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Methylene Blue Experiences

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#61 Isochroma

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 08:21 PM

I started about the same. It's probably a bit much, but considering that up to 200mg per day is safe - at least if you believe the US military who kept their soldiers on it to prevent malaria.

Thank you for the dosing info. Never guessed the mg was that high, as I couldn't figure out what 2.303% meant (by volume, by moles, by maximum saturation?).

Elus: For most of my supplements, except for Retinol and D3, I figure out how much I can afford and divide the bottle by 30 days :) At least, that kind of logic partly dictates how much I take. Actually, I did read the reports and have them on file, so I knew what dosages would be safe.

Day four without piracetam is usually where the olde nasties start slithering their way back into the brainpan. I have noticed a bit of slowness and a bit more clumsiness, however colour saturation is still 80% where it was on piracetam and sharpenss is about 50%.

The real difference is in brain function. The unfocusedness, tiredness and need to sleep in the afternoon is not coming back like it used to when the piracetam was late and I ran out - something that happened every three months or so. And last time it happened was only about two months ago, so I have a recent experience as referent.

Aaron43: Yes, this is the Isochroma. I gave up on some other forums due to personal reasons. Other projects came up, and I needed to work on certain elements of myself, and get clear of areas that were becoming problematic. I'm glad to hear my writing prompted you to get on nootropics.

Yet even today I am reading "The Dark Fields" and still searching for the magic MDT-48. You can read a new post I wrote about a promising compound called Piracetam Hydrazide that has twice the potency of piracetam plus some new effects too. It has only been tested in animals so far.

Edited by Isochroma, 10 July 2011 - 08:36 PM.

#62 thedevinroy

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Posted 11 July 2011 - 07:19 PM

I'm probably getting at least 20mg per dose, maybe even 60+. The dosed water is so deep blue I can't see the bottom of the mug, and the water's only 0.5" deep :)

You are taking about 11.515 mg (5*1000*0.002303) which is 191x the effective dose of 60mcg. I'm not sure if it is enough to cause serotonin toxicity, but you'll likely get a nice buzz out of a cup of coffee, possibly a bar of dark chocolate. If you figure a drop is 0.05mL (http://en.wikipedia....i/Drop_(volume)), then all you need is a drop to get 115.5mcg, which is only ~2x the effective dose. A lot safer, too. Drop it in a cup of water, drink half, and stick it in the fridge for your next dose.

Isochroma is actually using 115.15mg per dose.
2.303% solution= 23.03mg/ml
5ml = 115.15 mg.

Isochroma, what dose did you start with?

Haha extra 0 added in after the decimal. My Bad. Wow... so a drop actually makes 19.1 doses. That's mighty interesting.

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#63 Isochroma

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Posted 11 July 2011 - 09:38 PM

Indeed, indeed. The usual cognitive decline post-piracetam (the order is still caught in shipping) is simply not showing up like it used to - and I don't mean a long time ago - the last piracetam 'dry spell' was only two months ago. Not that they're unpresent, just not unpleasant.

The MB is providing mental energy - no tiredness - but not the super sharp vision and only a fraction of the saturation - which may be residuum from piracetam dosing. So now I understand exactly what the MB provides and what it does not provide.

This stuff ain't placebo. It just keeps working day after day after day.

I am quickly realizing that with the MB as support I can reduce the piracetam dose or just switch to oxiracetam at a reasonable dose and save lots of money too.

PS. I'm also taking 21g of unrefined fish oil per day in 7x1g gelcaps @ breakfast, lunch and dinner. This stuff is the necessary complement to pretty much any other nootropic.

Together, fish oil and MB work synergistically - coming close to a full emulation of piracetam. This is because the MB works to restore mitochondrial energy conversion (one effect of piracetam), while the fish oil creates a major increase in neural membrane fluidity (the other effect of piracetam) and of course provides DHA and EPA.

The elements that can't be replaced are the proliferation of AcH receptors, new purposing of some unused glutamate receptors, and likely a few more.

Thus, the combination of fish oil with methylene blue can provide a partial substitute for piracetam which has about 60-75% the strength of piracetam alone. However, it is important to understand that using fish oil for this purpose - to change the fluidity of membranes - requires that it be the main fat component of the diet. Other fats - especially saturated and tran-fats - will immediately interfere by defluidizing the membranes with their stiff fatty acid molecules - thus negating fish oil's pro-fluidity effect.

Of course, it is still much better to take all three together - but we must anticipate the sad day when the FDA ends all racetam production/export/import.

