Fish Oil is a definite problem; You should stop that one for sure. I really don't know about the others. They're probably all ok, but you never know, and uncontrollable bleeding would at least be annoying if nothing else. You also don't know what interactions you might see with anesthetics and other drugs they might use in surgery.To the researchers here that understand MB, is there any reason to believe it would be harmful for me to continue taking it prior to surgery? My doctor requires discontinuation of all supplements and medications because he doesn't want any uncontrollable bleeding that he can't understand.
Are MB, piracetam, ALCAR, and Fish Oil things to worry about? Do they affect clotting or any of my other vitals in any way that might be problematic during surgery?

Methylene Blue Experiences
Posted 18 August 2011 - 02:35 AM
Posted 18 August 2011 - 02:42 AM
Piracetam does inhibit clotting at high doses(400mg/kg)
I can't seem to find any info on ALCAR and bleeding except that it doesn't work well with warfarin.
Posted 18 August 2011 - 02:42 AM
Fish Oil is a definite problem (for bleeding); You should stop that one for sure. I really don't know about the others. They're probably all ok, but you never know, and uncontrollable bleeding would at least be annoying if nothing else. You also don't know what interactions you might see with anesthetics and other drugs they might use in surgery.To the researchers here that understand MB, is there any reason to believe it would be harmful for me to continue taking it prior to surgery? My doctor requires discontinuation of all supplements and medications because he doesn't want any uncontrollable bleeding that he can't understand.
Are MB, piracetam, ALCAR, and Fish Oil things to worry about? Do they affect clotting or any of my other vitals in any way that might be problematic during surgery?
Posted 18 August 2011 - 08:12 AM
I don't feel like I've had too much success with lower doses so tonight I decided to ramp it up.
1.44mg at 7:00PM
1.44mg at 7:45PM
1.44mg at 8:20PM
1.44mg at 9:10PM
So far the effects I've gotten from my combined dose of 5.76mg have been the most satisfying for me. Right now I just have a clear head. I don't feel particularly energized but I feel focused and centered. I was a little nervous to increase my doses but it seems to be going well so far. I do have work in the morning but I feel like I could fall asleep later when I have to. I'm not wired or anything.
At this point I'm just testing the limits and try to establish some boundaries and determine an effective dose. Cognitively, I feel a bit sharper but its negligible.
Well, for what it's worth, your writing style today seems to reflect it!

What surgery are you going in for?
Posted 18 August 2011 - 05:09 PM
Sorry, I do see I was ESPECIALLY irritable yesterday.
I just took my morning dose of 60 mcg 5 minutes ago, was feeling quite crappy - a long day yesterday followed by a spider in the middle of the night that WOULD prance around on my shoulder until I woke up and sprang out of bed as if I had...felt a spider on my shoulder - and there is a definite "lifting" feeling in my head now. It seems mostly global, although the "lifting" sensation seems most pronounced in the parietal regions bilaterally, followed by the temples, followed by the occipital region, followed by the frontal region. A definite "flight" sensation across the cortex vertex. you might have noticed...a definite willingness to write things out in detail, use good grammar, and communicate in a considerably more civil manner.

I haven't yet done any of my normal morning "wake me ups" .... green tea, followed by coffee, followed by ritalin...hmmm, this may the best way yet to get me off drugs

QUESTION: I have also been hammering Co-Q10, Ubiquinone and seems to me, though, that not only is there no longer any reason to take those supplements, they are probably now contraindicated.
Very Best, Synchro
Posted 18 August 2011 - 05:31 PM
To the researchers here that understand MB, is there any reason to believe it would be harmful for me to continue taking it prior to surgery? My doctor requires discontinuation of all supplements and medications because he doesn't want any uncontrollable bleeding that he can't understand.
Are MB, piracetam, ALCAR, and Fish Oil things to worry about? Do they affect clotting or any of my other vitals in any way that might be problematic during surgery?
Actually, you might want to stop the Methylene blue too
Methylene blue reduces the required dose of propofol
Posted 18 August 2011 - 09:29 PM
MrHappy, thanks for the kind observation. I'm going to continue experimenting with higher doses à la Isochroma though I'm reasonably confident that I won't go as high as he did. Right now I've maxed out at around 6mg per day with no noticeable side effects. As for the surgery, it's for a minor case of gynecomastia. I've been lifting weights and trying to get into better shape but unfortunately this is a condition that is refractory to exercise.
