR/ALA? Is there any reasonable explanation for this? I read something about ALCAR influencing test receptors, but I can't find it anymore.