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Methylene Blue Experiences

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#451 amark

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Posted 14 November 2012 - 12:39 AM

Hi an update.

I took very large amounts of MB for three months. I suffered no problems with the maoi issue. It did not prove to be effective in positively affecting my bi polar depression. Also it slowly affected my ability to get an erection. I also lost interest in sex. I ceased taking it and in about a week all the affects seemed to be gone. I would not recommend MB for bipolar depression.

You say there was no MAOI issue, but then mention erection difficulties and loss of sexual desire. These are both symptoms of MAOI-A.

Perhaps you are right but I was looking for headaches and such. It took quite a while for those effects to be made manifest. I assumed the effects would become apparent quickly. No matter what, that is what happened. Thanks for your input

Just for anyone else's interest. i have started TDCS and have found that very effective for bp depression. In the future I will direct any comments on TDCS to the appropriate forum.

#452 Adamzski

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 08:40 PM

No more MB? who is still taking it? I am considering to to try it again.
I had maybe placebo effects but would see things with more clarity when taking it, small details would catch my eye like interesting reflections etc. Maybe more fluid thought and creativity.

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#453 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 09:47 PM

I've tried 200 micrograms alone for the last couple days, and definitely noticed it has an uplifting effect on mood and energy. I tried lower doses and did not really notice any effects.

The only side effect I've found is greenish urine, which starts about 4 hours after administration, and lasts about 16. Combining methylene blue (for the color) and modafinil (for the smell) would sure be a great way to troll urologists...
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#454 donjoe

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Posted 04 September 2013 - 10:37 AM

Also of note, it seems that the 60 mcg is so low that it may classify as a sort of homeopathic dose.

60 ug is not even close to a homeopathic dose. Homeopathic concentrations begin at "10C", which homeopaths use to designate dilutions of 100^-10 or 10^-20 (1:100000000000000000000) and those dilutions don't even begin with the pure substance itself (i.e. at a "concentration" of 100%), but rather begin with a "mother tincture" where 1 mol of the "active ingredient" is dissolved in 1 litre of water, which is already a pretty thin dilution; that's what they then proceed to dilute 10 times more at a ratio of 1:100 each time. :)) That's why Randi and others feel the need to warn people that they're basically shelling out real money for what's essentially pure water in little bottles that make it look like "medicine".

As for my experience:

I tried MB for the first time yesterday at a dose of 10ug (one drop of 1% solution diluted at a 1:50 ratio and then 1 drop of the dilution into my glass of hydrolized whey protein drink). A few hours later I started having some very strange digestive disturbance characterized by some tightness/pressure inside the abdomen and some extra rumbling (but without much gas coming out), which ruined my ability to concentrate for 2-3 hours (in fact I had to go home and lie down because I couldn't work in that state). The sensation only started to diminish in any significant way about 7-8 hours later and today, 24h later, I'm still not sure it's completely gone.

Now it might've been something I ate or the protein I took the MB with or the multivitamin+multimineral I took with the same drink or any number of things, but I'm going to wait a full week before I try again and when I do it will be at a far lower concentration (maybe 100ng) just to make sure I'm not committing genocide against my gut flora here.

Edited by donjoe, 04 September 2013 - 10:40 AM.

#455 donjoe

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 10:25 AM

Subsequent administration of the same hydrolyzed protein drink - without the MB - on Thursday caused digestive trouble again, so I think I can pin it on the "protein", which I have no quality guarantee for as it's not from a well-known producer and which I will proceed to pour down the toilet after writing this message. :)

And since this shifts the blame away from the MB, I think it's safe to do the next MB test with the same concentration as before: 10 ug, single-dose.

#456 donjoe

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 12:27 PM

I got confident about my earlier conclusion that excluded MB as a digestive troublemaker, so I continued with my original plan of ramping up my doses until I can feel an effect. So today I dropped 30 ug of MB into my glass of B-vitamins and drank most but not all of it, so I think I took about 20-25 ug, which is still more than double what I had the last time.