Posted 19 August 2011 - 12:22 AM
Nothing spectacular, but "nice". I am used to getting a feeling of being a little more clear-headed on centrophenoxine, and combining that with MB seemed to heighten that a little.
I am beginning to wonder if 60 mcg MB is too low a dose for me; the effects are nice, but...considerably more subtle than I was hoping for.
I have always been a fervent admirer of Mick Jagger's observation that "too much is never enough"...which can be taken several different ways...and of course, it's a joke, really...but it helps to keep a spirit of adventure alive.
Thirty years ago I would obsess about safe dosage; now, with a heckuvalot less to lose, I just try it and see...and escalate dose fairly quickly to either:
A. get the result I want or
B. find out how much is too much LOL.
With that in mind, I'm doubling now, to 60 mcg x 2, x 3 x day.
However, I am mindful that if I raise the dose too much, that while I might get a more pleasurable or useful brain effect, I will lose the longevity effects reported earlier in this thread. Any feedback on that problem is welcome.
VB, Synchro
Posted 19 August 2011 - 01:57 AM
At 60mcg, I think you have a lot of room to increase the dose before you lose the anti-aging benefits. I'm now of the opinion that we might need 1-2 milligrams in order to hit the 100 nM concentration that's considered optimal.However, I am mindful that if I raise the dose too much, that while I might get a more pleasurable or useful brain effect, I will lose the longevity effects reported earlier in this thread. Any feedback on that problem is welcome.
Posted 19 August 2011 - 02:16 AM
Didn't Devin say he was taking something like 4 drops a day? If those are undiluted drops that may be in the 90mg+ range. I am steadily increasing my dose and evaluating changes at each level. I will report when I go beyond 23mg (which I approx. 1 undiluted drop of my 2.303% concentration).
Posted 19 August 2011 - 02:30 AM
I think we have quite a lot of room to experiment with dose. This of course being my totally non-scientific conjecture. I've gone from 60mcg to 500mcg to 6mg easily with no detrimental effects. I am considering going from ~6mg to around ~23mg.
Didn't Devin say he was taking something like 4 drops a day? If those are undiluted drops that may be in the 90mg+ range. I am steadily increasing my dose and evaluating changes at each level. I will report when I go beyond 23mg (which I approx. 1 undiluted drop of my 2.303% concentration).
1mL, you mean
Posted 19 August 2011 - 02:31 AM
I also don't get any energy whatsoever from MB. Just increased focus.
Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 19 August 2011 - 02:32 AM.
Posted 19 August 2011 - 03:25 AM
I think we have quite a lot of room to experiment with dose. This of course being my totally non-scientific conjecture. I've gone from 60mcg to 500mcg to 6mg easily with no detrimental effects. I am considering going from ~6mg to around ~23mg.
Didn't Devin say he was taking something like 4 drops a day? If those are undiluted drops that may be in the 90mg+ range. I am steadily increasing my dose and evaluating changes at each level. I will report when I go beyond 23mg (which I approx. 1 undiluted drop of my 2.303% concentration).
1 drop =1.15mg
1 mL = 23mg.

Also, I will say that my 1.9mg dose knocked me right out today. I don't know if it depends on the time of day or other variables but sometimes MB makes me really tired. Does this happen to anyone else?
I also don't get any energy whatsoever from MB. Just increased focus.
Are you sure about the 1.9mg dose ? Reduce it for a while.
Posted 19 August 2011 - 04:15 AM
So I just took 70 drops of my diluted solution (diluted solution is 5ml MB in 200mL water). This mixture effectively makes each drop equal to 38mcg. I know this might sound off but I only get 15 drops out of my dropper instead of 20 when I fill it up to 1 ml. So basically...
1 ML of my diluted solution = 575mcg
575mcg / 15 = 38mcg per drop
38mcg * 70 drops = 2.66mg.
It restored my alertness but also gave me some light chest pain. It isn't intense pain but it is slightly noticeable. I've heard some people say chest pain is to be expected while other sources online refer to it as a serious side effect. Anyone else here experience it? Normal?
@rwac: Are you taking MB? If so, at what dose?