It is time to hunt for other solutions - and thanks to the brave souls who experimented - we now have one - a blue solution :)

Edited by Isochroma, 11 July 2011 - 09:51 PM.

#64 aaron43

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Posted 11 July 2011 - 10:00 PM

Indeed, indeed. The usual cognitive decline post-piracetam (the order is still caught in shipping) is simply not showing up like it used to - and I don't mean a long time ago - the last piracetam 'dry spell' was only two months ago. Not that they're unpresent, just not unpleasant.

The MB is providing mental energy - no tiredness - but not the super sharp vision and only a fraction of the saturation - which may be residuum from piracetam dosing. So now I understand exactly what the MB provides and what it does not provide.

This stuff ain't placebo. It just keeps working day after day after day.

I am quickly realizing that with the MB as support I can reduce the piracetam dose or just switch to oxiracetam at a reasonable dose and save lots of money too.

PS. I'm also taking 21g of unrefined fish oil per day in 7x1g gelcaps @ breakfast, lunch and dinner. This stuff is the necessary complement to pretty much any other nootropic.

Together, fish oil and MB work synergistically - coming close to a full emulation of piracetam. This is because the MB works to restore mitochondrial energy conversion (one effect of piracetam), while the fish oil creates a major increase in neural membrane fluidity (the other effect of piracetam) and of course provides DHA and EPA.

Thus, the combination of fish oil with methylene blue can provide a substitute for piracetam which - while not complete - has about 60-75% the strength of piracetam alone.

Of course, it is still much better to take all three together - but we must anticipate the sad day when the FDA ends all racetam production/export/import.

It is time to hunt for other solutions - and thanks to the brave souls who experimented - we now have one - a blue solution :)

I have claimed a few best combinations with MB throughout this forum, but I must agree, a combination of fish oil, MB, and piracetam is HIGHLY effective in learning and applying (and living). I must add that Acetyl-L-Carnitine (preferable ~2g a dose) is another staple that I have found works MAGIC with MB, and even more so with this previous combination of MB, fish oil, and piracetam.

For anyone that has the luxury of provigil (modanafil), though unnecessary, it really amplifies how much you learn, how much you experience ect. Its like this previous stack of MB, Pir, AlCAR, and fish oil is "what everyone is looking for" in nootropic purposes, and as well it does supply energy. When taken with provigil, its like this learning effect is exemplified everywhere to the optimum degree due to the increased awakeness/alertness that provigil provides. It basically takes away any sleep deficit aspect that can hamper any nootropic benefits.

#65 thedevinroy

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Posted 12 July 2011 - 02:01 AM

I believe the reason why Acetyl-L-Carnitine works so great with Methylene Blue is that the Carnitine portion is a mitochondrial stimulant. It is great for long term heart health for that reason. The heart needs a constant supply of energy and Carnitine transports fat into the mitochondria to be used for energy. I found that really strange at first... that such a circulatory stimulant overtime actually stabilizes high blood pressure, but physical exams don't lie...


Acetyl-L-Carnitine is not only used in acetylation cycle of Acetylcholine (helpful for *racetams), but is also an agonist at acetylcholine receptors, so therefore may have a direct effect on combating racetam fog as well. Seems to up NGF and reverses NMDA receptor down regulation related to aging. Racetams having a positive effect on AMPA receptors, another glutamate receptor type like NMDA, this has a co-synergistic effect on overall cognitive function. In my opinion, ALCAR is therefore a core element to any nootropic stack.

Funny you mention Provigil. I'm going to the psych on Wednesday next week and was considering the topic of Nuvigil (the active isomer, Armodafinil) over Strattera. Concerta and Adderall raise my blood pressure too much, so I was wondering if Provigil has any effect on your blood pressure or bleeding?

Back on topic, I just ordered my Methylene Blue 2.303% ... has anyone found positive improvement of ADHD symptoms? The increase in mental energy for negative reinforcement may prove an effective "mental wall" buster for getting started on projects. I bet it synergizes with the adventurous benefit of ADHD as well. I can't find any studies or experiences with ADHD and methylene blue... weird.... woulda thought there would be more out there on it.

Not saying Aaron that you have ADHD, but you had mentioned being at a place in life with low motivation, which is a symptom that I am looking to improve. You had mentioned that with the help of will power, you overcame this. Got a say on this and MB's effect on ease of motivation?

Edited by devinthayer, 12 July 2011 - 02:12 AM.

