I am under the impression that there is a huge misconception regarding heavy metal poisoning on these forums, i.e people freak out over possible impurities in supplements.
Am i missing something? afaik its not a big deal and is overly exaggerated
Mercury contaminated supplements are in the form of inorganic mercury. Inorganic mercury has very poor bioavailability, similar to other inorganic metals(magnesium, iron, zinc - oxide). It has also very poor solubility in lipids and any absorbed traces will be readily excreted via feces and urine. Inorganic mercury also does not cross the blood brain barrier as well as its organic counterpart.
Most probable route of poisoning is through inhalation and transdermal penetration.
Methylmercury is the organic version, which is readily and completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It has high lipid solubility. It readily crosses the blood brain barrier. It has to be converted to inorganic mercury before excreted thus potentiating accumulation, chemically speaking it follows first order kinetics.
This is what is spoken of when mentioning mercury in hazardous context, i.e fish ingestion.
Lead & Arsenic follows the same principals as inorganic mercury, i.e you are constantly exposed to it in a much higher risk than that from oral supplement ingestion, especially if you live in a industrial area. Approx 1% of serum lead levels is stored in bone, rest is excreted.
Bottom line is, oral ingestion of inorganic contaminants is nothing to sweat about, unless ofc you consume heavily contaminated products. Consider the WHO standards of <10ppm which is a neglectable amount even if chronically consumed.
So what with all the china source bashing and faking HPLC results?
Even the failed HPLC purity test ive seen posted showed <100ppm heavy metals, but consumers make it out to be as if they consumed pure liquid mercury. This is also probably why there possibly persists so much HPLC faking. Hell if i was a source i probably wouldnt trash kilos of quality products just because the lead content is 5 ppm above guidelines either.
If im wrong, please enlighten me.