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Methylene Blue Experiences

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#121 thedevinroy

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 05:17 PM


or Cuter.

In any event...MAYBE Devin was right about my incorrect dosing(I'm SURE you won't let this go to your head...) -I was using the old dilution from the "Grand Daddy" Thread...when diluted properly 60mcg barely colors the water. Devin, I'm using a 10ml medical dosing syringe and a 1.0mL dosing syringe...I suppose I'd like a proper guide for the 1.15mg dosing of M.B. if possible...

And I've taken ALCAR before, it does speed up the heart just a beat or two until you adapt to it.

Thanks again for looking out DevinThayer.

FCC Daytime Television "P" word Regulation Enforcer


Nicely played.

Anyhow, to make a solution where 1.0mL is approximately 1.15mg, then you will have to dilute 1mL 20x. Drop 1.0mL of 2.303% solution (assuming that is what you have... from Kordon) into 19mL of water. That will give you 1.15mg [23.03 / 20 = 1.1515] per 1.0mL.

However, to get 60mcg, you would need to dilute 1mL with 383mL of water which would be a pain to do, so you'll be better off doing it in two steps. 1st step is to dilute 20x like above, and the second step would be to dilute 1mL of that solution 19x by adding 18mL of water. The end result would be each milliliter will have 60.6mcg [23.03 / 20 / 19 = 0.060605] of Methylene Blue.

Edited by devinthayer, 26 July 2011 - 05:23 PM.

#122 X_Danny_X

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 12:20 PM

i see, where in your Kordon MB bottle do you see the solution %? i cannot find mine.

so far i have not have the well being effect like you have been getting. i wonder if i am doing something wrong. i guess i have to get a good measuring dropper.

ritalin gives me a better well being feeling since Dopamine is released. the problem with ritalin though is that it doesn't increase intelligence like MB does.

Lion's Mane help increase NGF, i am also taking ALCAR since they work well together in producing NGF from what I read. Cerebral Health has one of their products which has Lion's Mane, ALCAR, and some other ingredient, so I am assuming that they work well together to produce NGF.

To see the concentration, go to the website: http://www.novalek.c..._blue/index.htm

I imagine there are a lot of Methylene Blue nonresponders. Try 1mL of the solution. It will turn your urine green, but it should not have any adverse effects. This is about a 23mg dose, 8.7x lower than the dose Isochroma is using (200mg, which gave me twitching). Ramp up as needed until you get twitching, then you have gone too far and have completely missed the point. Also, let me remind you that there are NO feelings of EUPHORIA. A feeling of well being can be thought of as simply an absence of ill feelings. Euphoria, on the other hand, is a high associated with elevated activation of monoamine receptors (sometimes opioid receptors, too, but let's not go there). To get high off Methylene Blue, you would have to take a half a gram or more, which could cause serotonin toxicity depending on the person.

ALCAR increases receptor sites of NGF while Lion's Mane increase NGF. Therefore, the effects are compounded. I don't know if that's a healthy thing to be doing for just anybody (especially not for Fibromyalgia) but those suffering from other neuro-degenerative diseases may benefit. Perhaps if nerve growth is a limiting factor in developing, then yes, increasing NGF should help learning. It also increases nerve endings, too, so if you start getting itchy unexplainable, it is time to stop with the NGF self-treatment thing. The joke about a fat head was half serious; the brain is mostly fat and increasing NGF may cause the brain to swell, causing headaches.

so MB can still be working for me despite not feeling the well being that you are describing? if that is the case, then i am okay with it, as long as it is making me smarter. how do you know when you are getting too much MB because of high serotonin levels? i dont think i have to worry since i dont feel happy with MB unlike Ritalin. Ritalin i will have to worry about high serotonin levels.

for a better description, my head feels more dense or compressed. not exactly heavier, but the word "heavier' was the first thing that came to mind. i believe it is most likely Lion's Mane and ALCAR like youre saying since MB gives you a happiness well being. i dont have Fibromyalgia, it only affects like 2-4% of the population, so im not that worried. i have ADHD, i cannot stand still when im studying. every half hour or so, i have to walk or move around or something. sometimes i move around without warning. also i have a horrible past witch gave some bad memories i would like to forget.

i didnt realize you were serious on the bad side of NGF, causing your brain to get bigger or swell. does Lion's Mane and ALCAR cause your brain to get bigger permanently or will it go back to its normal size? i have so far not received any headaches or itching due to Lion's Mane. so i guess i can still keep taking it.

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#123 thedevinroy

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 02:29 PM

i see, where in your Kordon MB bottle do you see the solution %? i cannot find mine.

so far i have not have the well being effect like you have been getting. i wonder if i am doing something wrong. i guess i have to get a good measuring dropper.

ritalin gives me a better well being feeling since Dopamine is released. the problem with ritalin though is that it doesn't increase intelligence like MB does.

Lion's Mane help increase NGF, i am also taking ALCAR since they work well together in producing NGF from what I read. Cerebral Health has one of their products which has Lion's Mane, ALCAR, and some other ingredient, so I am assuming that they work well together to produce NGF.

