I'd question whether activating tumor suppressor genes is really a good idea. They suppress tumors by triggering the apoptotic cascade. If you can selectively trigger apoptosis in senescent cells, that's great, but I don't think we have any compounds that do this as of yet. You wouldn't want to kill off healthy cells in an attempt to upregulate p16 expression.
Furthermore, activating tumor suppressors can dampen the replicative ability of cells, and you don't want to do this to immune cells which undergo clonal expansion. You may essentially prevent your immune system from adequately responding to pathogens.
Wasn't part of the major discovery in this study that we CAN, at least in mice, destroy senescent cells without destroying healthy one??? For some reason I understood, at least from how the article explained it, that activating expression of gene P16 did kill off senescent cells, without compromising healthy cells. If I'm misunderstanding things, or seeing them too simply, please help me out here