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Has anyone tried to list all theories of the aging?

list of theories

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#31 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 09:33 PM

treonsverdery, the ideas, that You are posting have some flaws, but since You have suggested them, I will add them into the list. However, I recommend You to find some scientific data, that to support Your ideas.
The list with the theories is:

*Extracellular aggregates accumulation / 1907 http://www.sens.org/...hemes/amylosens
*Intracellular aggregates accumulation / 1959 http://www.sens.org/...themes/lysosens
Theory of cholesterol accumulation
Theory of amyloid accumulation
DNA damage accumulation theory
Error Accumulation Theory
Misrepair-Accumulation Theory: Wang et al. suggest that ageing is the result of the accumulation of "Misrepair"
Theory for accumulation of genetic mutations = Somatic Mutation Theory
Theory of intracellular "garbage" accumulation in the human body

Hayflick Limit Theory http://en.wikipedia..../Hayflick_limit
*Theory of depletion of cellular devidings
*Metabolic rate depletion theory http://prolongyouth....f-Living-Theory
There is another theory, the loss of complexity in aging http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20662589

1.5bn Heart Beat Theory
Activity reduction theory
Reproductive-Cell Cycle Theory http://en.wikipedia....ll_cycle_theory
Selectivity Theory
Calorie Restriction Theory http://www.anti-agin...restriction.htm
The Membrane Theory of Aging http://www.anti-agin...ry/membrane.htm
*Death-resistant cells / 1965 http://www.sens.org/...emes/apoptosens
*Tissue stiffening / 1958, 1981 http://www.sens.org/...hemes/glycosens
Electromagnetic theory (suggested in this topic)

Cytosurface theory (Theory, that the aging is caused by change in the cytosurface, which influences the receptors of the cells, suggested in this topic)
Extracellular environment theory (suggested in this forum)

Aging as provoked from inflammation (no matter if microbal and aseptical)
The microorganisms theory, that is being discussed in the Aging Theories section of this forum
Autoimmune Theory
Immune detoriation theory

Continuity Theory http://en.wikipedia....y_theory_(aging
Disengagement Theory http://en.wikipedia....gagement_theory
Insuficient psychological participation, or cognitive stimulation theory suggested in this topic

Aging as programmed process = Planned Obsolescence Theory
*DNA damage theory
*DNA accumulation damage theory = Somatic Mutation Theory
*Telomere Theory
*Telomerase Theory of Aging
Redundant DNA Theory http://www.anti-agin...dundant-dna.htm
Gene Mutation Theory http://prolongyouth....Mutation-Theory
A chronoregulation theory, according to which the regulation of our genes is decreasing slowly with time - suggested in this topic

Mitohormesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormesis

Cross-Linkage Theory http://prolongyouth....-Linkage-Theory
Free radicals theory = Oxydative damage theory
*Mitochondrial Decline Theory http://www.anti-agin...ial-decline.htm
The Acidification Theory of Aging http://www.anti-agin...idification.htm
*Mutant mitochondria / 1972 Allotopic expression of 13 proteins
Proteome difference theory (suggests that the proteins and their action are the cause of aging)

Evolutionary theory of aging (M.R.Rose)
The Disposable Soma Theory

Hormonal disbalance theory
The Neuroendocrine Theory of Professor Vladimir Dilman = The theory as provoked from the central neurous system
HGH (human growth hormone) theory
TSH low levels theory
Death Hormone Theory (DECO) http://www.anti-agin...ath-hormone.htm
Thymic Insufience Theory http://www.anti-agin...stimulating.htm
Metabolic rate depletion theory http://prolongyouth....f-Living-Theory

Wear and tear theory (general)
Reliability theory of ageing and longevity http://en.wikipedia....g_and_longevity
DHA-Accelerated Aging Hypothesis

*The Russian scheme for the aging http://www.sciencevs...0.5.4_final.jpg
Virtually a large number of theories may be produced by combining two or more theories and thus shaping new theory.