To see the concentration, go to the website: http://www.novalek.c..._blue/index.htm

I imagine there are a lot of Methylene Blue nonresponders. Try 1mL of the solution. It will turn your urine green, but it should not have any adverse effects. This is about a 23mg dose, 8.7x lower than the dose Isochroma is using (200mg, which gave me twitching). Ramp up as needed until you get twitching, then you have gone too far and have completely missed the point. Also, let me remind you that there are NO feelings of EUPHORIA. A feeling of well being can be thought of as simply an absence of ill feelings. Euphoria, on the other hand, is a high associated with elevated activation of monoamine receptors (sometimes opioid receptors, too, but let's not go there). To get high off Methylene Blue, you would have to take a half a gram or more, which could cause serotonin toxicity depending on the person.

ALCAR increases receptor sites of NGF while Lion's Mane increase NGF. Therefore, the effects are compounded. I don't know if that's a healthy thing to be doing for just anybody (especially not for Fibromyalgia) but those suffering from other neuro-degenerative diseases may benefit. Perhaps if nerve growth is a limiting factor in developing, then yes, increasing NGF should help learning. It also increases nerve endings, too, so if you start getting itchy unexplainable, it is time to stop with the NGF self-treatment thing. The joke about a fat head was half serious; the brain is mostly fat and increasing NGF may cause the brain to swell, causing headaches.

so MB can still be working for me despite not feeling the well being that you are describing? if that is the case, then i am okay with it, as long as it is making me smarter. how do you know when you are getting too much MB because of high serotonin levels? i dont think i have to worry since i dont feel happy with MB unlike Ritalin. Ritalin i will have to worry about high serotonin levels.

for a better description, my head feels more dense or compressed. not exactly heavier, but the word "heavier' was the first thing that came to mind. i believe it is most likely Lion's Mane and ALCAR like youre saying since MB gives you a happiness well being. i dont have Fibromyalgia, it only affects like 2-4% of the population, so im not that worried. i have ADHD, i cannot stand still when im studying. every half hour or so, i have to walk or move around or something. sometimes i move around without warning. also i have a horrible past witch gave some bad memories i would like to forget.

i didnt realize you were serious on the bad side of NGF, causing your brain to get bigger or swell. does Lion's Mane and ALCAR cause your brain to get bigger permanently or will it go back to its normal size? i have so far not received any headaches or itching due to Lion's Mane. so i guess i can still keep taking it.

Sorry to scare ya. I don't see a point to taking anything that ups NGF if you are still young and studying. The brain naturally releases it during intense learning. If you don't notice ill effects from it, then don't worry. I'm just letting you know ahead of time that not everyone benefits from great increases in NGF stimulation. I suppose if you had a glass skull like MojoJojo (Powerpuff Girls Arch Enemy Ape), then take all you want and just get a new glass skull when you need it. I keed... I keed... don't worry, you won't need a new skull from taking Lion's Mane + ALCAR. Though that would be badass.

When I say "well being" what I mean is that in situations where you are usually negative, scared, uncomfortable, or otherwise not 100% ... you will have a different perspective. I haven't been "down" since I started taking it. I'm not saying that negative emotions are impossible, but issues have become more seen as helping a class mate with their math homework instead of being seen as a series of final exam questions. Thus, I guess this "feeling" of "well being" is more of a feeling of having a healthy mind. Could it be serotonin? That was my first thought, but I now tend to think it has to do with better neuron health from proper oxygen use. When you are healthy, you make better decisions, you are more courageous, you have a better attitude, and you learn easier and faster.

Edited by devinthayer, 27 July 2011 - 02:34 PM.

#124 X_Danny_X

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 08:16 PM

what? so Lion Mane's + ALCAR is useless for people who are studying and young since the brain releases it automatically. damn. i used up valuable money. so maybe making my brain feel more dense/crompressed was Methylene Blue. so you take 1.15 ml of MB a day, so that is basically close to 5ml a day.

i need nootropics that will help me increase memory, intelligence, and cognitive abilities while on them or permenantly. there has to be other uses for ALCAR.

i guess i will drop Lion Mane's + ALCAR and try Cerebrolysin. Cerebrolysin i heard helps create better results in improving neurogenesis.

Edited by X_Danny_X, 27 July 2011 - 08:26 PM.

#125 thedevinroy

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 01:37 AM

what? so Lion Mane's + ALCAR is useless for people who are studying and young since the brain releases it automatically. damn. i used up valuable money. so maybe making my brain feel more dense/crompressed was Methylene Blue. so you take 1.15 ml of MB a day, so that is basically close to 5ml a day.

i need nootropics that will help me increase memory, intelligence, and cognitive abilities while on them or permenantly. there has to be other uses for ALCAR.

i guess i will drop Lion Mane's + ALCAR and try Cerebrolysin. Cerebrolysin i heard helps create better results in improving neurogenesis.

Please don't take my reasons for not trying it as your own reasons to quit. If you toss them, it's on you. I never toss a supplement. I find a way to use it. For you, I'd finish it up and not worry about it. It may take months before effects from ALCAR + Lion's Mane become pronounced, since it is effect from growth. So like I said, if it becomes a problem, stop taking it. I didn't say toss it because you are young.

Please note that 1.15mL of the solution is not the same as 1.15mg MB. In fact 0.05mL (about a drop) of solution is 1.15mg, and I take it 4x a day. It is approximately 0.2mL or 4.6mg of MB.

