*sigh* you are so missing the point that you aren't going to be able ot secure anything.
No offense, but you are missing the point of defending a copyrighted work in a legal setting, by securing the document as best we can.
Anthony thou doth protest too much.
it is you who are missing the point.
So just in case you haven't gotten it yet...let me be ever so blunt...
This is totally about you protecting your ass because you are now selling TA65.
It's like the emperors new clothes. So obvious.
I do see what MissMinni is saying:
TA Sciences kept the specific ingredients of TA-65 hidden, and Anthony from RevGenetics broke that secret wide open, namely that TA-65 is a 200 USD product for 5mg of Cycloastragenol, which Anthony sold for 25/35 USD earlier (I am going from what I read on this website). I was one of those who was extremely happy to have this information finally out into the public domain.
But later, strangely, the RevGenetics product was removed from sale, and now they only sell the TA-65, 200 USD product.
I am afraid the trust has been broken.
Plus, the fact that cycloastragenol is such a poorly bio-available product, you need to take a 20mg dose to get a decent amount into the blood stream.
At the TA-65 prices, that means about 800 USD / month. Or 100-140 USD/ month at the old RevGenetics price.
GreenPower, thanks for your data.
The price of course is an issue, a big issue, but even more of an issue is knowing what you are actually putting in your body.
We are all so eager to live forever we prematurely jump on anything that promises it. Products that work in vitro rarely work as effectively in vivo,
and who knows what side effects are possible in the absence of clinical studies to determine that. This is especially true of TA65 that was shrouded
in secrecy and obscene overpricing.
Furthermore there has not been a fair evaluation of TA65's impact on cancer since reports have been suppressed. Granted it might not be greater
than in a placebo group, but how can we know if records are not truthfully kept.
When the company that is profiting from the product is your source of information you can be assured that information is filtered through the business lens.
When Anthony stopped selling Astral Fruit, reason being it's poor bio availability, I was surprised and impressed. That was an unusual move for someone to make
in the midst of selling a profitable product. Why he would then sell the same product at a higher price from another resource was a bit baffling. He has yet to explain this and seems to revert to the smokescreen of the pdf being vulnerable to manipulation. Being that TA65 was considerably more expensive than Astral Fruit, perhaps the profit motive factors in.
What I think happened is that TA65 was not as effective as promised, and was not selling well. I guess even rich people with money to burn felt burnt. I've spoken to a few of them. As in any business, low sales results in overstock which brings the need to unload product and the need for more retail outlets. Hence the coming together of competitors. Offer the competitor the product at a low enough price for him to make a healthy profit and all benefit, except of course the consumer. Business as usual.