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Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)

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#121 bsm

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:36 AM

LDL cholesterol, melatonin levels and serotonin levels would be the ones I've seen posted before in this forum. One of the benefits advertised in the Russian studies is increased melatonin levels.
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#122 zorba990

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 09:42 PM

Got it today... now it's off to the lab..

It looks quite coarse.

Cool. This coarseness, do you think it's a sign of impurity, or is it just an artifact of crystallization or some such thing? It might be worth shooting a few mics through the HPLC...

The package came with this... I assume it's pure at the moment.

hmmmmmm.... just curious, do you have an HPLC handy niner?


I just noticed the graphic says 7 grams. Wow that must have costs quite a bit! You don't mess around.... Any results so far? Looking at genscript to see what 10x100mg would cost versus 1x1000mg since it seems to degrade based one what is being said here...

#123 AdamI

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Posted 28 March 2012 - 08:33 PM

Well I'm finished with epitalon a week ago, took another picture. Compared it to the first one there is no different... Soo I thought it was pointless posting them. Now I'm only 31 soo obviously my skin hasn't aged that much, still not as good as when I was 23.
Got alot of extra energy now adays that mostlikely is Epitalon, I recoup fast during my gym sessions soo I train harder and also recoups faster afterwards. With after I mean that I generally always need two days rest before my body feels good to go for another round... But now adays, some weeks ago I can train strength at the gym every second day. Which was something I did when I was in my late teens and very early twenths. Also gained alot more muscle, gain it easier. Pretty much stood still before, but now I'm putting on more weight :). Pretty much my body feels abit younger like in mid 20's

My twin brother feels no differnt he claims, he felt more by taking Curcumin sincce that gave him alot of energy.
Must add that we shared Epitalon of 300 mg, but he did skipped/forgat alot soo mostlikely I took 175 mg and he 125 mg. About 3,25 mg was the dose

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#124 PWAIN

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 12:50 AM


Are you going to continue take it or are you giving it up for now?

#125 AdamI

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 07:04 AM

No, I'm not giving it up. I will be taking it in the future. But right now I was thinking of just appliying it to my head where I have lost some hair/losing hair.
I have also heard that the best solution for Epitalon is 5-6% of alcohol. I used pure vodka... soo might be a factor.

Also my skin is definately smoother on the feel in my forehead and on my back. The pours in the skin seems smaller. Still the resolution on the camera I used for my pictures was to low soo see. I have been taking AC-11 since December and AC-11 claims that it increases Type 3 collagen production in the skin.
Soo I thought the smoothiness was from AC-11, but another user of Epitalon that I corresponds E-mails with, said that some people that were taking Epitalon had noticed smoother skin.

Soo anyway, smoother skin I guess might be from the epitalon then.

#126 boylan

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 01:06 PM

sciwalk, any updates?

#127 sciwalk

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 02:06 PM


Sorry, I have just been so busy, multiple things going on all at once, but, I am doing great. In fact, I never thought that at my age I would be this active again and taking on so many projects. One of those projects is my new web site appliedyouth.com. I am a hardware and networking guy, not coding, so the whole thing of setting up a site was really proofing to be a challenge, but a fun one.

Physically, I am doing great, probably better then I have in a long time. The increased energy continues, over all feeling of being younger, not to mention the obvious change in the way I look. Which, by the way, the gray on the left side of my head is now 98% gone. For some reason the right side is slower at coming around but it is deminished.

The biggest news, my father, who was diagnosed with bladder cancer, had surgery to remove it and chemo after that, went back in and still had some spots so they removed it again and did another round of chemo. I felt so bad for him, he is 76 years old and when I would talk to him on video chat, he just looked wiped out, seriously pale, face sunken in, could not get his words together and on and on. After the second chemo, and he waited until that was over, he started on the AGAG and took a total of 200mg mixing it with DMSO and applying to his skin. I talked to him by video the other day and it was like he never had the cancer, I couldn't beleive it. His face was glowing, pink, his hair had bounce and fullness, he was smiling and talking a mile a minute without missing a beat or hanging on any words. And something I could not beleive, before my eyes I was seeing something I had not seen in my father in like 30 years, his jimmy leg, LOL, I know that sounds so silly and funny but seeing that almost brought me to tears. He told me that his recent scope, after the AGAG, they saw a small spot but did not appear to be cancer, but of course, they still wanted to give him another round of Chemo, :S. And why not, Medicare pays for it so why not go after that money!!!! Sorry, I have no love for the current onogology industry. But any way, they agreed to give him until the 6th, they will scope him again and if they see no growth and still looks cancer free they may skip the Chemo.

