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Noopept, N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester, my thoughts

noopept gvs-111 effects

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#1 JChief

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Posted 04 November 2011 - 05:53 PM

I know that lots of Longecity users are curious (as I was) to know more about how Noopept compares to other nootropics. Well I am happy to report that it's been worth the experience thus far. I am going to keep this short and sweet and any questions you may have I'll be happy to answer. First off I want to give a thank you to manic_racetam for his input on some of my initial questions about this potent nootropic. Now for the report...

I started my trial by purchasing the 10 gram powder from Cerebral Health. The recommended dosage is 10mg to start with. 30mg per day. Measuring 10mg is nearly impossible to get exact (especially given the consistency of the powder) so I used manic's picture to get an idea how to eyeball roughly that much given the fact that I do not have a digital scale. I have been lazy and still haven't gotten around to purchasing one. I posted on another thread my initial account from the first few days which I'll repeat "The first evening I took a small tiny dose (perhaps a bit less than 10mg even; very small) and placed the powder under the tongue for about 1 minute and a half and swallowed. I did not notice anything much for the rest of the evening. The next morning I took a ~15mg (and I mean that loosely; I am eyeballing yet being very careful and probably under estimating just to be on the safe side) dose and then another 10mg dose later in the afternoon and then another 10mg in the evening. Right now it's too early to tell the effects I'm feeling. I have quit the piracetam while testing this. One thing I will mention so far is that I was at a wedding gathering yesterday evening and drank 5 glasses of wine and a vodka martini and I was not slurring my speech at all. My wife was pretty tipsy and had a bit less than I did. I don't drink regularly and usually 2 glasses of wine is enough to have me feeling a bit buzzed. But not on this stuff. Piracetam is kind of the same way but with noopept the ability to maintain coordination and focus was even more pronounced." Maybe that's what they mean by this being "neuroprotective" :)

So the next day I increased the dosage a bit to perhaps 20mg but taken twice per day; morning and early afternoon. Currently I am scooping a little bit of the powder using a 1/8 size teaspoon. I would roughly, and I mean roughly, guess that the amount is 1/32 of a teaspoon of actual powder. To be honest I'm not too concerned about being exact and I feel that it's fairly safe to take and others here have taken doses well above what the manufacturer recommends; especially if this is taken short term.

At the current dosage I've realized that the effects are, as with all the racetams I've tried thus far, subtle yet profound. First of all if I didn't feel any thing other than the improved coordination and mental functioning after consuming many alcoholic drinks I'd say that alone was an amazing discovery. Think of the social ramifications! Moving on. Many people report this serene feeling. To me its more of a reassuring feeling. But, again, very subtle. What is not subtle has less to do with overall mood and more with verbal fluency. And by that I mean the ability to easily express your thoughts without having to pause very often to search for words. Speech is free flowing and, while not a euphoric high some might be searching for, it serves a great benefit for social situations. A job interview, a date, a speech, writing you name it. It removes "scatter brain" if you will. The biggest takeaway I have thus far is that this is a POTENT anxiolytic. Moreso than piracetam. It is not the same as piracetam though and I am guessing, and will soon trial, that noopept and piracetam can work well together. If you abuse drugs or alcohol and could do without the side effects.. well you might give this supplement a try ;)

In summary:

Noopept administration increases cyclo-prolylglycine levels in the brain. Cycloprolylglycine is involved in the endogenous regulation of fear reaction. Cycloprolylglycine is similar to piracetam in not only nootropic, but also anxiolytic activity. The existence of an endogenous system responsible for the co-regulation of memory and anxiety is hypothesized. It seems to help slow time down for me and be more in the moment. Feelings of “serenity” have been cited and likely due to the anxiolytic effect and may be ideal to supplement with during periods of high stress. The effects you feel might very well have to do with how well your brain functions without any supplements. Just like that Russian advertisement if your brain feels like a wrinkled up piece of paper this stuff can straighten you out. If you are already a clean cut sheet of paper.. then you might not notice as much (consider yourself lucky eh? ha!)

