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Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)

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#421 Logic

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Posted 02 June 2013 - 09:51 PM

So, who would be up for a group buy of epitalon (for research purposes of course)?

I asked a reputable company for a quote for 5g of >98% AGAG aliquoted to 50 tubes (so that's 100mg per tube which seems the most convenient)
With a nice discount the final quote (not including shipping) is 1030euros (1338.7 usd) : This is 20.6 euros (that's USD 26.77) per 100mg!
(this is less than 54 usd for 200mg, compare to bioluma 700 usd for 200mg! Almost 13 times the price! - clearly a shameless ripoff)
I will have to confirm this price as they offered me a 20%+ discount for a quote that included other peptides as well (however the reason they gave for the discount was that it'd be my first order, and then I took some time before responding to their offer so they raised the discount again), but the discount-less price is 1320.27 eur.
With 10 participants getting 500mg each, this would be 103 eur (usd 133.87) per person (+shipping charges) (166 days supply at 3mg / day)
5 participants getting 1g each, 206 eur (usd 267.74) per person (+shipping charges) (333 days supply at 3mg / day)

Potential issues I can foresee :

- If shipping during summer, wouldnt heat risk damaging the peptide?

- 50 tubes in one order, this could be a big package and attract french customs attention. Best case scenario in that eventuality, the order could be taxed (how much?), worst case it could be blocked.
If someone living in another european country with lax-er customs (although I never had any problems with research peptides coming from the US or asia in the past, but the orders were probably smaller) were willing to participate maybe it would be the better option for him/her to collect and dispatch the order.
I need to ask the peptide company the size and weight of the package, if not that big, I wont have any problem being the organizer/dispatcher (again, ive ordered research peptides like GHRP, thymosin beta 4 and IGF-1 in qtties of a dozen vials multiple times before without any issues, slipped right through customs)

I'm in.

If new customers get a discount and they raise it if you don't reply; we can get the same discount again by having someone else here place the next order.

#422 curious_george

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Posted 02 June 2013 - 09:56 PM

I just bought a bunch of Epitalon that is already paid for (myself and a fellow longecity member) but count me in for a bit.

#423 DorianGrey

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Posted 02 June 2013 - 11:30 PM

@positiveeddy: Thanks. I am also in touch with Telome and plan to do Silymarin and Cyclo, so maybe we can indeed share some experience.

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#424 sciwalk

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 12:12 AM

Wow, I can't believe how much activity this thread has had lately. I am really encouraged to see so many people taking a interest in Epitalon and wanting to trial.
Positive- Dude, fantastic!!!! That kind of kit is exactly what I have been waiting for. You rock, thanks thanks thanks!
I can give you the names and contact numbers of a dozen "reputable companies" in China that will give you even a better price then that. In fact, you can contact them all and start a bidding war. it's pretty easy to put some white powder in a vial. Pretty easy to put white powder in baby milk also. Please be careful and please do not use that to gauge results.
I would like to know, from others taking Epitalon, on a regular basis, have any of you been sick? When I am on the Epitalon, I swear, I don't get sick. People all around be can come down with flu, colds, whatever, but nothing happens to me. I really don't think this can be simple coincidence. I used to get sick every winter/spring but since on the Epitalon I don't. I have even, during my down cycles, started to feel a cold or flu coming on and start right back up on the Epitalon, wake up the next morning like I never even had symptoms. I have done that 3 times now. I really cannot believe it is just coincidence.
I am have started to trial something new to take care, I hope, of the few remaining signs of body aging that even the Epitalon seemed not be to be able to get rid of, yet. I am a long time gout sufferer and this has caused a lot of arthritis in various joints in my body. Mostly my toes but also in my knees, shoulders and neck (at least that is what my doctor told me it was from when I was 35). Through exercise, stretching and such I have been able lessen the effects of the arthritis on my activities but one of my knees and one of my shoulders are just not getting better. So, I have started to take BPC 157. I won't go into long detail about it, you guys can google it, but I will probably open up another thread to talk about my experiences with that. I have been on it for a week and so far have not noticed much so, who know, maybe is nothing.

#425 daouda

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 12:48 AM

Sciwalk : Ive been reading a lot about BPC157 since about a year and a half ago (got interested in it to repair the damage from quinolones) but there is nothing about cartilage (although it appears extremely promising for tendons and ligaments which I also need, and also GI tract etc etc etc, huge spectrum of beneficial effects). Also if you want any substance (especially growth factors) to work on cartilage repair specifically you have to inject it intraarticularly as cartilage isnt vascularized. Look at Dr Dunn's "IAGH".
Also I guess I have to thank you for your warning about "reputable company"-epitalon, but I can't get out of my head the fact that you own shares of Bioluma which sells the peptide at an outrageously outrageous price that most ppl cannot afford (especially people like me whose sickness they hope to mitigate with the help of AGAG has put them out of work).

