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TA-65 Analysis Repost

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#61 mpe

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 01:28 AM

This is storm in a tea cup, everybody should just move on.
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#62 hamishm00

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 05:43 AM

Here here.

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#63 pleb

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 05:39 PM

I'm new on here so slightly reticent to post, I've been following this and the other thread on the TA65 and astragalas extract for the last few days,
i must admit it did seem as if Anthony had sold out as after reading right through both threads i was getting very interested in his alternative and his dissection of exactly what was in TA65 and his alternative supplement,

if he had put in a post that his product was not ready at this time and he would be selling TA65 until it was perhaps none of the recriminations and suspicion would have surfaced as they have,

whilst i don’t have references (I'm not a chemist just an interested prospective purchaser) so cannot give links to the following it’s just something that i have read during this time,

a report was published more as QA session in which TA 65 was tested and found to work on the telomeres as they advertise,

but it also said that tests had shown that it needed to be taken permanently as after the original two year course was finished over time the body reverted back to what it had been before taking TA65, about a further two years,

it also mentioned that in other tests the following had a similar effect, vitamin B12 400mg, vitamin C 200mg and vitamin E 400mg had 90 to 95 percent of the effect that TA 65 had at a fraction of the price,

as the original test was to see if TA65 did induce telomerase activity i also took this to mean the vitamins did the same to a slightly lesser extent, but i really don’t know if that is correct,

i also found it interesting that the new product B that has been mentioned contains the same vitamins (as shown in another post but without the amounts recommended) ,

#64 Logic

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 09:29 PM

...it also mentioned that in other tests the following had a similar effect, vitamin B12 400mg, vitamin C 200mg and vitamin E 400mg had 90 to 95 percent of the effect that TA 65 had at a fraction of the price...

This is very interesting info.
Is this correct? That seems like a huge amount of B12?

#65 pleb

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 09:46 PM

i must admit i'm not sure whether that is micrograms or milligrams ? trying to find the exact amount proves almost impossible as the staff at the shop i got them really are not that up on exact measurements, but suggested 1000ug i hope that helps.
i'll look through my drafts as i think i copied and pasted it there,

#66 Logic

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 10:35 PM

Thx a pleb; I'd really appreciate knowing. 6ug is 100% of RDA isnt it??

#67 pleb

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 10:53 PM

sorry I've no idea on that, i think various countries may have different RDA's ours were set up in about 1940 as the minimum amount to stay healthy while most foodstuff was on rationing, and i don't think they have been changed,
and probably way out with modern thinking on amounts,

#68 Logic

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 11:14 PM


Still it was probably 400ug?

#69 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 02:39 PM


As I remember it, the vitamins you suggest do not activate telomerase, but apparently have been show to slow telomerase attrition when comparing subjects. Males and females do have differences in some studies, so you can't always use a broad brush to state the findings of the studies.

There are also various studies regarding stress (comparison between high stress and low stress) childhood, meditation, and others that show lower telomere attrition.

Even an exercise study showing that females that do moderate to high levels of exercise have longer telomeres, while males have longer telomeres only if the do moderate exercise. Males doing high levels of exercise actually had shorter telomeres.

I believe we wrote about that in various newsletters in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

You should read our RevGenetics newsletters and blog to stay up to date, because I don't always post these studies here.


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#70 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 02:46 PM


Still it was probably 400ug?

My recommendation is to take a '5 hour Energy Shot' daily when taking a proven telomerase activator.

It's easy and has the B12 and a couple other things that seems to slow attrition.


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#71 pleb

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 03:11 PM

Hi Anthony, what you say may well be correct,

what i wrote didn't mentioned increasing telomere length just that test's had shown those vitamins had 90 to 95 percent the effect TA 65 had,

what the test on TA 65 showed i have no idea other than the statement that it did work, how well and by how much it simply didn't say,

as i mentioned I'm new to all of the anti ageing ideas, and the forum and most of the things on here which are discussed but rarely get a mention in the mainline press other than the normal PR,
so it's a learning curve for me,
but i had seen the blurb over the last couple of years about TA 65 and the cost of the treatment,

and read your own posts on this and your new supplement which would do the same as TA 65 at a lot less cost,



#72 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 03:41 PM


Please provide links to the abstracts of the vitamin tests you describe, that compare them to TA-65.

I believe there are no such tests at this time, but I would love to be corrected.


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#73 pleb

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 03:51 PM

Anthony, if you had read my first post i clearly stated i did not have any links and that it was something i had read through links on another site,

it was a series of links on Bernard Ness's site Quality counts, most of the site is simply paste and copy and and links to research articles from dozens of sources, if i could find it again i would, but believe me i did not make this up,

i don't have anything to gain by this i'm not selling anything,



#74 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 06:33 PM

If someone can post the links that would help.. in the past i have seen many folks post erroneous info on this board... and they were eventually corrected and educated by members on this board when the links finally did show up.

I don't doubt that you believe what you say, however if the studies aren't available to folks on this board like niner or Howard, who have a high degree of trust because of their scientific understanding and objective opinions... well, then it is not very credible for me and others who happen to be perusing the board and forum posts.

