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Poll: NOOPEPT - THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN? (386 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Voted THUMBS UP (291 votes [75.39%] - View)

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#31 manic_racetam

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 02:10 AM

perhaps there is a stimulant effect... I find that any amphetamines... like adderall metadate... hell even ephedrine keep me from getting an erection... other people get better erections on the things....

Just my two cents on the erection issue. Amphetamines and even cocaine had effects where it was difficult to obtain erection but, once obtained, sensation and orgasm were incredibly intense!!! That's more NE/DA related I guess? And SE type drugs (SSRIs of course) would allow for obtaining an erection but not being able to orgasm! So who knows of noopept is having an effect on certain neurotransmitters. Lowered testosterone is probably unlikely to be the cause of the sexual issues that have been reported thus far I'd be willing to bet.

I'm not sure about that... Of course this is all academic speculation, but I have previously experienced BOTH the scenarios that you describe after taking certain substances which, whilst legal, induced the same effects through the same mechanism, namely difficulty in obtaining erection but intenser orgasm, plus difficulty attaining orgasm, due to modulation of neurotransmitters, and the effects of NOOPEPT that I personally experienced are nothing of the like; but are EXACTLY the same as those that I experience when I tested low in Testosterone...

Also, bear in mind that there already exists studies that have demonstrated that NEFIRACETAM reduces testosterone levels, so it is not a huge leap to infer that NOOPEPT's sexual sides might be due to the same effect...

You bring up some interesting points. Thanks for sharing!

I'm so tired of this back and forth. Looks like I'm gonna have to start looking into testosterone panels. Hopefully I can find some cheaper ones in town that don't require insurance. Any suggestions on how to make it as scientific and objective as possible?

#32 ScienceGuy

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 08:52 AM

Looks like I'm gonna have to start looking into testosterone panels. Hopefully I can find some cheaper ones in town that don't require insurance. Any suggestions on how to make it as scientific and objective as possible?

One would really need to test for ALL of the following, at BASELINE (before starting taking NOOPEPT), then again at 1 month of taking NOOPEPT daily, then again at 2 months of taking NOOPEPT daily:

1) TOTAL Testosterone

2) FREE Testosterone


4) Estradiol (E2)

HOWEVER, in your case there is somewhat a problem with attaining wholly accurate BASELINE data, since you have already at some point been taking NOOPEPT and IF it in any way whatsoever influences the endocrine system then your BASELINE figures will be corrupted, since we do not know for how long the NOOPEPT continues to negatively influence the endocrine system (IF it does that is), so we don't know what duration of abstinence wash-out time period is required for BASELINE to re-set to that of someone who has NEVER taken NOOPEPT.

Also, you should note that undergoing all of the above tests multiple times, which is really what would be required, is not going to be cheap...

I personally would have done the above labs monitoring if I wasn't on Testosterone Replacement Therapy, which for obvious reasons would render my test results useless.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 20 January 2012 - 08:55 AM.

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#33 manic_racetam

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 06:18 PM

Wouldn't a general saliva test at least show some activity if there was any change at all? How about abstaining from all nootropics for a month, then getting tested for a baseline. Then taking noopept 30mg a day for a month, then get tested again. Then take 100mg a day for 5 days and get tested again? If the 30mg a day made a huge difference I'd leave that last 100mg stint out.

I ask if it would give a general baseline because the saliva test is just about 100 bucks. Which I can afford to do a couple times a month.

#34 ScienceGuy

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 06:41 PM

Wouldn't a general saliva test at least show some activity if there was any change at all? How about abstaining from all nootropics for a month, then getting tested for a baseline. Then taking noopept 30mg a day for a month, then get tested again. Then take 100mg a day for 5 days and get tested again? If the 30mg a day made a huge difference I'd leave that last 100mg stint out.

I ask if it would give a general baseline because the saliva test is just about 100 bucks. Which I can afford to do a couple times a month.

Yes, since I note that you are in the USA that would be fine. I don't trust any of the labs here in the UK regards accuracy for salivary tests; in my experience they are all useless, so within the UK serum testing is the only really accurate way to go. However, so long as you use a reputable lab in the US and ensure that they use the NEWER 'ultra-sensitive' type of salivary testing (the older version is inaccurate and hence useless) then you'll be fine.

Furthermore, you will need to make sure that you take each saliva sample at EXACTLY the same time of day, since saliva tests essentially take a snapshot of your hormone levels at that specific time, and your salivary hormone levels will fluctuate throughout any 24-hour period.

