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Poll: NOOPEPT - THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN? (386 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Voted THUMBS UP (291 votes [75.39%] - View)

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  2. THUMBS DOWN (95 votes [24.61%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.61%

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#1 ScienceGuy

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 05:46 PM

I'm interested in public opinion on NOOPEPT, a relatively new nootropic.

My understanding from existing feedback to date regarding NOOPEPT is that it does appear to possess noticable nootropic properties but possibly also an array of negative side effects, which may only fully manifest themselves after sustained daily use for a period of 2-4 weeks, which include: IRRITABILITY, ANGER, AMOTIVATION, AND INCREASED ANXIETY.

I am therefore interested in your opinion of whether you'd give NOOPEPT an overall 'THUMBS UP' or 'THUMBS DOWN' based on your own personal experience taking it daily and for a duration of at least 2 weeks.

I am also interested in receiving your feedback regarding what (if any) NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS you have personally experienced from taking NOOPEPT.

Edited by scienceguy, 29 December 2011 - 05:48 PM.

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#2 Ark

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 10:32 PM

Noopept is the best of the Ractams IMHO

Edited by Ark, 29 December 2011 - 10:33 PM.

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#3 Baten

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 11:56 PM

There's no harm in trying it out. Some people get agitated easier, some feel depression at long time usage.
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#4 Ark

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:07 AM

There's no harm in trying it out. Some people get agitated easier, some feel depression at long time usage.

You say some people get depression long term usage, can you show me where you got this tidbit of information or are you just making shit up.
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#5 manic_racetam

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:39 AM

Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.

With sustained daily mega-doses of 200mg (7xmaximum suggested dose) I experienced forgetfulness, lack of clarity, and emotional blunting.

At normal oral doses of 30mg or below per day I haven't noticed anything negative except slight paranoia during the first week of dosing.

I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.

I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection. After three or four days doing that I was very irritable, but that's the first time I experienced the irritability.

I'm actually guessing that sublingual absorption is the root of the irritability problem. I think bypassing the GI tract increases side effects. I've never experienced any irritability when dosing orally (swallowing the stuff) even at sustained doses of 200mg per day.

If you look at the Russian literature from the Noopept website it says it's intended for oral administration. If you follow those instructions and stay under 30mg per day, generally you experience very few if any side effects. That's what I've found at least.

It's a very powerful little molecule and when you're used to other racetams it's quite a shock to subjectively feel an effect from a tiny speck of 10mg powder.
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#6 Baten

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 01:27 AM

You say some people get depression long term usage, can you show me where you got this tidbit of information or are you just making shit up.

I was quoting after manic_racetam's expierences in the "noopept megadose, someone had to do it" thread, but apparently I was off by some details

He didn't mention depression per-sé, but said "he didn't quite feel like himself" -> "forgetfulness, lack of clarity, and emotional blunting" after long time (longer than a week) mega dosing every day.
I remembered "not feeling like himself" as depression. Excuse my misquote.
Mega doses seemed to have more pronounced effects on feel-good & mood, for me it also gave a noticeable confidence boost.
Lower doses have those effects in a much less dramatic fashion + overall clearer thoughts.

also, the official drug package insert tells you to cycle 1 month off every 3 months on (at normal doses berween 20 and 40 mg)
no-one knows the exact reason why, speculated was just because it wasn't tested super thoroughly -> for safety

Edited by Baten, 30 December 2011 - 01:32 AM.

#7 X_Danny_X

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 03:47 AM

it is best to cycle nootropics though, to prevent tolerance. 1 month though is a long time.

Edited by X_Danny_X, 30 December 2011 - 03:48 AM.

#8 ScienceGuy

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 10:27 AM

Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.

With sustained daily mega-doses of 200mg (7xmaximum suggested dose) I experienced forgetfulness, lack of clarity, and emotional blunting.

At normal oral doses of 30mg or below per day I haven't noticed anything negative except slight paranoia during the first week of dosing.

I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.

I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection. After three or four days doing that I was very irritable, but that's the first time I experienced the irritability.

I'm actually guessing that sublingual absorption is the root of the irritability problem. I think bypassing the GI tract increases side effects. I've never experienced any irritability when dosing orally (swallowing the stuff) even at sustained doses of 200mg per day.

If you look at the Russian literature from the Noopept website it says it's intended for oral administration. If you follow those instructions and stay under 30mg per day, generally you experience very few if any side effects. That's what I've found at least.