ALCAR donates an Acetyl group to Coenzyme A which then donates it to choline to make AcetylCholine, an important neurotransmitter for both short term and long term memory. After ALCAR drops of it's Acetyl group, it just becomes Carnitine. Carnitine transports fat into the mitochondria to be used for energy. This synergizes with Methylene Blue. A synergy is when two things work on the system in different ways. This is important because many times there are certain limiting factors that prevent one compound from attaining its full potential as a supplement. Thus overall Mitochondrial function can only get so much better with Methylene Blue supplementation without ALCAR and vise versa. So keep up the ALCAR. ALCAR also restores NMDA receptor sites up to healthy levels. (http://www.brainrelo...llcarnitine.php)

I don't know much about Cerebrolysin.

Edited by devinthayer, 28 July 2011 - 01:54 AM.

#126 X_Danny_X

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 10:00 AM

thanks devinthayer, i will stick with ALCAR along with MB. i will drop the Lion's Mane since the reason i took it was to increase cognitive function by NGF, but if the body does it automatically when you are studying, it is pointless to take it. there maybe other uses but right now i want to get noots that will increase memory and cognitive function ( learning faster, increase intelligence). i have problems sleeping. could be due to the ALCAR and MB. i wasn't tired or worn down after finishing from work. so this has to be ALCAR+MB then, since now i have no problems having energy and mental energy at that. now the problem is sleeping. might be because i was taking too much MB since i took a higher amount. i didn't realize you can convert mL to mg since they are different measuring units.

so ALCAR helps prevent choline acetyltransferase from decreasing and is anti aging and more. interesting. i wonder if taking Choline with ALCAR to help give more energy. i guess i will be taking interest again in Pyritinol and the racetams.

Edited by X_Danny_X, 28 July 2011 - 10:06 AM.

#127 MrHappy

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 12:05 PM

I've ordered 500mL of MB for self-research purposes and I'll add my own results to the list.

I have a question or 2:

Some of the research papers and forums have been talking about mixing methylthionium chloride with calcium / sodium ascorbate (Vit C) prior to ingesting it. I've read elsewhere that Vitamin C will mitigate the effects. Can someone please clarify which is correct?

My intended regime is:
Vit B12 (1mL dose x 2)
Vit B6 (RDI)
Vit D3 (1000IU dose x 3)
Vit C complex (calcium ascorbate + sodium ascorbate) (500mg dose x 2)
Iron (RDI)
Zinc (RDI)
L-Lysine (1g dose x 3)
L-Taurine (RDI)
Magnesium complex (chelate, phosphate, malate, aspartate) x 2 (3g dose x 2)
Methylene blue (1mg/dose x 3) (*EDIT. mg,not mL)

Can anyone see any problems with this?

Edited by MrHappy, 08 August 2011 - 12:08 PM.

#128 thedevinroy

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 03:16 PM

I've ordered 500mL of MB for self-research purposes and I'll add my own results to the list.

I have a question or 2:

Some of the research papers and forums have been talking about mixing methylthionium chloride with calcium / sodium ascorbate (Vit C) prior to ingesting it. I've read elsewhere that Vitamin C will mitigate the effects. Can someone please clarify which is correct?

Vitamin C is a reducing agent mentioned on Wiki's Methylene Blue page.

I clicked on "reducing agent" and got an explanation:

A reducing agent (also called a reductant or reducer) is the element or compound in a reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction that donates an electron to another species; however, since the reducer loses an electron we say it is "oxidized". This means that there must be an "oxidizer"; because if any chemical is an electron donor (reducer), another must be an electron recipient (oxidizer). Thus reducers are "oxidized" and oxidizers are "reduced".

There you have it: ascorbic acid gives up an electron to methylene blue. I can't say I know exactly what that does to its effectiveness, but I imagine it doesn't do anything. Your body has plenty of reducing agents all by itself. The wiki article lists several elements in your blood stream including iron, magnesium, and sodium.

My intended regime is:
Vit B12 (1mL dose x 2)
Vit B6 (RDI)
Vit D3 (1000IU dose x 3)
Vit C complex (calcium ascorbate + sodium ascorbate) (500mg dose x 2)
Iron (RDI)
Zinc (RDI)
L-Lysine (1g dose x 3)
L-Taurine (RDI)
Magnesium complex (chelate, phosphate, malate, aspartate) x 2 (3g dose x 2)
Methylene blue (1mg/dose x 3) (*EDIT. mg,not mL)

Can anyone see any problems with this?

Sounds pretty safe to me.

#129 niner

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 03:46 PM

I've ordered 500mL of MB for self-research purposes and I'll add my own results to the list.

Do you know the concentration? If not, you won't be able to figure out the dose correctly.

Some of the research papers and forums have been talking about mixing methylthionium chloride with calcium / sodium ascorbate (Vit C) prior to ingesting it. I've read elsewhere that Vitamin C will mitigate the effects. Can someone please clarify which is correct?

I've not run across this; in the papers and other forums, what was given as the reason for doing it?

