Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)
Posted 09 January 2016 - 12:52 PM
Posted 09 January 2016 - 04:59 PM
I started with Epitalon on 23 Aug 2015, first at 1mg internasally, later dropped it down to 500ug. Took a 10 day break(12 - 22 Oct) at one stage to see if I get any negative effect from stopping, but I did not get any.
For me the most pronounced effects were those on cortisol. I just feel so much more relaxed, its far harder to irritate me nowadays. Wish I know about it 10 years ago, even if it has no further effects, this will be enough reason to keep taking it. It feels great.
Thats a very low dose. I took 3mg sublingually for a month or 2 as recommended.
You're then supposed to take a 6 month break IIRC. My break has been FAR longer.
On a side note, I also gave some to my uncle who came to visit. He is 74, and he had trouble walking when he got of the plane. His knee troubles started after a antibiotic treatment - as you can guess, a floxacine. The strange thing is, the next morning he reported no pain at all. He even stood on one leg, saying that it was the first time in years he was able to do it. I warned him, that while its great, he should not over exert himself, or its going to be worse. Needless to say, that day he walked a few kilometers, climbed though a wire fence, etc. Obviously it was worse the next day again.
Good thing you didnt give him C60oo too; He'd be in traction!

This does sound like placebo, but was he sceptical, indifferent, or a 'true believer' before he took it? If he was sceptical or indifferent; then it probably had wasnt placebo.
Did you give him anything else
He should be Gelatin+vit C, HGW, Astragalus, OLE for his knees IMHO.
Posted 09 January 2016 - 05:32 PM
Hello ,
Have effects and report speedily is illusory , you have 2,5 years to recharge telomerase of all cells.
Nevertheless the effects are quick on the eyes ( drops directly on the eye to correct vision ) ;
cardiovascular effects are noticeable within a few weeks if you have a healthy lifestyle and sports and a vegetable diet ; without forgetting to treatment with 10 mg of melatonine every night to complete the Epitalon ...
It is the aging's others that will make you understand the effects...
So you understand keep the life is very expensive...
Best regard,
I started with Epitalon on 23 Aug 2015, first at 1mg internasally, later dropped it down to 500ug. Took a 10 day break(12 - 22 Oct) at one stage to see if I get any negative effect from stopping, but I did not get any.For me the most pronounced effects were those on cortisol. I just feel so much more relaxed, its far harder to irritate me nowadays. Wish I know about it 10 years ago, even if it has no further effects, this will be enough reason to keep taking it. It feels great.I also have not gotten sick since I stated taking it, even most people at the office did get sick, many having to take a few days off. On the other hand, I don't get sick often, usually dosing up on Vitamin C when I feel the first scratchiness in my throat. Though I did not have to do even that since stating Epitalon.Most likely I'll drop it to 250ug p/d in a while. Just to act as maintenance.On a side note, I also gave some to my uncle who came to visit. He is 74, and he had trouble walking when he got of the plane. His knee troubles started after a antibiotic treatment - as you can guess, a floxacine. The strange thing is, the next morning he reported no pain at all. He even stood on one leg, saying that it was the first time in years he was able to do it. I warned him, that while its great, he should not over exert himself, or its going to be worse. Needless to say, that day he walked a few kilometers, climbed though a wire fence, etc. Obviously it was worse the next day again.I don't know why it happened. Maybe placebo, maybe it has an effect on inflammation. I did tell him that it will take a few days to do anything noticeable though.He also reported wild dreams, but that only means it did upregulate his melatonin production.
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Posted 09 January 2016 - 05:35 PM
I have a feeling internasally will have a much higher absorption than sublingually. While all of the studies I have seen use a higher dose for a short time and then a long break, I couldn't find a good reason for that. I began wondering if it was not because you have to inject the epithalamin, and sending a patient home with DIY injections is not the best idea during a study. I also remember Sciwalk taking it every day, and I have not heard any negatives from him. Does anyone have a good reason not to?