Posted 19 August 2011 - 04:18 AM
Posted 21 August 2011 - 11:33 PM
Incidentally, I just took another low dose of MB (.76mg) and within 15-20 minutes the mild chest pain started presenting. I haven't taken fish oil in two days and the MB is the only supplement I took today due to being sick for the past 3 days with food poisoning. I've spent so much time in the bathroom evacuating that I would imagine most anything I had in me has been flushed so the MB is pretty much the only thing I have ingested.
What does chain pain indicate to you? If it was you, would you stop taking it or is this a side-effect that could likely go away?
Posted 22 August 2011 - 09:06 AM
I took a bottle of it. Lasted a little more than a month and didn't notice any appreciable benefits.
Incidentally, I just took another low dose of MB (.76mg) and within 15-20 minutes the mild chest pain started presenting. I haven't taken fish oil in two days and the MB is the only supplement I took today due to being sick for the past 3 days with food poisoning. I've spent so much time in the bathroom evacuating that I would imagine most anything I had in me has been flushed so the MB is pretty much the only thing I have ingested.
What does chain pain indicate to you? If it was you, would you stop taking it or is this a side-effect that could likely go away?
Constricted blood flow possibly. Dehydrated, very probably.. Particularly if you've been feeding the toilet bowl with food poisoning. Drink more water. Do you supplement enough magnesium?
Posted 23 August 2011 - 12:55 AM
Posted 23 August 2011 - 03:50 AM
The chest issues I mentioned above worry me. I can't tell if it's heart pain or pain originating from adjacent areas. I think I'm going to stop MB and start taking Dep Pro at like 1mg q.d. and see how that does me. I wonder if there needs to be a clearing period seeing as I've been recently sick ridding my body of nearly everything?
Suspending your MB dose isn't a silly idea for a while you work out what is happening.
This may sound funny, but given your recent gut issues, it could possibly be 'wind' in your chest cavity, creating pressure/stabbing pains around your heart when you breathe in - I had that some years ago. I ended up hanging upside for a while and moving until the air pocket moved somewhere else less painful.
Posted 23 August 2011 - 04:41 AM
I took a bottle of it. Lasted a little more than a month and didn't notice any appreciable benefits.
Incidentally, I just took another low dose of MB (.76mg) and within 15-20 minutes the mild chest pain started presenting. I haven't taken fish oil in two days and the MB is the only supplement I took today due to being sick for the past 3 days with food poisoning. I've spent so much time in the bathroom evacuating that I would imagine most anything I had in me has been flushed so the MB is pretty much the only thing I have ingested.
What does chain pain indicate to you? If it was you, would you stop taking it or is this a side-effect that could likely go away?
Oi. This is a puzzle, and distressing. Well, there are three main possibilities:
1. Heart ischemia.
2. Costochondritis.
3. Esophageal spasm.
There are a few less likely possibilites also: Hiatal hernia, or an air bubble caught in your esophagus at a constriction point (right above where it enters the solar plexus), or rarely a pleural effusion, or really really rarely a pneumothorax.
The good news is that it isn't the fish oil. I still don't trust fish oil, especially from WallieWorld, but at least we know that's not it.
It does appear it's the MB. Or perhaps the MB at the higher doses you're taking.
If heart ischemia, the MB by acting as a vasoconstrictor could be causing ischemia in areas of heart served by coronary arteries that already have significant narrowing from arteriosclerosis. This is serious, frightening, no-fooling-around stuff: if a plaque breaks free while the coronary artery is vasoconstricted from the MB, you'll go into a full-fledged heart attack. Let's not do that. I think you should go get an EKG from a doctor or E.D. if you're having chest's the only way. That, and cardiac enzymes. Then you'll know for sure. If you are old enough to possibly have arteriosclerosis, you may wish to try the Linus Pauling protocol, which is essentially Vit C and L-lysine, 1 gram of each 5 x day. Some people have improved tremendously in just weeks on that.
It might be costochondritis, but you really should rule out myocardial ischemia first. If it's costochondritis, that's pain / inflammation / "arthritis" of the junction between the ribs and the cartilage of the chest plate - the sternum. The pathognomonic feature of costochondritis is that you can reproduce or exacerbate the pain reliably and completely by simply pressing in on the ribs or between the ribs at the painful locations. But, it doesn't seem to me that MB is an inflammatory agent, so I doubt it would exacerbate costochondritis, and I certainly cannot see how it would cause it.