It's a very powerful little molecule and when you're used to other racetams it's quite a shock to subjectively feel an effect from a tiny speck of 10mg powder.

Thank you for your extremely informatative and useful feedback! This is exactly the sort of user feedback that I was hoping for... VERY interesting!

Funnily enough it was your excellent "noopept megadose, someone had to do it" thread, which I also found to be very interesting, that partly contributed to my posting this thread, so your opinion in particular is greatly appreciated. :)

I was already of the view that NOOPEPT's potentiality for side effects might be dose dependant; and your feedback seems indicative that not only may this indeed be the case, but also the METHOD of administration may be highly influencial too. Whilst the undesirable IRRITABILITY side effect has been commonly reported on this forum it does seem to be accompanied by perhaps 'over-enthusiastic' dosages and/or SUBLINGUAL administration as opposed to PER ORAL.

So it sounds like PER ORAL may be the way to go; and I guess its a case of individual tolerance to its effects as to exactly what is the maximum dosage one can take to experience positive, without negative effects. Perhaps for some people it's very much a case of 'Less Is More' when it comes to NOOPEPT?

Take HYDERGINE for example; I find that a dosage of just 1mg provides consistently excellent benefits, without ANY side effects, yet any dosage higher than 1mg, for me, triggers a whole array of intolerable side effects.

I think I might just order some of this stuff and do some experimenting myself! :-D
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#9 ScienceGuy

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 10:53 AM

it is best to cycle nootropics though, to prevent tolerance. 1 month though is a long time.

Not all nootropics will develop tolerance with repeated use, it will depend on the particular substance's mechanism of action.

You are quite correct that some nootropics, those which induce receptor downregulation for example, will need to be cycled in order to maintain their efficacy; however, there are in fact a whole variety of nootropics which in fact do not need to be cycled, since their mechanism of action is such that consistent therapeutic effects are sustained with repeated and long-term use. For some, their true benefits are only seen with repeated and long-term use. ;)
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#10 JChief

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Posted 31 December 2011 - 02:16 PM

Thumbs Up.

Edited by JChief, 31 December 2011 - 02:17 PM.

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#11 ScienceGuy

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 05:16 PM

There's no harm in trying it out. Some people get agitated easier, some feel depression at long time usage.

...can you show me where you got this tidbit of information or are you just making shit up.

Hey Ark,

Gotta love your straight talking! :-D

#12 ScienceGuy

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 05:19 PM

...can you show me where you got this tidbit of information or are you just making shit up.

Hey Ark,

Gotta love your straight talking! :-D

Edited by scienceguy, 01 January 2012 - 05:20 PM.

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#13 ScienceGuy

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 05:30 PM

it is best to cycle nootropics though, to prevent tolerance. 1 month though is a long time.

Yes, but not all nootropics need to be cycled. It depends on their mechanism of action as to whether a particular nootropic needs to be cycled or not. For example, a nootropic that induces receptor downregulation and consequent tolerance most certainly does need to be cycled; however, others do not and retain their efficacy with sustained continuous use. In fact, some need to be taken with sustained continuous use in order to reap their rewards, such as phosphatidylserine for example. ;)

Edited by scienceguy, 01 January 2012 - 05:37 PM.

#14 Austin Diablo

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 05:38 PM

There's no harm in trying it out. Some people get agitated easier, some feel depression at long time usage.

You say some people get depression long term usage, can you show me where you got this tidbit of information or are you just making shit up.

lol!! I think we got the agitated effect rolling!

#15 ScienceGuy

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 05:40 PM

Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.

With sustained daily mega-doses of 200mg (7xmaximum suggested dose) I experienced forgetfulness, lack of clarity, and emotional blunting.

At normal oral doses of 30mg or below per day I haven't noticed anything negative except slight paranoia during the first week of dosing.

I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.

I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection. After three or four days doing that I was very irritable, but that's the first time I experienced the irritability.

I'm actually guessing that sublingual absorption is the root of the irritability problem. I think bypassing the GI tract increases side effects. I've never experienced any irritability when dosing orally (swallowing the stuff) even at sustained doses of 200mg per day.

If you look at the Russian literature from the Noopept website it says it's intended for oral administration. If you follow those instructions and stay under 30mg per day, generally you experience very few if any side effects. That's what I've found at least.

It's a very powerful little molecule and when you're used to other racetams it's quite a shock to subjectively feel an effect from a tiny speck of 10mg powder.

manic_racetam, thank you for the excellent feedback! Seems like you've really comprehensively tested this stuff! ;)

Out of interest, have you been taking the NOOPEPT at 30mg per orally by itself or stacked with another racetam or racetam(s)?