#66 ellekereljer

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Posted 12 July 2011 - 04:12 AM

Please don't hate me for interfering with this thread but does anyone have experience with super low doses of adderall and methylene blue. In the range of say 5 mg per day or 5mg twice a day max? This sounds like a good sub for adderall, actually, but I have slapped that label on a lot of things and never really holds up in my personal experience.

Also it is 100% comfirmed this will not turn piss blue at 60? I have read the whole thread (what i could understand) and it seems like it doesn't but many have just started taking this stuff and I was worried it might build up a bit in the body?

I plan on trying it on its own while I am on an adderall break this summer. Maybe incorporating it if need arises. thanks

#67 Raptor87

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Posted 12 July 2011 - 06:03 AM

What kind of vitamins would rewire your brain somewhat so you wont be completely retarded after ending mb, piracetam, alcar cycle? Cause the elevated metabolism itself would allow a higher brain- food intake. What kind of dosage would be allowed with.....

//Vitamin E-D-C
Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B-12, Inositol
Minerals Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Copper;
Coenzymes Q-10, and Lipoic acid


Could you be on this stuff for years e.g if you are trying to become an architect or doctor and still be able to perform at a reasonable level when you quit the noots?

#68 aaron43

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Posted 12 July 2011 - 10:00 PM

Devin: I posted this in another forum, I can go on and on about the effects using similies and metaphors, but this is how I tried to make it simple:
"It works everyday, everytime I take it. It's not really like a racetam where there are subjective effects at first and the longer you take it the better it works. Its seems like instant results. There isn't any tolerance issues either, and it's nice because it's actually the lower the dose the more effective it is, making tolerance paradoxical.
The effects, without going into personal experience to make it short and easy: Learning is amplified. Not only do you perceptionalize what your learning better, but when MB is taken post-training, it's as if MB organizes what you learned in your brain without losing anything, and allows for perfect smooth retrieval when implementing the newly learned idea. It really facilitates the concept "see it once and learn it". It also gives clean energy, not any type of cracked out energy, I never feel tired anymore, but yet I can take MB before bed and sleep great. When I learn and make new connections, I get these bursts of euphoric energy, and this I feel is the "extinction of fear effect" coming into play. If I'm learning something, to get rid of an old idea or habit, this positive emotion (provided by MB + learning) puts weight on what I just learned, in effect, not letting it pass through one ear and out the other. Motivation is increased through this aspect as well, the more you learn, the more confident you become in the subject. The more confident you become the more you want to expand."

Elle: I can't promise that your piss won't turn a slight shade of blue, especially because I have no control over how you create the 60 microgram dose. But if done correctly, and from my experience, it doesn't turn it blue, and if it does, its hardly noticble. I just know that any type of Reuptake inhibitor or dopamine boosters should theoretically be avoided due to conflict of mechanisms that would produce detrimental effects. I would personally avoid it, but I am uneducated in the idea of adding a low dose adderall type to MB. Also remember, that the nootropic dose for MB is very small, as in, regular poisons at the dose would barely have a negative impact. It has a half life of about 5 hours so there is no buildup. I look at MB as a sort of NO Explode (for muscle buidling) but for the brain.

Brainfogged: I'd avoid any CQ-10 or Idebenone, those are known to interfere with MB and make it ineffective. I'd keep what you have, but drop the CQ-10. Remember more is not always better, but it looks like you would have a simple but effective stack. You have provided a good list about medication interference, while this is a legitimate worry, I doubt and would like to learn more if the small dose of MB has the bio-availability to interact with these medication in a detrimental manner.

#69 Delta Gamma

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Posted 14 July 2011 - 07:10 PM

Indeed, indeed. The usual cognitive decline post-piracetam (the order is still caught in shipping) is simply not showing up like it used to - and I don't mean a long time ago - the last piracetam 'dry spell' was only two months ago. Not that they're unpresent, just not unpleasant.

The MB is providing mental energy - no tiredness - but not the super sharp vision and only a fraction of the saturation - which may be residuum from piracetam dosing. So now I understand exactly what the MB provides and what it does not provide.

This stuff ain't placebo. It just keeps working day after day after day.

I am quickly realizing that with the MB as support I can reduce the piracetam dose or just switch to oxiracetam at a reasonable dose and save lots of money too.

PS. I'm also taking 21g of unrefined fish oil per day in 7x1g gelcaps @ breakfast, lunch and dinner. This stuff is the necessary complement to pretty much any other nootropic.