I had enough friends and family that tired it and found benefits in various ways that I have made an agreement with the lab to continue to offer it. Although I have requested them to package it in such a way that will make things easier. Unfortunately, not sure, but probably that will be the end of my reporting about it here. I mean, ethically, I should not be metioning good results with this and also have it available for sale at the same time?? I don't want people to think that I am using this board as a way to encourage others to buy AGAG from me.

I am building a whole regime to change my life. I will not just depend on AGAG or any other substance as a way or means to longevity. I strongly believe that you must incorporate many things to stay healthier. The body and mind is the key to keeping yourself healthy and young. The things we do, the choices we make and the way we conduct our lives is what brings us to the state that we are in. Things like AGAG, HGH, Vitamin and Mineral suppliments and all the other things that we are finding to take, to help undo damage or replenish things lost, are just bandaids. Good bandaids, granted, but even they cannot help us much of we do not do more to make ourself healthy, to allow our own bodies to take over and do what they are meant to do.

I plan to use my site to give greater detail about my trials with AGAG and a slew of other things. I am very greatful for Longecity, I think this is a fantastic forum and a great place for a ton of information. I will try to make an effort to come back as often as I can and wish everyone well.

All the best,

#128 hav

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 11:17 PM

My wife and I just finished our 3rd week and are taking a week off. We were going to cycle weekly but kept going after the 1st week ended. Is this similar to how anyone else is cycling?

We're going with a 5mg daily dosage. Started with saline drops under the tongue the 1st week then nasal sprayer the 2nd. Used an empty one I got with an Astepro sample that delivers 22 metered sprays when it contains 4 ml of solution. But the bottle holds way more that 4 ml and scaling is pretty easy. My wife didn't like the back of the throat effect, however, so we switched back for the 3d week. Maybe my solution is too high in saline. But I think I was sensing an effect that seemed like an enhanced sense of clarity with nasal delivery, perhaps due to better absorption. And not taking it immediately before lying down to sleep minimizes any dripping down into the throat. So I'm planning on going back to that when I resume.

I haven't notice much else in the way of effects yet. No increase in hunger or increased eating or weight loss. But I've been trying to trim down so my eating was already moderately regimented. Btw, I've broken my premixed supply down into little 3-week sized plastic drop bottles and frozen them. Hoping that will help maintain stability.

Also I have not stopped cycling resveratrol and astragalus extract weekly. I have my 3-week Epitalon cycle set up so the astragalus falls on the 1st and 3rd week with resveratrol on the middle and off week. I'll probably keep that up till my astragalus supply runs out but I am reluctant to cut back on my resveratrol/antioxidant regimen.


#129 sciwalk

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Posted 25 April 2012 - 06:47 AM


I think it is good you take Res. also, sounds like you have a plan worked out. How is it going so far?

Just a quick note also, as I have recieved a lot of email with concern to these things:

1. The AGAG is not an FDA approved drug. It is totally experamental and in fact, as far as I am concerned, is more along the lines of a suppliment. It is a synthetic version of a substance produces by the pineal gland but your body pretty much stops producing it by the time you reach 35 to 40 years of age.

2. It is taken orally and is just supplementing your body with the lack of that substance. It is not a drug or other kind of foriegn substance that effects your body in ways that it was not meant to (your not going to get high off it, grow three limbs or suddenly become a teenager over night). It fully replicates a natural substance in your body and does what your body naturally use to do when you were younger. It is more similar to melatonin then anything else.

3. It has been proven to lengthen telomeres in vitro and in vivo on lab animals but no offical report yet for human trials, with regards to telomere length.

4. I have found a lab that will do telomere length testing on my blood for me but I do not currently have the funds for that. If something happens where I can get my hands on that kind of extra cash, I will do it and let everyone know.

5. Yes, my original assertion to use a high volume alcohol to resolve the peptide was incorrect. The peptide does not resolve well in high alcohol. The alcohol does wonders to protect the AGAG but even 5% will do that also. The best way to resolve the AGAG is in purified water with 5% to 10% max alcohol.

6. Yes, I am still taking it. I have recently started a new round and this time I am trialing at a much higher dose, 8mg per day. I have also found that if I reslove some in water and apply to my face, my skin becomes much smoother. It does this anyhow after a couple of month of taking the AGAG orally but I was curious if it would have a faster effect applied directly to the skin. To be honest, why it would do this and so rapidly, I do not know.