I may have had some unexpected level of mental clarity for the first morning hours, which I normally don't expect on as little sleep as I had last night and in the absence of my morning coffee. I may also have had some of that anxiolytic effect of not caring so much about what others would think about what I'd say or do. Neither of these effects was so pronounced that it made me exclude the possibility of placebo, so I want to skip tomorrow (to get back to my "baseline", whatever that is) and continue upward with a 60-ug dose the day after.

#457 donjoe

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 10:45 PM

Did the 60 ug - no effect. Moving up to 120 ug tomorrow (no skip day this time).

My extrapolations of the dosages used in rat studies tell me to expect memory improvement around 162 ug/kg and anti-anxiety effects around 1.62 mg/kg, both for IV administration. Since I'm taking it orally the values should be even higher. So I'll keep doubling my dose every day just to be thorough and careful but I'm not really holding my breath for any real effects yet.

#458 donjoe

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Posted 18 September 2013 - 04:29 PM

120 ug - no effect
250 ug - no effect
500 ug - no effect

#459 donjoe

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 12:32 PM

1 mg - no effect
2 mg - moderate abdominal discomfort

What I've found in the literature about the negative effects of high doses is that around 7 mg/kg you should expect severe digestive problems like vomiting and nausea, so even though I'm still at least 2 orders of magnitude below that, the fact that I'm starting to get digestive discomfort from the MB tells me I probably shouldn't continue upward. Next thing I want to try at this point is to explore the 30 ug area one more time, since that's the only dosage that ever gave me any positive impression (whether real or imagined).

#460 donjoe

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Posted 15 October 2013 - 09:08 AM

OK, so I've re-explored the lower microgram range and found the following:
- 2.5ug = nothing
- 5ug = nothing
- 10ug = not sure / can't remember
- 15 and 20 ug => the same effect I had at the very beginning from the 30ug dose: I felt more driven to get things done, more focused and more irritable / less patient with people and less interested in how they were going to feel if I said certain things (in other words, more of an asshole).

What I can say in conclusion is that I don't like the kind of person this turns me into when I'm around people I've known and worked with for years and in the context of low/tolerable pressure for performance, but I can see how it might come in handy if I'm ever surrounded by unfamiliar faces and under pressure to perform - it could probably help me do what needs to be done rather than get inhibited/confused and shut down (though I don't expect to get in this type of situation anytime soon). So I guess MB is just a specialized tool that can only be helpful in certain situations, so I'll keep it in my toolbox but ignore it most of the time.

Edited by donjoe, 15 October 2013 - 09:10 AM.

#461 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 05:43 AM

Given its good tolerability at high doses in clinical trails for alzheimers, I decided to try upping my regular 200mcg dose for a bit.

I went off of this graph as a rough guide: http://www.longecity...mao-inhibition/

I tried successive daily doses of 1mg, 2mg, 5mg, 8mg, 12mg, 15mg and finally 20mg. I couldn't tell the difference between 200mcg and 5mg, but I noticed pronounced stimulant effects at the 8+mg doses. That, and very, very blue piss. Blue enough to stain my toilet for three days afterwards :-D

I obviously got decently into MAOA-I territory, which I suspect is the reasoning behind the more pronounced effects.

I should add I was also on 2.5mg/day selegiline also. Don't try this at home. I wasn't particularly worried about hypertensive crisis myself, as I recently got enough IV and oral labetalol to knock out an obese pachyderm ;) I figure not a bad insurance policy if you are experimenting with MAOIs

#462 bitrat

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 04:48 PM

Hmmmm....methylene blue as a nootropic...now I've heard everything! ;*p

Are y'all familiar with the "blue bottle experiment"? Used to do this one all the time to amaze kids - it works with several other dyes (indigo carmine, etc) so you can get a rainbow effect.....
BTW, any old bottle works fine (long as it doesn't leak on u!) Buy lye at the hardware store (please don't joke with the cashier about crank labs - it's a real problem for them!) and glucose can be found all over the place - health food stores, I believe at beer brewing ingredient shops, etc etc....


Have fun!