Epitalon group buy :
People saying "I'm in". Please specify if you'd only be in for a 10 participants buy (134usd) or also for a 5 participants buy (268usd).
About asking them to ship to the different participants themselves : could be tricky as I asked for the quote as a researcher (they are supposed to deal with companies or institutions primrarily). But then they probably only want money without questions asked, and also he resaerch could be conducted by an international team putting their results in common.

Edited by daouda, 03 June 2013 - 01:08 AM.

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#426 sciwalk

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 12:59 AM

Whoa whoa whoa, I do not own shares of Bioluma, please be clear. Bioluma is a company that basically started to do what I was doing but with intention to make a profit, something I was not doing. If someone is going to take on selling something like this as a business I don't be little them for, first, wanting to make some money, two, have to make sure their ###'s are covered for potential problems which takes more $$$, and, the cost of making it a marketable product. I also do not want to promote them as I am sure there will be other companies popping in the future or maybe even already, that can be as good, maybe worse, maybe cost more or less. That is what free market is all about and it will finds it place.
My company is Biotrends. We manufacture the pep-tide and wholesale it. We sell in mass bulk and do not sell in individual vials, boxes, make usable, ect.... ( like what I personally was doing).
The names are similar, as are about 4380 other companies (or maybe more) that start with Bio, but they are 2 different companies.

#427 daouda

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 01:04 AM

Fair enough, but you still won't sell useable portions and I can't afford Bioluma's, so I really don't have another option but to get "reputable company"-sourced epitalon...

Edited by daouda, 03 June 2013 - 01:09 AM.

#428 sciwalk

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 01:09 AM

Sorry, maybe you miss read the intention of my post. I was just providing a warning. When something coming out of China is really cheap, just be very very careful, I know, I live here, I work here, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Being expensive does not exclusively mean you are going to get something good either, but, for the most part, you do get what you pay for, so my words were just ones of caution, be careful. If you can, ask for a sample and get it tested, reverse HPLC. This still will not guarantee what you get in your shipment but it is a step in the right direction.
You do as you wish, please, do not think I am trying to stop you from looking for a cheaper source, that is not my intention. I want anyone who can benefit from Epitalon to be able to get it some how. I am just saying, when you are getting down that low, be careful, OK?

#429 daouda

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 01:14 AM

Thank you. However it does seem that the source I got the quote from is truely reputable (the words of several members of this forum - I was concerned byself that this was a TGTBT case - plus apparently a lot of researchers use their services for even clinical research)

#430 Logic

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 09:55 AM

Epitalon group buy :
People saying "I'm in". Please specify if you'd only be in for a 10 participants buy (134usd) or also for a 5 participants buy (268usd).
About asking them to ship to the different participants themselves : could be tricky as I asked for the quote as a researcher (they are supposed to deal with companies or institutions primrarily). But then they probably only want money without questions asked, and also he resaerch could be conducted by an international team putting their results in common.

Either way is ok with me, so I didn't state a preference.

I am just keen to get back on Epitalon as the short time I tried it, it seemed to work well.
Its difficult to say though as I started and ran out of C60oo at about the same times.
I also used Astragalus, Purslane, GABA, etc at the same time but other people who used only the C60oo and Epitalon got very good effects. The two seem to synergise very well together.

#431 Andey

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 12:15 PM

So, who would be up for a group buy of epitalon (for research purposes of course)?

I asked a reputable company for a quote for 5g of >98% AGAG aliquoted to 50 tubes (so that's 100mg per tube which seems the most convenient)
With a nice discount the final quote (not including shipping) is 1030euros (1338.7 usd) : This is 20.6 euros (that's USD 26.77) per 100mg!

I would love to join your guys if it would be possible to buy only 2*100 mg tubes.
I am kind of limited in funds and want to try new supplement in lesser quantity if possible )

#432 mikela

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 04:40 PM

Count me in for 2*100mg

#433 Chrisip

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 10:15 PM

I'm in for 1 gram! Maybe 2, but definitely 1.

#434 Dreamer

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 10:42 PM

Is the AGAG to be tested for content and purity?

#435 daouda

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:46 AM

The source is beyond reproach and guarantees more than 98% purity (and no it isn't a shady chinese source) The fact that it is a very legit source is the reason I avoid mentionning its name here.
Actually it is so legit that I might have messed up by not replying to their email at all for a month. They are supposed to deal with institutions and although I contacted them on behalf of my university (and they call me "Dr" in their emails), I have a feeling that they kind of sensed something was fish when finally I emailed them yesterday. Still no reply today but still hoping. If I screwed up my chances with them someone else will have to conduct the group buy.