My intended regime is:
Vit B12 (1mL dose x 2)
Vit B6 (RDI)
Vit D3 (1000IU dose x 3)
Vit C complex (calcium ascorbate + sodium ascorbate) (500mg dose x 2)
Iron (RDI)
Zinc (RDI)
L-Lysine (1g dose x 3)
L-Taurine (RDI)
Magnesium complex (chelate, phosphate, malate, aspartate) x 2 (3g dose x 2)
Methylene blue (1mg/dose x 3) (*EDIT. mg,not mL)

Can anyone see any problems with this?

What's the concentration of the B12, and how does the dose relate to RDI?
If you're thinking about splitting up the dose of the D3 throughout the day, that's not needed as it has a very long half life. Just take it all at once around your highest-fat meal of the day, and make sure it's an oil-based formulation.
Iron is a bad idea for males. You want to have only as much as you need, no more, as it's a pro-oxidant.
Magnesium doses should be considered as milligrams of elemental magnesium, since the weight of the counterion can vary so much. I hope you aren't talking about 3 grams of elemental magnesium.
A 1 mg dose of methylene blue is a lot more than the so-called 'nootropic' dose of 50-60 micrograms (mcg). (A factor of twenty more.) However, it's within the range that people here have tried. Some people prefer doses of that magnitude, while others like a lot less. You should just be aware of where you are on the dosing spectrum. To do this, you need to know the concentration of your methylene blue stock, and you need to know how to measure liquids accurately and know how do do the dilution calculations.

#130 MrHappy

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Posted 09 August 2011 - 01:01 AM

Do you know the concentration? If not, you won't be able to figure out the dose correctly.

Yes- 12mg / mL :)

I've not run across this; in the papers and other forums, what was given as the reason for doing it?

It wasn't specific, but the VitC removes the blue colour and is apparently required for the body to process it. Overdosing calcium ascorbate can lead to calcium issues and possible a stroke, though.

What's the concentration of the B12, and how does the dose relate to RDI?

It's slightly above RDI.

If you're thinking about splitting up the dose of the D3 throughout the day, that's not needed as it has a very long half life. Just take it all at once around your highest-fat meal of the day, and make sure it's an oil-based formulation.
Iron is a bad idea for males. You want to have only as much as you need, no more, as it's a pro-oxidant.
Magnesium doses should be considered as milligrams of elemental magnesium, since the weight of the counterion can vary so much. I hope you aren't talking about 3 grams of elemental magnesium.
A 1 mg dose of methylene blue is a lot more than the so-called 'nootropic' dose of 50-60 micrograms (mcg). (A factor of twenty more.) However, it's within the range that people here have tried. Some people prefer doses of that magnitude, while others like a lot less. You should just be aware of where you are on the dosing spectrum. To do this, you need to know the concentration of your methylene blue stock, and you need to know how to measure liquids accurately and know how do do the dilution calculations.

Thanks for the D3 halflife! I was curious about that and I don't get enough sun to make my own. :)
Iron I need periodically, as I become lethargic without it - but too much and I get tension headaches.
Magnesium - it's not elemental, but a mixture of compounds. Studies showed that large doses of magnesium led to increased brain function and cell regeneration(!).
MB - I think the higher dose could be good, particularly at the beginning, to kill off any unwanted 'guests' in my body. I may scale that back after a few weeks.

#131 stillwater

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 06:44 PM

I'm on Day 3 of the 60mcg dosage. I started off with one in the morning and one at night, but had to cut out the night dose as it gave me even worse insomnia than what I already have. I absent mindedly mixed it all with bacteriostatic water used for injections but I don't think the little bit of benzyl alcohol will do me any harm. So far no super pronounced nootropic effects to report.

#132 stillwater

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 06:44 PM

Double post, so I'll add some info, I'm using the Kordon 2.3% product, experiencing a bit of stomach discomfort but it should pass.

Edited by stillwater, 10 August 2011 - 06:50 PM.

#133 Isochroma

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 07:23 PM

It's time to report back!

I've been on the MB @ about 20 drops 2.303% solution per day for the last 2.5 weeks. It has been a learning experience. Remember, this is combined with 3g piracetam every 3 hours and 21g per day of fishoil (3 x 7g: breakfast, lunch, dinner).

Before I launch into the wondrous effects, I would also like to note that I have been on the piracetam dose for the last 1.5 years and the fishoil dose at 14g/day for the same time, and have also tried it at 21g/day and 28g/day for a couple weeks last summer. In none of these cases did the effects noted below occur.

Now on to the MB: it's bringing back memories that I didn't even know I had! And it's taken about two weeks to show these effects. In the beginning only the nicely coloured urine and higher body temperature were evidence of dosing and effects.

Soon though I noticed that certain memory effects were surpassing what even the massive saturation dose of piracetam combined with its natural force multiplier fishoil ever achieved.

Just two days ago I remembered the name of Knight Rider's driver: David Hasselhoff! I was just at the front door and the data just assembled itself inside my head like it had never disappeared. And this is just one case - there's a ton more occuring on a daily basis. I monitor myself very closely and have never achieved an effect like this from any regime in the past. Not even with pramiracetam, oxiracetam or aniracetam.

