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Methylene Blue Experiences

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#31 8bitmore

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 10:58 AM

Sounds like you had an intestinal virus. I can understand how you might want to stay away from MB. I'm still a little shy of clams after a particularly bad experience with them...

Yep, you're right; is most likely psychological really (i.e. nothing to do with MB) but since we all know how much the placebo effect matters I guess I'll stick to the rest of my regime for now :~

#32 health_nutty

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 09:24 PM

Update, was trying 500mcg to 1mg a day split in 4 doses. I'm dropping back to 250 mcg per day and will experiment with 125mcg per day (still split into 4 doses). I think 60mcg per dose is just about the sweet spot for mential clarity. Just a bit "space" with 125mcg a dose and even more with 250mcg. More is not better....

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#33 Ames

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Posted 08 June 2011 - 02:02 AM

Anything further on MB, anecdotal or otherwise?

I have been taking roughly 60mcg for a few days, and it shows promise.

What I've noticed:

Increased cognitive "space" or clarity
Improved sleep
Increased tolerance to my migraine triggers

Periodic neck stiffness
Slight cardiac pain (although I experience this periodically anyway)
Effects on skin - -one day I thought it looked better, and the next worse - its hard to tell whats happening there.
I suddenly gained 5 solid pounds - I have no idea whether or not this is coincidence

Does anyone have any further opinion on the cancer risk, insulin resistant effects, or collagen / skin effects of this chemical? On the effect on skin, I thought I had sourced a journal article about skin being improved (which I cant find now upon a quick but lazy search), and then there is the article linked to earlier in this thread about collagen being inhibited.

Any further discussion would be welcome, although I have to say that I am considering discontinuing this tomorrow despite the rare positive effects on my migraine triggers (which means back to lithium orotate and the aphasia that it seems to trigger).

#34 stephen_b

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 01:30 AM

At 30mcg, I get a bit of a 'blah' feeling. Perhaps too much?

#35 niner

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 02:07 AM

At 30mcg, I get a bit of a 'blah' feeling. Perhaps too much?

If okok is really using 15ng, then you are using two thousand times as much. golgi1 says they are using 60mcg, so you are half that dose. Using serial dilutions, you can go as low in concentration as you want. I couldn't say whether or not everyone is actually taking the amount they think they are taking.

#36 aaron43

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 03:52 AM

Let me clear this up:
Methylene Blue does NOT turn your urine or skin blue if following the proper dose at 60 MICROgrams. It doesn't turn your skin blue unless you spill some on it, which goes away. Its toxicology profile is excellent. It is already a prescription drug at much higher doses. The dosage required for nootropic use is much lower, so my question is:

why is it not used more?

ps. the proper dosage doesn't even turn the water blue.

Edited by aaron43, 21 June 2011 - 04:03 AM.

#37 abelard lindsay

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 04:26 AM

I took this a whole bunch back in 2009. Yes. I drank highly diluted fish bowl cleaner (< 0.002%). It was pretty interesting. Go read the granddaddy thread. It is powerful stuff and should be carefully dosed. Too much of it and you'll get a mild headache. It is also an MAOI inhibitor with all the good and bad things that come with that. For instance, you wouldn't want to take it with any other Serotonin or Dopamine affecting drugs. Yes it does turn your pee blue, even when highly diluted.

People don't take it because it is only sold as fish bowl cleaner and that's normally something that most people would not consider ingesting, even highly diluted, under any circumstances.

I stopped taking it because it was just a little bit too crazy (MAOI inhibitors get like that) and I wanted to get my sperm count up. Apparently research shows it is a powerful spermicide as well as being a powerful anti-fungal and anti-microbial -- it was used as an effective malaria cure for the first half of the 20th century after all.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 21 June 2011 - 04:28 AM.

#38 Declmem

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 07:44 PM

I was really into it for a while. If you look around you'll even find a simple formula I did to figure out how to get an approximate amount of micrograms in each dose (btw, for me at least, it certainly did change the water blue - it was beautiful! But didn't change my pee or skin of course.

I didn't get anything noticeable out of it. But, at the time, I wasn't actively trying to retain new memories - rather, restore old ones. So, perhaps I had the wrong approach. My situation has changed so maybe I'll give it another shot.