I think that covers all the common questions that I have been asked lately.

I am sure that others have heard about the new Buckyball life extention news? There should be something about it on this board by now, I would think? Anyone have a link?
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#130 Hebbeh

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Posted 25 April 2012 - 12:14 PM

Thanks for the update sciwalk and Buckyballs for you:


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#131 zorba990

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Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:59 PM

I got 5 vials of 100mg for about $250 with shipping recently. Seems to dissolve fine in vodka but if water is all that is needed then the next 100mg will go into zero water. I'm using some miron violet dropper bottles I had lying around. Good to hear about the water (links?) because I did not want to use the vodka dissolved one one my face! As far as I'm concerned this should be a supplement -- hopefully it will reamin available for personal experimentation.

#132 hav

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Posted 29 April 2012 - 02:41 PM


I think it is good you take Res. also, sounds like you have a plan worked out. How is it going so far?

So far, so good. Just finished my second 3-week cycle of usage and am taking a week off right now. I've had one or two incidents of vivid dreaming but my wife has always been more prone to that than I. Been careful to hold eating down and have not experienced much boost in activity or weight gain or loss. The few times I experienced the vivid dreaming it was after eating allot so maybe those effects are related. Btw, I take 5 mg per day dissolved in saline about an hour or two before bedtime and am also thinking of bumping up the dosage to around 8 mg. Seem to experience a short clarity boost when taken as a nasal spray but not so much with drops under the tongue. Will start my third 3-week cycle next weekend.

Also following the buckyballs discussion with interest. Wonder if epithalon and C60 together might dissolve into olive or fish oil... if so it might be effective orally. I haven't been able to locate any C60 testing done with alcohol so I don't know if that's a possibility.


#133 Logic

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 07:24 PM


Any updates guys? Its been a month.

#134 sciwalk

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 11:55 PM

AGAG won't reslove in oil, needs to be water.

Latest things for me:

1. My hair is growing like crazy. I just had it cut recently and already over my ears again. In addition, that thinning spot on the back of head is gone.
2. My skin has had a huge improvement. Pores are smaller, skin is more elastic and very soft.
3. My weight has increased. I wish I could say that it was muscle but I am afraid, especially without hitting the gym lately, I am getting a belly. I have got to watch what I eat and have started to take greater care with portions/content in this past week. I will start back on a regular workout schedule today. I guess I can now monitor how quickly (or not) I can loose my extra pounds compared to pre-AGAG.

I have started to take it during the day instead of before bed time. A friend of mine had trouble taking it at night because the intense dreams would wake him up, I guess he was very sensitive to that, so he started taking it during the day and said it helped him with focus. I have had better focus from taking it at night also but knowing that it did not make him sleepy during the day I figured I would give that a shot. All good so far.

If anyone wants to give it a shot, it now comes in easy to take packaging. It comes in glass vials that have a gauge on the side so you know where to fill with water and where to fill up to with wine. You then cap it with a silicone dropper top (comes pacakged with the vial ) that lets you squeese out drops. It has really simplified the process for me, I love it.

I have some theory running around in my head, going to give it a shot. I think that my increased food consumption is due to new cell replication. For that reason I think it is very important that I give the right stuff to my body. I am going to stay 100% away from junk food, increase my water intake and start on a daily vitamin suppliment. This, for sure, cannot not hurt me in any way.

Oh, forgot, 3. My blood pressure is WAY down. Even depsite my increased weight, my blood pressure is now averaging 114/56. Mabye does not sound like such a big deal except for that in a week I will be 51 and high blood pressure runs in my family. Pre-AGAG I was averaging 148/84

Edited by sciwalk, 27 May 2012 - 11:59 PM.

#135 AdamI

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 07:08 PM

How is Anthonys test if it's a Telomerase activator? I'm assuming a no answer is a good thing:)
I have written down that Hav,Hebbeh and Zorba990 had started taking it, any news there?

