NooGlutyl is another glutamate analogue nootropic like Piracetam, the original nootropic.
- "Superior to many known nootropes..." Antihypoxic, Antiamnesic, Low Toxicity, No Rebound/Withdrawal, sustained effects, enhances memory space and reproduction, no myorelalxant side effects, and improves cognitive process.
- Recommended for mnestic disorders from hypoxia or cerebral ischemia.
- Protective of mitochondria during trauma, surpassing many other nootropics.
- Positive modulator of AMPA receptors. Reduces damage from stroke.
- Helps with recover from stroke.
- Peps up mice who don't age well.
- Half life is between 0.37hr and 2.3hr in rats and rabbits. 500mg/kg maxed out blood levels.
- Restores dopamine levels in alcoholic rat pups.
- Improves escape and avoidance learning in rats.
- Normalizes D2 Dopaminergic at 50mg/kg, not 100mg/kg in rats in Diazepam withdrawal.
- Great for motion sickness.
- Patented in Russia this year (2011).
- Chemical Book Link
- Extremely bio-available in rabbits?
Edited by devinthayer, 14 November 2011 - 09:26 PM.