#39 longevitynow

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 08:57 PM

I took it for a few months in the 5-60 mg/day range. Didn't notice any cognitive benefit. It does seem to kill candida and some other pathogens in my experience and in some friends. There is an interesting disconnect between the microgram doses mentioned in these forums and its use in the 50-700mg range for alzheimers, bipolar disorder, malaria, and urinary infections. I am sure it killed candida and/or some other critters I don't want in my body. It was a folk remedy for sore throats in Belgium 80 years ago, and I find it works well for this purpose. I am concerned about it maybe killing good bacteria in my intestines or elsewhere, which is why I stopped using it on a regular basis. But I will still take a few doses (5-15 mgs), if I start getting a sore throat. And I believe it is good for systemic candida more than intestinal candida (speculation from experience).

#40 aaron43

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 11:36 PM

I took it for a few months in the 5-60 mg/day range. Didn't notice any cognitive benefit. It does seem to kill candida and some other pathogens in my experience and in some friends. There is an interesting disconnect between the microgram doses mentioned in these forums and its use in the 50-700mg range for alzheimers, bipolar disorder, malaria, and urinary infections. I am sure it killed candida and/or some other critters I don't want in my body. It was a folk remedy for sore throats in Belgium 80 years ago, and I find it works well for this purpose. I am concerned about it maybe killing good bacteria in my intestines or elsewhere, which is why I stopped using it on a regular basis. But I will still take a few doses (5-15 mgs), if I start getting a sore throat. And I believe it is good for systemic candida more than intestinal candida (speculation from experience).

Sir, the cognitive nootropic beneficial dose is 60 Micrograms. It is used in higher doses at 5-60mgs for malaria and others, but the higher dose does not provide the cognitive benefits that 60 micrograms does

And I feel like, if someone wanted to be very cautious while taking it, I feel the best thing could be a probiotic actually. Who knows, methylene blue is an antibacterial and then you are replacinging with good bacteria, would be a cool idea

My Experience with Methylene Blue

My first day: I bought Methylene blue from the aquarium last night. Prepared it, a 60 microgram solution, its very easy thing to do , you just need a eye dropper, a few cups and a measuring glass.

When I took it I felt great energy. My thoughts were easily facilitated, it was as if I got the stereotypical "this is how I am usually supposed to feel" feeling. Which this could actually be the case because its increasing metabolism in the places of your brain that need it.

This nootropic has a different feel to it. I can say it definitely takes away social anxiety no problem, because it feels like your young again, where your whole world is focused on what's in front of you. That was the biggest effect I noticed. The second biggest thing I noticed, is the learning after the fact process. I could say that MB does help with thinking while doing a task due to the relaxed nature of how you feel which I just described as reduced social anxiety, but I would say that the biggest nootropic effect is after the fact learning. I felt when I would read or do something, after I am done, I feel like I fully understand the subject thoroughly and can implement it from there on out, whether it is a life lesson or an academic lesson or even a logical lesson. I would say that methylene blue facilitates the idea "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" but without the fool me twice, because the MB facilitated the full understanding of the subject after the first try. Sort of..kind of..like selectively putting what is in your long term memory. Ask me more questions, if you ask me a question Ill be able to answer it instead of me just rambling. MB also definetly increases the energy department, I have in the past always felt tired when I knew I shouldn't or I would get tired much faster than other people, and I feel like MB kicks that completely out the door. Not only do you get the energy from optimal mitochondrial processing, but I feel like most people get tired quickly due to stress, and it seems as if it eliminates stress (or makes stress not seem as monumental as people can make it) thus facilitating more energy with a relaxed state of mind.

There are more effects I will continue to right about when I come across them again. Im taking 60 micrograms right now each dosing, and I dose periodically, mostly 4 hours apart, we'll see what happens.

Smoking marijuana and Methylene Blue - Very Nice, I guess you can describe it as how people would idealize the typical marijuana experience: (no nervousness, boosted creativity, mood increase, and talkative)

I would also be interested if I could see the difference in ratio of compound to side effects of methylene blue compared to an adderall or even an SSRI that people are likely to be prescribed

Edited by chrono, 11 October 2011 - 08:35 PM.

#41 aaron43

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Posted 22 June 2011 - 05:16 PM

I dont know if it makes a difference but ebay has more official looking methylene blue compared to aquariums
It looks like lab grade which I assume is the same as the veterinary grade which is Kordon's Methylene Blue, note that the amount is very very minuscule.

From taking it yesterday I had better sleep, better energy, along with the other effects I said. I'd recommend that everyone try it at least, its better than most people think and cheap too and really seems to act different compared to other nootropics like piracetam and whatnot

ps. Iv felt like you have before, where i learn I learn, and then when I actually get tested on an issue (doesn't have to be academic) I would usually fail or go back to the way I was which I was trying to learn to get out of, thus making the learning ineffective. I feel like this brings it to the next step, it subtly makes you forget (go extinct) the bad habit that you have learned to get out of and actually implement the training in a situation that calls for it, instead of fumbling around with the information in your mind that you have learned. Its as if it rewires the brain to forget about the negative connotations of the situation that you attach to it and retain the positive while allowing you to implement it from there on out

Edited by aaron43, 22 June 2011 - 05:42 PM.

