Also, about GHK-Cu. I've learned that the effects of GHK-Cu are potentiated by ascorbic acid. I've also learned that GHK-Cu + Thymogen + Dalargin enhanced bone healing. Based on this, I will dose ascorbic acid when I dose GHK. I will also be purchasing Thymogen/thymalin and epitalon Amidate. Since studies have shown that thymalin and epitalon go well, I'd imagine GHK-Cu + Thymalin/Thymogen + Epitalon would go great together. Once I get all those, I'll report on whatever effects I notice from taking them together. What are your thoughts on this?
Is the Ascorbic Acid thing an anecdotal or did you find literature to this effect somewhere ds93?
I look forward to your GHK-Cu + Thymalin + Epitalon report. Its a pity you are so young! 
Its not anecdotal. Its briefly mentioned in the source I posted. I'm unsure of how much Ascorbic Acid potentiates it and when I dosed the two together I did not notice an increase in effects but I only say that because anything I did notice wasn't significant enough for me to believe the ascorbic acid had any immediate effect. The only thing I can say about that is I tried it when I was intentionally using GHK to heal a bad wound and I did notice a slight increase in healing speed and it healed much better than it normally would have. I drank some orange juice (made from 8+ fresh oranges) and injected 25mg of GHK. I also used a concentrated (~50mg) amount applied directly on the wound itself.
So, I want to say that my experience with GHK and ascorbic acid is extremely anecdotal and I can't rule out the placebo effect yet. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to tell if direct application better helped with healing when compared to injection. Basically, I can't offer anything of use right now haha. All I can say is that, based on the few days I tried it, GHK seems to work slightly better when taken with ascorbic acid. I'd go for natural sources instead of supplementing.
As far as my combo of GHK + Epitalon Amidate + and Thymalin goes, it may be a while. I'm currently in school so I've been working less which means I have less money to spend. I'm hoping I'll be able to give it a try during the winter and if not, it'll definitely be summer.
I hope to hear more reports on GHK + ascorbic acid. It may be one of those things where you won't see any significant changes for acute doses but I think long term use will show the most significant changes. That's just my thinking.
Anyways, I hope everyone else is having good results with the GHK. Please don't hesitate to share your experience. More reports = more attention = more vendors = lower price and hopefully, just maybe more research down the road. I'd really like to learn more about the gene altering aspects of GHK.
Edited by dz93, 10 November 2015 - 04:35 PM.