I have been applying it to me scalp since 9th of april. Don't see any difference in hair yet. Soo applying it to scalp direcly, might not be a good thing to do. If one want more hair growth. But then not much time have passed just yet. I will continue for 1-2 month until all the epitalon I got is used up. (1,75mg/ml concentration)

#136 sciwalk

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 10:53 PM

I don't know what kind of testing he is doing or how long it takes.
What were you using to mix the AGAG with?
I tried some topical directly to my face, did not keep it up for very long. It seemed to make my face feel smoother but I think that was all. Unless you are using something like DMSO to help bring it through the skin and into the body where it can work the way it is supposed to, I am guessing that trying to elicite a topical effect is probably not going to do much, just my opinion. But my thinking is, this stuff is a substance from inside your body, not really meant to be on the outside and your outerlayer of skin and hair is either dead or in the process of dying, which it should be doing.
Off topic....whats your position on the Euro now? Want some RMB? :)

#137 zorba990

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:05 PM

I concur that topically seems to be a waste. Niacinamide is cheaper and seems to have more effect. The mode lifting effect of epitalon seems evident, as does the dream increase. I take it in the morning, 3mg. I'm almost finished with the first 100mg (which I dissolved in vodka). Next 100mg oral dose goes in water. 100mg in water was already used up topically on my face and scalp without any real noticeable effects there. I just took a one week break and now back on 3mg in the am. I've been doing mild CR lately so I've been slowly dropping body fat -- I haven't noticed any change in body composition or gym workout energy from the epitalon. Hopefully the price will come down some more -- I'd like to dose higher but it's still a bit expensive for that.

#138 tintinet

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:07 PM

What's a reliable source for this? TIA.

#139 sciwalk

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:39 AM

Tintinet, do you mean to say that I am not reliable? :( :( J/K
Zorba, FYI, the price drops like 40% when you get up to a gram at a time.
I just finished cycling off again for a couple of weeks and will start back up again today. I am also going to start back up on my Melanotan, I had stopped taking it while I was taking my AGAG as I did not want to do an initial trialing of AGAG while taking something else. But now I am going to go to my full planned regime that will include, well, everything I was doing before AGAG. Melanton 2, Resveratrol, and 2000mg of Vitamin C plus the AGAG.
Somthing else has happened to me over the coarse of the last few months. Don't know if it is related to the AGAG or not, probably not, but I have lost my luster for meat and have been decreasing my intake of red meat constantly down to where I am now, which is, over the past 1.5 weeks now I have not had any meat and I don't have a desire for it either?? Will I become of full fledged Vegitarian?? What a switch that would be as I was one to advocate the Atkins diet in the past. But I just don't have a taste for meat any more. In fact, if I eat it now, it kind of up sets my bowls.
Well, off to the gym, hope everyone has a great day!!! :)

#140 Dreamer

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 01:43 PM

I have read this entire thread and am getting a bit confused.

I understand that Epitalon is also known as Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly but do not understand where it is available.

Then I see that sciwalk switched to talking about AGAG, but I do not know what that is. Is it the same as Epitalon?

Any help in sorting this out will be appreciated. I am near making a decision to give it a try, just need to do a bit more research and resolve a source.

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#141 sciwalk

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:36 PM


Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly (AGAG) is the chemical composition of the substance and what I use to name it. Epitolan is a registered trademark of a company. They have not confronted any one about using, saying or writing about that name but I have done a lot of work in those paticular legal areas to know enough not to provoke it, thats all. Besides, AGAG is far easier to remember and tell people. Many people cannot even concure on how to pronounce Epitolan.

#142 Dreamer

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:43 PM

Thank you, sciwalk, got it.

What is a good source or sources for AGAG?

#143 sciwalk

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 03:10 PM

I currently have stock and should have for the near and far future. I have an extensive amount of friends and family that are using it currently so I had told everyone on the board that I can supply for them also if they wish. You can PM me if you wish and I can go over the details with you.
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#144 Dreamer

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 03:24 PM

Thank you for the reply. I sent you a PM.

#145 tintinet

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 01:04 AM

Tintinet, do you mean to say that I am not reliable? :( :( J/K
Zorba, FYI, the price drops like 40% when you get up to a gram at a time.
I just finished cycling off again for a couple of weeks and will start back up again today. I am also going to start back up on my Melanotan, I had stopped taking it while I was taking my AGAG as I did not want to do an initial trialing of AGAG while taking something else. But now I am going to go to my full planned regime that will include, well, everything I was doing before AGAG. Melanton 2, Resveratrol, and 2000mg of Vitamin C plus the AGAG.
Somthing else has happened to me over the coarse of the last few months. Don't know if it is related to the AGAG or not, probably not, but I have lost my luster for meat and have been decreasing my intake of red meat constantly down to where I am now, which is, over the past 1.5 weeks now I have not had any meat and I don't have a desire for it either?? Will I become of full fledged Vegitarian?? What a switch that would be as I was one to advocate the Atkins diet in the past. But I just don't have a taste for meat any more. In fact, if I eat it now, it kind of up sets my bowls.
Well, off to the gym, hope everyone has a great day!!! :)

I certainly didn't mean to imply you were unreliable! I just didn't know you could supply it.

