My biggest concern with the new revision is the wysiwyg editor. It's useful for new users to utilize the features without clunky bb tags, but it doesn't allow as much precise control. For instance, when pasting in a pubmed abstract, it preserves all the text formatting, and it's tedious to just get it all back to normal. The "remove format" button in the top left doesn't seem to do anything, with text highlighted or not.
The only workaround I've found is to switch editing mode back to code, and paste it in plaintext. I'd prefer to work in the plaintext editor for longer posts with more complex formatting, but when I switch to it, all the formatting controls are grayed out. Would it be possible to re-enable these in plaintext/bbcode mode, like the old editor? Otherwise, a post with multiple abstracts and links can require switching back and worth a dozen or more times...
Unrelated, but I'm also wondering if there's a way to change the number of topics and posts one sees per page. I increase this number to max on all forums I read (cuts down page loads, makes searching easier, etc) but I can't seem to find the settings here any more. Could this be re-enabled?
Edited by chrono, 11 October 2011 - 07:45 PM.