One thing people on this forum fail to understand, is that there is no difference between ADD/lack of motivation in the severe form, and cognitive deficient. You are not as intelligent as you think you are if you are having genuine motivational problems that you think require medication. Yes you may be brilliant, but you have an impairment at the nuerobiochemical level within your brain. Spinning, whirling electrons and molecules are not doing as they should be, or at least as you would like them to do.
Your opposition, your competition is not
unmotivated - they are
hyper motivated. They think, act, talk, befriend, move, create, analyze, observe, discover, communicate, see, hear, socialize- faster, stronger, better than the average person. This is what you are dealing with when you are looking at anyone with a MD, P.E. certified Geologist, J.D, masters degree, or Ph.d These people have phenomenal motivation, social and communication skills, and initiative. If they are conscious, they are plotting, scheming, cavorting, and caniving a way to make more money and get more people to do things for them. They do not have many moments of "down", "depressed", "slow" thoughts. So at least those feelings do not make the majority.
The entire justification of this forum is to try to figure out WHAT is causing those down, depressed, slow thoughts to NOT be the minority, and HOW and with WHAT to ameliorate them with in the form of treatment. The what is the most important because, there is often something that cannot be fixed with medication.
I can take supplements that make social situations great, but I still do not capitalize on this. Why? Because I am still that emotionally hung up on such a bad history of bad traits, raising, behavior, and thinking patterns. Have you analyzed yourself for such "tendencies"? Are you sure you can trust your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions? How bias may you really be? Further, the supplements do not work for long term academic and work related requirements. You come down off them. You cannot rely on them. This is even made famous with piracetam- in the case of Isochroma. These racetams do not even seem to change anything for the better long term.
I speak from experience and current atrocious failures in the act- if you are suffering from ANY significant depression. Do not call it depression - it is not depression, it is an ATTACK ON YOUR INTELLIGENCE. I do not know if there are people running around burying their depression in dozens of hours of highly novel advanced calculus mathematics, but frankly if they are I AM JEALOUS. A happy brain is a brain that runs like a Ferrari. As far as I am concerned.
and most important: social life
This one will put you under an overpass or in a mcdonalds frying french fries for the rest of your life. If you want to succeed in this world at high level academic requiring careers, you must exceptional communication and social skills. People should come to you like a horse to water. If you cannot achieve this, start doing everything you can to aim for this goal.
I hear that may be changing soon, however.
NOOO that is such a perversity of nature. JUST DONT.
Uridine - I **love** this stuff. I reordered another 3 tubs after the first tests. Needs to be mixed with folate, alpha-gpc and DHA/EPA/ALA. Enhanced results with magnesium, calcium (berocca does those) and vitamin e. Brain boost, good for depression, good for anxiety. Takes a week to be effective.
Is this uridine a potential carcinogen?
Adderall is not going to help. Even depreynl or tianeptine cannot solve the problem you have, that I have, that others here have.
The Goodwill Hunting clip is as much as ever needs to be said. That clip is the cold cut facts. Hesitation and the lack of initiative is common with people of our nature, perhaps because we are not use to the amount of effort and stress others have to had to exert to get by. I often ask myself why I have always been so incredibly unappreciative of the amount of work others seem to exert, while I have sat back throwing my life away in comparison. It was not my raising or because I had brand new mustangs given to me or credit cards to buy whatever I pleased. I was raised exceedingly impoverished. I have the attitude I have because I have never had to work for 12 hours paving roads in 110 degree heat, because I barely ever had to pick up a pen and study 5 minutes to make A's in school, and because I was always under the impression that I knew more than others.
College has shown me that I was a fool for those reasons. When you get in college you will see that your peers are working 30 hours a week and scraping by with C's in hard ass business classes and science class's, often with exceedingly high student loan debt, and little help from their middle class parents. These parents are often even less sympathetic than my mother, who works at Walmart. One thing I can say about being poor, is that you do not have nearly the amount of money to grub and fight over. I find that I was actually raised exceedingly carefree towards money. These middle class kids have it pretty tough with the amount of pressure put on them by parents who are totally #@W$# brained as to what it is like to have to pave highways in 110 degree heat... My mother is happy I am not smoking and dealing crack...
Moreover, often these peers are pretty damn intelligent. You might be slick as hell in high-school, but out there in the cold real world, you are always the small fish in the ocean. Even if your peers cannot spell See Cat Go See Spot Run, they are going to be hyper social, hyper motivated, cut throat. They will go for all the part time work in the labs or internship positions within the school faculty assistant positions. They will grab up job offers and real internship offerings in a heart beat. They will do everything they can to make buddy buddy with the professor, and you better believe that leads to perks, money, references, more jobs, and more internships- often ones you would never otherwise get. In short, they will work you under the table.
I suggest
Sports and Weightlifiting
Sleep at 10 pm.
Bacopa, Lion's Mane, Frankincense Essential Oil, Oregano Essential Oil
Piracetam and Aniracetem in moderation... Do not expect miracles.
For Social Situations especially:
Frankincense EO, STRONG Yerba Mate, Glucuronic Acid, Green Tea Extract, CDP Choline, GPC Choline