Together, fish oil and MB work synergistically - coming close to a full emulation of piracetam. This is because the MB works to restore mitochondrial energy conversion (one effect of piracetam), while the fish oil creates a major increase in neural membrane fluidity (the other effect of piracetam) and of course provides DHA and EPA.

The elements that can't be replaced are the proliferation of AcH receptors, new purposing of some unused glutamate receptors, and likely a few more.

Thus, the combination of fish oil with methylene blue can provide a partial substitute for piracetam which has about 60-75% the strength of piracetam alone. However, it is important to understand that using fish oil for this purpose - to change the fluidity of membranes - requires that it be the main fat component of the diet. Other fats - especially saturated and tran-fats - will immediately interfere by defluidizing the membranes with their stiff fatty acid molecules - thus negating fish oil's pro-fluidity effect.

Of course, it is still much better to take all three together - but we must anticipate the sad day when the FDA ends all racetam production/export/import.

It is time to hunt for other solutions - and thanks to the brave souls who experimented - we now have one - a blue solution :)

Holy shit I thought you died man!
But, as far as getting past the racetam ban you can pretty much just have it shipped as something labeled as "not for human consumption" and you'd be fine. Trust me there are kilos and kilos of modafinil brought into my country that way.

I'd be careful with all that fish oil though, it really reduces your bodies natural inflammation/immune responses if you're not careful. But as far as methylene blue, I'm glad its been brought up, its exactly what the nootropics movement needs a -a very well researched and moderately effective compound with a known mechanism of action.

But, for prudence's sake, try taking a few days off every week or so to avoid inducing changes in your mitochondria.

#70 Isochroma

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Posted 16 July 2011 - 10:34 PM

I continue with my MB physiologic [60-200mg/day] dosing regime. I will remind others that this dose range is the only one tested in live humans. It is used for two purposes: to kill the malaria parasite, and to destroy the amyloid beta sheet protein inside brain cells. It also has some other effects in vitro and in other species - but these have not been validated in-vivio on humans.

At these doses I am noticing a distinct mental relaxation, and physical muscular relaxation too. These relaxations are accompanied by a greater ease of physical labour which belies the mitochrondrial-enhancement the dye delivers.

Also, the usual spinning thoughts are muted but without the loss of thinking capacity as a depressent or hypnotic would produce.

Urine is the best way to tell me how much I'm absorbing. I prefer to keep it a nice aquamarine colour. It's a visual treat to see.

There is no evidence of brain damage. Spelling, vocabulary, enunciation of words, dreaming, sleep in general, math skill and others show no obvious signs of degeneration. Therefore, this dye is well-tolerated and safe at physiologic doses taken orally. It is not to be used by injection without very careful measurement and understanding that the means changes the mode and vastly increases the toxicity.

Finally, I have been remembering memories at an extraordinary rate that is not in conformance with recent pre-MB historical records. Sounds - viz. music - and dreams are pushing themselves into my awareness without voluntary attempt on a daily basis. I cannot explain the level of memory remembrance any other way - as my diet and supplement regime remain the same as months ago - even to a significant extent years ago.

Thus I must conclude that Rember is an excellent and accurate product name for this molecule. It makes me remember.

Edited by Isochroma, 16 July 2011 - 10:38 PM.

#71 Logan

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 02:42 AM

Anyone dosing MB once a day? I'm hoping I can just dose it once in the morning and reap benefits noticeable all day long.

#72 Isochroma

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Posted 17 July 2011 - 03:56 AM

Posted Image

No can do. MB has a short half-life so dosing will have to be at least twice a day for full benefits. IV administration shows just over 5h half-life. Oral's AUC is lower and longer but don't expect a 12h HL.

Bonus material for your perusal: Methylene Blue-Treated Plasma: Toxicological Profile of Methylene Blue and Its Properties

Edited by Isochroma, 17 July 2011 - 04:08 AM.

#73 thedevinroy

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 05:10 PM

Update on Methylene Blue:

Got my order in last night. Put 5ml of 2.303% solution in 90ml of tap water, took one drop from micropipette. Noticed no physical changes in energy, but I was able to laugh more as well as had a greater sensitivity to touch. This morning took stronger dose (1.15mg), wondering if effects were different, but still dropped the 60mcg diluted drops into my travel bottle made from an old 5 hour energy bottle.