#42 aaron43

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Posted 23 June 2011 - 02:49 AM

Sounds like it could be very effective in combination with CBT then... Is there any indication of how strong the MAOI properties are? But I guess even if they are relatively weak, mixing with other AD will be a big nono...

At this dose, it would have to be a phenomenally potent MAOI to have an impact. Considering the doses that are used therapeutically in other contexts, this seems unlikely.

Are you referring to the mixture of other AD's or the MAOI power. I don't think I can provide another study except the ones that already says it Methylene blue facilitates the extinction of fear in an animal model of susceptibility to learned helplessness and Extinction Memory Improvement by the Metabolic Enhancer Methylene Blue. If there is studies that says it does, and I personally experience it when I take 60 micrograms, then how does it seem unlikely? There is academic evdince plus anecdotal evidence (even tho there is a lack of evidence at the correct dosage), it must mean there is something too it

Additional information: besides taking it again today and receiving great benefits again, and at one point in the day it really felt like i wanted to tell the world that "If you ever feel like your being held back and not able to show off your full potential that you have, this is your answer". I sware I texted that too myself so I could write it again here. All I took today was 2 dosings of 60 micrograms MB, 1 dose 2g piracetam, 1g aniracetam, R-ala, and 2g Alcar, + multivitamin. Believe it. If you don't, then sucks i guess.

I gave a dose to my aging mother before work today. I was curious too see how she would respond, she came back and said that she felt a great energy production. As if she was just wide awake, but not cracked out is how she described it to me. I asked her if she remembered anything more today than she normally would, she said no, but I asked her if she was looking for it and she also said no. I told her to see if she can recognize if she comes across a situation where she doesn't need to look twice to remember a number or remembered a product number from a couple products ago. Ill get back on that. After her work today, she seemed much more energized, much more talkative, even though she is old fashioned and doesn't like to have chemicals affect her, she described it as definitely strong and is already talking about using it tomorrow during work.

I also gave some to my dog, he always cries when I get home, he seems to have separation anxiety lol I know. I dropped two drops in his rather big water bowl, and lately he seems more calmer, more firm, but I still have to wait longer before I can confirm this subjective yet interesting result.

Also, just another note. I have been taking methylene blue for 3 days now. I have had a wart on my hand for about 7 years, its a cluster of about 4 smaller warts on my hands. While I was typing this I touched where my hand was, and it was much softer than usual. I looked and all the hard skin that usually covers the wart is gone. The warts are still there, but now they are much softer, looking less protruding, less inflamed. This could be absolutely nothing, who knows. I'm going to keep this posted too. Because this is a reoccurring cluster of warts that has been killed and reappeared and grown more over the seven years, if something is killing it this fast it might be something too look at for this reason too. Like I said, Ill keep you posted.

Edited by aaron43, 23 June 2011 - 03:02 AM.

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#43 aaron43

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Posted 24 June 2011 - 03:10 AM

Sounds like it could be very effective in combination with CBT then... Is there any indication of how strong the MAOI properties are? But I guess even if they are relatively weak, mixing with other AD will be a big nono...

At this dose, it would have to be a phenomenally potent MAOI to have an impact. Considering the doses that are used therapeutically in other contexts, this seems unlikely.

Are you referring to the mixture of other AD's or the MAOI power. I don't think I can provide another study except the ones that already says it Methylene blue facilitates the extinction of fear in an animal model of susceptibility to learned helplessness and Extinction Memory Improvement by the Metabolic Enhancer Methylene Blue. If there is studies that says it does, and I personally experience it when I take 60 micrograms, then how does it seem unlikely? There is academic evdince plus anecdotal evidence (even tho there is a lack of evidence at the correct dosage), it must mean there is something too it

Additional information: besides taking it again today and receiving great benefits again, and at one point in the day it really felt like i wanted to tell the world that "If you ever feel like your being held back and not able to show off your full potential that you have, this is your answer". I sware I texted that too myself so I could write it again here. All I took today was 2 dosings of 60 micrograms MB, 1 dose 2g piracetam, 1g aniracetam, R-ala, and 2g Alcar, + multivitamin. Believe it. If you don't, then sucks i guess.