#32 treonsverdery

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 06:03 PM

Here is another new theory of longevity I thought of It is actually a theory of longevity rather than aging

HAR binger of longevity theory

Humans live longer than other primates
A researcher looked at all the human genes as well as primate genes to see which had the greatest velocity of change between humans to primates These are called human accelerated regions (HAR). http://www.scientifi...s-identify-gene
There are people that believe these rapidly changing genes that made the most differences between humans n primates code humans notable abilities like greater intelligence as well as longer life along with Neoteny.

so a theory of longevity would be to find those genes that changed the most between primates n humans, then give them to rats to see if the rats become cleverer, longer lived, or differently emotive. If they find that the HAR human genes most changed from primates actually cause longevity then people will know about a new specific longevity gene that effects humans

Then with the rats they can create variations of the HAR longevity gene to find versions that make the rats live even longer. Transferring these superlongevity tested artificial genes to humans then causes humans to live longer.

so its a longevity theory rather than an aging theory, rather than seek a repairable, it finds a longevity physiology architecture

A rapid view of the first page of Bing suggests this idea is new here It is called HAR binger as a way of being funny, the mice binge on HAR genes, then they live longer Also bing search engine was used You could call it Optimized HAR theory of longevity if you like OHT

Edited by treonsverdery, 20 April 2012 - 06:11 PM.

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#33 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 06:13 PM

The theory of the aging as a genetically programmed process is already added in the list

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#34 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 23 April 2012 - 06:17 PM

Theories of epigenetic influence as a cause for the aging process emerge. A sample research about an epigenetic influence in the form of a metilation of parts of the DNA was cited in another topic from johnross47 and can be found on the following wwb address:
Some citings from the source:
" ....
Identification of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) for age and ageing-related phenotypes

We ... compared DNA methylation patterns to age and age-related phenotypes ...
.... methylated regions (DMRs) associated with age (a-DMRs) were identified ...
We identified 490 a-DMRs .... of which .... 98% ... exhibited increased methylation with age
(hyper-methylated a-DMRs) .... 75 hyper-methylated a-DMRs were previously reported ....


What do You all think about that? Should the epigenetic influence as a cause for the aging be added into the aging theories list?
Oppinion from proffesional genetists is considered as more valuble.

#35 treonsverdery

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:17 PM

With your awesome compilation here there is an opportunity to do a high quality structuralization of treatments that address the Programmed theories. Just like actual programming some of the programmed theories of longevity Like with actual programming some people compare event driven with scripted. Like at a windows environment you click on something there is a semiisolated effect, compare that with a menulike script that asks sequential nputs then gives standard responses. Puberty (kisspeptin -> GnRH -> brain ->estrogen) is prescripted yet modifiable. yet something like the free radical theory, or an epigenetic effect is actually a kind of even driven program. If you can describe a number of different programs, that would give greater value to the list of theories

Program scripted: Puberty, symmetric whitening of hair both suggesting prewritten simultaneous cytochange
Program event driven: Free radical, epigenetic
Program modified race condition(modified function call frequency), that human accelerated regions (HAR) cause differential body programs to run at different rates causes longevity among humans compared with other primates
Program "crummy": things like they Hayflick effect or telomeres are reminiscent of programming allocation errors or "memory leaks"
Program Database permissions quandry: a human programmed database generally always blocks simultaneous write n change, Perhaps sometimes a tissue is exporting resources while trying to make a repair, less optimal repair might result. measuring that would show which cytes or tissues have "simultaneous database permissionlike effects" This might actually be a new theory. What if a tissue is busy supplying potassium ions to the body while trying to also function as a neuron. possibility of oops.

So there are a variety of ways to say programmed, the more particular the more comprehensible the mechanisms might be. Also there are numerous things on the list that are completely outiside programming concepts which is of course sensible. Gunk theories are outside a programmed view.

Edited by treonsverdery, 30 April 2012 - 05:21 PM.