#16 Austin Diablo

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 05:46 PM

Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.

With sustained daily mega-doses of 200mg (7xmaximum suggested dose) I experienced forgetfulness, lack of clarity, and emotional blunting.

At normal oral doses of 30mg or below per day I haven't noticed anything negative except slight paranoia during the first week of dosing.

I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.

I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection. After three or four days doing that I was very irritable, but that's the first time I experienced the irritability.

I'm actually guessing that sublingual absorption is the root of the irritability problem. I think bypassing the GI tract increases side effects. I've never experienced any irritability when dosing orally (swallowing the stuff) even at sustained doses of 200mg per day.

If you look at the Russian literature from the Noopept website it says it's intended for oral administration. If you follow those instructions and stay under 30mg per day, generally you experience very few if any side effects. That's what I've found at least.

It's a very powerful little molecule and when you're used to other racetams it's quite a shock to subjectively feel an effect from a tiny speck of 10mg powder.

I went to that site but it was all in Russian...I take it you read Russian? Or did you use google translate?

#17 ScienceGuy

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 02:17 PM

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your valuable comments and feedback. :)

FYI my NOOPEPT order just arrived in the mail and I've just taken my first 30mg dose. If my head falls off or I grow another arm I'll be sure to let you know! :-D
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#18 JChief

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 07:15 AM

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your valuable comments and feedback. :)

FYI my NOOPEPT order just arrived in the mail and I've just taken my first 30mg dose. If my head falls off or I grow another arm I'll be sure to let you know! :-D

Yeah if we don't hear back then I'll just assume heads rolled ;)

#19 ScienceGuy

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 10:34 AM

Hi everyone,

FYI – I have posted my feedback after my first 3 days of taking NOOPEPT here: http://www.longecity...-user-feedback/

Edited by ScienceGuy, 07 January 2012 - 10:44 AM.

#20 Ark

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 05:22 AM

Btw; for best results take just before bed.

(at least thats been whats worked best for me so far)

#21 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 10:38 AM

Btw; for best results take just before bed.

(at least thats been whats worked best for me so far)

Interesting... :cool:

BTW have you experienced any negative sexual related side effects at any time whilst taking NOOPEPT? That's been the real deal breaker for me... the stuff totally hammered my libido into the floor and I had a very noticable reduction in seminal volume too. Oh and I'm already on Testosterone Replacement Therapy so the Eurycoma Longifolia administration route to compensate is not an option for me... though I would worry if this stuff messes with your testicles to that extent, I'd have to wonder what ELSE is it doing to them?! Is it honestly worth the risk? :sad:

IMO weighing up the overall PROs versus CONs for me at least NOOPEPT is a BAD DEAL... but it seems that there's an ever increasing number of people reporting similar negative side effects to those that I experienced when trialing it. What about you?

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 January 2012 - 10:42 AM.

#22 manic_racetam

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 11:12 AM

Btw; for best results take just before bed.

(at least thats been whats worked best for me so far)

Interesting... :cool:

BTW have you experienced any negative sexual related side effects at any time whilst taking NOOPEPT? That's been the real deal breaker for me... the stuff totally hammered my libido into the floor and I had a very noticable reduction in seminal volume too. Oh and I'm already on Testosterone Replacement Therapy so the Eurycoma Longifolia administration route to compensate is not an option for me... though I would worry if this stuff messes with your testicles to that extent, I'd have to wonder what ELSE is it doing to them?! Is it honestly worth the risk? :sad:

IMO weighing up the overall PROs versus CONs for me at least NOOPEPT is a BAD DEAL... but it seems that there's an ever increasing number of people reporting similar negative side effects to those that I experienced when trialing it. What about you?

There are a few people who seem really sensitive to the stuff. You, golden1, and Ben seem to be a few of them from this forum, but the latter two seem to be sensitive to most things they try. But it seems for the most part that people respond pretty well to Noopept at the = or <30mg daily dose. Maybe it has something to do with your encephalitis?

Also, until someone gets testosterone panels done before and after Noopept treatment any effect on "testicles" or hormones in general, is purely speculation.

#23 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 11:46 AM

Btw; for best results take just before bed.