Today I had confronted my friend with absolutely no remorse that I had not been working on his websites out of hobby, but only out of kindness. This absolutely blew his mind and he has no idea who I am now. Should have told him a long time ago. I also easily confessed that I was breaking ties with a business partner/friend because he had lied to me about his credentials. Not sure if I'm just being weird or if MB is a slight truth serum. When I was younger, I was much more open about my thoughts, and since I had very little sleep thanks to the 3rd floor sweltering heat, I am concluding that the change in behavior is most likely the MB. Possibly an effect on serotonin levels?

Edited by devinthayer, 18 July 2011 - 05:17 PM.

#74 thedevinroy

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 05:30 PM

I'm guessing it's not, but is there a problem taking MB sublingually?

#75 niner

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 06:01 PM

Today I had confronted my friend with absolutely no remorse that I had not been working on his websites out of hobby, but only out of kindness. This absolutely blew his mind and he has no idea who I am now. Should have told him a long time ago. I also easily confessed that I was breaking ties with a business partner/friend because he had lied to me about his credentials. Not sure if I'm just being weird or if MB is a slight truth serum. When I was younger, I was much more open about my thoughts, and since I had very little sleep thanks to the 3rd floor sweltering heat, I am concluding that the change in behavior is most likely the MB. Possibly an effect on serotonin levels?

Interesting. Sleep deprivation can act like an antidepressant, but this sounds a little reminiscent of aaron43's reports. A bit, anyway. You don't sound hypomanic but it sounds like something is going on.

I'm guessing it's not, but is there a problem taking MB sublingually?

Maybe. Based on what Isochroma said above, if MB works when absorbed through the stomach, but not in the (slightly alkaline) intestine, then it probably wouldn't be right in the slightly alkaline mouth. What would be your intention in using it buccally anyway?

#76 thedevinroy

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 07:36 PM

Today I had confronted my friend with absolutely no remorse that I had not been working on his websites out of hobby, but only out of kindness. This absolutely blew his mind and he has no idea who I am now. Should have told him a long time ago. I also easily confessed that I was breaking ties with a business partner/friend because he had lied to me about his credentials. Not sure if I'm just being weird or if MB is a slight truth serum. When I was younger, I was much more open about my thoughts, and since I had very little sleep thanks to the 3rd floor sweltering heat, I am concluding that the change in behavior is most likely the MB. Possibly an effect on serotonin levels?

Interesting. Sleep deprivation can act like an antidepressant, but this sounds a little reminiscent of aaron43's reports. A bit, anyway. You don't sound hypomanic but it sounds like something is going on.

I'm guessing it's not, but is there a problem taking MB sublingually?

Maybe. Based on what Isochroma said above, if MB works when absorbed through the stomach, but not in the (slightly alkaline) intestine, then it probably wouldn't be right in the slightly alkaline mouth. What would be your intention in using it buccally anyway?

Sleep deprivation generally makes me sensitive, more on the negative side. Before being diagnosed with ADHD, I was treated with bipolar medication (lamotrigine) because the lack of sleep was causing emotional problems which during the cyclic stress (quarter-mesters) of college + ADHD made it appear as if I was cycling on my own, without triggers. Thus, I hesitate to say that sleep deprivation antidepression is characteristic for me, personally. The only antidepressant effects I get from it is the ease of forgetting bad things from extreme lack of focus. Thanks to choline noots, I'm not so forgetful anymore. I was actually looking for something with antidepressant properties because the increase in choline sometimes left me chemically sad.

My little bottle of noots I take throughout the day has a few things in it that get more immediate (or greater) effects taken sublingually. I usually sip on it throughout the day. It is quite acidic, so pH shouldn't be an issue for me, in particular.

Edited by devinthayer, 18 July 2011 - 07:38 PM.

#77 snuffie

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Posted 18 July 2011 - 11:32 PM

I've been taking MB for about 2 weeks now. Usually just put a ~50mcg drop in my water bottle and sip it throughout my workday. That's probably too low a dose given that I usually nurse it for a couple of hours. So far haven't noticed anything concrete. Headaches the first 2-3 days, but that could've been unrelated. I do think it's raising my heart rate (synergy with wellbutrin?) I am not necessarily feeling more energetic but I am finding that I have been cleaning and organizing things like a robot, if that makes sense. Like once I start moving, there's a kind of momentum, and I just go and go, in a relaxed way. I don't know if I can attribute that to the MB, but either way, it's nice :)
I will keep taking it, maybe experiment with dose, see what transpires.