Regards the wash-out period I think that you only really need to abstain from NOOPEPT and any other substances known to influence the endocrine system (e.g. NEFIRACETAM, PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE, EURYCOMA LONGIFOLIA etc.), and a month would be a good time period to not take these prior to undergoing your BASELINE test.

I'd be really interested to hear your findings! :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 20 January 2012 - 06:47 PM.

#35 Ampa-omega

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 05:18 AM

does anyone notice any anger or irritabiity with noopept? im just wondering because i heard that from some people. its also funny because it can create senses of tranquility for some people, its a strange nootropic. also heard it can make some motivated, and others demotivated. really strange

Edited by Ampa-omega, 09 February 2012 - 05:20 AM.

#36 ScienceGuy

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 07:55 AM

does anyone notice any anger or irritabiity with noopept? im just wondering because i heard that from some people. its also funny because it can create senses of tranquility for some people, its a strange nootropic. also heard it can make some motivated, and others demotivated. really strange

Anecdotal user feedback does appear to indicate that NOOPEPT may be somewhat unpredictable like ANIRACETAM, in that its effects can be inconsistent and/or some individuals are 'Positive-Responders' whereas others are 'Negative-Responders'. I guess everyone will need to try to ascertain which category they themselves fall into :)

I personally fall into the latter, in that NOOPEPT personally causes me to become IRRITABLE and AMOTIVATED. I did think that I was perhaps having an abnormal reaction to it, but now I am not so sure. ;)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 09 February 2012 - 07:58 AM.

#37 Michael Campbell

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 04:42 PM

I've been taking it for a week or 2; I started with small dosages and am now on 30mg/day. I generally take a week off a month of all noots.

That said, I haven't noticed much of any effect either way. I'll finish this quantity (10g from Cerebral Health) at the recommended dosage on my 3 on/1 off weekly schedule since I've paid for it, but I don't know that I'll buy any more.

#38 Nootr

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 01:39 PM

Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.

I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.

I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection.

How do you vaporize it into lungs? Do you use an electronic cigarette or other method? Do you dissolve in water noopept powder and how do you vaporize it into lungs? By the way, if noopept is soluble in glycerin we can dissolve it in glycerin and smoke an electronic cigarette with it.

Edited by Dan Brown, 12 February 2012 - 01:39 PM.

#39 Googoltarian

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 02:00 PM

How do you vaporize it into lungs? Do you use an electronic cigarette or other method? Do you dissolve in water noopept powder and how do you vaporize it into lungs? By the way, if noopept is soluble in glycerin we can dissolve it in glycerin and smoke an electronic cigarette with it.

It does not have to be soluble in glycerin, very fine dispersion would also work. Lets just hope he is not smoking it :-D

#40 manic_racetam

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 06:37 PM

Definitely the cleanest subjective effects of any racetam. I give it a thumbs up for sure.

I've tried Noopept in a variety of administration methods - Transdermal absorbtion, vaporization/inhalation, orally, and sublingually.

I enjoy the vaporization but it's difficult to avoid over-dosing. I ended up inhaling about 50mg per day and 100mg on the first day, I suppose it must have been equivalent to the effect of an injection.

How do you vaporize it into lungs? Do you use an electronic cigarette or other method? Do you dissolve in water noopept powder and how do you vaporize it into lungs? By the way, if noopept is soluble in glycerin we can dissolve it in glycerin and smoke an electronic cigarette with it.

Yes, I used an electronic cigarette. I mixed the noopept with the e-cig liquid that came with the apparatus. I measured the liquid drop by drop and measured the noopept with a scale. It made a solution of about 1mg/drop. The only problem was the high concentration of nicotine in the liquid. I was a heavy smoker at the time but it still had an interaction with heavy use.

It smelled really bad though. Filled the whole room with Noopept odor so I ended up usually "smoking" outside anyway.

I was pretty worried at first with this delivery method (afraid I was seriously damaging my lungs or something) but with such a high vaporizing point of Noopept and such a small particle size (dipeptide) it probably didn't pose too much of an immediate health hazard.

I've avoided making a thread on it because I don't want to appear to promote using this delivery method for substances since it is definitely a potentially dangerous activity (depending on the substance[imagine if you tried it with pramiracetam or something], particle side, unknown interaction w/ lung tissue, etc). Probably a report more suitable for blue light or something.