Hi aaron43, thanks for posting your experiences with MB. I was referring to the idea that we shouldn't mix 60ug doses of MB with SSRIs. I think that 60ug is far to low a dose for its MAOI inhibition to present a danger when combined with serotonin-raising compounds, even though MB is a relatively potent MAOI. Ramsay et al. find that MB has an IC50 for MAO A of 164 nM. Ramsay's paper is in regards to the danger of combining MB with antidepressants, but they are talking about huge doses, like 100mg taken intravenously. That would be like taking a gram orally. As a back of the envelope calculation considering the blood level of MB produced by taking 60ug i.v., 60ug MB * (um MB/320 ug MB) / 5 litres blood = 37.5nM. This is well under the IC50 for the enzyme, so you would retain most of your MAO A activity. With oral dosing, you would have yet another factor of ten (-ish) margin of safety.

Bottom line: While MB is an MAO A inhibitor at high doses, 60ug isn't enough to get a dangerous MAO A inhibition. I don't doubt that you are feeling something from low dose MB. Have you tried it by itself, without the noots?

While I agree about what you said on the danger, I don't know what to say about the MAOI inhibition limit level for methylene blue. I can't seem to find anything that says at what limit the inhibition starts. Or how it even works (like could a little bit of a potent MAIO inhibitor match that with a greater quantity of a medicore MAIO inhibitor.) But it is clear that the nootropic dose for Methylene blue is 60 micrograms. Now whether at this dose the effects of memory and thinking are present or not, Id assume since it's called the nootropic dose, but I have to admit it still remains to be academically proven. But I can tell you experimentally that I have taken it for 4 days now, and I feel great. I am remembering more than I ever have, Im interacting better with people better than I ever have, I feel the most clean awakeness that I ever have felt, and I don't know how else to say it: but I actually feel that extinction memory, like I am aware when it happens. Its like I come across a breakthrough thought, I get happy, I try to think back to my old idea I was trying to overcome, but then I'm too excited and it's like this new memory overpowers the pull of my old memory; this pull back of old memory usually makes me think back to my old thought and forget the new thought..thus getting me no where usually. But MB changes this I can sware by it. It gets me excited, and keeps me 100% focused the new thought, and its like it gets engrained only when a happy memory is present, which a reward of some kind...which means you did something right lol.

I have tried MB three different ways:
The first way I tried was with MB + 1 provigil I had early in the morning (Its not my script so its rare). It was great, great facilitation of thoughts and memory, but I kinda got pissed easy as some points because it felt like nothing would work right for me, like my mind was going so fast at a point that my limbs couldn't keep up. Its actually really frustrating when that happens lol but it is great for nootropic purposes.

The second way was with MB + piracetam + alcar + r-ala + aniracetam in the morning, it was the best day, I was so on top of my thoughts and I felt like I could argue and win against anybody, but not do it in a Adderall sense where I would just talk your ear off, more calculated I'd say. But again that frustration with the limbs happens, and its technology too, like the internet would freeze for a second, and then I would be mentally way past that point, and then I gotta go back, this pisses me off from the insides for some reason. Its not that I'm uncoordinated because this usually doesn't happen, but its like my mind would be racing so fast that sometimes I'd fail to look past something right in front of me and end up hitting it. Kinda hard to describe.

The last way today, was MB + lycopene, I felt this to be the best combo actually, I took the lycopene later in the day, but with just the bare essentials I felt really cool, calmed, collected, and I felt smooth with talking to people, like I was completely in the flow with the conversations. I haven't got that pissed feeling yet and I just good I'd say, but mentally very very sharp. At least I hope my post says that haha

#44 aaron43

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:34 PM

I'v been taking MB as low as one dose at ~60 micrograms and have great results all day. Same great energy, same feelings that I have described. I'v been taking lycopene and vitamin E (incorporated in multivitamin) before dosing to ensure optimal health and negate any possible side effects that can theoretically occur. I haven't seen any tolerance build up either, it feels like 1 drop a day can go a long way, but I feel like dosing twice maybe three times would be ok. I'v noticed when I would use 4/3 of a drop, it wouldn't work as well when I put 3/4 of a drop in my cup, its just that concept that less is more in this case.