Only told him that it may have some long term effects, and not to expect anything quick. Told him it took me a week to notice anything related to cortisol. He has a bit of chemistry and biology background, so I don't see him thinking it a miracle cure. But, sometimes people harbors secret hopes they don't even admit to themselves.
I have him some C60 to take home though.
Posted 09 January 2016 - 05:49 PM
c60 is for skin quality ? i think
epitalon reconstructed all body no need skin reconstructed with c60...
For epitalon i take sublanguale only and afer telomérase recharge ; maintenance telomerase only 3 mounth / year ; it's laboratory instruction...
Posted 09 January 2016 - 08:06 PM
I have a feeling internasally will have a much higher absorption than sublingually. While all of the studies I have seen use a higher dose for a short time and then a long break, I couldn't find a good reason for that. I began wondering if it was not because you have to inject the epithalamin, and sending a patient home with DIY injections is not the best idea during a study. I also remember Sciwalk taking it every day, and I have not heard any negatives from him. Does anyone have a good reason not to?
I dont know if intranasal has higher absorption than sublingual. That's a good question.
I also can't remember a scientific reason given anywhere for 1 month on; 6 months off.
Its just what St. Petersburg recommends IIRC and may be as you say.
Anyone know?
I have him some C60 to take home though.
O kak! Daar begin dit nou! Hy gaan vrouens weer will optel!
So is he then going to be on both!?
Posted 14 January 2016 - 02:33 PM
I have just taken a look at my US passport picture taken on March 2011. I then looked at my British passport picture, taken this year. The difference is astounding. I shall try to put the snip up here. I also took a picture of myself this summer on melanotan2. I think I am black ( I am caucasian), probably because my great grandmother was from India. I was taking Epitalon from 2014 to 2015.
Posted 14 January 2016 - 02:38 PM
Me on Melanotan 2
Posted 14 January 2016 - 06:16 PM
Me on Melanotan 2
There's no picture.
Posted 14 January 2016 - 06:21 PM
I have just taken a look at my US passport picture taken on March 2011. I then looked at my British passport picture, taken this year. The difference is astounding. I shall try to put the snip up here. I also took a picture of myself this summer on melanotan2. I think I am black ( I am caucasian), probably because my great grandmother was from India. I was taking Epitalon from 2014 to 2015.
I am confused. I think the picture you took in 2011 looks better. But I would expect that since you were 5 years younger then. Do you think the most recent passport photo is an improvement? I don't. Not being critical or ugly just my honest opinion. Am I missing something?
Posted 17 January 2016 - 03:06 AM
Hi there,
This may seem like a really amateur post... but i can't seem to find the correct information on how to reconstitute 100mg of epitalon.
I just purchased a 100mg bottle from Ceretropic as per the suggestion of some of the experienced guys talking in this thread.
I Was wondering with how much water should i be reconstituting this amount?
My understanding is that it should be 10mg per day for 10 days and repeat the process in 6 month... But once that is reconstituted how many units on the syringe should that equate to?
I normally get my peptides already pre mixed in australia with instructions on how much units to inject. so this si all a little new to me :(
any help would be much appreciated. I am keen to hear what your thoughts are on 'best practice'
Posted 17 January 2016 - 02:11 PM
You going to have to look for Sciwalk's posts in this thread to get the amounts right, but you mix it with alcohol and BAC water. The alc is to slow bacterial breakdown.
Also the dose was 3mg IIRC.
Posted 23 January 2016 - 09:53 PM
Hi there,
This may seem like a really amateur post... but i can't seem to find the correct information on how to reconstitute 100mg of epitalon.
I just purchased a 100mg bottle from Ceretropic as per the suggestion of some of the experienced guys talking in this thread.
I Was wondering with how much water should i be reconstituting this amount?
My understanding is that it should be 10mg per day for 10 days and repeat the process in 6 month... But once that is reconstituted how many units on the syringe should that equate to?