Also, regarding sublingual or not. My answer is NOT. First off this shit tastes like chemical warfare in my mouth and it works just fine swallowing that small bit of powder with a bite of my cereal in the morning or with some sweet tea. It works just the same. Forget about holding that effing powder under your tongue for pete's sake. You'll thank me for it!! :D

Edited by JChief, 04 November 2011 - 06:13 PM.

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#2 health_nutty

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Posted 04 November 2011 - 06:55 PM

Also, regarding sublingual or not. My answer is NOT. First off this shit tastes like chemical warfare in my mouth and it works just fine swallowing that small bit of powder with a bite of my cereal in the morning or with some sweet tea. It works just the same. Forget about holding that effing powder under your tongue for pete's sake. You'll thank me for it!! :D

Thanks for the interesting read! This last part really made me laugh :)

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#3 adiosameobas

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Posted 04 November 2011 - 07:17 PM

very succinct and thorough, not to mention thoughtful analysis of our new friend noopept Jcheif. i received mine yesterday, and felt like, as Lou Reed would say; i was "waiting for my man" .Sitting outside, knowing the mailman was just a few doors down carrying my package with a silver baggie containing a ziploc baggie filled with static-zapped-talcum powder. i'll dispense with the prose, but i dosed similarly, and also without a mg scale to weigh out an accurate dosage, referred to manic_racetam's 'bling' dosing chart.
perhaps it was the same sort of 'placebo-like' excitement i got the first time i tried piracetam. and by that i mean, things were enhanced.... but how much was caused the substance, and how much was caused by my expectation of what should be enhanced by the substance is unknown. (that makes sense i swear)
the clouds seemed crisper, i seemed to have a bit more energy and clearer head, thoughts and words bubbled up more readily in my racing(pleasantly racing that is) cerebrum. either way, i seemed to be calmer and more....as you did say....serene.

today was a slightly different story. I am fighting off a cold, and as a result did not sleep well last night and, wanting to understand noopept's primary effects alone... i didn't take my usual dose of rhodiola this morning, which has been helping me fight the fatigue i've been experiencing with this rather extreme cold. I took approx a 40mg dose sublingually, and yes, chemical warfare indeed. let alone, with the static cling/repulsion.... trying to keep it under my tongue was warfare of a different kind.
I got to work and soon noticed a general moodiness. i was not in a good mood, fatigued and sick, but cognition was spot on! and this was frustrating. I have read in other posts people talking about how the noopept made them 'hate everyone' and i generally shared this sentiment. although was able to detatch from it. I did experience a bit of brain fog, though whether this was from the sleep deficit, rhodiola, or substance is still unknown. im guessing the aforementioned two.
I got home took a nap a small dose of piracetam and my rhodiola and i feel a lot better, clearer and focused. i even wrote a pretty involved and complicated bit of poetry which i have not done in a good amount of time.

it's interesting to note the effects it had on your drinking, however, being one of those people where imbibing is generally a horrible idea, i wont be investigating this area. but otherwise interesting to note for those who are not in that camp.

#4 Baten

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 08:47 AM

Interesting read. And as far as the taste goes, I can honestly swallow noopept down with a big smile on my face, after having tried pramiracetam.

Noopept tastes GOOD in comparison to pramiracetam.
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#5 JChief

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 03:46 PM

Interesting read. And as far as the taste goes, I can honestly swallow noopept down with a big smile on my face, after having tried pramiracetam.

Noopept tastes GOOD in comparison to pramiracetam.

Have you tried sulbutiamine? Thus far, that has to be the worst tasting. Noopept is tolerable if quickly swallowed but keeping that under my tongue was a true test of will. And not necessary, in my opinion, when you can just swallow it and be on your merry way.

Edited by JChief, 05 November 2011 - 03:46 PM.