Esophageal spasm is a real possibility, but, again, only after ruling out MI. In some people, especially if they have an esophageal stricture or hiatal hernia, they can get into esophageal spasm from an irritant. The MB doesn't seem to me to be a GI irritant, but I'm only taking 60 mcg. Maybe at much higher doses the MB is causing irritation of the esophageal mucosa, and then there's spasming going on. This type of pain, by the way, is really awful - people who get into esophageal spasming are not happy campers.
The way you tell esophageal spasming, aside from fancy testing, is by first ruling out MI with EKG and enzymes, and then trying a dose of donnatol. If it goes away quickly with donnatol (sp?), then it's probably esoph. spasmg.
I dunno if this helps, but I'm just trying to provide some direction. Are you old enough and do you have risk factors for serious coronary artery disease?
Posted 23 August 2011 - 07:57 AM
I took a bottle of it. Lasted a little more than a month and didn't notice any appreciable benefits.
Incidentally, I just took another low dose of MB (.76mg) and within 15-20 minutes the mild chest pain started presenting. I haven't taken fish oil in two days and the MB is the only supplement I took today due to being sick for the past 3 days with food poisoning. I've spent so much time in the bathroom evacuating that I would imagine most anything I had in me has been flushed so the MB is pretty much the only thing I have ingested.
What does chain pain indicate to you? If it was you, would you stop taking it or is this a side-effect that could likely go away?
Oi. This is a puzzle, and distressing. Well, there are three main possibilities:
1. Heart ischemia.
2. Costochondritis.
3. Esophageal spasm.
There are a few less likely possibilites also: Hiatal hernia, or an air bubble caught in your esophagus at a constriction point (right above where it enters the solar plexus), or rarely a pleural effusion, or really really rarely a pneumothorax.
The good news is that it isn't the fish oil. I still don't trust fish oil, especially from WallieWorld, but at least we know that's not it.
It does appear it's the MB. Or perhaps the MB at the higher doses you're taking.
If heart ischemia, the MB by acting as a vasoconstrictor could be causing ischemia in areas of heart served by coronary arteries that already have significant narrowing from arteriosclerosis. This is serious, frightening, no-fooling-around stuff: if a plaque breaks free while the coronary artery is vasoconstricted from the MB, you'll go into a full-fledged heart attack. Let's not do that. I think you should go get an EKG from a doctor or E.D. if you're having chest's the only way. That, and cardiac enzymes. Then you'll know for sure. If you are old enough to possibly have arteriosclerosis, you may wish to try the Linus Pauling protocol, which is essentially Vit C and L-lysine, 1 gram of each 5 x day. Some people have improved tremendously in just weeks on that.
It might be costochondritis, but you really should rule out myocardial ischemia first. If it's costochondritis, that's pain / inflammation / "arthritis" of the junction between the ribs and the cartilage of the chest plate - the sternum. The pathognomonic feature of costochondritis is that you can reproduce or exacerbate the pain reliably and completely by simply pressing in on the ribs or between the ribs at the painful locations. But, it doesn't seem to me that MB is an inflammatory agent, so I doubt it would exacerbate costochondritis, and I certainly cannot see how it would cause it.
Esophageal spasm is a real possibility, but, again, only after ruling out MI. In some people, especially if they have an esophageal stricture or hiatal hernia, they can get into esophageal spasm from an irritant. The MB doesn't seem to me to be a GI irritant, but I'm only taking 60 mcg. Maybe at much higher doses the MB is causing irritation of the esophageal mucosa, and then there's spasming going on. This type of pain, by the way, is really awful - people who get into esophageal spasming are not happy campers.
The way you tell esophageal spasming, aside from fancy testing, is by first ruling out MI with EKG and enzymes, and then trying a dose of donnatol. If it goes away quickly with donnatol (sp?), then it's probably esoph. spasmg.
I dunno if this helps, but I'm just trying to provide some direction. Are you old enough and do you have risk factors for serious coronary artery disease?
I suppose good question to help isolate it is - when does it hurt: Breathing in? All the time? After activity?
Posted 23 August 2011 - 01:52 PM
... you may wish to try the Linus Pauling protocol, which is essentially Vit C and L-lysine, 1 gram of each 5 x day. Some people have improved tremendously in just weeks on that...
