I recently started a new regimen. To start my day I take 500mg ALCAR on an empty stomach upon waking with my multivitamin drink (containing 1g of Vit C, Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (Hydroxycobalamin) among others. I've also been taking 50mg Triacetyluridine (TAU; fat soluble) with Fish Oil (providing 400mg DHA) both with breakfast. At that time I also take 4,000 IU Vitamin D3 & 50mcg Vitamin K2, and a different multivitamin drink containing Vitamin A & E, Calcium, Magnesium among others. Mid-afternoon I take another 500mg ALCAR w/ 1.5g piracetam.
I think I've discovered something most remarkable during my new regimen. I started noticing improved mood after the second day taking uridine/DHA and the rest. Now a week in and I am shocked to report that I am experiencing a very noticeable reduction in my OCD tendencies. For those that don't know, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). My version of OCD is not an extreme case by any means. But I did suffer from feeling the need to check things repeatedly. And obsess over a certain concept and sometimes feel that is the only thing I wanted to talk about (potentially annoying to others let me assure you). I am an avid researcher and can get overly consumed by it at times. So anyway long story short I noticed I am not overcome with the urge to go back and re-visit websites or think about matters to the point it distracts me from work etc. And I'm curious as to just what in my new regimen could be playing a role, if any! I haven't read too much into uridine specifically being used for OCD but on a basic level it has been assumed that serotonin levels may play a role. The B-vitamins I have been taking (read: high quality vitamers ensuring high bioavailability i.e. hydroxocobalamin for B12) could certainly be playing a role: Vitamin B-3, or niacin, increases tryptophan, an amino acid, which is a precursor in producing serotonin, the Linus Pauling Institute notes. Vitamin B-6, or pyridoxine, also aids in serotonin and norepinephrine production. These chemicals are significant in calming mood and obsessive thoughts. Also uridine seems to help ease depression and from that article worth noting:
"If you think of the times when you've been sad or not feeling well, your brain doesn't feel like it has a lot of energy," Renshaw said. "There's a tremendous focus on creatine as an athletic supplement, but it turns out it's not only skeletal muscle that uses creatine to create energy, but also the brain."
Kondo said for some patients with bipolar illness, "We're actually treating people with uridine on its own."
"We're reducing depressive symptoms by at least 50 percent within a couple of weeks," Renshaw said. "The two things that are remarkable, is one: it's a very large effect; and two: it's happening very quickly."
Since it was mentioned in the article, creatine has been of interest to me as well (study). PQQ too. But, getting back on track, my current regimen is working very very well. I am experiencing less mood shifts. Example, the other day I was getting groceries and I did a terrible job of organizing the ingredients in what was a long list. So it became frustrating to have to look over the list again and again (I didn't have a pen) and the weather was terrible and it was taking much too long and I was going to be late getting back home to get to bed etc. and normally I would get SO flustered over something like this but for some reason I was still able to brush it off! Not a desirable situation at all but it didn't bug me in the usual ways. Also before going to bed I am notorious for thinking about things obsessively before sleep but I was able to just let them go for the most part. I feel that I am happier overall since starting this. Keep in mind I have not been clinically depressed at any point prior to this new regimen but I just feel ... great! Clear head. I feel less narrowly focused and am smiling more! It's hard to put into words even. It's not a manic euphoria or anything like that lol.. it's almost like a feeling of optimism? Haha hard to describe.
Piracetam and ALCAR seem to combine in a different way than when I was taking Choline citrate and then later Alpha GPC (which I only took for GH support for exercise). I added ALCAR at the same time I started uridine combo. Although rare, piracetam had the tendency to make me feel a bit hypomanic at times. Overly talkative, euphoric, go! go! go! yet all of a sudden do a 180 make me feel relaxed to the point of slumber if I let it. To put it another way: sleep was never an issue haha. Additionally, piracetam unfortunately would make my OCD worse. I was invigorated by it but nevertheless a lot of that brainpower would go to waste, essentially. ALCAR and I suspect uridine and "co-factors", due to the positive indications in bipolar disorder, has evened it out. Verbal fluency is still enjoyed from piracetam but it just feels "cleaner" .. eh hard to describe again. But it's not a bad thing. It's a smooth combination. No headaches, no sleepiness yet no issues falling asleep, and also waking up feeling well rested (even if I happen to only catch 6 or 7 hours instead of my solid 8). Another quick thing I'll mention is that I am now able to read and listen to music at the same time. Don't laugh at me hear me out! I never understood how people could listen to music while reading or attending to other things. I would get so distracted by this. But just tonight I was listening to music and decided, while listening, to research an issue real quick but it ended up requiring more reading that initially thought. But I never had to turn off the music and I was able to do both at once. For the first time ever. I know it's odd. But at least you should see that I notice the little things too. Kind of like how when I took piracetam for a bit I'd notice that my typing abilities were much improved. I would backspace much less and type with much more efficiency. You can roll your eyes all you want but you'll just have to believe me lol...
I want to thank Mr Happy for shamelessly plugging uridine as the solution to all that ails us (

So far the biggest shocker here has not been the antidepressant effects (although welcome) from a mere 50mg TAU taken orally (when clinical trials would use in excess of 6 grams!). It has been the reduction of obsessive thoughts. I was not expecting this in the least. It has been too noticeable to ignore.
Edited by JChief, 07 December 2011 - 12:43 PM.