Update from today (which made me post):
Today, I woke up, took a provigil that I had (not mine). Then I worked out, and before I ate I took piracetam + alpha gpc + R-ala + 3 capsules fish oil. Then I ate some food, took a multivitamin + aniracetam + lycopene. Waited about 20 minutes, ate a banana, then took 1 dose of 60 micrograms MB, followed by another 10 minutes then a 2g ALCAR dose. To say the least, my brain was on top of exactly what I needed to do. It's so good that I feel like I have lost a little bit of interest (but not much!) in nootropics because I feel like I have found the answer. But besides all that, i had a weird effect today, which happened once before but I didn't think about it:

I was driving to LA today, from where I live and LA there is a lot of freeway to drive so it's pretty easy to go fast. Well, I'm pressing on the gas peddle, accelerating on the freeway, when I start to feel like my car doesn't have as much power as it used to. Im throttling it, and I'm just going marginally faster. I look down at my speedometer, and it read 97 MPH. But I looked around, and nothing seemed to be moving fast, in fact it still looked to be moving slow. Now I have driven fast before and I love it, and I know when I usually drive fast it really feels like I'm going fast. But today, it didn't happen, everything was moving slow, but my brain was moving fast, as well as my car. I had crystal clear thoughts, it wasn't like I was drowsy or my thoughts were slowed, I had a very fast thought process, but still when I looked out my window, the environment around me was as if it was in slow motion. This continued throughout the day, and happened in the same way but different in various activities. In most activities, though, this slow motion effect isn't as drastic because we are normally not moving 90 MPH. lol. It was an experience i had to write about, and it continues to happen today when I drive. It really is something else.

#45 abelard lindsay

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 08:04 AM

Watch out for hypomania. MAOIs, tend to do that. I know that this board has had hypomanic outbursts from people taking deprenyl and othr MAOIs, etc. Be aware of what your baseline personality is. If you start to get a bit too grandiose, you might want to cut back a little. Hypomania is not really being more intelligent, but it's easy to mistake it for such.
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#46 snuffie

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 03:19 PM

I am interested in trying this, but nervous about mixing things with Wellbutrin given that it lowers seizure threshold...although at such a small dose I would hope there wouldn't be an interaction.

The wiki page talks about serotonin toxicity at doses exceeding 5mg/kg (if mixed with SSRIs), so 60mcg shouldn't be a problem.

As much as I would like to confirm this with a pharmacist, I can't imaging striking up that conversation..."hey, I'd like to drink this fish tank stuff..." Umm... :wacko:

#47 thedevinroy

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 07:07 PM

I can't imaging striking up that conversation..."hey, I'd like to drink this fish tank stuff..." Umm... :wacko:

I`ve just spit coke over my keyboard reading this :laugh:

I've said much awkward things... so awkward I'm a legend among friends.

#48 Spectre

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 03:29 AM

Just received my Methylene Blue yesterday and started taking it today, I honestly can't tell if I got any effects from it. I used the method above to measure out the solution (I got Kordon's MB from Amazon, got a 30mL cup and put 20 drops of MB into the cup, then 36 drops of the solution into another 30mL cup of water, then dosed a drop from the new solution for roughly 60mcg I'm assuming). The water with the one drop of the solution didn't even change the color of the water..and I haven't noticed any discoloration effects for myself..what is a logical dosing schedule for 60mcg? (Once every couple hours or so?) I only took one 60mcg serving today..thanks.

#49 aaron43

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 04:08 AM

Well first, you said that you put 20 drops into the first 30 mL solution. In the post I posted, it says to put 40 drops in the first solution. which is 2 dropper fulls. In each dropper, 20 drops equals one mL, and there is supposed to be 2 mL of 2.3% methylene blue in the first solution, hence 40 drops.
But as for the effectiveness for you whether it works or not, I really have no regard because today was the first time my mother tried 1 dose 60 micrograms before work since last thursday, and today when I asked her today how it felt (note that she hasn't taken any since last thursday) she said this could be the best thing ever, that I sware on everything she said she felt "youthful" and I really don't go into detail explaining what she would feel before dosing because then that would throw her perception of MB off. She practically swears by it, well she doesn't swear by anything, but she really did infer that it is ridiculously good and that she went through the day full of energy and full of "intrigue" when she would be doing a task at her job. That in itself proves it's effectiveness to me, so if it doesn't work for ya im sorry, but for those that it does work for it is something else.

Edited by aaron43, 01 July 2011 - 04:09 AM.