Thanks! Today I learned that my stack was also very useful for preventing heart disease!
I'm currently doing (daily total, generally split across 2-3 doses):
4g of ascobic acid,
600mg of sodium ascobate
560mg of calcium ascorbate
675mg of magnesium (4 different forms of elemental)
3g of l-lysine
^^^^ all these are mentioned by the Linus Pauling method.
15g polygonum cuspidatum root extract (contains 30mg of resveratol)
2.5g of l-taurine
1.5g of l-glycine
+ a sizeable dose of A, all B group vitamins - extra B12, zinc, D3, calcium, E
and a few weeks ago, I added 2.2mg methylene blue
In case you are wondering what that translates to physically, it's 4 pills/capsules and a glass of what I'm now calling 'Papa Smurf Juice' (mix of powder + MB.. aptly named because he is old, blue and wise), twice a day and a lunchtime dose of MB alone.
Judging by urine colour only, my absorption rate is very good (generally clear, not bright yellow) and I feel like freakin superman most of the time! The flu season here didn't get me, despite the 'desire to share' from the sick people around me every day.
My next additions will be grape seed extract and I'm reading through research papers about various substances that will increase the heart's cell regrowth rate from <1% annually.. seems like some interesting candidates, not sure if they can be taken orally.
Posted 25 August 2011 - 02:32 AM
I took a bottle of it. Lasted a little more than a month and didn't notice any appreciable benefits.
Incidentally, I just took another low dose of MB (.76mg) and within 15-20 minutes the mild chest pain started presenting. I haven't taken fish oil in two days and the MB is the only supplement I took today due to being sick for the past 3 days with food poisoning. I've spent so much time in the bathroom evacuating that I would imagine most anything I had in me has been flushed so the MB is pretty much the only thing I have ingested.
What does chain pain indicate to you? If it was you, would you stop taking it or is this a side-effect that could likely go away?
Oi. This is a puzzle, and distressing. Well, there are three main possibilities:
1. Heart ischemia.
2. Costochondritis.
3. Esophageal spasm.
There are a few less likely possibilites also: Hiatal hernia, or an air bubble caught in your esophagus at a constriction point (right above where it enters the solar plexus), or rarely a pleural effusion, or really really rarely a pneumothorax.
The good news is that it isn't the fish oil. I still don't trust fish oil, especially from WallieWorld, but at least we know that's not it.
It does appear it's the MB. Or perhaps the MB at the higher doses you're taking.
If heart ischemia, the MB by acting as a vasoconstrictor could be causing ischemia in areas of heart served by coronary arteries that already have significant narrowing from arteriosclerosis. This is serious, frightening, no-fooling-around stuff: if a plaque breaks free while the coronary artery is vasoconstricted from the MB, you'll go into a full-fledged heart attack. Let's not do that. I think you should go get an EKG from a doctor or E.D. if you're having chest's the only way. That, and cardiac enzymes. Then you'll know for sure. If you are old enough to possibly have arteriosclerosis, you may wish to try the Linus Pauling protocol, which is essentially Vit C and L-lysine, 1 gram of each 5 x day. Some people have improved tremendously in just weeks on that.
It might be costochondritis, but you really should rule out myocardial ischemia first. If it's costochondritis, that's pain / inflammation / "arthritis" of the junction between the ribs and the cartilage of the chest plate - the sternum. The pathognomonic feature of costochondritis is that you can reproduce or exacerbate the pain reliably and completely by simply pressing in on the ribs or between the ribs at the painful locations. But, it doesn't seem to me that MB is an inflammatory agent, so I doubt it would exacerbate costochondritis, and I certainly cannot see how it would cause it.
Esophageal spasm is a real possibility, but, again, only after ruling out MI. In some people, especially if they have an esophageal stricture or hiatal hernia, they can get into esophageal spasm from an irritant. The MB doesn't seem to me to be a GI irritant, but I'm only taking 60 mcg. Maybe at much higher doses the MB is causing irritation of the esophageal mucosa, and then there's spasming going on. This type of pain, by the way, is really awful - people who get into esophageal spasming are not happy campers.
The way you tell esophageal spasming, aside from fancy testing, is by first ruling out MI with EKG and enzymes, and then trying a dose of donnatol. If it goes away quickly with donnatol (sp?), then it's probably esoph. spasmg.