The memory effects did not become apparent until after about two weeks. In the last four days new effects are becoming apparent. My ability to write and synthesize information has increased by about forty percent over the previous regime. The most crucial element to note is that these are not transient effects, but are manifesting continuously. An increase in the vividness of dreaming has also been noted, and has also shown itself only in the last five days. This is important because increasing the fishoil dose itself increases dream vividness and recall in my body very quickly - in five days maximum. This is important because I have been on the upgraded 21g/day for the last 1.3 months (previously 14g/day) - a period of time long enough to normalize dreaming parameters in order to provide a baseline for relative comparability when the methylene blue was introduced.

In addition to these effects, my ability to 'word-find' has improved enormously over the past five days. A new effect has also manifested: in the past while typing or thinking I would repeatedly make the same mistakes and corrections. Like some haunted pair the problems and solutions would dance around each other in a circle without the damn dance ever ending.

Since the powerful effects of Rember have begun to work their magic in the last five days, a totally new dynamic has manifested. It's a most peculiar one too: at the moment of making an error or not thinking 'far enough' ahead to achieve the most optimal arrangment of thoughts or actions, I spontaneously assume a higher-level brain activity and the correction gets written permanently to long-term memory. And when typing out words my raw error rate has increased!

This may seem odd - even undesireable - but it is not. That's because rather than typing from stale yet quickly repeatable programs - giving a deceptively high raw performance but without deep self-corrective ability (akin to the preliminary effects from loss of sleep), I'm now writing from freshmode and re-consolidating new data and corrections to old data at a previously-unimaginable rate. In short, it's awesome to be making new mistakes and new memories along with them. Because I can do it better now than in the olden days.

In those sacred moments of time I'm now given a new opportunity: to change the course of history by actively and consciously rewriting it with the total assurance that the new function or memory will be consolidated forever. This is new and reminds me of the state of things when I was much younger (33 now).

It's wonderful because the new thought formulation-expression process is causing me to completely and actively re-write the millions of subprograms in realtime - a process that had mostly halted almost a decade ago due to what I speculate must be aging and/or brain damage. There's a wild freedom and funness to being able to redo the stuff that's been literally 'tripping me up' for so many years. It also bodes well for higher-level processes that I anticipate will actively begin to reshape other aspects of my life in the coming weeks, months and years. The extraordinary dreams are a sign of this, as dreaming is an already well-proven marker of long-term learning, memory change in general and the ability to conceptualize and function in novel ways during the day. I have the study to back this one up if anyone cares to learn more about it in-depth.

Finally, there has been a most prominent auditory euphoria when listening to almost any sound - music especially. The dimensionality of sound has been increased by about 20%-30%. This change occurred much quicker than the memory effects - it was already apparent by day three of dosing.

Considering my experience I believe it is vital to combine methylene blue with an appropriate nootropic - racetam preferred - and fishoil to achieve its maximal effect. Fishoil and piracetam are already multiplicatively copotentiable at the correct dose - and my experimentation indicates that adding the third component truly provides a 'three legs' solution for the total support of reliable brain superfunction.

The best name I can think of for Methylene Blue is Blue Breaker:Memory Maker. I believe that the tangles so evident in Alzheimer's brains are just the final, gross - and most importantly easily observable - changes resulting from a process that is viciously ongoing in all our brains. My idea is to strike the enemy first in the assumption he is already - silently - attacking me. It's just dumb to wait for time to wear me away or a diagnosis to seal the matter. The greatest risk in life is doing nothing - particulary when the statistics paint a nasty picture of brain aging and disease. A road we are all marching down, whether we cover our eyes to avoid the sight of ever-uglier landscapes up ahead or not.

The most important thing that brain dysfunction has taught me is that the human brain has a plethora of elegant ways to hide its subfunction or outright malfunction. The drunk knows not that he is intoxicated. As the brain dumbs down due to these processes it is less able to perceive its own failures, and the two operate as a dancing-pair in a negative feedback loop that sends consciousness in a slowly tightening circle around the black hole of death - the aging drain. Like some sweet yet poisonous opiate, the victim has a difficult time perceiving his losses until they become extreme - and the biochemical situation unredeemable. His best 'detector' is another person or close and careful self-observation and interaction with an objectively fast external source - a computer that can provide feedback in simple, typical ways - like typing errors, rate, etc. and also in ways specifically designed to benchmark brain performance.

Death does not take a break or avert his eyes from the goal. He is working day and night to undo all that is precious within yourself - and slowly put you to sleep to make you not care about his doings. Most importantly, death is not what happens when your heart stops - rather it is a process that is ongoing as you read these words. Long before the final breath, death has stolen the majority of a modern-day's human life. I call them the walking dead, or zombies. They are barely conscious and are sleepwalking toward their inevitable end. It's sad to see, so I prefer to take a much greater risk to slow death down - even to the point of using a largely untested - within this context and usage pattern - chemical called Methylene Blue.

The readers of this thread likely share my goals at least in part. It's safe enough to try at up to 200mg/day so don't hesitate. And remember, the memory effects take at least two weeks to manifest. Use up your entire bottle - it's not fast enough for dying fabrics anyway - so you might as well :)

Edited by Isochroma, 10 August 2011 - 08:08 PM.

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#134 Isochroma

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 08:15 PM

Crap, there's one more Rember effect: I now just scan through massive paragraphs of text or data to find what I want. It's not even worth the Ctrl-F anymore - at least most of the time.

