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Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)

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#1471 TaiChiKid

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Posted 20 June 2017 - 09:56 PM

Some months ago i tried Epitalon from different suppliers. Unfortunately, none of them show any spectacular effects - only last year a combination mit TB500 had some subjective effects.

In addition, most of the items were contaminated with bacteria.


How did you find out the items were contaminated?  This does not seem likely for four amino acids in a chain, ending in a hydroxy.  They make epitalon in a peptide synthesizer, not a plasmid...  And did you take this despite contamination?

#1472 SearchHorizon

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Posted 21 June 2017 - 12:11 AM

I have read that epitalon that has been patented is an analogue of pineal gland peptide. When will the patent expire? I saw a patent that was awarded in 2011. But that can't be THE patent for epitalon, because there was a paper on it in 2002 (the 2002 publication should work remove epitalon from patentability). So, what was patented?


Would it be possible to make the original peptide from pineal glands? It certainly would get around the patent problem. Biological chmicals (which occurs naturally in nature) cannot be patented.


Another question - "epitalon" that is on the market. Are the manufacturers paying royalties to the patent holders?  





#1473 DareDevil

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Posted 29 June 2017 - 05:22 PM

Seriously: the pre-mixed Epi-Beta stuff is extremely SIMPLE to use. And according to my (anecdotical) experience the combo Epi + TB500 is much more effective than Epi  alone.

But: i wonder if the recommended dosis is too small since the russian data refer to very old and not very active people. I guess for younger people, who are under higher stress levels my feeling is that a "double the dose" approach should be tried. Anyway, i will do this ASAP.


I'm with you more and more on this Mike888. I will renew my Epitalon run once I have enough TB500 to potentate it. I find it's not nearly as noticeable in its boosting effects when taken alone or even with Thymalin in high doses. I will stick with what's tried and true, by you. My own experience of only a few days with very small doses of TB500 made a big difference. 


What are your latest current doses for you and your lady?




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#1474 mike888

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Posted 29 June 2017 - 10:17 PM

5mg/daily. Unfortunately, at the moment we do not have TB500, since we changed the supplier because of the contamination of the stuff. How do i know? Indirectly, because some hours after injection a maxillary sinus inflammation becomes activated. Fortunately, i found another supplier, located in Germany, with cleaner stuff. I am not sure if i am allowed to drop the name - but just go to the Epitalon Facebook page or google for epitalon peptid bioregulator. I hope they include TB500 soon.

Best regards



#1475 adamh

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Posted 07 July 2017 - 12:16 AM

I'm thinking of trying this but I'm still looking into it. Far as sources go I see a big swing from low to high. Ceretropics was asking $120 last I looked for 100mg. Other places are higher or lower. I see a couple places selling what they call a kit of 10 x 10mg vials. That makes a lot of sense since you would not have to mix up the whole 100mg at once. I plan to only use about 1mg or less per day sublingual. It would be nice to be able to get a small amount like 10mg at a reasonable price but they all seem to want $30 or more plus shipping


Maybe someone could organize another group buy for small vials in bulk? I see the 10 vial kits going for around $65 to $75 but the companies aren't well known. 

#1476 DareDevil

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Posted 08 July 2017 - 12:55 AM

I can vouch for the quality of the basic Epsilon from Ceretropics but I'm not a shill, since I am closer to their mortal enemy True Life Research so this isn't a false validation of their product. However it may lengthen your telomeres and extend your lifespan taken alone, but it has a real "youthening kick" when taken with TB-500. I tried with an equal amount of Epitalon and Thymalin, also said to be good, but it gave me no results that I could notice. So I won't take one without the other anymore, Epitalon + TB-500.





#1477 adamh

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Posted 08 July 2017 - 06:22 PM

DD, do you mean Epsilon or epitalon?


"I can vouch for the quality of the basic Epsilon from Ceretropics"


I may post some links to the ads I see for the 10 x 10mg kits to see if anyone has experience with them. That would be super convenient, mix up one vial, use it for 10 or 20 days, take a break then use another vial which was stored in the freezer.