#78 thedevinroy

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 12:17 AM

I've been taking MB for about 2 weeks now. Usually just put a ~50mcg drop in my water bottle and sip it throughout my workday. That's probably too low a dose given that I usually nurse it for a couple of hours. So far haven't noticed anything concrete. Headaches the first 2-3 days, but that could've been unrelated. I do think it's raising my heart rate (synergy with wellbutrin?) I am not necessarily feeling more energetic but I am finding that I have been cleaning and organizing things like a robot, if that makes sense. Like once I start moving, there's a kind of momentum, and I just go and go, in a relaxed way. I don't know if I can attribute that to the MB, but either way, it's nice :)
I will keep taking it, maybe experiment with dose, see what transpires.

The headaches might be related. I got a slight headache today, and that is quite unusual for me. And it's in an unusual place... on the right side only, more towards the top/front/inside. Could be the ALCAR I guess. Maybe a bad synergy with something else I took.

I took a multi-vitamin, 50mg picamilon, 25mg DMAA, 500mg choline bitartrate, 500mg tyrosine, 500mg ALCAR, 200mcg Huperzine A, and 121mcg Methylene Blue. I'm thinking if it ain't MB or ALCAR, it could be a weird synergy with DMAA or Tyrosine. It only lasted a few minutes.

#79 aaron43

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 12:32 AM

I've been taking MB for about 2 weeks now. Usually just put a ~50mcg drop in my water bottle and sip it throughout my workday. That's probably too low a dose given that I usually nurse it for a couple of hours. So far haven't noticed anything concrete. Headaches the first 2-3 days, but that could've been unrelated. I do think it's raising my heart rate (synergy with wellbutrin?) I am not necessarily feeling more energetic but I am finding that I have been cleaning and organizing things like a robot, if that makes sense. Like once I start moving, there's a kind of momentum, and I just go and go, in a relaxed way. I don't know if I can attribute that to the MB, but either way, it's nice :)
I will keep taking it, maybe experiment with dose, see what transpires.

The headaches might be related. I got a slight headache today, and that is quite unusual for me. And it's in an unusual place... on the right side only, more towards the top/front/inside. Could be the ALCAR I guess. Maybe a bad synergy with something else I took.

I took a multi-vitamin, 50mg picamilon, 25mg DMAA, 500mg choline bitartrate, 500mg tyrosine, 500mg ALCAR, 200mcg Huperzine A, and 121mcg Methylene Blue. I'm thinking if it ain't MB or ALCAR, it could be a weird synergy with DMAA or Tyrosine. It only lasted a few minutes.

It could be the tyrosine, from what I have gathered, to make it simple, is that increased dopamine production/seratonin is not well understood when MB is present in the body, but that it might amplify the effects as it decreases the degredation of dopamine, seratoinin ect. So increasing dopamine may have a range of unknown effect. But in my personal opinion, after taking MB for some time, I feel like I have developed a learned regime of actions and thoughts that contribute to an increase in motivation ect, which has made me drop tyrosine, idebenone (makes MB ineffective, as well as ubiquinol/CQ-10), and a few others all together right before I started taking MB.

Edited by aaron43, 19 July 2011 - 12:33 AM.

#80 rwac

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 03:19 AM

I've been taking MB for about 2 weeks now. Usually just put a ~50mcg drop in my water bottle and sip it throughout my workday. That's probably too low a dose given that I usually nurse it for a couple of hours. So far haven't noticed anything concrete. Headaches the first 2-3 days, but that could've been unrelated. I do think it's raising my heart rate (synergy with wellbutrin?) I am not necessarily feeling more energetic but I am finding that I have been cleaning and organizing things like a robot, if that makes sense. Like once I start moving, there's a kind of momentum, and I just go and go, in a relaxed way. I don't know if I can attribute that to the MB, but either way, it's nice :)
I will keep taking it, maybe experiment with dose, see what transpires.

If you get headaches, I would suggest reducing the dose ...

#81 8lu3

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 09:28 AM

I tried MB at the recommended dosage and found that my attention and focus improved but only for a short while; reduced the dosage to no avail.

However I found that 1 drop in a glass of water was much better for me and I have even taken up to 5 drops in water which gave me some serious mental focus for studying.

I do not take MB on a regular basis like I used to but I will take it when I am studying or if I feel like a mental boost

No other nootropic or supplement has ever had an affect on me except for MB.

I may try the 60mcg dosage again.