#6 adiosameobas

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 07:23 PM

synchronicity has an interesting way of presenting itself. this is actually the next nootropic i am planning on investigating. i am actually reading one of the many threads on the forums about sulbutiamine, as you responded. and yes, this seems to be a common declaration of many reports. it seems, from what i have read, and remember, (which seems to be getting more and more vivid within the last few days, thanks to those crazy ukranian chemists.) that you stated it gave you a certain sharp wit or stand up comic mentality. i felt this was true at first of ALCAR, which I have since had to cease my supplementation of, due to a very annoying eye twitching problem that is most certainly due to the ALCAR.
it is somewhat 'sad' however i feel i reached a ceiling with this substance and it was starting to make me feel like shit more than anything even when i lowered the ALCAR and upped the ALA dosage. Perhaps i may try it again in a few years.

but i will research sulbutiamine further, it seems to be something only obtainable through mail order, as I have not seen it at the Vitamin Shoppe, and they pretty much have everything. I like to get small $10 bottles of supps there before i invest in large bulk powder orders.

as for the noopept. i have ingested my first rather large ~150mg dose today, just down the hatch, no bother with the sublingual route today. and so far a very for lack of a better term 'groovy' day, i dont feel high or anything just very in the moment and relaxed, my thoughts feel very composed and my own, to elaborate...... they of course have always been my own, but i have not been able to, or desired to, assemble them in this fashion, and this logically for quite some time. this morning i woke up with a song in my head out of a dream.... and promptly jumped up to my computer to write it down. interestingly, usually melodies to songs, especially from a dream state, would be lost throughout the day if not immediately , however..... it is still resonating through my head.

this is a very creatively inspiring substance, not pushy or even noticeable from a distance, meaning....if i am buying a pack of gum at the store or doing taxes or something..... but it kind of holds back the flood gates and lets the trickles start to flow, if you have any to begin with. more later. !!!

#7 JChief

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 09:09 PM

Thanks for your feedback, adios. Synchronicity indeed ha! I may experiment with high dose at some point and it sure seems like mood enhancing effects are much more prominent at those doses. I am very satisfied with this noo(pep)t ! Very cost effective. Maybe the cheapest out there per dose (if purchased from the right place). As for sulbutiamine, I think it is the most impressive substance mood wise. It provides a slightly euphoric, energetic "in the zone" feel. Very desirable for me. Combines well with piracetam. It has a definite pro-sexual effect due to its supposed upregulation of the area in the brain responsible for arousal and motivation. Which is sort of like brownie or cookie dough pieces in your favorite ice cream. Not necessary; just makes it better. (Eat responsibly) Just try not to talk too much while taking it. You'll make an ass of yourself if you truly blurt out everything that comes to your mind under the influence of that substance :P Sorta kiddin'.

Edited by JChief, 05 November 2011 - 09:18 PM.

#8 JChief

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 09:32 PM

Oh I should also add that I notice that I miss my vivid dreams while taking piracetam. Dreams had a great deal of vibrant colors and immersion I was usually able to recall much of the dream the next day. On piracetam the subject matter in those dreams would differ but they usually were desirable. I would also have no trouble getting to sleep. Not that I have any sleeping problems but, for me, it's normal for it to take 45 minutes or so to fully wind down and get to sleep. While taking piracetam it would be much shorter. How much shorter I don't really know but what i do know is that I wouldn't even have to take a look at the clock to count how many more precious hours and minutes I had left until work the next day ;) While taking noopept the dreams have taken on a different character. Or maybe it's just from the lack of piracetam. It's hard to describe but another thing I've noticed is I seem to need less sleep on noopept. I am waking up at about the 7 hour mark ready to roll. Usually I will wake up at about that point (7-8 hours if I can get that much) but I can always purposely sleep for an excessive time after that if I feel lazy. Like on a weekend. But I guess my brain was still working at an impressive rate for someone just waking up and so I guess that active mind encourages me to get up and not oversleep. We shall see if this becomes a pattern. Don't know if it's just a blip in the dream machine or if noopept really does have an effect on sleep. I'll have more in time.