#50 Spectre

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 05:54 AM

Well first, you said that you put 20 drops into the first 30 mL solution. In the post I posted, it says to put 40 drops in the first solution. which is 2 dropper fulls. In each dropper, 20 drops equals one mL, and there is supposed to be 2 mL of 2.3% methylene blue in the first solution, hence 40 drops.
But as for the effectiveness for you whether it works or not, I really have no regard because today was the first time my mother tried 1 dose 60 micrograms before work since last thursday, and today when I asked her today how it felt (note that she hasn't taken any since last thursday) she said this could be the best thing ever, that I sware on everything she said she felt "youthful" and I really don't go into detail explaining what she would feel before dosing because then that would throw her perception of MB off. She practically swears by it, well she doesn't swear by anything, but she really did infer that it is ridiculously good and that she went through the day full of energy and full of "intrigue" when she would be doing a task at her job. That in itself proves it's effectiveness to me, so if it doesn't work for ya im sorry, but for those that it does work for it is something else.

My mistake, I did in fact use 40 drops for the first solution, not 20..I keep making typographical errors as of late for some reason. I suppose I just haven't paid enough attention to really make a note on the effectiveness, I'm definitely going to keep dosing and see how it affects me later on, I like the idea of methylene blue not just for its nootropic properties, but the health promoting physiological properties as well. I take a multitude of supplements so for all I know those may have blunted MB's effects, I'll dose first thing in the morning without any additional supplements.

#51 aaron43

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 08:53 AM

The water won't change color, Earlier in this forum i was noting that the dose is so small that it doesn't even change the color or the taste.

And spectre you said you take a multitude of supplements, are you taking idebenone or cQ10? that interferes with the nootropic benefits. and i'm not sure but rwac might have been goin off the 20 drops that you said you did at first to clear up confusion.

Iv done MB with piracatem or aniracetam or both and alcar and many others, and I think they synergize with MB, because I'd say it's like Im much more aware of the effects of other nootropics more clearly, their benefits seem not more pronounced, but I'd say more clear. And are you doing activities that would make you cognizant of the increase in energy compared to how you normally feel which i guess would be tired? Because MB is a different type of nootropic, if you don't do anything while taking it, you will feel content, not energetic type like jumping out of your skin energy but a subtle awake clearness. When you go out in the "field" which requires much energy, you may notice that you are lasting much longer than your counterparts. All the while maintaining clear cognitive benefits from MB (at least from what I've seen)

Edited by aaron43, 01 July 2011 - 09:11 AM.

#52 Logan

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Posted 04 July 2011 - 09:32 PM

I bought this Rid-All Methylene Blue 1% from ebay:

And then I diluted it approximately how Lufega did here.

A 2.303% solution is 2.303 grams MB per 100 ml solution or 23 mg/ml.
There are 20 drops to a ml so each drop will have 1.15 mg MB. Now, I
take 32 drops of this (which equals 36.8 mg MB) and add it to 30 ml
water. This will equal 1.23 mg/ml. This divided by 20 = 0.0613 mg per
drop, or 60 micrograms.

Only dosed twice so far. I do feel a little sharper, but nothing really distinguishable from placebo. I'll post back when I get more info.

One thing I did notice (could just be coincidental) was I think I gained 1 lb of water weight. I eat zero carbs and I generally don't get that unless I eat over 20-30g of carbs in a day.

You mean you eat zero grains or other carb heavy foods? You must still be eating vegetables and some fruits, if you want to achieve optimal health.

#53 ayu

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Posted 04 July 2011 - 09:48 PM

The only things I eat:

Bacon, Eggs, Cheese, Sour Cream, Almonds, Beef, Chicken, Sardines, Tuna

I don't believe fruits and veggies are necessary whatsoever for optimal nutrition. They may have useful micronutrients -- but there's no reason at all you need fiber or sugar. Check out http://forum.zeroinginonhealth.com/ for more info or send me a private message. Don't want to derail this thread :P

Addendum to above: I'll be dosing the MB on a 4-6 hr schedule, I think that's what's the half life was.
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#54 Raptor87

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Posted 05 July 2011 - 01:13 AM

Unnecessary carbs make me irritable and tired.


Great article on micro- nutrients.

#55 Raptor87

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Posted 09 July 2011 - 03:10 AM

Hows it going Aaron? Are you still on mb? Are you experiencing any negative effects? Are the nootropic effects still the same?

#56 Isochroma

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Posted 09 July 2011 - 11:48 PM

MB is working well for me.

I put about 5ml of the 2.303% solution into a mug filled about 0.5" to 1" from the bottom with tap water and drink her down, and this is done 2-3 times per day. I'm using a standard-diameter plastic straw to pull out the MB from the Kordon bottle. The raw solution is pulled so it fills about 1/3" of the straw's vertical capacity.

I'm probably getting at least 20mg per dose, maybe even 60+. The dosed water is so deep blue I can't see the bottom of the mug, and the water's only 0.5" deep :)

It tastes strong and I can smell it on my sweat. Also, my urine is now a beautiful deep aquamarine bluegreen colour.