Skin never turned blue and my urine turned green not blue.
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#82 snuffie

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 04:35 PM

I've been taking MB for about 2 weeks now. Usually just put a ~50mcg drop in my water bottle and sip it throughout my workday. That's probably too low a dose given that I usually nurse it for a couple of hours. So far haven't noticed anything concrete. Headaches the first 2-3 days, but that could've been unrelated. ...

If you get headaches, I would suggest reducing the dose ...

not to worry, they were just for the first few days and then they went away :)

#83 snuffie

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 04:37 PM

I've been taking MB for about 2 weeks now. Usually just put a ~50mcg drop in my water bottle and sip it throughout my workday. That's probably too low a dose given that I usually nurse it for a couple of hours. So far haven't noticed anything concrete. Headaches the first 2-3 days, but that could've been unrelated. I do think it's raising my heart rate (synergy with wellbutrin?) I am not necessarily feeling more energetic but I am finding that I have been cleaning and organizing things like a robot, if that makes sense. Like once I start moving, there's a kind of momentum, and I just go and go, in a relaxed way. I don't know if I can attribute that to the MB, but either way, it's nice :)
I will keep taking it, maybe experiment with dose, see what transpires.

The headaches might be related. I got a slight headache today, and that is quite unusual for me. And it's in an unusual place... on the right side only, more towards the top/front/inside. Could be the ALCAR I guess. Maybe a bad synergy with something else I took.

I took a multi-vitamin, 50mg picamilon, 25mg DMAA, 500mg choline bitartrate, 500mg tyrosine, 500mg ALCAR, 200mcg Huperzine A, and 121mcg Methylene Blue. I'm thinking if it ain't MB or ALCAR, it could be a weird synergy with DMAA or Tyrosine. It only lasted a few minutes.

this is always the trouble, eh? attribution is so difficult when taking more than one thing...who knows if they're playing nice together or what they're doing...i wish my system could just print out a biochem report at the end of the day :)
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#84 thedevinroy

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 05:06 PM

Update: Today I also took 1 drop of 2.303% MB solution (~1.15mg), instead of the diluted solution (~60mcg/drop). I put 2x the diluted drops into my travel bottle. The travel bottle is the same as yesterday except I dropped the Picamilon from my day time stack to see if I could handle the day without it's stabilizing effects. Seems to be the missing factor in energy levels to just "sit down and do it". I did notice that throughout the day yesterday and today that the antidepressant effects of MB would wear off pretty fast (half hour) with smaller doses (probably 10mcg) from sipping on my travel bottle.

This morning, without the Picamilon and with the 1.15mg MB drop, I felt a bit hypomanic like a super coffee buzz. However, reflecting back, though I felt buzzed, I didn't exhibit any hypomanic traits except for a higher base rate speed in mechanical behaviors such as typing, walking, cleaning, etc. This to me is in line with what Aaron said about a speed perception. Today is even a more pronounced a mood lift than yesterday. This isn't just retrospect and reflection like yesterday's update; today I can actually feel the difference. Who needs coffee when you got methylene blue?

#85 snuffie

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 02:12 AM

I have found an interesting synergy between MB and alcohol/benzos. It's something along the lines of great learning, but with zero stress involved, leading to new thoughts that may come up due to intoxication, but useful thoughts, smart thoughts, as if it is genuine information that is flowing out of the brain without any kind of restraint, and from that, interesting thoughts are formed and learned. With a proper mindset (not acting stupid while drunk), I found personally, this is a very interesting learning combination.

Well that sounds neat...maybe I'll have to take up drinking again ;)

#86 thedevinroy

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 02:49 PM

Update #3 on MB:

The 60mcg effect is too subtle. I definitely like the 1.15mg dose a lot better. I can breathe easier. My mood is more lifted. My energy levels are up. I feel great without the jitters of coffee. I definitely recommend taking it with ALCAR at around 1.5 grams. I also took it with DMAA this morning, which, although it's not a nootropic, I think it enhanced the effect.

#87 Jq82

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 09:23 PM

Jumping in: Female, 28, 120lb. -long time vegetarian, good balanced diet, moderate exercise, first time caller...j.k.

Regimen at the time dosing of M.B. started:
(1)400mg SAMe in am
(1) 5,10,15 or 20mg of Adderall -most common 15mg in am, 5 around 1pm(depending on work schedule)
(2) 300mg of Alpha GPC vcaps in am, (2) more when pm administration of Adderall
(1) 100mg vcap of 5-HTP before bed

Prior to starting M.B. dosing, I had lowered my dose of Adderall for a week before to 10mg (1) a day until Friday at which point I took none until today. I continued with all others above as usual.