#463 Adamzski

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 09:33 PM

I did feel an altered state taking MB, about 1mg seemed to increase clarity and saturation of colours. You should try, nothing to lose

#464 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 05:12 AM

Gonna give this a try. Will report soon.

#465 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 04:24 PM

K, so I was taking small doses of MB and I was somewhat surprised with the effects. I felt a good clarity of thought. Like I brain was working really efficiently. I'll be trialing it for a while still to see if I can pinpoint the effects and at what doses they work best.

#466 Adamzski

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 09:21 AM

clarity of thought is how I could describe it, have not had any in a while. There was some talk of the pet store variety having high levels of heavy metals or something, might be best to get some pharma grade.

#467 Skypp

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 08:18 PM

It's time to report back!

I've been on the MB @ about 20 drops 2.303% solution per day for the last 2.5 weeks. It has been a learning experience. Remember, this is combined with 3g piracetam every 3 hours and 21g per day of fishoil (3 x 7g: breakfast, lunch, dinner).

Before I launch into the wondrous effects, I would also like to note that I have been on the piracetam dose for the last 1.5 years and the fishoil dose at 14g/day for the same time, and have also tried it at 21g/day and 28g/day for a couple weeks last summer. In none of these cases did the effects noted below occur.

Now on to the MB: it's bringing back memories that I didn't even know I had! And it's taken about two weeks to show these effects. In the beginning only the nicely coloured urine and higher body temperature were evidence of dosing and effects.

Soon though I noticed that certain memory effects were surpassing what even the massive saturation dose of piracetam combined with its natural force multiplier fishoil ever achieved.

Just two days ago I remembered the name of Knight Rider's driver: David Hasselhoff! I was just at the front door and the data just assembled itself inside my head like it had never disappeared. And this is just one case - there's a ton more occuring on a daily basis. I monitor myself very closely and have never achieved an effect like this from any regime in the past. Not even with pramiracetam, oxiracetam or aniracetam.

The memory effects did not become apparent until after about two weeks. In the last four days new effects are becoming apparent. My ability to write and synthesize information has increased by about forty percent over the previous regime. The most crucial element to note is that these are not transient effects, but are manifesting continuously. An increase in the vividness of dreaming has also been noted, and has also shown itself only in the last five days. This is important because increasing the fishoil dose itself increases dream vividness and recall in my body very quickly - in five days maximum. This is important because I have been on the upgraded 21g/day for the last 1.3 months (previously 14g/day) - a period of time long enough to normalize dreaming parameters in order to provide a baseline for relative comparability when the methylene blue was introduced.

In addition to these effects, my ability to 'word-find' has improved enormously over the past five days. A new effect has also manifested: in the past while typing or thinking I would repeatedly make the same mistakes and corrections. Like some haunted pair the problems and solutions would dance around each other in a circle without the damn dance ever ending.

Since the powerful effects of Rember have begun to work their magic in the last five days, a totally new dynamic has manifested. It's a most peculiar one too: at the moment of making an error or not thinking 'far enough' ahead to achieve the most optimal arrangment of thoughts or actions, I spontaneously assume a higher-level brain activity and the correction gets written permanently to long-term memory. And when typing out words my raw error rate has increased!

This may seem odd - even undesireable - but it is not. That's because rather than typing from stale yet quickly repeatable programs - giving a deceptively high raw performance but without deep self-corrective ability (akin to the preliminary effects from loss of sleep), I'm now writing from freshmode and re-consolidating new data and corrections to old data at a previously-unimaginable rate. In short, it's awesome to be making new mistakes and new memories along with them. Because I can do it better now than in the olden days.

In those sacred moments of time I'm now given a new opportunity: to change the course of history by actively and consciously rewriting it with the total assurance that the new function or memory will be consolidated forever. This is new and reminds me of the state of things when I was much younger (33 now).