PS: You shouldn't use glycerin as a delivery method for electronic cigarettes unless it's specifically vegetable glycerin. Propylene Glycol (PPG) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are typically the liquids used and the high-nicotine content of many of the "e-liquids" is a safety concern as well.

#41 Nootr

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 07:37 PM

Yes, I used an electronic cigarette. I mixed the noopept with the e-cig liquid that came with the apparatus. I measured the liquid drop by drop and measured the noopept with a scale. It made a solution of about 1mg/drop. The only problem was the high concentration of nicotine in the liquid. I was a heavy smoker at the time but it still had an interaction with heavy use.

It smelled really bad though. Filled the whole room with Noopept odor so I ended up usually "smoking" outside anyway.

I was pretty worried at first with this delivery method (afraid I was seriously damaging my lungs or something) but with such a high vaporizing point of Noopept and such a small particle size (dipeptide) it probably didn't pose too much of an immediate health hazard.

I've avoided making a thread on it because I don't want to appear to promote using this delivery method for substances since it is definitely a potentially dangerous activity (depending on the substance[imagine if you tried it with pramiracetam or something], particle side, unknown interaction w/ lung tissue, etc). Probably a report more suitable for blue light or something.

PS: You shouldn't use glycerin as a delivery method for electronic cigarettes unless it's specifically vegetable glycerin. Propylene Glycol (PPG) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are typically the liquids used and the high-nicotine content of many of the "e-liquids" is a safety concern as well.

I added Q10 to e-liquid and usual glycerin from a drug store and smoked without any problems. I think that noopept should not be more harmful than usual cigarettes which leave a lot of tar in lungs.
Why should I not use glycerin instead of e-liquid? Is it harmful? I know that many e-smokers use it.
Is the impact of noopept stronger if you use smoking method as compared to oral ingestion?

Edited by Dan Brown, 12 February 2012 - 07:42 PM.

#42 manic_racetam

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 08:01 PM

PS: You shouldn't use glycerin as a delivery method for electronic cigarettes unless it's specifically vegetable glycerin. Propylene Glycol (PPG) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are typically the liquids used and the high-nicotine content of many of the "e-liquids" is a safety concern as well.

I added Q10 to e-liquid and usual glycerin from a drug store and smoked without any problems. I think that noopept should not be more harmful than usual cigarettes which leave a lot of tar in lungs.
Why should I not use glycerin instead of e-liquid? Is it harmful? I know that many e-smokers use it.
Is the impact of noopept stronger if you use smoking method as compared to oral ingestion?

I'm pretty sure when using glycerin, that using only vegetable glycerin is a safety precaution in case someone accidentally bought the non-food grade which could be harmful if ingested. Also, recent cases of glycerin coming in bulk from China and getting improperly labeled after exchanging hands too many times (the food grade got mixed up with industrial use).

As far as safety concerns it's a wide range of possibilities. Not just cancer risk but I'm pretty sure it has to do with the solubility of the substance and also size of the particles. In a glycerin/PPG/PEG mix, even large undissolved particles can travel with the vapor into lung tissue. Large particles getting clogged in alveoli could cause scarring and permanent damage (right?).

The effects of the Noopept were quite a bit stronger compared to oral or sublingual doses, but strangely enough it took just as long (15 minutes) for the effects to be felt. The problem arose from being a smoker, as it was hard not to compulsively inhale Noopept all day long. I remember getting very irritable one day after going over 100mgs inhaled in a day, that's the first time the irritability side effect ever happened for me.

#43 Nootr

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 10:09 PM

I have just looked through the Russian instruction for noopept for tablets. Each tablet contains additional substances: magnesium stearate, potato starch, lactose, povidon, microcrystallic cellulose. Are you sure that the bulk powder that you use does not contain these additional substances and if it contains are they completely soluble? Was noopept fully dissolved in e-liquid in your experiments?

Additional moisture is good for lungs coz in dry atmosphere lungs lose the ability for gas exchange function. So, if noopept is completely soluble then smoking it could be a benefit in dry climate.

#44 manic_racetam

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Posted 13 February 2012 - 04:08 AM

I have just looked through the Russian instruction for noopept for tablets. Each tablet contains additional substances: magnesium stearate, potato starch, lactose, povidon, microcrystallic cellulose. Are you sure that the bulk powder that you use does not contain these additional substances and if it contains are they completely soluble? Was noopept fully dissolved in e-liquid in your experiments?

Additional moisture is good for lungs coz in dry atmosphere lungs lose the ability for gas exchange function. So, if noopept is completely soluble then smoking it could be a benefit in dry climate.