I normally get my peptides already pre mixed in australia with instructions on how much units to inject. so this si all a little new to me :(
any help would be much appreciated. I am keen to hear what your thoughts are on 'best practice'
I am in the same boat here, recently purchasing epitalon and not knowing how to reconstitute. I bought from super peptides and their faq made it seem like it was already mixed. Now I'm behind the 8 ball having it for 2 weeks already. I was going to take it sublingual as many already have. If someone could post idiot proof instructions (or just details of what they did) I would love to add my experience.
This thread is a monster, I tried to go back and search and found some of sciwalks posts. Seems like the kit he had included a lot to make it easier, if there is other info I missed Im sorry. I did read this whole thread at one point. I'm kind of torn on this thread, it has so much info but went very off topic. It started as an epitalon thread but turned into everything under the sun people are experimenting with. A lot of info but hard to search. I remember maybe 3 people saying they were going to test their telomere length, but have dissapeared.
Anyway, I would really like some advice on how to mix this stuff, thanks!
Posted 24 January 2016 - 01:39 AM
Perhaps you should send Sciwalk a message regarding his exact ratio of alcohol to BSW. BSW by itself should most likely inhibit bacterial growth as it contains benzyl alcohol. I think the ethanol he uses is probably to enhance absorption. As for how to reconstitute the vial, depending on how big the vial is, you may be limited to a few mls. If you recon 100mg with 1ml, then 0.1 on a 1ml syringe should deliver 10mg. 2ml total volume will require 0.2 on a 1ml syringe and so forth.
Posted 24 January 2016 - 02:41 AM
Perhaps you should send Sciwalk a message regarding his exact ratio of alcohol to BSW. BSW by itself should most likely inhibit bacterial growth as it contains benzyl alcohol. I think the ethanol he uses is probably to enhance absorption. As for how to reconstitute the vial, depending on how big the vial is, you may be limited to a few mls. If you recon 100mg with 1ml, then 0.1 on a 1ml syringe should deliver 10mg. 2ml total volume will require 0.2 on a 1ml syringe and so forth.
So 10mg per day for 10 days is still considered best practice for Epitalon? And then repeat in 6 months?
Honestly I couldn't find Sciwalk's stuff properly either. This thread is huge :(
Bacteriostatic water with Benzyl alco should be more than enough. I don't think compounding pharmacies at ethanol to peptides (at least not that I'm aware of in australia).
Posted 24 January 2016 - 09:21 AM
Look at page 31 -Mikey- "I reconstituted the 5mg Epitalon using 1cc of Bac water for injection, following normal sterile procedures.."
Posted 24 January 2016 - 11:23 AM
My epitalon comes in 50 mg vials so I mix 50 mg at a time for sub-lingual use.
I use a dropper top glass bottle and it is marked for 200 drops, Since all drops are not equal, you will have to decide how many drops you want to mix up and record that volume for ease in mixing the next time. In my case, I mix up 50 mg epitalon with 200 drops of (distilled water with about 5% alcohol from wine, vodka or your choice. This is to discourage bacterial growth). This will produce a mixture where 200 drops = 50 mg epitalon or 4 drops = 1 mg epitalon. Then I take whatever number of drops equals the amount of epitalon I want to take sub-lingual.
You can reduce or increase the amount of water/alcohol as you wish. Just be sure you know how many drops it equals versus the amount of epitalon you add so you know how much epitalon in each drop.
Whatever the amount of drops is that you decide to mix with, you fill the vial 1/2 of that amount with distilled water first and swirl the vial to resolve all the peptide, then add the remaining 1/2 of your desired drops with wine. This will establish a near 5% alcohol content which can keep the peptide stable in the fridge for up to 2 months.
Only mix 1 vial at a time, that which you will be currently using. Keep the rest in the sealed vials and keep those in your freezer. This will give them the greatest amount of longevity, 1 year plus.
I take 3 mg per day and my wife takes 2 mg. So a batch for us lasts about 10 days or so.