It's wonderful because the new thought formulation-expression process is causing me to completely and actively re-write the millions of subprograms in realtime - a process that had mostly halted almost a decade ago due to what I speculate must be aging and/or brain damage. There's a wild freedom and funness to being able to redo the stuff that's been literally 'tripping me up' for so many years. It also bodes well for higher-level processes that I anticipate will actively begin to reshape other aspects of my life in the coming weeks, months and years. The extraordinary dreams are a sign of this, as dreaming is an already well-proven marker of long-term learning, memory change in general and the ability to conceptualize and function in novel ways during the day. I have the study to back this one up if anyone cares to learn more about it in-depth.

Finally, there has been a most prominent auditory euphoria when listening to almost any sound - music especially. The dimensionality of sound has been increased by about 20%-30%. This change occurred much quicker than the memory effects - it was already apparent by day three of dosing.

Considering my experience I believe it is vital to combine methylene blue with an appropriate nootropic - racetam preferred - and fishoil to achieve its maximal effect. Fishoil and piracetam are already multiplicatively copotentiable at the correct dose - and my experimentation indicates that adding the third component truly provides a 'three legs' solution for the total support of reliable brain superfunction.

The best name I can think of for Methylene Blue is Blue Breaker:Memory Maker. I believe that the tangles so evident in Alzheimer's brains are just the final, gross - and most importantly easily observable - changes resulting from a process that is viciously ongoing in all our brains. My idea is to strike the enemy first in the assumption he is already - silently - attacking me. It's just dumb to wait for time to wear me away or a diagnosis to seal the matter. The greatest risk in life is doing nothing - particulary when the statistics paint a nasty picture of brain aging and disease. A road we are all marching down, whether we cover our eyes to avoid the sight of ever-uglier landscapes up ahead or not.

The most important thing that brain dysfunction has taught me is that the human brain has a plethora of elegant ways to hide its subfunction or outright malfunction. The drunk knows not that he is intoxicated. As the brain dumbs down due to these processes it is less able to perceive its own failures, and the two operate as a dancing-pair in a negative feedback loop that sends consciousness in a slowly tightening circle around the black hole of death - the aging drain. Like some sweet yet poisonous opiate, the victim has a difficult time perceiving his losses until they become extreme - and the biochemical situation unredeemable. His best 'detector' is another person or close and careful self-observation and interaction with an objectively fast external source - a computer that can provide feedback in simple, typical ways - like typing errors, rate, etc. and also in ways specifically designed to benchmark brain performance.

Death does not take a break or avert his eyes from the goal. He is working day and night to undo all that is precious within yourself - and slowly put you to sleep to make you not care about his doings. Most importantly, death is not what happens when your heart stops - rather it is a process that is ongoing as you read these words. Long before the final breath, death has stolen the majority of a modern-day's human life. I call them the walking dead, or zombies. They are barely conscious and are sleepwalking toward their inevitable end. It's sad to see, so I prefer to take a much greater risk to slow death down - even to the point of using a largely untested - within this context and usage pattern - chemical called Methylene Blue.

The readers of this thread likely share my goals at least in part. It's safe enough to try at up to 200mg/day so don't hesitate. And remember, the memory effects take at least two weeks to manifest. Use up your entire bottle - it's not fast enough for dying fabrics anyway - so you might as well Posted Image

#468 Skypp

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 08:25 PM

It is 2014, and this post above is from 2011... but WOW. Love your description of how your mind feels and functions on MB and racetams.... I am having many of the same experiences, but probably could not say it as well as you did. I am female, I run two businesses and am writing a novel and care for a husband and several pets. Before MB and Piracetam, I often fell in a heap of exhausted despair that I could never do everything that had to be done in a day and still write. Now I feel a sense of everything good still before me, as I did in college, as well as seemingly plenty of time to do it. Somehow, time has stretched out. At least I've discovered that time is a mental construct and you CAN have more of it and be busy as heck. Thanks for all these amazing posts, people, they are so helpful.

Edited by Skypp, 11 January 2014 - 08:28 PM.

#469 Skypp

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 06:07 AM

I got good MB with a dropper and instructions for nootropic dosage right on the bottle, from a company called animalpharm on ebay. Afraid to say much more for fear of the cyber bullies I've encountered here.
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#470 mait

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 08:54 PM

I got good MB with a dropper and instructions for nootropic dosage right on the bottle, from a company called animalpharm on ebay. Afraid to say much more for fear of the cyber bullies I've encountered here.