It's weird but I can visually+mentally scan through big chunks of text in any direction and rapidly find the target(s) without losing place or my current thought-state. I can then go back and resume another operation without needing to reprime the variable-set and logico-sequential trackline.

Also, frustration with the PC due to its relative slowness has increased by about 40%, which is pretty bad and excellently good! The damned machine once again can't keep up with me. I just so love to whip that box until it cries. Makes me want to cry, but the tears left with the fears.

In summary, I must recommend Methylene Blue to all those who want to go one step over the edge. For those who want to be so close to the cutting edge that your ass is at decent risk of becoming coleslaw :)

Edited by Isochroma, 10 August 2011 - 08:18 PM.

#135 8lu3

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 09:35 PM

It's time to report back!

I've been on the MB @ about 20 drops 2.303% solution per day for the last 2.5 weeks.

Is that undiluted drops?

I have been on 1-2 drops of undiluted MB a day and even 5-8 drops.
Now I must try 20 drops.

I am currently taking noopept and magnesium L-Threonate but will be adding back the MB and lithium O.

Did you take any breaks during the trial and did you consume the MB in one go or spread throughout the day?

#136 Isochroma

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 09:50 PM

I took a one-week break which ended three days ago. It was mostly to test for side effects and withdrawal effects. Results were acceptable on both points.

As for spltting, I take the first 20 in the morning and the second 20 in the evening around 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Urine changes colour between yellow, green and aquamarine in a cyclical fashion thru the day.

That's why I take the nice big dose - it produces a nice sine-wave blood level that varies through the day, thus intersecting all the possible therapeutic points high and low on the concentration spectrum.

#137 8lu3

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 10:28 PM

I took a one-week break which ended three days ago. It was mostly to test for side effects and withdrawal effects. Results were acceptable on both points.

As for spltting, I take the first 20 in the morning and the second 20 in the evening around 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Urine changes colour between yellow, green and aquamarine in a cyclical fashion thru the day.

That's why I take the nice big dose - it produces a nice sine-wave blood level that varies through the day, thus intersecting all the possible therapeutic points high and low on the concentration spectrum.

So you took 40 drops in total or is that a typo?

Did you use diluted MB or full strength?

#138 unregistered_user

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 10:34 PM

You started off by saying:

I've been on the MB @ about 20 drops 2.303% solution per day for the last 2.5 weeks.

and then said:

As for spltting, I take the first 20 in the morning and the second 20 in the evening around 7.00pm - 8.00pm.

So you're actually taking 40 drops a day? What are you using to measure the drops? A simple eyedropper, syringe or graduated pipette of some sort? How much Methylene Blue do you think is contained per drop? Isn't it supposed to be something like 1.15mg which means your dosage would equal 46mg per day?

Are you just dropping the drops directly into your mouth or are you putting them in a glass of water? Lots of questions but I would appreciate answers. Thank you for the colorful update, as usual.

Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 10 August 2011 - 10:35 PM.

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#139 Isochroma

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 10:34 PM

Quit worrying about the dose. Use your urine's colour as a guage to the actual amount you're absorbing.

LIFE is not an abstraction that exists in mcgs or mgs or grams. It is an ongoing process of experimentation. I am not here to lead you by the hand. You have to have the courage to take a REAL RISK and try the FULL spectrum of doses to find out what is right for you. Nothing I can say will change that, so go out there and find out for yourself - it's the best and only way.
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#140 unregistered_user

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 10:38 PM

Nobody here has demonstrated an unwillingness to determine an effective amount by experimenting a little. Essentially, that is what we are all doing but you said yourself, this is a largely untested substance that many of us have just discovered and are looking into. Soliciting others for experience is helpful in determining parameters which work. I would like to know if you are taking the drops straight or drinking them in a glass of water. Are you taking 46mg/day or is my math wrong? I ask because I am unsure, not because I need any kind of handholding.

Thanks again for sharing.

Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 10 August 2011 - 10:39 PM.

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#141 Isochroma

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 10:48 PM

I won't be commenting any further on my dosing regime.

It is up to each person to find it out. They already know the safe dosing range - up to 200mg per day. I was courageous enough to test at least that dose on my weak, sick 135-pound body.

If you want to have any chance of chasing away Death which is the most powerful force in the Universe then you will have to get a hell of a lot more courage than that. This isn't school. People are trained not to think and to be feeble Sheeple. I am not a herd-dog or a sheeple.

You have to be willing to die to win against Death. There is no compromise and there will be no going back. And like the cowardly group-suicides, so too do the weak-willed humans crowd together even in their 'risky' ventures because they don't have the courage to really stand alone. Stand Alone Complex.

I'm unsubscribing from this thread - it's become a waste of my time.
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#142 unregistered_user

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 11:16 PM

Heh. That was a bizarre twist. I simply asked about your experience and you start prattling on in epic language about thwarting death. You have a propensity to take your nootropic use too seriously. If you're above being a contributor, which it seems you are, unsubscribing would be best.

To others: I will update the thread with my MB experience when it arrives. Aaron, are you still around? Any updates on your progress with MB?
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#143 manic_racetam

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 11:47 PM

I won't be commenting any further on my dosing regime.

It is up to each person to find it out. They already know the safe dosing range - up to 200mg per day. I was courageous enough to test at least that dose on my weak, sick 135-pound body.