These instructions originated from Sciwalk and is what I have been using for quite a while.
Posted 24 January 2016 - 01:41 PM
My epitalon comes in 50 mg vials so I mix 50 mg at a time for sub-lingual use.
I use a dropper top glass bottle and it is marked for 200 drops, Since all drops are not equal, you will have to decide how many drops you want to mix up and record that volume for ease in mixing the next time. In my case, I mix up 50 mg epitalon with 200 drops of (distilled water with about 5% alcohol from wine, vodka or your choice. This is to discourage bacterial growth). This will produce a mixture where 200 drops = 50 mg epitalon or 4 drops = 1 mg epitalon. Then I take whatever number of drops equals the amount of epitalon I want to take sub-lingual.
You can reduce or increase the amount of water/alcohol as you wish. Just be sure you know how many drops it equals versus the amount of epitalon you add so you know how much epitalon in each drop.
Whatever the amount of drops is that you decide to mix with, you fill the vial 1/2 of that amount with distilled water first and swirl the vial to resolve all the peptide, then add the remaining 1/2 of your desired drops with wine. This will establish a near 5% alcohol content which can keep the peptide stable in the fridge for up to 2 months.
Only mix 1 vial at a time, that which you will be currently using. Keep the rest in the sealed vials and keep those in your freezer. This will give them the greatest amount of longevity, 1 year plus.
I take 3 mg per day and my wife takes 2 mg. So a batch for us lasts about 10 days or so.
These instructions originated from Sciwalk and is what I have been using for quite a while.
Thanks thats a big help, do you know where I can buy a good dropper bottle as the one you use?
How long will this stuff keep unmixed?
Any new results to share? Must be doing something if you still use it...
Posted 24 January 2016 - 01:55 PM
Yes, this thread has gotten rather long and from the looks of it, most of it is not about Epithalon. MOD's????? Why is this thread full of SPAM and unrelated topics? Geezzz, can't a guy go away for a year without things going to heck?
Hi guys, sorry for the not being around, just that I have been very very busy.
To update you, I am still using A.E.D.G. and still seeing the benefits. No, I am not some strapping 20 year old but I am most certainly not your typical 55 year old either. Honestly, most people think I am between 35 to 42 with both being the extreme and the average answer is 38.
I have to admit that I am doing much more than just taking A.E.D.G. and some of the other things are, in my opinion, just as important. Remember, when we were 20 we were active and if you take something help you turn back the clock but don't use it, nothing much will happen. So, get off your butt's and utilize what it can give you. I promise you will see even greater results if you do.
Hope everyone is having a good year so far.
Peace Out
Posted 24 January 2016 - 05:14 PM
Hi Sciwalk
What is your current daily dose? Have you ever gotten sick in the past 4 years?
Btw, something amusing happened in Nov. We got new neighbors, and we went to meet them. As we chatted, it came out that my sister, who was not with us, just turn 21. The husband then asked me if I was older or younger then her. Needless to my mother and me thought it was very funny, he was apologetic, saying that in 20 years time I would be glad if someone thought I was younger than my real age. Little did he know that its already that way. Not that I think it really means anything, as long as I still looks this way in 100 years time, I'm happy.
Posted 24 January 2016 - 08:31 PM
May I ask you where you get the epitalon from and what kind of results you're getting from it?
Posted 25 January 2016 - 07:35 AM
Look at page 31 -Mikey- "I reconstituted the 5mg Epitalon using 1cc of Bac water for injection, following normal sterile procedures.."
I buy N-Acetyl Epitalon Amidate from Ceretropics, a 100 mg. vial.
Ceretropic seems to always have the best prices and communications with them and reading their posts on Reddit have convinced me that they are passionate about producing the highest quality products at the best prices, as well as being knowledgeable and creative with chemistry.
N-Acetyl Epitalon Amidate should perform better than simple Epitalon, however it isn't as water soluble, so it requires more water to dissolve.