I dunno if this helps, but I'm just trying to provide some direction. Are you old enough and do you have risk factors for serious coronary artery disease?
Great response. It was definitely a side effect of the MB. I've since discontinued it without interrupting any of my other supplement intake and the pain is conspicuously absent. Again, it was minor but chest pain shouldn't be disregarded, especially when most medical sources I found online referenced it as a "serious side effect" of MB. It wasn't intense but like I attempted to convey before, it was a persistent albeit very moderate pain/discomfort/tension. It didn't occur when only inhaling or exhaling... it was just present.
I've started taking 2mg of deprenyl per day with good results. I'm sure its far to early to make any kind of assessment so I'll reserve my judgement for a later time. By the way, I'm 23 and in good physical condition.
Thanks everyone for your help. I'm a little bummed to be ending my MB trial because I had such high hopes for it. I guess it just wasn't for me and luckily it wasn't expensive.
One interesting effect I suppose I'll document. While on it, I noticed random and fragmented memories returning to me seemingly out of the blue. Things I hadn't thought about in years from my childhood. It was a nice little dose of nostalgia.
Oh yea, and my spelling was terrible while on MB. I don't miss that at all...
Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 25 August 2011 - 02:33 AM.
Posted 25 August 2011 - 04:29 AM
Posted 27 August 2011 - 03:55 AM
Posted 27 August 2011 - 12:56 PM
Update on Methylene Blue:
Today I had confronted my friend with absolutely no remorse that I had not been working on his websites out of hobby, but only out of kindness. This absolutely blew his mind and he has no idea who I am now. Should have told him a long time ago. I also easily confessed that I was breaking ties with a business partner/friend because he had lied to me about his credentials. Not sure if I'm just being weird or if MB is a slight truth serum. When I was younger, I was much more open about my thoughts, and since I had very little sleep thanks to the 3rd floor sweltering heat, I am concluding that the change in behavior is most likely the MB. Possibly an effect on serotonin levels?
Another theory... the extra awareness (if anything it seems to me MB is an awareness enhancer) means one is "more on top of" whatever it is one is experiencing, as if one has taken in more angles, more dimensions, etc. So an explanation for a new ability for uncomplicated truthfulness could be that one sees the ramifications and implications so much clearer and thus feels no need to be hesitant.
I've also noticed a "detachment effect" with MB. Perceptual phenomena seem less gripping because consciousness itself comes to have a vital presence in its own right... as if consciousness itself becomes "reality" and able to stand on its own. So something that might normally catch my eye will still catch my eye but on MB whatever it is is easily relinquished. It is as if the "world around me" isn't so real, just a source for content. The luminous vibrance is somehow sufficient.
I see the "fear reduction" factor some have mentioned as being a side effect of the detachment phenomenon. And I see this too as a possible explanation of a capacity for enhanced boldness in speaking the truth.
Posted 27 August 2011 - 02:32 PM
The other aspect is its ability to help against sleepiness. This effect is observed also only during the first days of taking it but soon it diminished and almost disappear. And it's true that 1.15 mg dose causes tension in chest and probably bad for heart and probably causes high blood pressure. I reduced dose to 300 mcg and now feel better. However if you are going to have an unpleasant talk with your boss prepare to take no less than 1.15 mg dose and after that you can shout on your boss and throw papers into his face without any consequences coz he will think are completely mad and will be sorry for you. That's the MB action.
I would also claim that it is antinootropic at high doses like 1.15. In the morning i took noopept and started rearing a very hard-to-understand book and I understood everything - it was easy to read. I was fully absorbed. I felt like 20 years younger. And imagine - the time comes to take MB. I take MB and what happens? I return to reading but i find that i cannot understand anything anymore! what a shit- i say. And then I gradually begin to understand that if you are already OK then taking MB will only spoil your perception and cognition. That actually it is not nootropic but just and an antidepressant protective wall. So folks, think twice or thrice before taking it. Think about the current situation you are in.
Posted 27 August 2011 - 04:26 PM
I've also noticed a "detachment effect" with MB. Perceptual phenomena seem less gripping because consciousness itself comes to have a vital presence in its own right... as if consciousness itself becomes "reality" and able to stand on its own. So something that might normally catch my eye will still catch my eye but on MB whatever it is is easily relinquished. It is as if the "world around me" isn't so real, just a source for content. The luminous vibrance is somehow sufficient.