I know it maybe silly, but see if you can find the links or info.

Until then, i can't agree in anyway with your posts regarding vitamins at this time, specially because megadosing in vitamins can decrease your lifespan... not increase it.


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Edited by Anthony_Loera, 20 August 2012 - 06:34 PM.

#75 pleb

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 08:05 PM

Anthony i posted it as an observation on something i had read and included the fact that i did not have any links,

but it's also a coincidence that the three i mention are part of the list of ingredients and emphasised in a post in a thread on here which i understand is TA sciences product B


Edited by a pleb, 20 August 2012 - 08:06 PM.

#76 pleb

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 08:13 PM

perhaps you would prefer if i deleted my posts on this thread,

#77 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 August 2012 - 11:38 PM

Don't get bent out of shape... i just need facts that can be verified.


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#78 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 04:30 AM

Here's a study on hostility and telomere length for you...


Hint hint... ;-)


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#79 Paul Stockmarketanxiety

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 11:38 AM

Hi Anthony,

I tried to access that secure link but it comes up with an error saying it has "expired".

I am of course referring to the link exposing the ingredients to TA-65

I also agree with the majority on these threads in regards to your motives to keep it hidden.

Also disgusted you are considering Astral Juice - C to be priced along the same lines as TA-65 when previously it was affordable.

Profit knows no boundaries!


#80 Paul Stockmarketanxiety

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 11:07 AM


1- The CoA is copyrighted property.
2- I was going to replace it with a link or another pdf (and this was communicated previously to you).

My issue is not about any relationship with anybody, it is about securing copyright for our property. It will be replaced by a link or document that is more secure, and help avoid this issue in the future. Since you certainly only see this in your own manner, I will ask the folks here to take it down for now while I get a new secure pdf or link to the information. Longecity Admin's please take the CoA down again until the new secure solution is available.


Anthony, you posted that COA. I just reposted what you posted. You didn't mention a copyright when you posted it. Why suddenly has this become such an
issue that you are panicking and having my posts altered without waiting for me to respond. This is your doing. You posted the COA, which supported the fact
that TA65 was in fact mainly cycloastragenol. Why would you want to now hide that information?
Don't you think people who are taking un-vetted products that could affect their health adversely as well as positively should have this information? Why would you want to hide it now when before it was your pleasure to reveal. And why should you have the authority to have my posts altered? Have you actually bought this forum. It appears from your tone you have. I hope that's not the case. That COA is not copyrighted, you yourself posted it here and now you want to remove all evidence of it and fast too. That makes me even more suspicious of your intent...and more determined to have it remain.
If you have it removed I will re-post it again which will only bring more attention to the issue you are trying so hard to hide.

Hi there,

Can you email me the COA on TA-65.

Anthony has prevented anyone seeing it now COMPLETELY - even on his own website :(



#81 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 03:27 PM


The copyright secure file works! I wasn't sure about it until now. :)

I have just reset the COA on our website so that you can read it again. Remember that this file is copyrighted... So no one can distribute it without my written permission.

You will need the secure pdf reader found here: http://images.artist...fePDFreader.exe

I love this nifty security program.


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 22 August 2012 - 11:40 PM.

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#82 Andey

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Posted 13 October 2012 - 12:20 PM

You will need the secure pdf reader found here: http://images.artist...fePDFreader.exe

I love this nifty security program.


It doesnt install on Windows 8 )

#83 cesium

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Posted 13 October 2012 - 11:25 PM

Here's a study on hostility and telomere length for you...


Hint hint... ;-)


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wow, I guess it wasn't enough for you to bully missminni in defense of your peddling your overpriced snake oil, now you're bullying newbies posters as well. I see you raising niner's name as an appeal to authority in an above post, yet I don't recall him mentioning that he was ever inclined to take astral fruit or ta-65, nor has he come to your defense on this thread.

Even if someone is foolish enough to mess with a telomerase activator (with the exception of those substances that already have much evidence of anticancer properties independent of their possible effects on telomerase activation like curcumin) until more is known about its possible effects as far as inducing/accelerating cancer, there is always the dirt cheap/ free herb purslane. Oh and you want a pubmed link, here it is:

This shows purslane not only up-regulates telomerase activity, but up-regulates telomere lengths as well, something I've yet to find in reguards to 'astral fruit' or 'ta-65'. (At least in any study published on pubmed, I don't count some proprietary research done by those who are looking to make a quick buck.

#84 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 16 October 2012 - 06:23 PM


I can tell you are new here, because our Astral Fruit-NF had purslane and a few other things in it...
If you don't like telomerase activators, don't take them.

It's as simple as that.



#85 Logic

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 02:21 PM

Just a quick link to vitamins and telomeres:

Dont know how good the references are; short on time.
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#86 Andey

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 02:26 PM

Just a quick link to vitamins and telomeres:

Dont know how good the references are; short on time.

Looks like no wonderwaffe drugs for telomere - just providing essentials for DNA based processes. It looks reasonable.

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