Another tactic would be to mix up the 100mg vial, take out perhaps 10 or 20mg worth then freeze the rest. Not sure if it would degrade after being mixed, frozen and thawed a time or two

#1478 DareDevil

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Posted 08 July 2017 - 10:17 PM

Sorry it must be the autocorrect on my iPhone that changed it to the greek letter Epsilon. No, I'm not in a fraternity lol. It's a typo, I meant Epitalon.




#1479 mike888

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 08:28 AM

A general question regarding the Khavinson peptides: has anyone an idea why the Russians publish secret war technology? Maybe, these peptides are not the real substances...



#1480 mikey

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 03:34 PM


A general question regarding the Khavinson peptides: has anyone an idea why the Russians publish secret war technology? Maybe, these peptides are not the real substances...





Who knows?


However, the peptides have done amazing things for me. No question they work.


Most people on LongeCity dismiss them because the studies on them are only done by Khavinson - no independent data.


However, they absolutely worked to clear large red lesions on my legs that occurred because of exposure to a toxin. The lesions were there for months (gross!). Two weeks of Epitalon with Thymalin cleared them and the skin continues to regain its previous health. They simply work.

#1481 mike888

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 03:38 PM

i agree: the Khavinson peptides work. I wouldn't dismiss them. Question is: is there something even better? I am tempted to contact the Khavinson people to find out. But maybe some of you guys know more about even better peptides.

#1482 aconita

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 09:02 PM

Since Epitalon has never been commercialized officially by Khavinson but the bioregulators extracted from animal glands are one should suppose those are the best, for example endoluten should be better than epitalon,which might make sense since endoluten should be the complete gland peptides profile instead of just part of it like epitalon is.


So far I haven't been able to read of any user reporting about a comparison, I doubt it would be easy anyway since effects are unlikely to be immediate and very evident.

#1483 mikey

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 10:44 PM

Since Epitalon has never been commercialized officially by Khavinson but the bioregulators extracted from animal glands are one should suppose those are the best, for example endoluten should be better than epitalon,which might make sense since endoluten should be the complete gland peptides profile instead of just part of it like epitalon is.


So far I haven't been able to read of any user reporting about a comparison, I doubt it would be easy anyway since effects are unlikely to be immediate and very evident.


Correct. One comparison study showed that Endoluten was slightly more effective for my age-group than Epitalon. This is, as you said, most likely because it has the full scope of natural ingredients that are present in the animal tissues, rather than just a short peptide string of what is considered to be most active.


I have used Endoluten and Epitalon and N-Acetyl Epitalon and the NAE-amidate version, too.


I can't tell a difference -- they each are effective - except that I'd rather use oral Endoluten because the subq injection stings painfully, more so than any other subq ingredient that I've used. 

#1484 aconita

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 11:09 PM

Thanks Mikey, at least some feedback!


Wandering if endoluten kind of feel more effective when paired with tb500 (or thymalin or other thymus extract/peptide fractions) as for epitalon.

#1485 YOLF

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Posted 29 July 2017 - 01:43 AM

What was epitalon originally intended for?

#1486 mike888

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Posted 30 July 2017 - 10:31 AM

@aconita: Epitalon is officially commercialized by Khavinson - but restricted to use by doctors of  the St. Petersburg Institute and some specialists.


@Mikey: For me Epitalon is much more efficient than Endoluten, although Endoluten definetely has some positive effect on me.


@Yolf: because Epitalon is military product no one really knows until the Russian archives will be opened.


@all: here is a recent video documentation about Khavinson 





#1487 mikey

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Posted 30 July 2017 - 11:12 PM

Thanks Mikey, at least some feedback!


Wandering if endoluten kind of feel more effective when paired with tb500 (or thymalin or other thymus extract/peptide fractions) as for epitalon.


