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Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)

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#991 Gramson

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:16 PM

I have moved on to two very powerful items, both oral, that work well.

I have been taking 3-mhd for one month, and am now alternating it with an HGH, MK-677. Also known as ibutomoren.


I gained 8 pounds right away on the 3 mhd ( steroid "activator") but no gain in the waist, all muscle. My shirts a now very tight... but I am also very sore. My upper body feels like a big bruise.  I have been weightlifting.

I took 2mg of HGH about an hour ago, it just came in the mail. Suggested intake is 25 mg nightly, but I shall take it slow.

Again, I am 70 years old and just recovering from a severe ulcer hemmorage ( May). I still don't feel right, but feel much better today. The hemmorage was due to Ibuprofin for dental surgery, not from anything noted here.


I would add that my needs for a healthy life at this point, at the age of 70, are certainly much different than most. I doubt very much that any HGH has been produced for some time in my natural state. Certainly very little. Again, this is an ORAL uptake with results. No needles.


#992 Gramson

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:21 PM

On another note, many medical prof are starting to see the benefits of HGH in the elderly, perhaps for all. Also note that when thousands are dying of Ebola, we had no vaccine approved by the FDA. When two doctors came down with Ebola.. Bingo No Problem ! They were up and taking a shower in 20 minutes, on their own. but STILL will not be approved for any use whatsoever.

My point is that as long as tests have been done on a product, and one makes his or her own best decisions based on their circumstances... I would not worry about FDA approval.


I suppose we are worried that those dying from Ebola, might get a tumor from the cure.

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#993 pleb

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:31 PM

I agree entirely quite a few of my son's friends are body builders and have muscles on their spit and take a surprising amount of items as most of it can be imported and used for personal use including most of the steroids. And the peptides are easily available online other stuff like HGH can be imported legally as long as it is for personal use.
Although to be fair they do use their syringes on themselves and don't share them they probably would use them more than the six times mentioned except for the fact they are blunt by then lol.
I'm on the slim to skinny side but have tried a few peptides as a personal experiment. But I use the use once and throw away type for taking HGH regularly.

Rich. there are quite a few places online that give instructions on the best place to inject sub q. Where the nerves are less sensitive. And a firm called Owen Mumford make an auto inject for insulin injecting which is automatic and once the syringe is loaded ensures you don't inject to deeply and the needle cannot be seen.

About 50plus years ago there was a scare about lead in the water due to old lead pipes used for plumbing these with govt grants were all changed over to copper now in the last couple of years we are being told that copper plumbing is bad as trace elements of copper and nickel in the pipes can build up in the body. plus the tuna scare with mercury a few years earlier
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#994 pleb

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:46 PM

The first half of the above post was in reply to Nemos earlier post. but riches latest got in before I posted.

#995 Gramson

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 10:29 PM

Thanks Pleb

#996 sedstanislav

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 03:25 AM

 3 mhd ( steroid "activator") -  where to buy?

#997 Gramson

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:36 PM

synerbolics.com  (florida)

#998 mikey

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 06:32 PM

I have moved on to two very powerful items, both oral, that work well.

I have been taking 3-mhd for one month, and am now alternating it with an HGH, MK-677. Also known as ibutomoren.


I gained 8 pounds right away on the 3 mhd ( steroid "activator") but no gain in the waist, all muscle. My shirts a now very tight... but I am also very sore. My upper body feels like a big bruise.  I have been weightlifting.

I took 2mg of HGH about an hour ago, it just came in the mail. Suggested intake is 25 mg nightly, but I shall take it slow.

Again, I am 70 years old and just recovering from a severe ulcer hemmorage ( May). I still don't feel right, but feel much better today. The hemmorage was due to Ibuprofin for dental surgery, not from anything noted here.


I would add that my needs for a healthy life at this point, at the age of 70, are certainly much different than most. I doubt very much that any HGH has been produced for some time in my natural state. Certainly very little. Again, this is an ORAL uptake with results. No needles.



Does 3 MHD make you feel anything weird at all?

#999 Gramson

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Posted 11 August 2014 - 12:57 AM

I am in no position to give any advice on the subject, so please bear in mind that the following is only my impression of things, do your own research.

" weird effects ?"

No, but I stopped taking it three days ago, after one month, as I wanted to do a 1 month cycle of the hgh MK-677, and I am sure I have withdrawal symptoms. I am getting about ten minute periods each day of hot flashes and heavy sweating. But as I my blood count and iron are low ( surgery) I am sure this enhances negative effects.


The mk 677 is powerful. I now have pimples on my legs, proving the hgh idea. My mind is very sharp.


3 mhd limits hormone and testosterone production, and the 8 week next cycle of MK677 brings it back.


 go very slowly on this stuff, as I have. But the stuff works fer sure.:-) I am using a 4 week cycle, but 8 week is recommended.

Stuff is on sale 1/2 price.

The mk677 is a secretagogue, which tells your body to create hgh, it is not actually HGH. Another plus, I think.




#1000 NLTCrow

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 05:13 AM

Where are you buying the mk677 from? 