If you want to have any chance of chasing away Death which is the most powerful force in the Universe then you will have to get a hell of a lot more courage than that. This isn't school. People are trained not to think and to be feeble Sheeple. I am not a herd-dog or a sheeple.

You have to be willing to die to win against Death. There is no compromise and there will be no going back. And like the cowardly group-suicides, so too do the weak-willed humans crowd together even in their 'risky' ventures because they don't have the courage to really stand alone. Stand Alone Complex.

I'm unsubscribing from this thread - it's become a waste of my time.

Man, are you feeling ok? You sound suicidal, or at least self destructive. Knowingly ingesting large amounts of a dangerous substance is not courageous. It's an indulgence in high-risk behavior at best. Especially if you really have a sick, 135lb body.

You don't seem to be making very much sense. Sounds like you imagine yourself as some sort of god or above humanity? Maybe it's an effect of this forum.

Anyway, good luck man. Hope everything works out for you.
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#144 thedevinroy

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 03:38 AM

Great thread. I just read the entire thing from start to finish in the last 90 minutes. Thanks to Aaron and Devin for all the useful info.

@Devin: I see 1 drop at the 2.303% concentration is equal to 1.15mg. Have you ever just dropped a single drop into your mouth or do you always mix with water?

Also, when we mix the MB into water to dilute it, is it ok to store this mixture in the refrigerator? Is there a proper method for storing it and if stored incorrectly, will it alter it in any way?


Thanks, no prob. I like to help. I have never dropped it straight into my mouth, but I have had some pretty strong concentrations that didn't taste so good. Though drop size may vary from dropper and drop, it will unlikely have negative effects if you take too much, so that is why I don't measure accurately - just safely. And though a "safe" dose is said to be 200mg, it causes 50% inhibition of MAO-A at 5mg if injected. Using a multiplier, that gives 50mg. Therefore, it could interact with SSRI's, NDRI's, DRI's, NRI's, SNRI's, TRI's, or MAOi's at close to 50mg and beyond... which may not be so "safe". Personally, I found 200mg to be a bit overpowering, causing twitching for a couple hours. Methylene Blue is a dye, so it's shelf life is pretty incredible, whether or not you put it in the fridge. Also, I don't believe it evaporates, either.

#145 thedevinroy

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 04:37 AM

UPDATE: Have been taking Modafinil. Ran out of Acetyl-L-Carnitine. The switch took place around the same time. Ran out of vitamins, too. The effects of Methylene Blue are still apparent: increased word-find & similar connections, increased quality decision making, lack of self-defeat, etc. However, the effects SUCKED without the aid of a multivitamin. When I ran out of vitamins, I had the worst day. So I stole my sisters Women's multivitamin this morning and was back to normal. ALCAR boosted the effects of MB more than Modafinil. I still haven't determined if I like Modafinil as an ADHD aid... seems to work sometimes and not others... and has a terrible interaction with caffeine for me. Regardless, I began taking more MB per dose, and interestingly, with the same logic as Isochroma: to gauge absorption better. I take 8 drops of the 2.303% solution 4x a day.

As far as what Isochroma said, I think he is picturing death more often, not because he is afraid, but because he has grown to accept it as a fact of life. With that said, I disagree with some of his exact words. Death is not the most powerful force in the universe. I don't even believe it to be a force at all. That's some star wars hocus pocus analogies that fall short of the whole truth: death is the time where a life stops. Entropy more resembles a force, where death is more of a point in existence. Entropy is a slow releasing toxin that CAN eventually kill, if Chuck Norris doesn't do it first.

And the whole die to win against death is sort of morbid and true when you bring in the concept of entropy; if entropy is an adversary and it brings death upon you, you have sure lost... but if you thwart an entropy by using death as a door in to a new life, you have won. For instance, if you suspect yourself of losing your job, you can start searching for a new more stable job and quit before you are laid off.

However, the statement about cowards and dependents was crude and seemingly pointed and offensive, but ultimately subject to opinion. Dependents are cowards when they act in blind fear, but not when they act prudently while (at an attempt of) gaining knowledge of the experience and thoughts of others. The latter is actually coming from a place of motivation and adventure (characteristics of independence, though done in a dependent manner), whereas the first is a lack of motivation and adventure altogether that renders the self-inhibited state known as cowardliness. The opinion lies between the interpretations for the reasons behind the actions (or lack thereof).

Just trying to bring some positive energy back into the spectrum. :) Isochroma is quite the tangent king: very creative.


I gave my friend my little travel bottle with some Methylene Blue, about 10-12mg left in half the 5-hour energy bottle. Since he is familiar with antidepressants, I told him it was the best anti-depressant I have ever tried because it doesn't work like an anti-depressant - it's a metabolic enhancer that lets you make decisions better by sparing the cofactor NAD+ and thereby increasing oxygen use in the whole brain (that's how I understand it, whether or not that's the primary mechanism). I told him that he won't necessarily feel any different, but he'll notice that he makes decisions better.

Followed up with him yesterday, and he told me it worked, and he only had a little sip. He was brighter, more optimistic... still a little quiet, drugged out, and slow-paced, but better than normal. I hope it helps him get his life together and pick up music as a career finally. He already has momentum: got off the streets, got a new apartment, paying off bills, etc. We put his mixtape up on DatPiff the nights we hung out this week, and tomorrow we're hand-making some CD's. I see a brighter future for him, and Methylene Blue should help grease his gears, so to speak.