Hello aconita,


I felt no differences in any of the iterations of epitalon/Endoluten.


They did work better with various thymus extracts, including TB-500, Vladonix and Peptides Sciences' false Thymalin, which is not the Khavinson bi-peptide, but a much longer chain that was created before Khavinson produced his bi-peptide, called Thymulin. 




Note that Ceretropic is now selling the same so-called "Thymalin," except that Ceretropic correctly secondarily lists it as Thymulin, while Peptides Sciences is selling it as a bi-peptide, when the peptide sequence that they show is  Pyr-L-Ala-L-Lys-L-Ser-L-Gln-Gly-Gly-L-Ser-L-Asn-OH, which is Thymulin.

#1488 YOLF

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 03:23 AM

Ok, so they do kind of allude in the video to them being developed specifically to enhance their military and treat a variety of aging related and other diseases or conditions and they are used in various combinations and dosage levels. So they are part of a system of medicine that requires expertise to leverage fully and efficiently. 

#1489 YOLF

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 03:31 AM

As for thymus regeneration, there is certainly something to be said for it. I've experimented with it and it looks like the pathway to achieving the euphoria of youth and can cause a shedding of various skin abnormalities that come with aging.


So I guess these peptides are coming from E. Coli these days and aren't tissue extracts?

#1490 mike888

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 11:48 AM

As for thymus regeneration, there is certainly something to be said for it. I've experimented with it and it looks like the pathway to achieving the euphoria of youth and can cause a shedding of various skin abnormalities that come with aging.


So I guess these peptides are coming from E. Coli these days and aren't tissue extracts?


Some of them are synthetic, e.g. Epitalon, other can contain extracts, e.g. Epitalamine. It depends. The synthetics are mainly with synthesis automata. More detailed info in the corresponding patents. They do not use biotech methods in these cases, as far i know.



The question remains: why should the military disclose relevant substances to the general public and therefore to the potential enemy?

#1491 aconita

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 02:51 PM

Because are so old that aren't a secret anymore since long ago, likely they do currently have secret substances or cures like many other countries do, we just don't know about those because....are still secret!


What was epitalon originally intended for


To counteract premature aging of submarine crews due to radiations exposure during the cold war when the first atomic submarines weren't all that safe, it seems that has been used extensively on the Chernobyl victims too, reducing significantly losses and negative outcomes.

I felt no differences in any of the iterations of epitalon/Endoluten.


They did work better with various thymus extracts


Thanks, I really appreciate and this confirms what I thought it would likely to be.


Endoluten coupled with Vladonix sounds quite interesting to me since at least they are legit, with Epitalon and TB500 or Thymulin/Thymalin is all nice on paper but to get the real thing in the right amount at the right purity is everything but guaranteed.


For me Epitalon is much more efficient than Endoluten, although Endoluten definetely has some positive effect on me.


Do you mind to elaborate further, which kind of effects are you able to experience and how are they different?


Reliable EU sources? 


About thymus regeneration by other routes it seems only HGH+DHEA has been tested on humans (results?), the rest is all mice and things not really practically feasible (FOXO1, interleukin 2, FGF21, etc...).


Am I missing something here? 

#1492 Nate-2004

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 04:10 PM

That YouTube video documentary plays like a propaganda piece, but it's interesting still. I looked up Cortexin, it's like nobody knows about it and the only info I can find is on Reddit and some DC comics thing lol. 


I've been curious about Epitalon for a while now and I'm not sure what a good source would be much less what people's results have been. This 2003 study on mice is not too promising. I'd figure by now we'd have something more substantial if there were really anything to this substance other than anecdotes.

Edited by Nate-2004, 01 August 2017 - 04:10 PM.

#1493 Nate-2004

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 04:39 PM

Also this RNA Therapeutics thing looks more promising but it's probably much more complicated than just injecting a drug. 