#9 manic_racetam

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 12:24 AM

Thanks for the great report JChief! I hope these types of detailed reports keep rolling in till we have a much larger base of anecdotal reports.

FYI, Last time I weighed a 1/8th teaspoon it came out as ~260mgs. That's with the chunks mixed with the fine powder (the natural consistency of the CH product).

#10 JChief

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 01:13 PM

OK based on that rough estimate, manic, I just set aside 1/8th teaspoon worth of powder and from that amount of powder divided up how many servings at my current dose I could get from it. I got about 11. So I would estimate each little dose I gather up in that teaspoon to be between 20-30mg. So, thanks to not having a scale, I take anywhere from 40-60mg per day currently? If this trial continues to go well I will purchase a scale for more precise measuring.

Also, I'd like to get a capping system as I can't help but think how great it would be to be able to take these in pill form and not have to worry about taste. In addition I could mix in some piracetam with the noopept to make it easy to cap, no? I was thinking something like each cap containing 1,000mg piracetam and 5mg of noopept. I'd take 2-3 caps twice per day. Or, for occasional use, sulbutiamine at 400mg and 15mg of methylhexanamine (DMAA; the ingredient that made the supplement Jack3d so popular) at a dose of 1-2 caps and no more than 1 dose per day or taken more than twice per week. I would propose it would be safer and may have promise in the areas of concentration/motivation/mild euphoric boost. It could be used for an athletic booster or study aid. I have never tried DMAA but I am curious not only of its effects as it relates to cognition but how it would combine specifically with sulbutiamine.

Per wiki: "Despite not being a catecholamine, methylhexanamine exhibits structural similarity to other monoamines such as phenethylamine and amphetamine, which may account for its similar mode of action to these compounds. The only structural difference between methylhexanamine and amphetamine is that methylhexanamine lacks the phenyl or benzene ring which is present in all phenethylamine derivatives, including all amphetamines, containing only 4 of the 6 carbons of the phenyl ring. The difference between geranamine and propylhexedrine is that is lacks two carbons that create a cyclohexyl ring in propylhexedrine and a methyl group on the amine group. Despite these differences, it has a similar mode of action, being a stimulant and having norepinephrinergic effects."

Update: looks like someone already thought of combining sulbu with DMAA (IBE X-Force) to good reviews but I think the key to all of this is dosing sulbutiamine high enough to produce the desirable acute effects. Anyhoo sorry for the tangent.

Edited by JChief, 06 November 2011 - 01:28 PM.

#11 Introspecta

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:06 PM

Just buy some empty #1 caps for like 5-10 bucks and after you measure your powder just put it in yourself with a small spoon. I cap all my powders. I've found its much quicker to cap piracetam by hand just scooping the cap into the powder. It would be very easy to make up some piracetam caps and leave space for the noopept. The noopept might be a little more of a pain to put in the cap due to the small doses but i'm sure it would be worth it. I can't wait until i put in my order for Noopept. I hope its not dissapointing like nefiracetam was for me.

#12 JChief

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 07:22 AM

I resumed taking piracetam again beginning this evening to stack along with my current noopept regimen which I have found incredibly beneficial. I took a bit less than 1 tsp so I'd guess about 2.5 grams or so. After being so used to taking sulbutiamine occasionally as well as noopept piracetam tastes like candy! haha. So I just placed right on tongue and chased with some water. Within 1 hour I felt that familiar feeling return. That calming, positive mindset that it encourages is amazing. It's not hardcore or anything but certainly noticeable. Colors, music enhancement all returned in a single dose in about an hour. I was able to take a quick nap in there before heading to work and no doubt piracetam helps me get to sleep and sleep well. I'm about to take a second dose now since it's been about 6 hours. Not sure noopept has done anything to increase the effectiveness of it. But it hasn't hindered anything either. Noopept and piracetam seems like an ideal match thus far. Since noopept already does a great job of keeping me mentally sharp I am really only taking the piracetam to further boost my positive mood, creativity, and awesome dreams. Did I mention I love piracetam? ;)

Edited by JChief, 10 November 2011 - 07:23 AM.