#146 sciwalk

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 03:29 AM

LOL, no problem, I kind of guessed that you didn't know and my reply was more of a humorous attempt to let you know that I do, thus the frowny faces and then the J/K (just kidding), at the end. Maybe I have come to rely too much on smilies and acronyms, sorry.

#147 AdamI

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:52 AM

I don't know what kind of testing he is doing or how long it takes.
What were you using to mix the AGAG with?
I tried some topical directly to my face, did not keep it up for very long. It seemed to make my face feel smoother but I think that was all. Unless you are using something like DMSO to help bring it through the skin and into the body where it can work the way it is supposed to, I am guessing that trying to elicite a topical effect is probably not going to do much, just my opinion. But my thinking is, this stuff is a substance from inside your body, not really meant to be on the outside and your outerlayer of skin and hair is either dead or in the process of dying, which it should be doing.
Off topic....whats your position on the Euro now? Want some RMB? :)

I mixed it with sterile water and some vodka soo it's about 5-7% alcohol. Well as I wrote it might not be a good way to apply it to the scalp. But someone needs to try it right:)?
The Euro is breaking down quite fast, read something about that the German Bunds is pricing in another 6% decline in the euro... RMB might be better at least China is accumulating gold and with the agreement they made with Japan this week, which means they will trade in there own currencies RMB and Yen. I guess it's not that long before we have a new/another reserve currency.

Been shorting index and the Facebook stock through minifuture (3x leverage) the last 2 weeks, soo this slaughter in the market is perfect:)

Anyway Ed Park TA-65 doctor came with a new video on TA-65 and hair regrowth and also repigmentation:

#148 zorba990

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 06:43 PM

I got mine from genscript. 5x100mg was about $250 with shipping so its about 50 cents per mg at that level. Looking forward to seeing the price come down...
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#149 sciwalk

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Posted 03 June 2012 - 01:43 AM


Yes, of course, nothing wrong with trying and things do not always work out the way we planned or thought, good or bad. Trial and error is the way we learn.
I have now been taking the AGAG and Melanotan II at the same time for a few days and does not seem to be any issue, action/reaction between them.
Unrelated, but, I ended up eating my daughters spagetti yesterday when we stopped at a restuarant in Stanley. It said it had Bacon and Sausage in it. Well, ahhh, I guess if you want to consider some peices of sliced ham as bacon and peices of hot dog as sausage. Any way, the point was, as I had mentioned before, I am no longer eathing meat but I ate that and I turned into a giant gasious ballon. I did not get ill in the sense of an upset stomach, diarrea or anything like that, it just bloated me up like a giant ballon and subsequent release of all this excess gas to the dismay of my family. Was it the meat, was it the food in general or something else? I don't know. I still wonder if the AGAG had anything to do with my current distain for meat? And, yes, I did not enjoy the spagetti but have gotten use to not wanting things to go to waste. I need to stop that, makes me fat.

#150 zorba990

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Posted 03 June 2012 - 02:44 AM


Yes, of course, nothing wrong with trying and things do not always work out the way we planned or thought, good or bad. Trial and error is the way we learn.
I have now been taking the AGAG and Melanotan II at the same time for a few days and does not seem to be any issue, action/reaction between them.
Unrelated, but, I ended up eating my daughters spagetti yesterday when we stopped at a restuarant in Stanley. It said it had Bacon and Sausage in it. Well, ahhh, I guess if you want to consider some peices of sliced ham as bacon and peices of hot dog as sausage. Any way, the point was, as I had mentioned before, I am no longer eathing meat but I ate that and I turned into a giant gasious ballon. I did not get ill in the sense of an upset stomach, diarrea or anything like that, it just bloated me up like a giant ballon and subsequent release of all this excess gas to the dismay of my family. Was it the meat, was it the food in general or something else? I don't know. I still wonder if the AGAG had anything to do with my current distain for meat? And, yes, I did not enjoy the spagetti but have gotten use to not wanting things to go to waste. I need to stop that, makes me fat.

All of that sounds more like the beginnings of gallbladder dysfunction to me (lack of desire for meat may be lack of desire for fats due to downr egulation of ability to digest them). Something to consider anyway...
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