#1001 Gramson

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 10:57 AM


look under research liquids

#1002 mikey

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Posted 06 September 2014 - 07:26 PM

So far, the least expensive source of Epitalon appears to be https://www.superpep...lon-50-mg/6-147  $50 mg for $129.


Does anyone have a better source?

Also, does anyone have a personal report of buying it from superpeptides?


Thanks in advance!


#1003 RorschachRev

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 11:37 AM

Edit: I got a bad report about the supplier - I'm not doing a group buy at this time.


I have put together the funds to make an order of Eptialon. If anybody wants to prepay, I'll divide up the price exactly even. If anybody wants to join in after I receive it, I'll sell for $200 per gram. That's a lot cheaper than a single order of 1 gram would normally be. Based on the dose that Sciwalk used under the tongue, this is a 10 month supply. 


On the pre-order people, I'll show my price quote and everything else. You're sharing my risk, you're splitting the risk with me. I'll ship within 24 hours of product in my hands.

On the post-order people who want to pay when I have product in hand, I'll send over 20 pictures of the product quality assurance, paperwork, etc before they send me money. The reason for 20+ pictures is because they wouldn't be worth photoshopping, it would take too much time to photoshop them all. If you're interested, send me a message. I am making a slight profit on the $200/gram price but I am including shipping costs into that price.  Check, money order or paypal. I'll ship when it clears.


I'm diabetic and hoping that within 3 months I won't be. Even if I am still diabetic, reducing the side effects would be a great benefit so I consider this worth "taking a chance on" plus I will report my "epitalon only" results here. The supplier is US based and people from longecity have ordered from them before without complaint. (Very few gave ongoing results and commentary at all.)



Edited by RorschachRev, 15 September 2014 - 12:34 PM.

#1004 Hebbeh

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 11:53 AM

(Very few gave ongoing results and commentary at all.)


Why do you suppose that is? ;-)

#1005 RorschachRev

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 12:33 PM

Hebbeh, I won't speculate and I'd love to track posting progress on a per user basis.

I need to amend my post - a kind person recognized the company I was going to buy from and advised against it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, and I'm looking for a supplier. So I have the funds, but no company at the moment. While I wouldn't mind getting ripped off for $300 personally, I would feel awful putting my reputation on the line and having a bad result. I'm tempted to spend much more per gram and buy just 1 gram, pay for the testing and expect to get ripped off.

#1006 algae

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Posted 19 November 2014 - 04:53 AM

strongpeptide.com has it too, has anyone ordered from them?

#1007 Logic

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Posted 19 November 2014 - 01:58 PM

Hebbeh, I won't speculate and I'd love to track posting progress on a per user basis.
I need to amend my post - a kind person recognized the company I was going to buy from and advised against it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, and I'm looking for a supplier. So I have the funds, but no company at the moment. While I wouldn't mind getting ripped off for $300 personally, I would feel awful putting my reputation on the line and having a bad result. I'm tempted to spend much more per gram and buy just 1 gram, pay for the testing and expect to get ripped off.

This should solve your problem:

Another alternative is to TeamTLR although they are selling an acetyl variant, Acetyl Epitalon, said to provide "far superior metabolic stability and pharmacodynamics"?
It looks expensive, but perhaps the Acetyl form is worth it?
TeamTLR have been getting decent reviews here.

#1008 Chrisip

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Posted 21 January 2015 - 06:28 PM

Organizing a GB with another group. 200mg at $358+$55 shipping+ testing costs. Not really the cheapest way to get epitalon, but we'll definitely be getting high quality epitalon. I did the genscript GB a while ago, but I think that epitalon wasn't really viable. PM me if interested.

#1009 algae

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 02:30 AM

Hasn't all the anti-aging related research on Epitalon used injections? Seems like an awfully expensive experiment to try oral Epitalon when proteases and stomach acid are just going to destroy it anyway. Oral glutathione is still quite popular, despite only being useful to the extent your body can assemble it back into glutathione after digestion.



The mk 677 is powerful. I now have pimples on my legs, proving the hgh idea.


hGH hasn't been associated with pimples, you're probably thinking of steroids.

#1010 algae

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 04:15 AM

Well, excess levels of hGH in acromegaly have been associated with acne, but association doesn't prove causation, there could be other factors associated with the condition. Also, from the research I've seen it seems doubtful MK-677 would raise hGH to excess levels.

Edited by algae, 25 January 2015 - 04:42 AM.

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#1011 Gramson

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 12:23 PM

You are right, I actually intended to write steroid. I got the MK 677 at the same time, and confused the two. I am not taking any Epitalon, as the oral did not seem to do much for the money. I am not going to inject, as I would rather have someone show me the correct way to do this.

I am off pretty much everything at this point. I am letting my body recover naturally from the past bleeding ulcers ( Ibuprofin / dental problem) and then I broke 5 teeth in the Endoscopy in stopping those ulcers. Now I need all upper teeth extracted for a denture. The stress from the ulcer operation started these things breaking down. I feel fine, expect to be almost myself when warmer weather/ running season starts.


