So, I'm on day 4 of Epitalon.
I take 5mg in the morning and 5mg in the late afternoon in the form of injections around the stomach area. I haven't really found any information on how long before and after the injections you should stop eating. If anyone has any idea on that i would love to hear it. With CJC1295/Ipamorelin you are required to fast 2 hours prior to injection and 50 minutes after. I've followed a similar routine with Epitalon.
I've been hoping that Epitalon may also give me a slight immune boost and help me clear this annoying sebrhoeic dermatitis issue i seem to get intermittently in my eyebrows, areas of my cheeks and chin.
Here is my journal 4 days into using it.
Day 1 - I had foggy vision. Lucid dreaming at an all time high. No particular observations on my skin. I noticed that I have started to sneeze a lot. This is rare for me. not sure if it's the epitalon or something else.
Day 2 - Not much to notice. Foggy vision no longer an issue. It was a little difficult to get to sleep so i decided on having 10mg of Melatonin. I might continue the melatonin thing as I hear it complements Epitalon well.
Day 3 I noticed my skin seems a little blotchy / red. This is usually signs of an outbreak of dermatitis (one of which i use milld hydrocortisone creams to keep it under control for a few days and then it just goes away). I've decided not to use any creams this time round so that i can measure if Epitalon has any effect on my skin. Getting to sleep tonight was particularly hard and i felt a little itchy all over my body after having a shower.
Day 4 - Noticing pimples appearing in random parts of my body. Inner arm, legs, etc. I thought this was a little odd. But nothing alarming. I've noticed the skin and scalp are particularly dry (i.e. flaking quite badly). I've decided still not to use any creams other than a Cetaphil moisturiser to mask some of the flakiness symptoms. My face continues to be blotchy / red in certain parts.
In summary so far I haven't noticed any particularly dramatic changes. Although I don't really anticipate that I will see any in terms of wrinkles. I have virtually no wrinkles so I doubt i will see the reported effects on wrinkle reduction.
I do anticipate that with time I will see an improvement in skin tone. I am unsure if Epitalon will help with 'curing' sebrhoeic dermatitis but it's more of an experiment nonetheless.
Thanks mikey for all your advice!
I've decided to take on C60oo from and expect a delivery in the next week.
I will most likely get back onto CJC1295/Ipamorelin combo as I re-commence my gym regime after a 1 month break as I have seen incredible results on what this combo can do to my workouts.
I will do my best to report back again in a few days.
On a side note - Has anyone noticed that when you draw Epitalon from vials from ceretropic that some of the product squirts out through the rubber when you pull out the syringe? Is this normal? Our vials in Sydney don't squirt anything out once you pull the syringe out.