Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.
With sustained daily mega-doses of 200mg (7xmaximum suggested dose) I experienced forgetfulness, lack of clarity, and emotional blunting.
At normal oral doses of 30mg or below per day I haven't noticed anything negative except slight paranoia during the first week of dosing.
I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.
I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection. After three or four days doing that I was very irritable, but that's the first time I experienced the irritability.
I'm actually guessing that sublingual absorption is the root of the irritability problem. I think bypassing the GI tract increases side effects. I've never experienced any irritability when dosing orally (swallowing the stuff) even at sustained doses of 200mg per day.
If you look at the Russian literature from the Noopept website it says it's intended for oral administration. If you follow those instructions and stay under 30mg per day, generally you experience very few if any side effects. That's what I've found at least.
It's a very powerful little molecule and when you're used to other racetams it's quite a shock to subjectively feel an effect from a tiny speck of 10mg powder.
Thank you for your extremely informatative and useful feedback! This is exactly the sort of user feedback that I was hoping for... VERY interesting!
Funnily enough it was your excellent
"noopept megadose, someone had to do it" thread, which I also found to be very interesting, that partly contributed to my posting this thread, so your opinion in particular is greatly appreciated.

I was already of the view that NOOPEPT's potentiality for side effects might be dose dependant; and your feedback seems indicative that not only may this indeed be the case, but also the METHOD of administration may be highly influencial too. Whilst the undesirable IRRITABILITY side effect has been commonly reported on this forum it does seem to be accompanied by perhaps 'over-enthusiastic' dosages and/or SUBLINGUAL administration as opposed to PER ORAL.
So it sounds like PER ORAL may be the way to go; and I guess its a case of individual tolerance to its effects as to exactly what is the maximum dosage one can take to experience positive, without negative effects. Perhaps for some people it's very much a case of
'Less Is More' when it comes to NOOPEPT?
Take HYDERGINE for example; I find that a dosage of just 1mg provides consistently excellent benefits, without ANY side effects, yet any dosage higher than 1mg, for me, triggers a whole array of intolerable side effects.
I think I might just order some of this stuff and do some experimenting myself!