Since it's so affordable I can take up to 200mg per day safely. One of those Kordon bottles will last me a month, which makes this stuff super cheap.

It's helping to maintain my brain function while the piracetam is stuck in the bowels of Canada Post while those overpaid union posties work the pudge off their buttskies handling the backlog.

I also leave some in my main water mug to give it a nice blue shade throughout the day. No change in nailbed or eye colour at this dose.

This will be the end of Piracetam if improvements keep up at this rate. No more paying the ripoff artists who are trying to profit off the lack of competition. I can buy a lifetime supply of this nice dye for one month's budget.

For those who don't want to look like circus clowns: drink the sol'n thru a straw to avoid staining the lips blue.

PS. Listen to the sound! Since starting MB the sounds all around have a most amazing depth and complexity. They are so real that it's like scary things whispering in my ear, right beside me. That close. I can resimulate any sound or orchestral work with amazing clarity right in the olde head. Stronger effect on sound than any racetam at any dosage.

It's like an entirely new dimension opened up. Hearing all the components of every sound as individual voices.

Edited by Isochroma, 10 July 2011 - 12:05 AM.

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#57 thedevinroy

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 01:31 AM

MB is working well for me.

I put about 5ml of the 2.303% solution into a mug filled about 0.5" to 1" from the bottom with tap water and drink her down, and this is done 2-3 times per day. I'm using a standard-diameter plastic straw to pull out the MB from the Kordon bottle. The raw solution is pulled so it fills about 1/3" of the straw's vertical capacity.

I'm probably getting at least 20mg per dose, maybe even 60+. The dosed water is so deep blue I can't see the bottom of the mug, and the water's only 0.5" deep :)

It tastes strong and I can smell it on my sweat. Also, my urine is now a beautiful deep aquamarine bluegreen colour.

Since it's so affordable I can take up to 200mg per day safely. One of those Kordon bottles will last me a month, which makes this stuff super cheap.

It's helping to maintain my brain function while the piracetam is stuck in the bowels of Canada Post while those overpaid union posties work the pudge off their buttskies handling the backlog.

I also leave some in my main water mug to give it a nice blue shade throughout the day. No change in nailbed or eye colour at this dose.

This will be the end of Piracetam if improvements keep up at this rate. No more paying the ripoff artists who are trying to profit off the lack of competition. I can buy a lifetime supply of this nice dye for one month's budget.

For those who don't want to look like circus clowns: drink the sol'n thru a straw to avoid staining the lips blue.

PS. Listen to the sound! Since starting MB the sounds all around have a most amazing depth and complexity. They are so real that it's like scary things whispering in my ear, right beside me. That close. I can resimulate any sound or orchestral work with amazing clarity right in the olde head. Stronger effect on sound than any racetam at any dosage.

It's like an entirely new dimension opened up. Hearing all the components of every sound as individual voices.

You are taking about 11.515 mg (5*1000*0.002303) which is 191x the effective dose of 60mcg. I'm not sure if it is enough to cause serotonin toxicity, but you'll likely get a nice buzz out of a cup of coffee, possibly a bar of dark chocolate. If you figure a drop is 0.05mL (http://en.wikipedia....i/Drop_(volume)), then all you need is a drop to get 115.5mcg, which is only ~2x the effective dose. A lot safer, too. Drop it in a cup of water, drink half, and stick it in the fridge for your next dose.

Edited by devinthayer, 10 July 2011 - 01:43 AM.

#58 rwac

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 02:29 AM

I'm probably getting at least 20mg per dose, maybe even 60+. The dosed water is so deep blue I can't see the bottom of the mug, and the water's only 0.5" deep :)

You are taking about 11.515 mg (5*1000*0.002303) which is 191x the effective dose of 60mcg. I'm not sure if it is enough to cause serotonin toxicity, but you'll likely get a nice buzz out of a cup of coffee, possibly a bar of dark chocolate. If you figure a drop is 0.05mL (http://en.wikipedia....i/Drop_(volume)), then all you need is a drop to get 115.5mcg, which is only ~2x the effective dose. A lot safer, too. Drop it in a cup of water, drink half, and stick it in the fridge for your next dose.

Isochroma is actually using 115.15mg per dose.
2.303% solution= 23.03mg/ml
5ml = 115.15 mg.

Isochroma, what dose did you start with?
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#59 aaron43

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 03:49 AM

MB is working well for me.