I buy bacteriostatic water from Certropic that is also saline, so that it is more in harmony with human biochemistry.
Using sterile techniques I add 5 ml of water to the 100 mg. vial so that 0.5 ml (50 units) on a 1ml insulin syringe is 10 mg.
This amount of water doesn't immediately dissolve it so I gently swirl the vial until it is all dissolved. I don't want to use more water because then injections will contain more water.
I might administer 10 mg. a day for a 10-day cycle. However, I am more prone to use 5 mg. over 20 days. I read a caution to use the Epitalon within 20 days, so I do that.
I do a cycle every 2- 3 months.
I tried Epitalon sublingual, per Sciwalk's posts, way back in 2012, but didn't notice anything, so I didn't continue at that time.
However, I've watched as others posted their experiences so I continued to be interested.
But when I re-tried Epitalon (A, G, A, G) I went the subq route, as, from what I gather, effects of oral or sublingual Epitalon require much, much higher doses than subq or IV.
However, I won't do IV and subq should produce close to the same effects as IV.
From what I have gathered so far, all of Dr. Khavinson's studies on Epitalon were done IV.
Please, anyone, enlighten me if I am wrong about that. I would like to see a human study by him that didn't use injections.
I see sites promoting oral Epitalon capsules. Endoluten is one branded version. I doubt that encapsulated oral Epitalon works at any dose unless it's hundreds of milligrams per day.
I saw dosage recommendations that indicated such:
1. Oral Epithalon use (least effective):
· duration: between 10 - 20 days
· dosage: between 400 - 600 mg of Epithalon per day
· daily frequency: 200 mg per serving, between 2 - 3 servings per day (depending on the dosage)
2. Epithalon as nasal spray or drops (medium effectiveness):
· duration: between 10 - 20 days
· dosage: between 15 - 30 mg of Epithalon per day
· daily frequency:total daily dosage split into 3 servings throughout the day
3. Injectable Epithalon use (most effective):
· duration: 10 - 20 days
· dosage: between 5 - 10 mg per day (20 mg intravenous for terminal patients)
· frequency of injection:1 injection per day for low dose, 2 injections for higher dose (divided between morning and late afternoon injection)
Each 10 - 20 days course of Epithalamin is followed by 4-6 months pause before repeating the course again. Epitalon treatment can be repeated indefinitely.
I have looked for ways that friends that won't do subq can use Epitalon, as most people have an aversion to such.
One can buy metered nasal spray bottles and then buy Epitalon and then dissolve it and put the Epitalon solution in a nasal spray bottle.
However, while I would like to help friends access Epitalon's anti-aging effects I can't put myself in the position of making a nasal spray version for other people. That would seem to cause a potential legal problem.
I welcome comments, especially if anyone has a simple way to administer it that can be shared with those that do not want to do subq.
Further, I remain curious that people notice the effects of low doses, such as 1 mg., administered sublingually.
My experience is that within four days of doing 10 mg. subq wrinkles were visibly diminishing in depth.
Continued cycling has increased this effect.
A masseur that came to work on me hadn't seen me in about two months.
He said, without prompting, that I looked 10 years younger.
At the end of a 2-hour lunch another friend, who is brilliant and highly accomplished, asked what I was doing that made my skin look so good.
In my estimation Epitalon and C60oo have produced the most significant age-reversal effects that I've experienced.
I have yet to try GHK or the Dasatinib/Quercitin combination, but have been told that they, too, produce significant effects.
Posted 25 January 2016 - 07:43 AM
mikey you are amazing man. that is exactly the sort of post i have been waiting for. thank you!!!
In regards to oral administration over injections I think its a no brainer... injecting it is the best way to administer peptides at the moment.
I will take your advice and start with 5mg doses over 20 days.
Posted 25 January 2016 - 07:50 AM
mikey why do you choose N-ACETYL EPITALON AMIDATE over the standard epitalon available on ceretropic? what are the benefits of the more expensive one that you have noticed?
