Today, I tried one drop MB in a glass of water. I am using the Kordon methylene blue product which did not come equipped with a dropper function so I had to improvise. It's been 1 hour since my first dose and I feel very drowsy. 1 drop is much higher than the 0.125 mg needed so I will adjust the dose for tomorrows dose and so on.
How should I dilute this to obtain the right amount from 2% solution???
I thought 1mg was the proper dose. where did you get the 0.125mg from ?
If you search the references in this THREAD you will find a reference to a discussion in usenet forum sci.lifextension HERE --- a pharmacist gave step by step instructions on diluting the 2.0303% Kordon's fish medicine down to the proper amount, in one drop from a medicine dropper. FWIW, this is still quite blue, but does not turn your pee blue.
> >There is a concern I have regarding the studies in the news reports
> >and the dosing you describe. The Oakland Hospital research on cultured
> >cells translates in micro-grams of MB per day, however, the University
> >of Aberdeen research with Alzheimer's patients involved doses of milli-
> >grams per day. 60 milli-grams was the apparent optimal dosing revealed
> >from the phase II study. My concern is that these news stories are
> >using the letter "m" as in "mg" to represent micro-grams whereas if
> >taken literally, one would interpret the doses as in milligrams, i.e.
> >1000 times greater dose. Does anyone know what the doses in the
> >University of Aberdeen and TauRx really are? This is critical for
> >those amongst us that would take a risk and test MB on their own.
> >Unless MB is made a controlled substance, there is likely to be
> >widespread experimenting with the chemical.
> This post has some good information on rember.
> A discussion of rember (MB) for alzheimer's can be found at --
Your concern is a great concern.. most of the articles are stating
60mg (60/ thousanths of a gram) three times daily and the 100 mg was
ineffective.. Correctly it should be micrograms or 60/millionth of a
gram! So anyone who is ingesting 60mg is getting an ineffective 1000
time overdose. from what I gather, a popular "ich" fish methylene blue
is 2.303% w/v so that is 2.303 grams in 100cc of distilled purified
water. Take a ml or 1/100th = 23 mg / ml (1ml = 1 dropperful) .. Take
2 ml or 2 dropperfuls = 46mg , place it in 30ml water and you get a
dilution of 1.53 mg /ml. There 20 drops to a ml in a medicine
dropper, so 1.53 mg divided by 20 = .075 mg which is 75 microgram- we
only want 60mcg, so let's go back to the 2 dropperfuls X 60mcg/75mcg =
1.6 dropperful in 30 ml medicinal dropper bottle and qs to 30ml which
now gives the 60mcg per DROP! three times daily. So if no one reads
this blog there are going to be a lot of people taking and ineffective
overdose. I guess that is why they make pharmacists.
Tom Clayton - Reg. Pharmacist, UCSF School of Pharmacy '60.
Edited by maxwatt, 17 May 2009 - 10:23 AM.