Hi! What is Your daily dosage of MB at, which You notice those effects?

Edited by mait, 22 January 2014 - 08:54 PM.

#471 Skypp

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 09:23 PM

I got good MB with a dropper and instructions for nootropic dosage right on the bottle, from a company called animalpharm on ebay. Afraid to say much more for fear of the cyber bullies I've encountered here.

Hi! What is Your daily dosage of MB at, which You notice those effects?

Hi~ I have discovered through trial and error that more is not better. THE DOSE: What works for me is a large dose in the morning. Three or four drops from the animalpharm bottle in water with fizzy vitamin c, plus One Full dropper of C60 oil and a multi-vitamin. There are days when that's all I'll take. If its a long, arduous day, I'll do another, smaller dose late afternoon, early evening. THE EFFECTS: Good, positive energy. My thoughts are MUCH more positive and I'm a ton more productive and organized. I do not feel that I'm constantly running out of time. The energy is not speedy, its calm and focused. CONCLUSION: I much prefer the C60 in combo with MB than fish oil, just works better for me. THE POSSIBLE DOWNSIDE: I'm tired and cranky if I do not take it. Since its cost-friendly and very effective, I'm not too worried.
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#472 mait

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 08:38 AM

User niner, are You still using MB now that You are also dosing C60?

#473 lone rider

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Posted 23 February 2014 - 02:42 AM

just been trying MB since about a week , did saw results but were kindaa negligiable , though i stopped it about 3 days before.. as i had got my suply of piracetam and modafinil. so didnt wanted to mix the three together with out any info.

so i see ISCHROMA mentioning that he did combined em together .
i will be doing it aswel viz. MB + piracetam and fish oil
as i have my examination in another 20 days frm now
will be upping the dose ..
planning on about going to 20 drops with in 2 to 3 days and then staying on that dose if all okk and around 2 mg of piracetam + fish oil lets see how it goes.

#474 Charles J. Daniels

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Posted 07 March 2014 - 06:18 PM

So I got MB yesterday and took it for the first time. I took one drop sublingually of 1% solution (so about 500mcgs), and then re-dosed about 6 hours later, the same amount. For several days beforehand I stopped taking my usual CoQ10.

There were definitely noticeable effects. I certainly felt like I had a certain extra energy. When I was walking to the grocery store, I felt like the paddleboat of my legs was wanting to go funnily fast, like a cartoon. At one point I was listening to a song I've heard a million times before, and I heard this whole intricate background section to a bridge that de-emphasizes the music. The tones are all higher pitches, and in the past I blocked them almost completely out, but last night I caught that there's really cool tune going on there. Also at one point earlier, I walked resolutely in a room just to completely forget what for, never to recall again. I almost suspect I had no real goal. I bring this up because it's been awhile since that's happened, so the coincidence seems pertinent, also given that others have reported such things as typing better overall but actually making more mistakes as they go. There is another long lasting effect I like, though I'm not entirely sure what it is or what it's good for, but it's a sense/sensation in my head, like the machines are whirring or something. I can't say I feel more focused so far, but I have no focus issues at all generally, so.

I took another drop this morning upon waking. Today I'm thinking I'm going to take my ciltep stack today, and I will be taking a luteolin/rutin mix in place of the artichoke. I know that that change along with MB for only the second day will be a bit of a confounder, but I'm alright with that.
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#475 Adamzski

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Posted 08 March 2014 - 03:05 PM

I felt time distortion, extra focus and seemed to see with more clarity and notice small details like light reflecting on a countertop etc. the first time that I took it I can relate to what you are saying, it was a sunny summer day in Australia, I went to a pet shop bought some MB dropped 2 drops in a bottle of water then seemed to float the 3k's walk home I am not a person with a very visual memory but I can really picture that sunny day.