#146 MrHappy

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 07:10 AM

I won't be commenting any further on my dosing regime.

It is up to each person to find it out. They already know the safe dosing range - up to 200mg per day. I was courageous enough to test at least that dose on my weak, sick 135-pound body.

If you want to have any chance of chasing away Death which is the most powerful force in the Universe then you will have to get a hell of a lot more courage than that. This isn't school. People are trained not to think and to be feeble Sheeple. I am not a herd-dog or a sheeple.

You have to be willing to die to win against Death. There is no compromise and there will be no going back. And like the cowardly group-suicides, so too do the weak-willed humans crowd together even in their 'risky' ventures because they don't have the courage to really stand alone. Stand Alone Complex.

I'm unsubscribing from this thread - it's become a waste of my time.

Note to self: 200mg / day leads to antisocial behaviour.
Note to isochroma: This forum is to share knowledge and experiences.
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#147 abelard lindsay

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 10:14 AM

I played around with MB dosages a bit back when I was experimenting with it in 2009. All I found was that after a certain point, higher doses would just give me a dull headache. They also tended to cause some mild hypomania. Probably MAOI related. Not so good for a guy like isochroma, who IMHO sounds like he's got some excess catecholamines floating around his brain.

I do agree with Isochroma that this nootropics/life extension business is not without some risk. Especially if you wish to go off the beaten path a little. For instance, with methelyne blue. Speaking of bizarre cognition enhancing substances, has anyone perused the Indium Sulfate threads I've contributed too? That gave me some very intense experiences, but I would not recommend it. It just has too many funky effects including making my moles act funny and causing feelings of intense dread. MB is far better, IMHO.

Speaking of off the beaten path, I am a bit in awe of the guy a while back on this forum who had the money and the guts to have ampikine prototypes custom synthesized and actually took them.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 11 August 2011 - 10:29 AM.

#148 unregistered_user

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 12:21 PM

Thanks Devin, great response.

I played around with MB dosages a bit back when I was experimenting with it in 2009. All I found was that after a certain point, higher doses would just give me a dull headache. They also tended to cause some mild hypomania. Probably MAOI related. Not so good for a guy like isochroma, who IMHO sounds like he's got some excess catecholamines floating around his brain.

I do agree with Isochroma that this nootropics/life extension business is not without some risk. Especially if you wish to go off the beaten path a little. For instance, with methelyne blue. Speaking of bizarre cognition enhancing substances, has anyone perused the Indium Sulfate threads I've contributed too? That gave me some very intense experiences, but I would not recommend it. It just has too many funky effects including making my moles act funny and causing feelings of intense dread. MB is far better, IMHO.

Speaking of off the beaten path, I am a bit in awe of the guy a while back on this forum who had the money and the guts to have ampikine prototypes custom synthesized and actually took them.

I'm glad to see you contributing to this discussion abelard lindsay, as I followed your posts in the grand daddy thread. I seem to remember you mixing 4 drops of MB into 750ml of Pellegrino which sounds interesting and convenient (to just sip over the course of the day) but also sounds incredibly high compared to others in that thread who were noticing optimal nootopic effects are around 60mcg. Do you think perhaps you were taking too much? Did you ever determine the sweet spot?

Has anyone noticed a tolerance develop? I know some users *thought* they did but that was because they introduced a CoQ10 supplement that negated the effects of the MB.

I will be starting low and working my way up. I'm not afraid at all to take "relatively high" doses but my goal is to find the dose that is more efficacious.

#149 Nootr

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 01:58 PM

I started taking 1.2 mg two times a day and 30 mcg one time. At first I had effect from 30 mcg for the first week but then the effect became so week that I had to increase the dose by 40 times. Now I feel quite better.

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#150 MrHappy

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 10:34 PM

I won't be commenting any further on my dosing regime.

It is up to each person to find it out. They already know the safe dosing range - up to 200mg per day. I was courageous enough to test at least that dose on my weak, sick 135-pound body.

If you want to have any chance of chasing away Death which is the most powerful force in the Universe then you will have to get a hell of a lot more courage than that. This isn't school. People are trained not to think and to be feeble Sheeple. I am not a herd-dog or a sheeple.

You have to be willing to die to win against Death. There is no compromise and there will be no going back. And like the cowardly group-suicides, so too do the weak-willed humans crowd together even in their 'risky' ventures because they don't have the courage to really stand alone. Stand Alone Complex.

I'm unsubscribing from this thread - it's become a waste of my time.

Man, are you feeling ok? You sound suicidal, or at least self destructive. Knowingly ingesting large amounts of a dangerous substance is not courageous. It's an indulgence in high-risk behavior at best. Especially if you really have a sick, 135lb body.

You don't seem to be making very much sense. Sounds like you imagine yourself as some sort of god or above humanity? Maybe it's an effect of this forum.

Anyway, good luck man. Hope everything works out for you.

Holy cow! It occurs to me that this would be a good human example of the extinction of fear / helplessness!
http://www.psm.edu/r...co Gonzalez.pdf

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