Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)
Posted 15 July 2013 - 08:51 PM
Conclusions: These results indicate that peptide bioregulators Epitalon, Lifagen and Vilon cause activation (deheterochromatinization) of chromatin in lymphocytes of old individuals. Our data can be important for revealing new information about the remodeling of constitutive and facultative heterochromatin induced the bioregulators in aging and aging pathology. Chromosome deheterochromatinization is an area where one should seek the ways for prolonging the lifespan.
Teimuraz Lezhava on Anti-aging peptide bioregulators indue reactivation of chromatin Session: On the Front Lines of Preventative and Anti-Aging Medicine
Posted 15 July 2013 - 09:01 PM
GAO Wen-juan...
Effect of Epithalon on celluar telomere and tlomerase
GAO Wen-juan...
Posted 15 July 2013 - 09:20 PM
sponsored ad
Posted 15 July 2013 - 11:33 PM
Name:Epitalon, Sequence Length:4, Quantity:200 mg, Purity:>98%, vials:1;
Posted 16 July 2013 - 02:51 AM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 02:23 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 03:00 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 03:06 PM
The substance is proposed for parenteral, intranasal, oral administration, and local application. With respect to the invention, the method of premature ageing prevention implies prophylactic and/or therapeutic administration to a patient of the pharmacological substance in doses 0.01 to 100 mu g/kg of the body weight at least once a day for a period necessary for the achievement of a therapeutic effect.".
Please post the source for this and all references from now on. It helps if we all understand the sources people are getting their information from.

Posted 16 July 2013 - 03:24 PM
US Patent : US 6727227. January 20, 2000. That's the only information I have found that mentions the form it could take.
http://www.google.co...tents/US6727227http://www.google.co...tents/US6727227http://www.google.co...tents/US6727227http://www.google.co...tents/US6727227http://www.google.co...tents/US6727227 http://www.google.co...tents/US6727227
Sorry, nasty pasting accident

Posted 16 July 2013 - 05:04 PM
The substance is proposed for parenteral, intranasal, oral administration, and local application. With respect to the invention, the method of premature ageing prevention implies prophylactic and/or therapeutic administration to a patient of the pharmacological substance in doses 0.01 to 100 mu g/kg of the body weight at least once a day for a period necessary for the achievement of a therapeutic effect.".
So, if you do the math anyone who weighs approximately 185 lbs (84kg) could take anywhere between .84 gm to to 8.4 grams daily. Am I reading that correctly?
Posted 16 July 2013 - 05:36 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 05:50 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 05:55 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:01 PM
This is a bit confusing... Let's see.
100 micrograms = 0.0001 gm
.01 micrograms = 0.00000001 gm
So dosages would be 0.00000084 gm to 0.0084 gm for a person weighing 84k (185lbs). God if that doesn't sound like a low number... Could that be correct? Everyone here is taking anywhere from 3 to 5 mg a day! If this is the case 1gm isn't even a conservative dosage.
I checked the reference and it is μg not mg or mu. μg is micrograms (corrected).
Edited by solarfingers, 16 July 2013 - 06:15 PM.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:09 PM
Mu is the Greek letter mu which stands for "micro"
Edited by daouda, 16 July 2013 - 06:14 PM.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:11 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:17 PM
They just wrote "mu g" because the Greek letter mu was not available in that font/keyboard/coding
Edited by daouda, 16 July 2013 - 06:24 PM.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:24 PM
If they're considering up to 0.1mg per kg of bodyweight as a therapeutic dosage then 3 or 5 mg per day is not insanely high at all but rather spot on IMHO... (for a non toxic affordable substance why not take the upper range)
Mu is the Greek letter mu which stands for "micro"
Not sure how you come by this...
100 micrograms = 0.1 mg which means a person who weighs in at 84 kg will have a high end effective dosage of .84 mg. How is even 3 mg spot on? I could see stretching it to 1 or 2 mg but 3 or 5? I'm pretty fuzzy working with small numbers. Perhaps I am missing something.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:25 PM
In the metric system, a microgram (µg or mcg) is a unit of mass equal to one millionth (1/1,000,000) of a gram (1 × 10−6), or 1/1000 of a milligram. It is one of the smallest units of mass (or weight) used in a macroscopic context. The symbol "µg" (mu-g) conforms to the International System of Units and is often used in scientific literature, but the United States-based JCAHO recommends that hospitals do not use this symbol in handwritten orders due to the risk that the symbol µ might be misread as the prefix m, resulting in a thousandfold overdose. The abbreviation mcg is recommended instead.[1]
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:29 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:33 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:36 PM
If they're considering up to 0.1mg per kg of bodyweight as a therapeutic dosage then 3 or 5 mg per day is not insanely high at all but rather spot on IMHO... (for a non toxic affordable substance why not take the upper range)
Mu is the Greek letter mu which stands for "micro"
Not sure how you come by this...
100 micrograms = 0.1 mg which means a person who weighs in at 84 kg will have a high end effective dosage of .84 mg. How is even 3 mg spot on? I could see stretching it to 1 or 2 mg but 3 or 5? I'm pretty fuzzy working with small numbers. Perhaps I am missing something.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 07:13 PM
If they're considering up to 0.1mg per kg of bodyweight as a therapeutic dosage then 3 or 5 mg per day is not insanely high at all but rather spot on IMHO... (for a non toxic affordable substance why not take the upper range)
Mu is the Greek letter mu which stands for "micro"
Not sure how you come by this...
100 micrograms = 0.1 mg which means a person who weighs in at 84 kg will have a high end effective dosage of .84 mg. How is even 3 mg spot on? I could see stretching it to 1 or 2 mg but 3 or 5? I'm pretty fuzzy working with small numbers. Perhaps I am missing something.