Posted 25 January 2016 - 08:00 AM
The acetyl group on the N terminus and Amidate on the C-terminus should protect it from enzymatic degradation. My worry is that it has no studies I know of. I'll stay on normal Epitalon for now.
Posted 25 January 2016 - 08:14 AM
I take 2mg a day, orally, 1 in morning and 1 at night. I take in capsule that the AEDG is made into mirco spheres and put into a veggie (gero-protective) capsule so that it releases in the small intestine.
As for the effectiveness of sub-q vs sub-lingual vs oral. The difference is negligible. The peptide is only 4 amino acids and can pass through your skin. Releasing in the small intestine or under the tongue brings it right into the blood stream. The other benefit is that the capsules I take are also packed with some good amounts of L-Carnosine, Lycopine and Resveratrol. Hey, If you don't mind injecting, go for it. Some of us just prefer not to if we don't have to. Others just cannot.
Nasal??? That I tried a long time ago. Very very irritating. Felt like a had a cold for a couple of days. Tried that with Melanotan II for a while too, no thank you.
As for dose, I have tried in upwords of 50mg a day for a week. It makes for one very powerful immune system boost but pretty pricey.
I am trying to get some time to get back to doing something with my old site and when I do, I will post more info and new pics. At least I will get it all done before my birthday, I hope. LOL
Posted 25 January 2016 - 08:19 AM
.....I take in capsule that the AEDG is made into mirco spheres and put into a veggie (gero-protective) capsule so that it releases in the small intestine.......
Posted 25 January 2016 - 08:23 AM
Thank you for your kind words, G-e-e.
I've been studying Epitalon (and other peptides that Khavinson has created) for a long while in my spare time trying to separate the wheat from the chaff, not for myself, but for friends that don't want to use a syringe.
As to acetylation and amidation, I am not a chemist, but the most understandable explanation that I've seen is:
Regular Epitalon has open N and C termini.
The “N-Acetyl” puts an acetyl group on the N-terminus. N-Acetyl Amidate has both an N-Acetyl group and a C-amide.
Regular Epitalon is more susceptible to breakdown in the body. Enzymes can attack both ends easily.
The N-Acetyl version only allows enzymes easy access to one end.
The Amidate protects both ends. So each version just adds another layer of protection to the peptide, allowing it to stay in the body longer, and allowing more to pass the blood brain barrier.
I prefer working with plain Epitalon because it dissolves significantly easier and I would rather use less water.
However, the acetylated, amidated version should do more.
As I said I am not a chemist. I'd appreciate it if one of the chemists would chime in and confirm the validity of what I'm posting or improve on it.
Posted 25 January 2016 - 08:32 AM
I take 2mg a day, orally, 1 in morning and 1 at night. I take in capsule that the AEDG is made into mirco spheres and put into a veggie (gero-protective) capsule so that it releases in the small intestine.
As for the effectiveness of sub-q vs sub-lingual vs oral. The difference is negligible. The peptide is only 4 amino acids and can pass through your skin. Releasing in the small intestine or under the tongue brings it right into the blood stream. The other benefit is that the capsules I take are also packed with some good amounts of L-Carnosine, Lycopine and Resveratrol. Hey, If you don't mind injecting, go for it. Some of us just prefer not to if we don't have to. Others just cannot.
Nasal??? That I tried a long time ago. Very very irritating. Felt like a had a cold for a couple of days. Tried that with Melanotan II for a while too, no thank you.As for dose, I have tried in upwords of 50mg a day for a week. It makes for one very powerful immune system boost but pretty pricey.
I am trying to get some time to get back to doing something with my old site and when I do, I will post more info and new pics. At least I will get it all done before my birthday, I hope. LOL
Very interesting information, sciwalk. Where does one obtain the encapsulated Epitalon that is made into microspheres?
I would very much like to be able to share it with loved ones.
Thank you in advance.
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