That actually brings up the most important issue of all. The purity of the Noopept powder was basically unknown. I really had no way of knowing what was or wasn't in it. But it did dissolve completely in the solution, but just about anything will dissolve in PPG.

Trying to dissolve a pill and use this method would potentially be really dangerous because the fillers would transfer in the vapor into the lungs along with the drug.... Which would likely cause damage.

#45 Pike

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 09:52 PM

whoa! all of these personal noopept experience anecdotes! when i used to frequent this forum, you couldn't even get the stuff.

what vendor are you all getting from???

#46 Pike

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 07:13 AM

bump for current noopept vendors?

#47 Ben

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 07:48 AM

does anyone notice any anger or irritabiity with noopept? im just wondering because i heard that from some people. its also funny because it can create senses of tranquility for some people, its a strange nootropic. also heard it can make some motivated, and others demotivated. really strange

Anecdotal user feedback does appear to indicate that NOOPEPT may be somewhat unpredictable like ANIRACETAM, in that its effects can be inconsistent and/or some individuals are 'Positive-Responders' whereas others are 'Negative-Responders'. I guess everyone will need to try to ascertain which category they themselves fall into :)

I personally fall into the latter, in that NOOPEPT personally causes me to become IRRITABLE and AMOTIVATED. I did think that I was perhaps having an abnormal reaction to it, but now I am not so sure. ;)

Yeah, it has the same effect on me when I take it for more than three days in a row. If I take it only one day (sporadically) I get a rebound effect the following few days that offsets the utility gained from the initial dose.

#48 capctr

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 03:03 PM

Cerebralhealth.com has it for $49.99 for ten grams, so enough for 1000 doses at ten milligrams each. Look under Cognitive Enhancers bulk powder.

#49 ScienceGuy

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 05:16 PM

whoa! all of these personal noopept experience anecdotes! when i used to frequent this forum, you couldn't even get the stuff.

what vendor are you all getting from???


#50 ScienceGuy

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 05:18 PM

does anyone notice any anger or irritabiity with noopept? im just wondering because i heard that from some people. its also funny because it can create senses of tranquility for some people, its a strange nootropic. also heard it can make some motivated, and others demotivated. really strange

Anecdotal user feedback does appear to indicate that NOOPEPT may be somewhat unpredictable like ANIRACETAM, in that its effects can be inconsistent and/or some individuals are 'Positive-Responders' whereas others are 'Negative-Responders'. I guess everyone will need to try to ascertain which category they themselves fall into :)

I personally fall into the latter, in that NOOPEPT personally causes me to become IRRITABLE and AMOTIVATED. I did think that I was perhaps having an abnormal reaction to it, but now I am not so sure. ;)

Yeah, it has the same effect on me when I take it for more than three days in a row. If I take it only one day (sporadically) I get a rebound effect the following few days that offsets the utility gained from the initial dose.

Interesting... I am hearing more and more people reporting this :)

#51 Ben

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 05:20 PM

Interesting... I am hearing more and more people reporting this :)

I wonder if the issues involved are the same as in Hyperspace's thread on piracetam.

#52 Junk Master

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 02:27 PM

Nothing I've ever tried works better at restoring brain function/removing brain fog after a night of drinking. It works so well, I'm surprised it isn't being marketed in a "morning after" energy drink. Like Monster "rehab."
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#53 SuperjackDid_

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Posted 23 April 2012 - 05:43 AM

Caffine replacement ,no up/down , calm energy .

Concentration not really improve on tiny dose ,will try more larger dose .
Piracetam not help much for energy ,indeed it induce in sleepy ,NOOPEPT help a ton ,with good mood ,i have a lot of motivation and go so many place .

I very worries about more larger dose , because of i'm very sensitive to Race-tam right now ,most tiny dose give me good effect ,will maintain tiny dose for a while instead of try larger one .

Thank you so much for Manic_racetam base experience NOOPEPT ,it give me interest in this substance and buy 10g .
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#54 Junk Master

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Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:49 PM

I'm just laughing at the thought of that chemical mushroom smell of NOOPT filling a room after smoking it in an e cig! That smell sticks with you.
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#55 Peak

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 05:54 AM

HELP, guys! I've asked other places with no reply.