You are correct... I don't know why my brain keeps wanting to go with .01... So 3 or 5 mg would be conservative...
Posted 19 July 2013 - 01:23 PM
Amesz, long time reader, first time poster on this impressive thread.
What do you think of this product ?
Supersmart/Supernutrition seems to be a reliable company, offering a lot of supplements with good customer service and rich scientifical background.
I've ordered a lot of products there and have been satisfied concerning the efficiency and concentrations, comparing to others big providers, so i was just wondering if this could be a good option, they've just put it online a few days ago.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 01:49 PM
Amesz, long time reader, first time poster on this impressive thread.
What do you think of this product ?
This was a link for an affiliate program at this companies website.
Supersmart/Supernutrition seems to be a reliable company, offering a lot of supplements with good customer service and rich scientifical background.
I've ordered a lot of products there and have been satisfied concerning the efficiency and concentrations, comparing to others big providers, so i was just wondering if this could be a good option, they've just put it online a few days ago.
You want to talk about a place that has it for sale, cool. You want to let people know that you are offering a link to the item for sale through your affiliate program, great. But don't come on here acting like you are a long time reader and just want to know if everyone things that is a good product, good deal or what. A shill is a shill and you, my friend, are a shill. Come clean and no foul!
Posted 19 July 2013 - 02:35 PM
I've particulary read nearly every piracetam posts and like everyone here i found that Isochroma is an incredible and unknown writer of our era.
I'm so so sorry that you think i'm a shill as a read all your posts since the beginning but i am not a shill, but re-reading my post i understand why it could be interpreted like that, i tried to keep it short because i am not an epithalon expert, just wanted to know if it could be an interesting offer/product, and let now that it was also available there, as everyone including me seems hard to find a simple and reliable way to see what epithalone can do for them.
It's so sad that you pinpoint me like that, you've been facing this kinds of accusations so i'd never imagined that someone like you would be so quick to judge.
By the way you want me to come clear and know who i am ?
Here we go, my real name is Eric il live in Brittany, France not far from the beautiful seaside i'm 37 years old and still live with my parents because i'm too exhausted with SFC to have a real professional life for now, i only had one girlfriend in my life who left me three years ago because of my lack of energy in terms of sexuality.
My Porphyrins urinary tests show that i've got a serious mercury intoxication, as there's an elevation in precoproporphyrins (it's something i tried to fix by myself with high doses of chlorella but i only succeed to make my symptoms worse, i got to try another way but for now i have to recover a bit) and the Dr i see these day (That has a very funny name Cornette De Saint Cyr !) as found that my lymphocytes are fighting something, wich can be found in all my analysis, he also ordered me an expensive HLA grouping test that shows a predisposition to coeliac illness and Rumathoid Polyarthris. It also show, according to Shoemaker that i should be "Multisusceptible" Lyme suscepible" and Mold Susceptible, wich i'm still trying to understand.
For now i follow an antibiotic prescription wich is Zythromax 250 Mg, 1 by day next weeks will be Triflucan 200 mg 1 by day.
When it hurts too much and i don't know in wich position put my body for release, i take one Zaldiar (Paracetamol+Tramadol) and i'm proud to say that i've reduced my Zopiclone dose to one quarter in order to sleep.
I wonder if Epithalone would make my case better or worse as it seems that i have some kind of auto-immune disase and telomerase inhibitor will boost my immunatory system.
Now even if i should be flattered that you mistake me for some kind of commercial, wich means that my english is quite correct and effective, excuses would be appreciated.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 02:45 PM
just wanted to know if it could be an interesting offer/product, and let now that it was also available there, as everyone including me seems hard to find a simple and reliable way to see what epithalone can do for them.
The product is interesting. Tablet format represents a big improvement in convenience. The pricing is problematic, though.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 03:00 PM
Posted 19 July 2013 - 03:04 PM
I was not asking you to expose your life story. What I was saying is, when you are going to make a post to promote sales of something, does not matter what it is, and you are gaining from those sales, please just say so. When you do not, this is called shilling. The link you provided is for an affiliate site for Supersmart website. As you were presenting the page I would assume that you are the affiliate. If you are not, and you got advertisement for it from someone else, then it would be very strange that it is an English speaking affiliate instead of French. Customers of Supersmart have been sent an advanced notice about the Epitalon release but it is not even officially released in France yet.
No, I have never been accused of shilling Epitalon, I have always been totally upfront, from the very beginning, my full intent and my association with it.
I am not angry with you, I don't even want to inhibit your potential sales. I was just asking that you are upfront about it from the beginning so that someone does not point it out later and it comes back to haunt you. if you really are not the affiliate for that page, then, you should get an affiliate page of your own and post that instead of this one.
On the topic of your condition, AEDG has been shown to have fast improvements in immunity.
I was not asking you to expose your life story. What I was saying is, when you are going to make a post to promote sales of something, does not matter what it is, and you are gaining from those sales, please just say so. When you do not, this is called shilling. The link you provided is for an affiliate site for Supersmart website. As you were presenting the page I would assume that you are the affiliate. If you are not, and you got advertisement for it from someone else, then it would be very strange that it is an English speaking affiliate instead of French. Customers of Supersmart have been sent an advanced notice about the Epitalon release but it is not even officially released in France yet.
No, I have never been accused of shilling Epitalon, I have always been totally upfront, from the very beginning, my full intent and my association with it.
I am not angry with you, I don't even want to inhibit your potential sales. I was just asking that you are upfront about it from the beginning so that someone does not point it out later and it comes back to haunt you. if you really are not the affiliate for that page, then, you should get an affiliate page of your own and post that instead of this one.
On the topic of your condition, AEDG has been shown to have fast improvements in immunity.
Whoa, that is bizzare, why did it double my post??? Mod's, any idea??
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