#13 adiosameobas

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 07:14 PM

JChief, i was actually thinking about this today as i am approaching the week mark of large doses of noopept. I have been dosing the piracetam alongside throughout but lowered the dosage to about 1000 to 2000 2x daily. I feel it has added efficacy. I was going to ask you if you were dosing the noopept daily or taking breaks? I am still supplementing choline with the noopept as the post from manic_racetam states that without it he found a fog had sort of descended upon his brain and i fear that wrath. I think i may break after today and continue standalone with the piracetam until next week but i was just seeing what others were doing. i have not noted any negative sides, i just want to stretch it out as long as i can.

#14 manic_racetam

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 08:13 PM

JChief, i was actually thinking about this today as i am approaching the week mark of large doses of noopept. I have been dosing the piracetam alongside throughout but lowered the dosage to about 1000 to 2000 2x daily. I feel it has added efficacy. I was going to ask you if you were dosing the noopept daily or taking breaks? I am still supplementing choline with the noopept as the post from manic_racetam states that without it he found a fog had sort of descended upon his brain and i fear that wrath. I think i may break after today and continue standalone with the piracetam until next week but i was just seeing what others were doing. i have not noted any negative sides, i just want to stretch it out as long as i can.

Just out of curiosity how large are your Noopept doses? Honestly, after experimenting with mega-doses I'd save the 100mg doses for only occasional use, and by occasional I don't mean every few days :)

There doesn't seem to be much need to go over 50mgs per day, I noticed the effects are basically indistinguishable between 30 and around 70mgs per day and the mega-dosing likely isn't sustainable for anyone past one or two weeks (although I didn't try it with choline supplementation).

Also, as a side note, I didn't notice any increase in efficacy over 100mgs in a single dose. I tried 200 with no added benefit, mood or otherwise, and when 300mgs in one day was reached I was stupefied (and not in a good way).

#15 adiosameobas

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Posted 10 November 2011 - 11:51 PM

they were about 1-200mg but had gone back down to ~75 the last few days since i had not really noticed any substantial effect compared to the initial 200mg. im taking about a 2 week break i think. the creative push i got from it has pretty much subsided but i feel ok still, just not as motivated as i was initially.

#16 JChief

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 07:49 AM

JChief, i was actually thinking about this today as i am approaching the week mark of large doses of noopept. I have been dosing the piracetam alongside throughout but lowered the dosage to about 1000 to 2000 2x daily. I feel it has added efficacy. I was going to ask you if you were dosing the noopept daily or taking breaks? I am still supplementing choline with the noopept as the post from manic_racetam states that without it he found a fog had sort of descended upon his brain and i fear that wrath. I think i may break after today and continue standalone with the piracetam until next week but i was just seeing what others were doing. i have not noted any negative sides, i just want to stretch it out as long as i can.

I have not taken any breaks from noopept nor do I plan to just yet. I may take a few weeks off in a couple months. It's just working too well behind the scenes :)

#17 JChief

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 07:58 AM

JChief, i was actually thinking about this today as i am approaching the week mark of large doses of noopept. I have been dosing the piracetam alongside throughout but lowered the dosage to about 1000 to 2000 2x daily. I feel it has added efficacy. I was going to ask you if you were dosing the noopept daily or taking breaks? I am still supplementing choline with the noopept as the post from manic_racetam states that without it he found a fog had sort of descended upon his brain and i fear that wrath. I think i may break after today and continue standalone with the piracetam until next week but i was just seeing what others were doing. i have not noted any negative sides, i just want to stretch it out as long as i can.

Just out of curiosity how large are your Noopept doses? Honestly, after experimenting with mega-doses I'd save the 100mg doses for only occasional use, and by occasional I don't mean every few days :)

There doesn't seem to be much need to go over 50mgs per day, I noticed the effects are basically indistinguishable between 30 and around 70mgs per day and the mega-dosing likely isn't sustainable for anyone past one or two weeks (although I didn't try it with choline supplementation).