I see the "fear reduction" factor some have mentioned as being a side effect of the detachment phenomenon. And I see this too as a possible explanation of a capacity for enhanced boldness in speaking the truth.
Derealization, perhaps?
Posted 28 August 2011 - 12:52 AM
IN the 60s Americans thought LSD to be messiah, to be God. But as LSD is not God, the same way MB is not Messiah. And I found out that the real value of MB is its antidepressant properties. The same way as alcohol creates a kind of wall between you and reality - the protevtive wall i mean - the same way MB creates such a wall by changing your perception to - let me say - more nice vision of reality which is explained by its antidepressant properies. That's why first time you may feel like it is a nooptrope. Of course, no doubt, if you feel well you think better. However it does not increase speed of thinking, nor it increases your IQ. After a while you get accustomed to that "protective wall" and the feeling of well-being but actually your life remaines "a kind of shit" coz the actual level of your life depends on your salary and social well-being and probably love and nice feeling. So as soon as you are accustomed to MB it become just an antidepressant and probably a life-extender which is not yet proved. But as far as it's nootropic properties are concerned it's greatly doubtful.
The other aspect is its ability to help against sleepiness. This effect is observed also only during the first days of taking it but soon it diminished and almost disappear. And it's true that 1.15 mg dose causes tension in chest and probably bad for heart and probably causes high blood pressure. I reduced dose to 300 mcg and now feel better. However if you are going to have an unpleasant talk with your boss prepare to take no less than 1.15 mg dose and after that you can shout on your boss and throw papers into his face without any consequences coz he will think are completely mad and will be sorry for you. That's the MB action.
I would also claim that it is antinootropic at high doses like 1.15. In the morning i took noopept and started rearing a very hard-to-understand book and I understood everything - it was easy to read. I was fully absorbed. I felt like 20 years younger. And imagine - the time comes to take MB. I take MB and what happens? I return to reading but i find that i cannot understand anything anymore! what a shit- i say. And then I gradually begin to understand that if you are already OK then taking MB will only spoil your perception and cognition. That actually it is not nootropic but just and an antidepressant protective wall. So folks, think twice or thrice before taking it. Think about the current situation you are in.
The anti-depressant effect sounds about on par, but I disagree with the IQ aspect and also the anti-sleepiness only being the first few days - at least in my personal experience. I think it is a dose dependant effect. At 750mcg+, I find my abililty to recall information is enhanced and experience an almost complete lack of mental tiredness. It's analogue to the mental equivalent of the muscle fatigue that you experience after exercise just "disappearing". I do find that it reduces my physical fitness levels by affecting the amount of oxygen that is delivered around my body. This vasoconstricter side-effect is the only down-side I have noticed. Edit: typing on phones leads to typos.
Edited by MrHappy, 28 August 2011 - 12:58 AM.
Posted 28 August 2011 - 01:01 AM
I've also noticed a "detachment effect" with MB. Perceptual phenomena seem less gripping because consciousness itself comes to have a vital presence in its own right... as if consciousness itself becomes "reality" and able to stand on its own. So something that might normally catch my eye will still catch my eye but on MB whatever it is is easily relinquished. It is as if the "world around me" isn't so real, just a source for content. The luminous vibrance is somehow sufficient.
I see the "fear reduction" factor some have mentioned as being a side effect of the detachment phenomenon. And I see this too as a possible explanation of a capacity for enhanced boldness in speaking the truth.
While I don't understand the part about "as if consciousness itself becomes "reality" and able to stand on its own." The remainder sounds pretty much like the antidepressant properties Dan Brown mentioned a few posts above mine. Antidepressants (Wellbutrin certainly does and as far as I can recollect, Venlafaxine did so too to some degree) have precisely that effect on me - stimuli still register but are easier to ignore. This is particularly true for sexual attraction in my case. ("She's hot and seems to like me.... I wonder.... Aaaanyway, I need to get this done now"), but also more negative stimuli, sort of if someone's bitching at you, it becomes much easier to tune them out (almost too easy, where it gets to the point of them starting to accuse of zoning out on them).
On that note, have you any experience with any of the major ADs, Dan Brown? How would you compare MB?
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