Hi all,
i would be also intrested in a group as many of us ! I asked a few months ago Genscript for a quotation without problem's, but they won't sell something since i'm "only" a private citizen....
How was the problem solved in the past ? Because i'm personally very tired of the crazy prices from this Bodybuilding Peptide suppliers....
First experience i had with Epitalon June last year, I used it for regeneration after very stupid combination's of drugs :Intranasal Bupropion, Modafinil, Methylphenidate and many other stuff (everything was overdosed).
And ya i know that this was stupid as hell :/ . since then i changed my lifestyle.
back to the time after the abuse: I was suffering from asthenia, anhedonia, no libido, depression, overall thinking problem's, feeling always tired and sick, my weight dropped to 55 kg by a height of 1,80m.
Epitalon was the only drug what helped me to recover completely.
at first i used doses about 2 mg ed sub-q injection for about 2 weeks.
then i used i.v. injections for another 4 week and felt that they are working much better then sub-q.
from a subjective point of view i would say the potency was increased 2.5 fold.
The first week i felt nothing, in the second i felt changes in my mood; i had still issues with general thinking, working memory and so on, but have huge improvement in anhedonia symptoms !
Also the ability to feel hungry and thursty came back at this time.
After the whole 6 week course i felt nearly complete recovered.
My memory skills there back, creativity was greatly enhanced, my libido was through the roof (was like a horn dog lol)
Other effects were that life was much more colorfull then ever before.
For example only watching movies in the cinema, that was so incredible.
So far the psychological effects.
Physical effects were that i wasnt sick since then anymore ! The muscle pain went away and i was able to making some Sports without problems.
I gained weight, and my skin is looking good.
My hairline improved also a little bit (AGA) but that effect wasnt too much, maybe only placebo effect ? i didn't took any pictures to compare.
I think i hadn't recover that fast after all that regardless of my Age (22)
I argued with a lot of friends and other people because they think that this correlation is maybe not causal.
Personally for me there is no doubt that Epitalon helped me a lot, but since this is only a anecdotal report there is a lot of space to make some interpretations...
I hope that i didn't failed the topic of this thread