Pattern of usage regarding the rating system. Expends most of his apparent negatives on me, votes down any positives I may have received.
Example, goten574 voted up the following post, along came good ole sciolaro and voted it down. Why?
TheFountain Re: i have yet to see somebody who looks as young as they claim...
View Postgoten574, on 21 August 2011 - 12:48 PM, said:
Without reading 89 pages of this thread, what supplements can someone like me (age 25) take to slow down the appearance of aging? I am starting to have visible forehead lines, is there anyway I can fade these? I was thinking Hyaluronic Acid and Silca?
If you use hyaluranic acid, try the skin eternals brand, I think this one is the absolute best. Another great supplement is biosil. Here's the study on it.
Also, protect the skin from the sun. Check all the various threads on sunblocks. I would go with a mineral based one personally. ------
Now, Did that post deserve to be down rated?
Here is another example, rwac voted the following post up, and Sciolaro noticed a positive vote and came right along, for no good god damned reason at all, and voted it down.
Again, did that deserve to be down rated?
There are many other examples I am sure, this person applies the same pattern to all my posts.
This person seems bent on diminishing my 'reputation'. The question is why? he seems to have a voting record that is consistent with how BEN feels about me. Gee, I wonder if he is ben on another account. Or possibly mikeinnaples, or someone one of these guys knows?
All I know is the above mentioned user account seems to be entirely dedicated to down voting me, which I find strange. And didn't caliban say that the negative rating system should only be used for 'low quality contributions' not just to down rate for the sake of down rating? Now the forementioned posts, were they REALLY low quality contributions? I think not. This exemplifies how horrible this rating system is when in the wrong hands. I bet that if sciolari's IP address were looked at it could easily be be matched with other users who dislike me because I have a strong feeling that they are one of the average users on another account, and if the IP addresses did not match it is likely these people use this account at another location at a job or such.
I am not even doing this for me, but for anyone else who does not subscribe to popular notions presented on this site and may wish to provide alternative views, or just anybody who makes contributions which are seen as decent and helpful but are arbitrarily down rated for them. I have seen a few other posts down rated which should not have been, because they were both high quality and people presented studies to clarify their positions. The question is, how are you going to augment the system to deal with this discrepancy?