But so far I count Myself, Logic and Chrisip ready for 1g. So only 2 more ppl ready for 1g and the deal can be done.

#436 daouda

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:18 AM

PositiveEddy, you said you'd be "in", would you be ok with 1g or just 500g?
I think at this price, guarantee of quality and convenience (the 100mg aliquots), it's finally really worth it to give a fair trial to epitalon, but I don't think this is a substance worth trying for too short a time.
I plan to do some research on its potential to reverse fluoroquinolone-induced damage (FQs are telomerase inhibitors among other things). Implications are big as I know thousands of sufferers of this terrible and mostly unlnown "condition".

Edited by daouda, 04 June 2013 - 10:51 AM.

#437 daouda

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:39 AM

OK so I got the answer from the company. They maintain the price (same 20% discount) although my updated order is now only for epitalon (the first quote included other peptides as well and in higher qtty).
One thing : the peptide will ship from the US.
So it would probably be better to have this group buy coordinated by (and shipped to) a US member...
What do you guys think? Problem is the US-based interested ppl are so far only very recent longecity members, so it really isnt ideal to have one of them conduct the group buy for obvious and understanble reasons.

Edited by daouda, 04 June 2013 - 10:40 AM.

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#438 Logic

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:56 AM

The source is beyond reproach and guarantees more than 98% purity (and no it isn't a shady chinese source) The fact that it is a very legit source is the reason I avoid mentionning its name here.
Actually it is so legit that I might have messed up by not replying to their email at all for a month. They are supposed to deal with institutions and although I contacted them on behalf of my university (and they call me "Dr" in their emails), I have a feeling that they kind of sensed something was fish when finally I emailed them yesterday. Still no reply today but still hoping. If I screwed up my chances with them someone else will have to conduct the group buy.

But so far I count Myself, Logic and Chrisip ready for 1g. So only 2 more ppl ready for 1g and the deal can be done.

I hope not! I'm very keen to get back on Epitalon.

#439 AdamI

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:56 AM

I would like to know, from others taking Epitalon, on a regular basis, have any of you been sick? When I am on the Epitalon, I swear, I don't get sick. People all around be can come down with flu, colds, whatever, but nothing happens to me. I really don't think this can be simple coincidence. I used to get sick every winter/spring but since on the Epitalon I don't. I have even, during my down cycles, started to feel a cold or flu coming on and start right back up on the Epitalon, wake up the next morning like I never even had symptoms. I have done that 3 times now. I really cannot believe it is just coincidence.

I have not gotten sick while on AGAG, a bad throat that's all I get... I still work in an open landscape with 9 People in a room that is about 5-60 sqm large. One get sick at least 2 others get sick normaly. Manage to be Health since december as I can remember so the flu season I survived:D... But more interested to see if I survive next winter again

#440 pleb

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:59 AM

I didn't get sick while i was on it either, I'm only sorry i can't join in the group buy, but it will be at least 4 to 5 months before i am in a position to store it due to a move abroad,

#441 Logic

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 12:25 PM

I didn't get sick while i was on it either, I'm only sorry i can't join in the group buy, but it will be at least 4 to 5 months before i am in a position to store it due to a move abroad,

If I remember correctly the Epitalon keeps very well at room temperature as long as it remains freeze dried and in the oxygen free bottle, or something like that.
There was a post a while back about it.

Anyway; its once you open the bottle and add water and wine that you have to keep it refrigerated and use it up within a certain period. No time to look for the post/s now.

#442 tintinet

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 01:20 AM

The source is beyond reproach and guarantees more than 98% purity (and no it isn't a shady chinese source) The fact that it is a very legit source is the reason I avoid mentionning its name here.
Actually it is so legit that I might have messed up by not replying to their email at all for a month. They are supposed to deal with institutions and although I contacted them on behalf of my university (and they call me "Dr" in their emails), I have a feeling that they kind of sensed something was fish when finally I emailed them yesterday. Still no reply today but still hoping. If I screwed up my chances with them someone else will have to conduct the group buy.

But so far I count Myself, Logic and Chrisip ready for 1g. So only 2 more ppl ready for 1g and the deal can be done.

If you can verify the source and purity, I'm in.

#443 daouda

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 04:41 AM

OK so

Dreamer (contacted me via PM)
= 5 person group buy for 1 gram each (around 268usd per person to which we have to add the bulk shipping charge + individual shipping costs)

Tintinet, are you in the US?

#444 tintinet

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 07:49 AM

Yes, I'm in the U.S.

#445 daouda

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 11:41 AM

Recap of ppl interested for 1g each and their respective country/location.

