dfowler here,
I used to post on imminst asking for cognitive advice to reverse or stop what seems to be a decline in my intelligence.
First a background.
I was born with some degree of prenatal hypoxia, I found this out way after the fact like 2 years ago.
It most likely could have explained my extreme memory problems and mental health issues as a child through young adulthood.
In 2005 I reported hearing voices, thousands of political figures, celebrities were telling me they were "erasing my brain" with some kind of electronic weapon.
Obviously I know this was a psychotic break, and I no longer suffer from them. However the damage to my brain was ultra severe and never really reversed, it got better, but that was after I was talked into having 9 electroshocks inducing grand mal seizure convulsions, for those unclear what ECT is, it is "closed head injury" brain damage.
Many strong studies including a now famous widely cited one show brain damage happens to a substantial degree in all form of ECT, and to everyone who gets this "treatment."
In 2010, I was doing more, writing better, thinking quicker, and exercising a lot, but I still was very badly brain damaged.
Now i'm in dire straights. I can't sue the ECT doctor despite him admitting to all kinds of patients who lost 10 years of memory or more from it, and of course he was like a lawyer himself the way he defended this brutal practice.
I simply want to hope that I can get at least somewhat better.
Now I don't sleep hardly at all. Over the summer I was sleeping 1 night a week, or less, going into delerious states, not good. I had to go back to the same hospital again, Mcleans, "world famous" just to get knocked out with strong, brain damaging psyche medicnes. Yes I am all against the psyche industry, along with most mainstream medicine.
It is not even clear what I "have" or had if anything. Some doctors think the psychosis could have been from grinding on my amalgam mercury fillings. For those who believe like me, that mercury being one of the strongest toxins in ones teeth is downright dangerous in itself, I feel your pain. Trust me.
Now I'm all over the place, some days I can sleep a bit better, since a hospital abuse in feb of this year where they shot me up for nothing at all with haldol and ativan simply because I called 911 on my dad's health, useless to get into that, but that trauma seemed to exacerbate an already fragile mental condition.
I am scheduled to get my amalgams out with a reputable, i"m told one of the best, functional medicine dentists, who specializes in chelation and amalgam removal along with balancing diet, hormones, adrenals, practically all bodily systems that modern day science can or hopes it can at this point.
Like everything new and old in medicine there are ourageous claims of being cured, and look at us here at imminst, trying every nootropic experimenting on ourselves in dire hopes of bettering our cognition and physical health.
So although I tend to trust some of these functional medicine docs more than mainstream medicine at this point, I still think when it comes to the brain, someone like myself may be screwed. I could go on to some sort of traumatic encephalopothy from all the blunt, (ECT) and hypoxic damage, plus the damage from psychosis, depression, and psyche meds.
I have spent days reading the latest, like many here, on how to reverse cogntiive impairment, but the treatments for serious brain damage or nill. only casual anecdotal studies showing BCAA's, or the same catchcins, or antioxitants can stave of cognitive decline and dementia.
I live in often an amnesic state, which scores of former ECT patients I have networked with also complain of, some worse than me. Many of these people were muc hmore cognitively intact going into their shock treatments, and trust me, it's a huge deal, myself and some anti-ECT doctors, advocates, and journalists are trying to collaborate on a 60 minutes expose, or even later a documentary explaining how the patients are coerced, duped, even lied to about the "safety and high efficacy" of shock treatment.
I live my sad life in regret that my own father who is an electrical engineering wizard would allow his son, in a compromised state to do such a barbaric form of treatment.
So any suggestions please, I want this thread to be as long and well thought out as possible. I'm coming to you guys not knowing when I will spiral into full blown dementia...I've had days where I really do have symptoms that some would call delerium, I would call signs of potential dementia.
So think of this as a Will O' Rights thread, for now. And I have been thinking about Cryonics, and although my family could afford more than Bill, I might need some help with that, if Cryonics is even a feesible solution.
edit: I spent the entire last summer, just trying to sleep, I became so desperate that suicide seemed the answer, I read "Final Exit" to find the least painful and most effective ways to do oneself in. Using a plastic hood with helium was the preferred method for those who are forced to end such excrutiating pain. Trust me, I was having numbness in my head, convulsions or seizures as I was about to fall asleep, I could not read a clock, nor rememmberd whta I just did.
For now I'm more "stabalized" I'm sleeping more every other day still, and eating ok, taking lots of noots like Ginko, Bacopa, ECGC from Green tea, try to excercise when I can. I have tried cdp choline, ashwganda, which seems benign enough, and lots of amino acids, and anti oxidants, yes Goto Gulu tea, Quercetin. I'm also trying to pre chelate before my removal of fillings which I have no idea if it will help my brain.
Edited by dfowler, 11 November 2011 - 05:03 AM.