#1494 Yeshe Rabsal

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 05:03 PM

That YouTube video documentary plays like a propaganda piece, but it's interesting still. I looked up Cortexin, it's like nobody knows about it and the only info I can find is on Reddit and some DC comics thing lol.


"Cortexin" is a drug from the TV show "Fringe". Not a real thing.

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#1495 aconita

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 05:40 PM

Cortexin likely isn't an approved drug outside Russia, try a search for it in Russian (Кортексин)...and here you go: plenty of results like this one for example




A drug from a TV show...that's a good one! :D

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#1496 Nate-2004

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 05:43 PM


That YouTube video documentary plays like a propaganda piece, but it's interesting still. I looked up Cortexin, it's like nobody knows about it and the only info I can find is on Reddit and some DC comics thing lol.


"Cortexin" is a drug from the TV show "Fringe". Not a real thing.



I'm guessing that "documentary" is fake then.

Cortexin likely isn't an approved drug outside Russia, try a search for it in Russian (Кортексин)...and here you go: plenty of results like this one for example




A drug from a TV show...that's a good one! :D


It's likely both. 

#1497 Yeshe Rabsal

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 05:46 PM

My bad... that was "Cortexiphan" in Fringe.

#1498 Yeshe Rabsal

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 05:50 PM

Text from: https://protabletky.ru/cortexin/


Cortexin is a domestic medicinal product manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Geropharm. The composition of this drug includes a combination of low molecular weight water-soluble fractions of polypeptides obtained by extraction from the cerebral cortex of pigs and calves. Cortexin penetrates the blood-brain barrier directly to the neurons and has nootropic (stimulating mental activity), neuroprotective (stabilizing nerve fibers), antioxidant and tissue-specific effects. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired cerebral circulation and other cerebral dysfunctions. In the next part of the article, you will learn more about all the facets of the pharmaceutical "talents" of cortexin.

So, the first in a series of pharmacological effects of the drug in all instructions for use is indicated nootropic. It is expressed in improving the higher functions of the brain, stimulating cognitive processes, strengthening memory, increasing concentration, increasing resilience and adaptability in various stressful situations. The neuroprotective effect of cortexin lies in the protection of neurons from the pathological effects of various internal neurotoxic factors (free radicals, glutamate, calcium ions), as well as in leveling the toxic effects of psychotropic drugs. Its antioxidant effect is manifested by suppression of lipid peroxidation in nerve cells, increased survival in conditions of oxygen starvation and oxidative stress.

As for tissue-specific effects, it is expressed in the stimulation of metabolic processes in the neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, activation of the restoration processes, normalization of the functions of the cerebral cortex, and an increase in the tone of the nervous system. If we extrapolate all this set of pharmacological "benefits" to a specific clinical situation, then in conditions "in vivo" cortexin achieves the right to be considered an effective drug as follows: it activates peptides of nerve cells and neurotropic factors, harmonizes the balance of metabolic processes involving excitatory and inhibitory amino acids, Serotonin, dopamine, affects the GABAergic system of regulation, inhibits paroxysmal convulsive activity of the brain, increases its bioelectrical activity In fact,

Cotexin is available as a lyophilizate to prepare a solution for intramuscular injection. Before the injection, the contents of the vial should be dissolved in 1-2 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution or water for injection. Enter the drug should be 1 time a day. A single dose for an adult is 10 mg, and for children it is calculated as follows: 0.5 mg per 1 kg if the body weight is up to 20 kg or the same 10 mg with a body weight of more than 20 kg. Duration of treatment in patients of all age groups is 10 days. If necessary, after 3-6 months, a repeated pharmacotherapeutic course can be performed.


#1499 mike888

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 06:09 PM

It is possible to buy Cortexin here:




They ship to US. 



#1500 Nate-2004

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Posted 01 August 2017 - 07:19 PM

I may try that. Anything in an attempt to resolve ET issues for me. I also just had a concussion recently so who knows.  Off topic from Epitalon though. Doesn't look like Epitalon is as easy to get.

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