I have been off Bupropion since June 1st.

I administer the 60mcg M.B. on Tuesday around noon. Followed by two soft gel Omega 3-6-9 vcaps, half a pita with garlic hummus and half a cup of almond "milk". I felt on a scale of 1 to 10 "feeling like something's happening..." 10 being "yeah buddy!" 1 being "Nothing" -I felt a 3.
and most of that I would attribute to placebo.

I administered another 60mcg dose at 5:30...again felt about a 3

And both times the "3" wore off very quickly...

Today: I administered 60mcg as soon as I got up. Skipped SAMe in order to get a good gage. Though due to yesterdays less then stellar initial self analysis, after my breakfast shake and shower I took 15mg of Adderall -with my Omega 3-6-9 vcaps...

I went to the office. It felt like a normal adderall work session.

I came home around 1pm and dosed another 60mcg of the M.B.
-felt maybe a "4.5" after that.

Most noticeable "feelings" would be:
-slight clearness
-slight awareness of depth of field in normal sight situations(i.e. -focusing clearly on something on my windshield, while I'm aware of my exit and what's moving into my lane...)
-in the 4.5 range slight pleasant disposition

Preliminarily I could see that PERHAPS the M.B. takes the Edge off the adderall "experience". BUT it by no means seems as much a "miracle" noot as is being thrown around here(JUST YET)...It might be a combination of all the other things people are taking -as I doubt no one has actually run a test dose on a "clear" system "yet"...

This is just my starting M.B. notes, and I felt that perhaps a Female test subject voice was necessary. I just want a non-Sensational perspective chiming in...

Also: I will be adding ALCAR -I find that it works well in my system, but I've been out for a month or so...

No negativity towards other's experiences...
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#88 Elus

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 09:59 PM

I have dosed with approximately 60 mcg of MB, around every 6 hours. I have no felt any substantial effects, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to. Would you guys recommend an increased dose?

Also of note, it seems that the 60 mcg is so low that it may classify as a sort of homeopathic dose. How was this dose established? My impressions of homeopathic medicine was that the concentration was too low to exert any noticeable effect. This guy eats a bottle of homeopathic sleeping pills at it doesn't do anything.

Edited by chrono, 13 October 2011 - 05:57 PM.

#89 aaron43

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 11:49 PM

For Jq82 and Elus:

The previous 60 microgram dose was the standard that was used prior to the creation of this thread, and is what I saw as a baseline.
I have been varying in between ~5 mcg and something like ~200 mcg, could even go higher. I weirdly still have felt ~5 micrograms to be an intriguing dose, and effects do come from it, but since then I have been playing around with it alot. The learning effects is the most noticeable effect that comes from MB; it's like I have a greatly increased memory upon retrieval, it amplifies the retention of information, and this retention of information applies to minor and major actions. Major actions like reading is a situation where I can retrieve information much more easily for an example like applying the new information in a conversation, but it's only after you learn it. For minor actions, for example: I have many keys on my keyloop, and to get into my house there is about 3 keys that look alike, one night when walking up to my door, without even thinking about it, my attention caught a little indicator that would help me distinguish what key was the one to get into my house. I was distracted almost immediately after, by the opening of my door and the running up of my dog. I didn't think about the key indicator again, until I walked up to my house the next time and I automatically refereed back to the indicator without thinking, because usually it takes me a while to find the right key. This is why I noticed, because this automatic reference took me by surprise, and I felt like it was a good example, and all these events happened on ordinary nights, with no placebo effect in my mind, but more it's just another day mindset as I'v been taking it for a while

As for energy, unless taken with a cup of coffee or some caffeinated tea, you most likely won't experience much "stimulant" energy. But it's the kind of energy where you really don't need to take that afternoon nap, or where you can handle a bunch of information intake and not be cognitevely tired, in the sense that most people usually stop learning due to fatigue

And JQ, from personal experience and from what others have said, i might recommend that you try lowering the Alpha GPC dosing, to possibly 1 a day, as you are probably getting enough choline anyways in your diet

Edited by aaron43, 20 July 2011 - 11:54 PM.

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#90 niner

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Posted 21 July 2011 - 01:25 AM

Also of note, it seems that the 60 mcg is so low that it may classify as a sort of homeopathic dose.

It's no more homeopathic than LSD, which would be very noticeable at 60 mcg.
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