Myself - FR
Logic - ZA
Chrisip - US
Dreamer - US
Tintinet - US

Dreamer proposed to take care of the logistics but for obvious reasons it'd be more reasonable to have a long time member such as tintinet to be trusted with this (since it implies collecting the money, getting the bulk order and then dispatching it)

We would most likely use payitsquare to collect the funds. Those not familiar with it can take a look at the NSI-189 thread where it has been used for the group buy. payitsquare.com

Edited by daouda, 05 June 2013 - 11:57 AM.

#446 PWAIN

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 12:21 PM

If its not too late Is be interested in a gram.

#447 daouda

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 12:45 PM

Ok I will update the list of the ppl interested in 1g.
I forgot to include some ppl that have contacted me by PM only. PLEASE mention your interest in this thread and not via PM as it shows more conveniently the chonology which will maybe serve as a priority criterium as well.

So, "in order of appearance" :
Myself - FR
Logic - ZA
Chrisip - US
Zen - US
Dreamer - US
Tintinet - US (6th but if willing to take care of logistics will have priority even if the group buy is limited to 5ppl)
Poonja - ?

This is 8 ppl, which means 3 ppl in "reserve" in case some ppl among the 5 first in the list cannot pay, OR we can upgrade the order to 8g vs 5g (and maybe get an even better price per gram) providing the "logistics officer" (probably tintinet) is OK with having to dispatch the peptide to 3 more ppl.

As an exemple : in the case where tintinet is willing to take care of logistics and we decide to only order 5g for 5 participants :
The payitsquare link would first be revealed to Tintinet + Myself, Logic, Chrisip, and Zen. If after a period of time (to be collectively determined beforehand) some among this list of 5 ppl havent been able to pay, the payitsquare link will be sent to all the ppl in the list and the gathering of funds will be completed on a "first come, first served" basis.

#448 daouda

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 01:46 PM

Based on this last post and a horribly patronizing PM sent by Dreamer I personally really cannot accept his membership anymore. Tintinet if you become the payitsquare organizer it will be your call.

So, updated list :
Myself - FR
Logic - ZA
Chrisip - US
Zen - US
Tintinet - US (6th but if willing to take care of logistics will have priority even if the group buy is limited to 5ppl)
Poonja - ?

Dreamer, to answer your question : both zen and yourself have contacted me via PM to manifest your "membership" in this group buy. When writing post 445 I had forgotten about zen's PM, but he did send his 2 days before you had sent yours (PMs are dated as you all know). Poonja contacted me by PM only as well, but after you.
This is the reason why, in post no 447, I wrote

I forgot to include some ppl that have contacted me by PM only. PLEASE mention your interest in this thread and not via PM as it shows more conveniently the chonology which will maybe serve as a priority criterium as well.

Edited by daouda, 05 June 2013 - 01:49 PM.

#449 poonja

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 01:51 PM

I am already working with positive eddy on a purchase but you can add me to the list for one gram as well. Thank you.

#450 daouda

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Posted 05 June 2013 - 02:53 PM

Even though we already have more than 5 ppl, ppl can still manifest their interest here, the NSI-189 group buy experience showed that it's better to have an extra "reserve" of participants in case some of the "original" members choke or are unable to participate for any reason. Ppl manifesting their interest now just have to be prepared to maybe be a little frustrated in case they don't make it into the actual group buy. Plus we can maybe arrange a bigger order, but this will depend on the actual organizer/"logistics officer" (which for pragmatic reasons has to be a US member with a long post history - hopefully tintinet will accept this responsibility) willingness to accept having to handle more packages to be dispactched to various locations in the world.

I realize that organizing a group buy implies dealing with peoples money AND hopes and egos so extra precautions must be taken and transparency should be maximal at all stages.
So I think that, to avoid frustrations, some clear commonly accepted "rules", especially about priority, should be set to avoid frustrations.
I asked ppl interest to be stated in the thread rather than via PM, to show evidence of the chronology which may serve as a priority criterium if we decide so. But I personally think (based on the NSI-189 group buy experience, and the way payitsquare functions), that the best solution would be to function this way I mentionned in a previous post (a first "priority list", then "first come first served" as ppl actually pay via payitsquare) :

In the case where tintinet is willing to take care of logistics and we decide to only order 5g for 5 participants :
The payitsquare link would first be revealed to Tintinet + Myself, Logic, Chrisip, and Zen. If after a period of time (to be collectively determined beforehand) some among this list of 5 ppl havent been able to pay, the payitsquare link will be sent to all the ppl in the list and the gathering of funds will be completed on a "first come, first served" basis.

Logic, Chrisip, Zen, Tintinet, Poonja, Pwain, what do you think of this? We need to decide ground rules to avoid confusion and frustrations, so please state what you think about this and please feel free to make suggestions.
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