Also, as a side note, I didn't notice any increase in efficacy over 100mgs in a single dose. I tried 200 with no added benefit, mood or otherwise, and when 300mgs in one day was reached I was stupefied (and not in a good way).

Hey manic. My current dosages are an eyeballed dose of roughly 25mg taken twice per day. The effects seem to last all day. I am curious about what the mega dose would feel like but for now I am happy with the current effects. Noopept seems to work really well for reading comprehension and also had a noticeable effect on my speech. My speech is more purposeful and to the point; rarely searching for words. Further adding to confidence both on the job and in my social life. Nootropics in general have a variety of benefits in their own little way which I feel improves my quality of life. Very happy with the effects of piracetam, noopept, and sulbutiamine each for their own reason. Aniracetam was effective but limited in value given short half life and works better as a pick-me-up. I do not plan to purchase more aniracetam and will stick with piracetam, noopept and sulbutiamine. I still plan to experiment with pramiracetam, then oxi. I am finding that certain noots work better for different situations. Piracetam is more like a daily staple for me for mood and making life more interesting. Which might not get the point across because its not like I've needed a better mood or outlook on life. It's just that I prefer to be with it than without I guess. Sulbutiamine is great for weekends. Noopept great for keeping my mind clear and calm throughout the day.

#18 abelard lindsay

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 10:05 AM

I've been taking Noopept for the last two days and I quite like it. I have taken two doses so far. The effect seems to last all day. I think I am going to stop taking Piracetam for a while because Noopept seems strong enough. I have a scale that gets a little inaccurate below 30mg so I just try for any number less than that, which works out to a little less than 1/32nd of a teaspoon. I find it helps me get an impressive amount of work done. It does tend to give me a mild uncomfortableness in my brain that I wouldn't quite describe as a headache, but is not too much of a bother, especially given the benefits. Taking magnesium threonate seems to moderate its effects a bit. I find the "haughtiness" that people talk about while on it quite amusing, since that's a familiar aspect of my normal personality that I've worked to control so I don't annoy people. It does seem to have anxiolytic benefits as well.

#19 JChief

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 10:26 AM

It does tend to give me a mild uncomfortableness in my brain that I wouldn't quite describe as a headache, but is not too much of a bother, especially given the benefits. Taking magnesium threonate seems to moderate its effects a bit.

Now that you mention I did feel a bit of a "tinge" in the brain, usually in the evening, like on the 2nd and 3rd day but was so minor I failed to mention. It hasn't returned since. May or may not have been related to noopept in particular. Glad it's workin!

#20 Introspecta

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 04:37 PM

Just curious if anyone thinks this may be effective. Sometimes I can be impatient and want to gauge effects asap so would doing 1 100mg dose followed by 30 mg 2 times per day get things rolling quicker or is that a waste. I probably should try micro doses to see how i respond first but just curious if anyone does an attack dose then takes smaller doses.

#21 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 05:08 PM

Just curious if anyone thinks this may be effective. Sometimes I can be impatient and want to gauge effects asap so would doing 1 100mg dose followed by 30 mg 2 times per day get things rolling quicker or is that a waste. I probably should try micro doses to see how i respond first but just curious if anyone does an attack dose then takes smaller doses.

In my experience an attack dose is not necessary. The first dose I took was roughly 15mgs and I felt the effects within an hour. The effects are accumulative though and build in intensity for about a week.

#22 health_nutty

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 06:40 PM

It does tend to give me a mild uncomfortableness in my brain that I wouldn't quite describe as a headache, but is not too much of a bother, especially given the benefits. Taking magnesium threonate seems to moderate its effects a bit.

Now that you mention I did feel a bit of a "tinge" in the brain, usually in the evening, like on the 2nd and 3rd day but was so minor I failed to mention. It hasn't returned since. May or may not have been related to noopept in particular. Glad it's workin!

I feel this from Pramiracetam as well. It is pretty mild, but like what you describe.