I put about 5ml of the 2.303% solution into a mug filled about 0.5" to 1" from the bottom with tap water and drink her down, and this is done 2-3 times per day. I'm using a standard-diameter plastic straw to pull out the MB from the Kordon bottle. The raw solution is pulled so it fills about 1/3" of the straw's vertical capacity.

I'm probably getting at least 20mg per dose, maybe even 60+. The dosed water is so deep blue I can't see the bottom of the mug, and the water's only 0.5" deep :)

It tastes strong and I can smell it on my sweat. Also, my urine is now a beautiful deep aquamarine bluegreen colour.

Since it's so affordable I can take up to 200mg per day safely. One of those Kordon bottles will last me a month, which makes this stuff super cheap.

It's helping to maintain my brain function while the piracetam is stuck in the bowels of Canada Post while those overpaid union posties work the pudge off their buttskies handling the backlog.

I also leave some in my main water mug to give it a nice blue shade throughout the day. No change in nailbed or eye colour at this dose.

This will be the end of Piracetam if improvements keep up at this rate. No more paying the ripoff artists who are trying to profit off the lack of competition. I can buy a lifetime supply of this nice dye for one month's budget.

For those who don't want to look like circus clowns: drink the sol'n thru a straw to avoid staining the lips blue.

PS. Listen to the sound! Since starting MB the sounds all around have a most amazing depth and complexity. They are so real that it's like scary things whispering in my ear, right beside me. That close. I can resimulate any sound or orchestral work with amazing clarity right in the olde head. Stronger effect on sound than any racetam at any dosage.

It's like an entirely new dimension opened up. Hearing all the components of every sound as individual voices.

Is this the real isochroma?
If it is, sir, it is my pleasure to have started this thread and that it come across your view path. Your previous posts on piracetam is what got me started into nootropics and your ways of thought opened new doors that were previously covered by pharmaceutical shrouds. So thank you for that.

If it's not? Well hell even if it is, I must comment 1) taking high doses of MB could be unhealthy and I feel would be more apt to actually falling into the categories of side effects. But I'm not gonna really get into telling anyone what they should or shouldn't do because my reach of influence can only go as far as what I provided in studies/dose relations that are present. 2) Quite simple actually, MB is an antibacterial, thus killing good and bad bacteria in the stomach (possible probiotic recommended), you might not be able to poo for some time.
As far as nootropic use, if it works at that high of a level then it works and I can't fault you, just be weary of possible complications that could come from high dosing frequently.

As for me personally, I have shared experiences already but I have come up with a train of thought that could identify methylene blue benefits for the skeptics. MB is still working today for me, Iv taken it just about every day, which is 1 - 2 dosings of inbetween 5-60 micrograms. MB still gives me energy. Usually in my past, Id have to take naps every day, but I never feel that need anymore, its a clean awakeness, but note, if your tired, your gonna be tired no matter what, it's not like caffeine in the "upper" sense. But besides the clean awakeness, there is a boost of euphoric energy that happens every time I make a new learning connection, whether I memorize some words on a song, remember a deep thought that I had, or simply put two and two together, whenever I "learn" I get this burst.

I have felt that, accompanied with will power, that it is much easier to brake bad habits. It is hard to get started breaking them, but it's like MB takes away the desire for that bad habit to pop up when there is a beneficial alternative present opposed to the bad habit. And this learned beneficial alternative, through MB, is learned just as quickly and compiled into the brain in a sense where there is no "clutter" clouting the newly learned motion when put into practice.

Lastly, a test. Learn to juggle. See how fast you can pick it up in a long term memory sense, where juggling becomes easy. I tried to learn juggling 3 years ago in a span of about 2 days, I picked it up but wasn't naturally smooth at it and I would definetly not call myself good by any means, I kept messing up and I would consider myself lucky if I did something somewhat resembling aesthetic juggling. 3 years went by, and I didn't think about juggling, didn't practice, totally forgot how to do it. When taking MB, I learned again and practiced in a matter of an hour, took 1 dose of MB before and after but the same dose( 1 dose in a cup, i drank half before and half after). I envisioned myself juggling in full detail for a brief moment later on in the day after practicing... next day? results. Juggling is a good test for cognitive performance, it isn't dependent on small finger movements to judge mental capabilities, and is a good "bar" to measure cognitive improvements directed towards juggling. Check it out
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#60 Elus

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 04:57 AM

Since it's so affordable I can take up to 200mg per day safely.

Interesting, you seem to be experiencing some rather pronounced effects from MB. If I may ask: How did you arrive at this dosage, do you believe it is safe, and if so, why?

Good to see you back, Iso.

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