(at least thats been whats worked best for me so far)

Interesting... :cool:

BTW have you experienced any negative sexual related side effects at any time whilst taking NOOPEPT? That's been the real deal breaker for me... the stuff totally hammered my libido into the floor and I had a very noticable reduction in seminal volume too. Oh and I'm already on Testosterone Replacement Therapy so the Eurycoma Longifolia administration route to compensate is not an option for me... though I would worry if this stuff messes with your testicles to that extent, I'd have to wonder what ELSE is it doing to them?! Is it honestly worth the risk? :sad:

IMO weighing up the overall PROs versus CONs for me at least NOOPEPT is a BAD DEAL... but it seems that there's an ever increasing number of people reporting similar negative side effects to those that I experienced when trialing it. What about you?

There are a few people who seem really sensitive to the stuff. You, golden1, and Ben seem to be a few of them from this forum, but the latter two seem to be sensitive to most things they try. But it seems for the most part that people respond pretty well to Noopept at the = or <30mg daily dose. Maybe it has something to do with your encephalitis?

Also, until someone gets testosterone panels done before and after Noopept treatment any effect on "testicles" or hormones in general, is purely speculation.

Yes, you are absolutely right in correctly pointing out that I am indeed NOT representative of the average normal person in that my tendency to experience side effects is indeed at the far end of the spectrum - i.e. I am VERY sensitive to substances.

RE: "Maybe it has something to do with your encephalitis?" Yep! :happy:

RE: "Also, until someone gets testosterone panels done before and after Noopept treatment any effect on "testicles" or hormones in general, is purely speculation." Yes, however I believe that it has in fact evolved somewhat onwards from 'pure speculation', since there does appear to be an awful lot of people trying this stuff who are independantly all reporting the same thing, albeit at differing dosages, on various other threads on this forum, which I believe includes you sir... ;)

IMPORTANT NOTE: For anyone reading this I am NOT suggesting that you should not try NOOPEPT for yourselves; as manic_racetam has quite rightly have pointed out there currently is NO scientific substantiation of the sexual sides reported to date. All I am saying is to be aware of the various side effects being reported by SOME but not all users if or when you try NOOPEPT for yourself. This does NOT mean that you will experience them too.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 January 2012 - 12:04 PM.

#24 manic_racetam

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 05:02 PM

RE: "Also, until someone gets testosterone panels done before and after Noopept treatment any effect on "testicles" or hormones in general, is purely speculation." Yes, however I believe that it has in fact evolved somewhat onwards from 'pure speculation', since there does appear to be an awful lot of people trying this stuff who are independantly all reporting the same thing, albeit at differing dosages, on various other threads on this forum, which I believe includes you sir... ;)

I'm simply pointing out that sexual side effects do not automatically equate to lowered testosterone levels (so far, that correlation is pure speculation). Without performing hormone tests before and after Noopept use we just don't know the effect it has on any hormones in the body.

It may actually increase testosterone and the slight decrease in libido is caused by a reciprocal increase in cortisol for all we know.
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#25 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 05:37 PM

RE: "Also, until someone gets testosterone panels done before and after Noopept treatment any effect on "testicles" or hormones in general, is purely speculation." Yes, however I believe that it has in fact evolved somewhat onwards from 'pure speculation', since there does appear to be an awful lot of people trying this stuff who are independantly all reporting the same thing, albeit at differing dosages, on various other threads on this forum, which I believe includes you sir... ;)

I'm simply pointing out that sexual side effects do not automatically equate to lowered testosterone levels (so far, that correlation is pure speculation). Without performing hormone tests before and after Noopept use we just don't know the effect it has on any hormones in the body.

It may actually increase testosterone and the slight decrease in libido is caused by a reciprocal increase in cortisol for all we know.

You're absolutely right that we don't know the cause of the sexual sides and it may not equate to lowered testosterone levels, so yes that correlation is indeed pure speculation.

BTW pure academic conjecture again, and I know you only gave it as an example, but I don't believe there's an increase in testosterone plus cortisol going on, since I'm on HRT and I am VERY aware of what are the effects on me that occur with even a slight elevation of testosterone and/or cortisol (both of which I pretty regularly have tested), and what I experienced with NOOPEPT was in NO way similar.

This reason alone, and since there are a growing number of independent reports mounting up of users experiencing the same sexual sides (albeit at a diverse range of dosages - I note that you only experienced them when carrying out your brilliant mega-dosing exercise (as you said "someone had to do it!" ;))) is highly indicative that the stuff on some level screws with the endocrine system... and NOT in a good way... :sad:

But as you rightly say, until someone accompanies their NOOPEPT taking with the respective lab tests, or further relevant clinical studies are carried out (which isn't likely to happen particuarly soon) we won't have a substantiated explanation as to what's causing the manifestation of the sexual sides.