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#36 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 09 May 2012 - 07:21 AM

I did my best to consult with geneticists and they assume, that the therory for the epigenetic influence of aging can be considered as another theory, so I added it into the list.
treonsverdery, thank You for thinking, that this compilation is nice. Structuralization of treatments according to each theory of aging can actually be done, but it takes time (much more time, than it looks at first glance). You may start such a topic and start developing it. I will find it interesting to see periodically how the thinga are going there and to take part in it from time to time.

Here is the list for now:

*Extracellular aggregates accumulation / 1907 http://www.sens.org/...hemes/amylosens
*Intracellular aggregates accumulation / 1959 http://www.sens.org/...themes/lysosens
Theory of cholesterol accumulation
Theory of amyloid accumulation
DNA damage accumulation theory
Error Accumulation Theory
Misrepair-Accumulation Theory: Wang et al. suggest that ageing is the result of the accumulation of "Misrepair"
Theory for accumulation of genetic mutations = Somatic Mutation Theory
Theory of intracellular "garbage" accumulation in the human body

Hayflick Limit Theory http://en.wikipedia..../Hayflick_limit
*Theory of depletion of cellular devidings
*Metabolic rate depletion theory http://prolongyouth....f-Living-Theory
There is another theory, the loss of complexity in aging http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20662589

1.5bn Heart Beat Theory
Activity reduction theory
Reproductive-Cell Cycle Theory http://en.wikipedia....ll_cycle_theory
Selectivity Theory
Calorie Restriction Theory http://www.anti-agin...restriction.htm
The Membrane Theory of Aging http://www.anti-agin...ry/membrane.htm
*Death-resistant cells / 1965 http://www.sens.org/...emes/apoptosens
*Tissue stiffening / 1958, 1981 http://www.sens.org/...hemes/glycosens
Electromagnetic theory (suggested in this topic)

Cytosurface theory (Theory, that the aging is caused by change in the cytosurface, which influences the receptors of the cells, suggested in this topic)
Extracellular environment theory (suggested in this forum)

Aging as provoked from inflammation (no matter if microbal and aseptical)
The microorganisms theory, that is being discussed in the Aging Theories section of this forum
Autoimmune Theory
Immune detoriation theory

Continuity Theory http://en.wikipedia....y_theory_(aging
Disengagement Theory http://en.wikipedia....gagement_theory
Insuficient psychological participation, or cognitive stimulation theory suggested in this topic

Aging as programmed process = Planned Obsolescence Theory
*DNA damage theory
*DNA accumulation damage theory = Somatic Mutation Theory
*Telomere Theory
*Telomerase Theory of Aging
Redundant DNA Theory http://www.anti-agin...dundant-dna.htm
Gene Mutation Theory http://prolongyouth....Mutation-Theory
A chronoregulation theory, according to which the regulation of our genes is decreasing slowly with time - suggested in this topic
The epigenetic influence of the process of aging http://www.plosgenet...al.pgen.1002629

Mitohormesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormesis

Cross-Linkage Theory http://prolongyouth....-Linkage-Theory
Free radicals theory = Oxydative damage theory
*Mitochondrial Decline Theory http://www.anti-agin...ial-decline.htm
The Acidification Theory of Aging http://www.anti-agin...idification.htm
*Mutant mitochondria / 1972 Allotopic expression of 13 proteins
Proteome difference theory (suggests that the proteins and their action are the cause of aging)

Evolutionary theory of aging (M.R.Rose)
The Disposable Soma Theory

Hormonal disbalance theory
The Neuroendocrine Theory of Professor Vladimir Dilman = The theory as provoked from the central neurous system
HGH (human growth hormone) theory
TSH low levels theory
Death Hormone Theory (DECO) http://www.anti-agin...ath-hormone.htm
Thymic Insufience Theory http://www.anti-agin...stimulating.htm
Metabolic rate depletion theory http://prolongyouth....f-Living-Theory

Wear and tear theory (general)
Reliability theory of ageing and longevity http://en.wikipedia....g_and_longevity
DHA-Accelerated Aging Hypothesis

*The Russian scheme for the aging http://www.sciencevs...0.5.4_final.jpg
Virtually a large number of theories may be produced by combining two or more theories and thus shaping new theory.

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