I am now 71, and I think the stress my system was under during all this, started the aging process. Shit happens. :=)

I now have old fart loose skin on the arms, where before this, I did not have any. My skin is slowly looking better though... just takes a long time to recover.


All this stuff we talk about works. Just be careful of high blood pressure and taking excess NSAIDS .

#1012 algae

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 05:55 PM

Sorry to hear about those issues, shit certainly does happen with the aging process. And just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting you or anyone else inject anything, that's not recommended I was just sharing my thoughts.


There's a good bit of research with the peptide bpc-157 for preventing and healing ulcers and NSAID damage by the way:



#1013 Gramson

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Posted 25 January 2015 - 09:31 PM

Thanks for the link Algae, very thoughtful of you

#1014 1todd960

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 04:21 AM

Any group buy coming up anytime soon?  Just about out of the original amount we got from the group buy 18 months ago.  Not looking for the expensive $300+ just for 1/4 gram.  The Genscript order we had before at the very least helped me sleep good.




#1015 Logic

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:27 PM

I found a vial from the original batch from Sciwalk in the bottom of a friend who bought with me's freezer. Woot!  :cool:
So on a C60oo and Epitalon combo again.
The problem is I will need more for a proper run of this so I'm wondering about Acetyl Epitalon .

I hope a qualified person will chip in with their thoughts on acetylated Epitalon plz as the linked info has not helped me much:

"...N-terminal acetylation and C-terminal amidation reduce the overall charge of a peptide; therefore, its overall solubility might decrease. However, the stability of the peptide could also be increased because the terminal acetylation/amidation generates a closer mimic of the native protein. Therefore, these modifications might increase the biological activity of a peptide.
•The altered peptide ends are uncharged, so the modified peptides more closely mimic the native protein. This increases their ability to enter cells. We recommend this modification for intracellular experiments, in vivo assays, and in vitro functional studies.
The modifications increase the metabolic stability of peptides as well as their ability to resist enzymatic degradation by aminopetidases, exopeptidases, and synthetases. The modified peptides can then be used as substrates in enzyme assays..."

"...Peptide synthesis can be made where peptides are synthesized with acetylated N-termini... Acetylation ... reduce the loadings of the termini, and this can in some cases be an advantage. An acetylated ... peptide mimics an internal peptide sequence better than peptides with free termini. Acetylation ... increases the resistance to exonucleases which can be an advantage in cell studies or in vivo experiments.

Lysine(s) can during peptide synthesis be acetylated at the primary epsilon amino group (Lys(Ac)). Acetylation of lysine is relevant in for example epigenetics, where acetylated lysine is involved in binding of peptides/proteins to DNA. Contrary to methylated lysine, acetylated lysine is not positive charged..."


Edited by Logic, 09 February 2015 - 11:30 PM.

#1016 NLTCrow

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Posted 14 February 2015 - 07:02 AM

Best price I've found for Epithalon is $55 for 50mg from madisonjamesresearchchems.

I was even able to find a discount code without too much searching to lower that price a bit more.

Never heard of these guys previously so I know nothing about quality or where it comes from.

Anyone have personal experience buying from these guys?

#1017 dz93

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 04:44 PM

I really doubt that epithalon is real or of good quality. The cheapest I've been able to find it is for $50 for 10mg from superior peptides. I've found cheaper but I wouldn't trust half of those websites. I don't know anything about superior peptides but so far this is the only least expensive, seemingly good quality, source of epitalon I can find. If anyone has a better source please let me know.

Also, I was looking into buying Acetyl Epitalon from TLR until I saw a few analysis's of some of their products. There's a link to reddit on the GHK thread that lists the analysis if anyone is interested. Makes me wonder if it was a good idea to preorder GHK from. If their products are of poor or less quality I really hope they take care of that. They have a good website and lots of interesting products.

Edited by dz93, 04 March 2015 - 04:57 PM.

#1018 sedstanislav

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:28 PM



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#1019 Nuke

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 09:09 PM

Any of the long term users of Epitalon still using it? Any updates on frequent long term use?


I'm seriously thinking of starting it, and currently talking to Genscript. Do other people bother with the TFA removal? I personally don't feel very positive about getting TFA in my body, even with 98% purity peptide. Also, they quoted on the acetate, is it good or should I rather ask for the HCl or something else? I'm mostly wondering about if any form crosses the sub lingual or inter nasal membranes easier.



#1020 Gramson

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 09:32 PM

update,, a year after my bleeding ulcers, I feel almost normal, and have not taken much of anything. I started TA 65 again two months ago, and now feel the "kick" setting in.

I have followed Pleb's advice, and have just ordered the auto injectors from Owen Mumford, and Epitalon from the site mentioned above . It is $3 a gram, which is the best I have seen, and is local. ( NJ)


The ta 65 is effective at maintaining the AVERAGE length of short telomeres, while the Epitalon  increases/ restores the Hayflick limit ( I think) and is much cheaper by half.


I am back to lifting 40 lb barbells !









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