My advice to anyone is the same as for any relatively new and unstudied substance, try it for yourself and see how you respond to it. It seems quite likely that for some people NOOPEPT might be a GOOD DEAL (i.e. they receive therapeutic benefits without any deal-breaking side effects) but for others it's the opposite (i.e. the side effects outway the postives)... It will be very interesting the follow the progress of this new kid on the block! ;)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 January 2012 - 05:41 PM.

#26 Ark

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 05:30 AM

None as far as those type of side effects go, maybe i notice more morning wood, but no not sure.

#27 chainwheel

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Posted 16 January 2012 - 05:07 AM

perhaps there is a stimulant effect... I find that any amphetamines... like adderall metadate... hell even ephedrine keep me from getting an erection... other people get better erections on the things....
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#28 JChief

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Posted 19 January 2012 - 09:35 AM

perhaps there is a stimulant effect... I find that any amphetamines... like adderall metadate... hell even ephedrine keep me from getting an erection... other people get better erections on the things....

Just my two cents on the erection issue. Amphetamines and even cocaine had effects where it was difficult to obtain erection but, once obtained, sensation and orgasm were incredibly intense!!! That's more NE/DA related I guess? And SE type drugs (SSRIs of course) would allow for obtaining an erection but not being able to orgasm! So who knows of noopept is having an effect on certain neurotransmitters. Lowered testosterone is probably unlikely to be the cause of the sexual issues that have been reported thus far I'd be willing to bet.
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#29 ScienceGuy

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Posted 19 January 2012 - 01:24 PM

perhaps there is a stimulant effect... I find that any amphetamines... like adderall metadate... hell even ephedrine keep me from getting an erection... other people get better erections on the things....

Just my two cents on the erection issue. Amphetamines and even cocaine had effects where it was difficult to obtain erection but, once obtained, sensation and orgasm were incredibly intense!!! That's more NE/DA related I guess? And SE type drugs (SSRIs of course) would allow for obtaining an erection but not being able to orgasm! So who knows of noopept is having an effect on certain neurotransmitters. Lowered testosterone is probably unlikely to be the cause of the sexual issues that have been reported thus far I'd be willing to bet.

I'm not sure about that... Of course this is all academic speculation, but I have previously experienced BOTH the scenarios that you describe after taking certain substances which, whilst legal, induced the same effects through the same mechanism, namely difficulty in obtaining erection but intenser orgasm, plus difficulty attaining orgasm, due to modulation of neurotransmitters, and the effects of NOOPEPT that I personally experienced are nothing of the like; but are EXACTLY the same as those that I experience when I tested low in Testosterone...

Also, bear in mind that there already exists studies that have demonstrated that NEFIRACETAM reduces testosterone levels, so it is not a huge leap to infer that NOOPEPT's sexual sides might be due to the same effect...

Edited by ScienceGuy, 19 January 2012 - 01:27 PM.

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#30 JChief

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Posted 19 January 2012 - 01:50 PM

perhaps there is a stimulant effect... I find that any amphetamines... like adderall metadate... hell even ephedrine keep me from getting an erection... other people get better erections on the things....

Just my two cents on the erection issue. Amphetamines and even cocaine had effects where it was difficult to obtain erection but, once obtained, sensation and orgasm were incredibly intense!!! That's more NE/DA related I guess? And SE type drugs (SSRIs of course) would allow for obtaining an erection but not being able to orgasm! So who knows of noopept is having an effect on certain neurotransmitters. Lowered testosterone is probably unlikely to be the cause of the sexual issues that have been reported thus far I'd be willing to bet.

I'm not sure about that... Of course this is all academic speculation, but I have previously experienced BOTH the scenarios that you describe after taking certain substances which, whilst legal, induced the same effects through the same mechanism, namely difficulty in obtaining erection but intenser orgasm, plus difficulty attaining orgasm, due to modulation of neurotransmitters, and the effects of NOOPEPT that I personally experienced are nothing of the like; but are EXACTLY the same as those that I experience when I tested low in Testosterone...

Also, bear in mind that there already exists studies that have demonstrated that NEFIRACETAM reduces testosterone levels, so it is not a huge leap to infer that NOOPEPT's sexual sides might be due to the same effect...

You bring up some interesting points. Thanks for sharing!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, nootropic, nootropics, memory, cognitive, cognition, learning, smart drug, piracetam, racetam

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