I'm not noticing the same benefits as you are and I have similar problems. I'm using uridine/tau, citicoline and omega-3, and one cap of oxiracetam. Yesterday it seemed things were getting better but as usual everything bad came back again today. Really sucks, I often feel like I'm wasting my time and money with these matters, and that there are no conceivable answers for me, and I'll be stuck in a pit of depravity for my entire life. But for now I'll keep my head up and keep looking for the answers. hopefully this ends up being beneficial, I just think I'm really figuratively at the end of my rope here.... unfortunately. Glad it's working out for you though.
Thanks. What issues were you coping with currently? Just OCD-like behavior or mood swings/depressive symptoms? If it's mood issues/depressive symptoms I would recommend switching from citicoline to ALCAR (500mg on empty stomach morning and afternoon works fine for me) and maybe give the oxi a rest for a few days and see if just DHA+uridine+ALCAR+multivitamin helps. If you want to stick with citicoline (I remember you saying it has worked well for you in other posts) and you started your uridine regimen recently it just may be an issue of giving it more time. Have you surpassed the two week mark? I have not taken piracetam for several days now. I still feel great. And for some odd reason I don't really feel the need right now. I like how I feel without. Main reason being, I liked how piracetam would keep me mentally sharp, but uridine/ALCAR/DHA and perhaps the added vitamins do this just the same. So perhaps swapping CDP for ALCAR, giving oxi a rest for a bit, and/or giving it more time may be an option. Another suggestion might be to up your TAU dose. I am taking 100mg TAU per day with my first meal of the day currently. Let me know your thoughts on this.
I wanted to also let everyone know that I am pretty convinced now that this combo works well for those that aren't getting adequate sleep. I feel I need to sleep just a little bit less than before. And it doesn't seem to catch up to me later. Here it is 4am and I was only able to sleep for about 5 hours during the day because I am working the night shift again. While this isn't something I want to keep doing long term I change my sleep schedule so that I can be up during the day on the weekends and then go back to sleeping during the day 4 days during the week. Before I started uridine I would require racetams to stay sharp in spite of feeling sleepy but I am awake, alert without a racetam. 
Thanks for the concern. As it stands after some dosage adjustment with certain supplements [I lowered my dose of citicoline as well as galantamine], also becoming more consistent with Fish oil [which for me was a bit controversial because the fish oil makes me kind of sleepy/spacy. This is a good thing at night and a bad thing during the day. Anyway I am actually going to be trying a high EPA supplement soon because I do believe that it's the DHA that is making me sleepy and EPA is supposedly better for adults anyway. Also this new Fish Oil supplement that I'm getting has a very low amount of anything else in it, whether it's DHA, other fatty acids, etc.. it's mostly just EPA. I've seen some EPA studies that help people in terms of depression , bipolar etc]
I actually agree with your idea of increasing TAU because it does seem to help. Increasing uridine-5-monophosphate [UMP] did not give the same effect. I want to buy TAU in bulk because I've seen that in studies they use quite a bit and it would be great to see what effect it would give in the gram dosages. I've also stabilized the Oxiracetam dose at about 1.5 g, though I did run out recently and I am going to try Nefiracetam.
Alcar, I can't seem to handle. I used to use it a lot last year and it helped with certain things but overall it would make me get more anxiety and not sleep. it was great for workouts yet I would seem to crash. I am reconsidering small doses of alcar again though because I've heard of some people using it in conjunction with cholinergics.. [one dude in particular on the forum, cant remember who but he made this awesome proposition about how it worked]
Quick Breakdown: Will be switching from EPA/DHA 2:1 supplement to mostly EPA. reason: lots of studies on EE-EPA out there, also heard a lot of anecdotal reports of it being a lot more "clear minded" and energizing / less depressing than DHA [yeah i know it sounds wierd but honestly some people do get slowed down by DHA]. Will be switching Oxiracetam to Nefiracetam [not because I have any problem with oxi but because Nefiracetam I have never tried].
This stuff is all hard to figure out sometimes , especially when the supplements do help you with one thing but not another. For example with all this supplementation my memory appears to have improved, my logic is stronger and I function better on the job. My family and friends have noticed a definite difference even if they didn't know what was going on. It's just that, this difference is not strong enough for me yet to say my journey is over. Hopefully we can all find the answers using the information and the technologies available to us.
To answer your question, my problems are the following [off the top of my head..]
OCD and anxiety- I obsess over certain concepts, places, things and events to the point that it is disabling. The thought or the feeling automatically and invasively takes over my entire mind, pretty much. Of course I can observe it happening to a degree and have learnt some thinking techniques to make sure the problem doesn't become larger but it still is a big concern. There's also a compulsive quality, because it's like I can only think about a limited number of things. Now, I also have other problems such as..
ADD- it's quite hard for me to remember things, to focus, to start something and finish it. My mind always goes off in too many directions and I get extremely distracted. Impulsive, have experienced addictions [non-drug and drug]
Depression- Majority of the time I feel lack of motivation, lack of pleasure or reward, lack of interest, lack of energy.
and sleep problems.
There's actually a bit more like for example I appear to fall into a schizotypical category [I'm dosing sarcosine as well]. However I notice over the years certain symptoms of all of these categories have mostly disappeared, yet the problems have not disappeared enough for me to feel like I can exist normally.
It's just a real pain in the butt trying to find out how to fix oneself at times, especially when you don't even know if you're anywhere even close to the answer. But I am sure that a number of you will agree that after a few years of experience you start moving closer to the answer, as I have seen definite results especially in the past few months. Glad to be here rather than where I was a year ago.
Lately I've been sleeping better, which I attribute to the galantamine as well as the omega3s. And again lately my thinking has been a lot more logical and less fuzzy, and I am able to endure through labor better than I was before. I notice that although my energy level is not completely improved, that at times I actually have a lot more energy than I ever would have a year ago, and i can work long hours without complaining. [unless I have missed sleep].
To answer another question: at the moment I am not taking any full spectrum B vitamin supplement. I take b12 and folate [low dose folate]. I am considering Vimmortal because it looks like a perfect combo in terms of B vitamins. However in the mean time I just eat a lot of Vitamin rich foods. Lots of mushrooms and tomatoes for the b's.
Thanks for listening and asking guys, it's good to have a community interested in the same things, sometimes I'm actually hesitant about posting because I want to do something smart and succeed a little bit before posting, but I guess we all have our own path and you have to make mistakes to succeed.
......So... Does anyone know where to get bulk TAU?