I cant say if this is placebo or not, its kind of a big ritual to drop a few drops of a potion into a bottle and have it sink to the bottom then turn the water blue, plus I had been reading about it on here prior etc.. I will get some and try it again soon. I lean towards it giving me a boost in focus but nothing spectacular rather than it being completely a placebo effect.

I was using 1mg and sipping the water over a few hours.

#476 tommix

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 08:56 AM

Sorry but it makes me laugh when people takes 30-60 micro grams and tells us that they had headache or stomach problems :DD These doses are sooo low that even funny to read your complains which came from other things.

Also to feel something in the brain you need WAY higher dose! Low dose is good for mitochondria. I guess 90% of people here is just placebo victims, they aspect some specific effects and they experience it. Placebo is not something that is not real, it's real cause you made your brains to do something which in turn helped you. You with your mind only can regulate hormone levels and many more.
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#477 amara bin

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Posted 07 May 2014 - 10:32 AM



I've probably read the following articles starting on links found in Longecity, so i don't take the paternity of the finding.


i'm leaning toward the higher dosage too, due to a study (that also compares different studies made before)



My idea of correct dosage is based on the 4mg/kg rat figure (a somehow "soft spot" for mitochondrial function and memory amelioration). 

Please check these slides fro the same authors:
http://www.dose-resp...nzalez Lima.pdf


According to this link



this would mean a 0.64 mg/Kg I.P. theoretical human dosage.

If we calculate a reasonable 60% oral absorption, this would lead to 1 mg/Kg.


I'm not going to report my anecdotal experience since i kinda think is misleading, but i warmly advise to do your readings and get documented, i don't take this story lightly.


Although this drug has been used for  many many years in very high dosages without other side effects than...a reverse action: the auto oxidation/reduction capability of MB is antioxidant in small doses and completely oxidant (even with antibiotic applications) in too high (grams?)

Edited by amara bin, 07 May 2014 - 10:37 AM.

#478 machete234

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 06:52 PM

Sorry but it makes me laugh when people takes 30-60 micro grams and tells us that they had headache or stomach problems :DD These doses are sooo low that even funny to read your complains which came from other things.

Also to feel something in the brain you need WAY higher dose!


LSD is very active at 60mcg so what you say is not universally true.


Anyways I have another question I have a bottle that says 2.44% w/w from my understanding this is a weird way to give the concentration of something or maybe not whatever.

So basically this should mean 2.4% of the blue soup is MB by weight, the question now is how much does a ml of this blue soup weight?



I took 1ml of it and put it in over 1,5l of water, that stuff became really really blue so I thought this cannot be the dose.

I thought I had put 1mg in the water and so around 0,1l would be maybe 100mcg but I have trouble believing this

Im sure Im making some stupid mistake here.


How blue is this supposed to be?

I poured the really blue water away and the residue in the bottle stayed inside, I refilled with clear water and the result was slightly blue water, this is more what I imagined how it should be.

Edited by machete234, 29 June 2014 - 07:04 PM.

#479 ron45

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:24 PM


What did you take it with? Try experimenting with it alone and give yourself time to adjust.

Quest Vegan Time Released Vit & Min supplement

1.25mg deprenyl

800mg Omega 3

2 capsules of Get Smart (

Each capsule contains:

300mg Aniracetam
250mg Centrophenoxine
125mg Pyritinol
100mg Picamilion
15mg Oxiracetam
10mg Idebenone
10mg Vinpocetine
300mcg Galantamine
100mcg huperzine A


Hello, I'm wondering about your deprenyl. Is it a generic like Eldepryl or Selegeline?


I haven't seen anything but 5 and 10 mg pills offered. Is there a reason you are using such a small amount? Looking back over your Get Smart list I guess that could be why. 


just curious….



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#480 Stephen Bajon

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Posted 12 July 2017 - 09:46 AM

I am a pharmacist and nutritionist and make M Blue for myself in a 4% solutions with Body Bio PC to micellize the mixture for better absortion. Please do not use Kordon Blue as it has many toxic metals and it considered an industrial grade or chemical grade and not a USP pharmaceutical grade that is over 99% pure.



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