#23 abelard lindsay

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 05:08 AM

Some clever ads for Noopept:


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

BTW, I have been taking this stuff for a few days and I am pretty damned impressed. I have been working on a programming project and have gotten an unbelievable crap load of work done on it.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 13 November 2011 - 05:14 AM.

#24 sam7777

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 08:39 PM

Very interesting I am also thinking of oxi, prami, uridine, and noopept and wonder which is best.

#25 JChief

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 10:56 AM

Piracetam and Noopept trial has been going very well. Since adding piracetam I am having those familiar "more vivid" dreams yet I don't have the urge to oversleep (which I attribute to noopept possibly). Another real quick impression I have is that piracetam is more of a creative/music/mood enhancer that helps prevent tip of the tongue syndrome and rarely do I search for words. Noopept on the other hand allows me to slow down my speech in a more methodical manner as I tend to talk somewhat quickly otherwise. Both are great for their own reasons and are great stacked as far as I'm concerned. Pretty soon here I'll trial some pramiracetam, mainly to see how it affects motivation in particular.

#26 Geovicsha

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Posted 20 November 2011 - 09:49 AM

Intriguing read. Just reaffirmed my desire to try Noopept. I, too, would be interested in combining Noopept with Pramiracetam. Let me know how that goes when you do.

#27 adiosameobas

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Posted 20 November 2011 - 06:46 PM

i am back after a much needed break from the computer. and i have vastly scaled back my noopept dosages. with great success! i am now consuming a small 'nugget' sublingualy in the morning with 1000 mg of piracetam 3x a day and 250mg Nuvigil 1x with perhaps a 1/4 tab redose in the afternoon if need be. (for work related purposes) i have also added the occasional hydergine supplementation (which i have found does not cause a false positive for LSD!) this has sent my brain off-in-to the depths of the omniverse....or something of the like. i have found this to be a personal transcendent combination, and is much more stimulating in a reality-based sense than any recreational drug combo i had tried in the past. i find myself constantly snapping pictures of wondrous instances of awe-inspiring bliss, reading and inscribing ideas and tinctures about myself and others. and other such creative ventures..... but.... i am aware of, and participate in un-imbibed periods of de-nootropicized sentiment with the rest of this wonderful yet somewhat mundane society. which is great. but anyway....good to be back. and glad to have my computer!

#28 JChief

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 06:37 AM

Full disclosure to all: I have experienced some noticeable lack of blood flow to the genitals within the past week. Another member recently posted some concerns about sexual side effects (low libido etc - still in his twenties as I am) experienced as well. Reduced semen has been noticed. I am stopping Noopept until further notice to be on the safe side. I have not noticed lack of libido however I take tongkat ali which raises libido/testosterone. Sadly, I am shelving this for the time being.

Edited by JChief, 23 November 2011 - 07:09 AM.

#29 JChief

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 02:17 PM

Wanted to post an update and state that since stopping noopept and piracetam for a couple days the irritable tendencies and extreme lack of blood flow causing penile discomfort is now gone. This affected me off and on for over a week. So glad it's not been a huge issue. I am back to my usual self. Also I have noticed this has allowed my tongkat ali to work much better as increased penile blood flow was one of the first things I noticed when I started taking it way back. I feel good too. Only thing I've done different past couple days is take 600mg Bacopa before bed. This makes me much more comfortable resuming noopept in the near future. But for now onto my uridine/DHA trial which commences on Tuesday. :~ Oh.. and I swear this noopept has done something to keep me sharp even after I've stopped. Anyone else notice anything similar? It's not the same as when I was taking them but "clarity" remains. Could be all in my head! :-D

Edited by JChief, 25 November 2011 - 02:31 PM.

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#30 adiosameobas

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 03:34 PM

to be perfectly blunt, i have been waking up with pubescent morning wood, every fucking day to the point where i cant even piss. and my arousal level is through the roof. no noticeable effects in the netherlands for me.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, gvs-111, effects

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