I got a gram of Noopept from Build Your Own Blend (Health Supplement Wholesalers). It's a while crystalline powder with a bitter taste, a slight residue of solvent taste, but no odor other than a very very slight "something clean" smell. Nothing mushroomy. I've tried to get more info from the vendor, and all I got was a Chinese COA dated 2013 (!?), a claim of having all his substances tested by 3rd party, and stonewalling at requests to see 3rd party test data. But this stuff IS active at 10mg, a stimulating type effect a little reminiscent of Adrafinil or maybe a Piracetam super-whack. Being active at 10mg it can't be a whole bunch of things commonly passed off as "uppers", and it has no cardioaccelerator or blood pressure raising effect at 20-30mg. So what could it be? Is the smelly Noopept just lower purity, and this batch is cleaner? Or is this something else entirely?

The very subtle side effects I've felt are: an increased sensitivity to pain. Some drying of the eyes. Some irritability. Maybe a slight stimulation of the bowel. No improvement in memory, rather a bit of a "spacey" thing. I can see locking my keys in the car with a higher dose. The (mild) positive effects have been a rather pleasant stimulation, somehow improved verbalization, increased visual "perception" (things look brighter, more interesting), and a slight MDMA type "interest in people". It isn't a placebo. Sublingually it comes on in about 15 min, peaks around 2 hrs, drops off after that with a long tail. Interferes with sleep a little.

Any additional thoughts or info would be appreciated.

#56 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 June 2012 - 05:41 AM

HELP, guys! I've asked other places with no reply.

I got a gram of Noopept from Build Your Own Blend (Health Supplement Wholesalers). It's a while crystalline powder with a bitter taste, a slight residue of solvent taste, but no odor other than a very very slight "something clean" smell. Nothing mushroomy. I've tried to get more info from the vendor, and all I got was a Chinese COA dated 2013 (!?), a claim of having all his substances tested by 3rd party, and stonewalling at requests to see 3rd party test data. But this stuff IS active at 10mg, a stimulating type effect a little reminiscent of Adrafinil or maybe a Piracetam super-whack. Being active at 10mg it can't be a whole bunch of things commonly passed off as "uppers", and it has no cardioaccelerator or blood pressure raising effect at 20-30mg. So what could it be? Is the smelly Noopept just lower purity, and this batch is cleaner? Or is this something else entirely?

The very subtle side effects I've felt are: an increased sensitivity to pain. Some drying of the eyes. Some irritability. Maybe a slight stimulation of the bowel. No improvement in memory, rather a bit of a "spacey" thing. I can see locking my keys in the car with a higher dose. The (mild) positive effects have been a rather pleasant stimulation, somehow improved verbalization, increased visual "perception" (things look brighter, more interesting), and a slight MDMA type "interest in people". It isn't a placebo. Sublingually it comes on in about 15 min, peaks around 2 hrs, drops off after that with a long tail. Interferes with sleep a little.

Any additional thoughts or info would be appreciated.

That's just the stuff from China. Lots of solvents and moisture left over in the product. A volume seller like that could get rid of the smell by throwing it in a desiccator first to remove the solvents. Weird that he didn't do that, must be getting a lot of complaints. Seems to be pretty pure, just plenty of solvents in there, mostly acetone and diethyl either with possible ethyl alcohol (according to the Chinese supplier from the COA that is). As long as you're taking 10mg and not dosing chronically it probably isn't a huge deal.

I think that might be where the "chunky" quality comes from with CH's product. They might be throwing it through a desiccator and as the solvents are evaporating it's leaving "air-bubbles" in the product making the mass distribution unpredictable. Just a guess though.

The melting point of Noopept is super low, but if you could find a way to slightly heat the powder without getting it too hot most of the acetone and other stuff should evaporate pretty easily. Especially if you've just got a small amount of it.

But the effects sound about right. It's potent stuff, and really surprised me when I tried it the first time. After choking down multiple grams of other noots to get a "maybe I feel something" kind of effect, it's pretty trippy to pop a tiny speck of powder and notice pretty dramatic results.

#57 CognitionCoefficient

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 05:51 PM

What is the half-life of noopept? Do it's effects persists through a full day?

#58 manic_racetam

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 10:43 PM

What is the half-life of noopept? Do it's effects persists through a full day?

The plasma half life is insanely short-lived. Like less than half an hour IIRC. But the effects seem to last through most of the day. And if you consistently dose for a couple weeks the effects linger for a few days after stopping. It must accumulate in the brain or else the action is a metabolic process that doesn't have anything to do with plasma levels of the drug, or something else that's beyond the scope of my imagination.

#59 CognitionCoefficient

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 04:01 AM

Thank you.

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#60 NilsOlav

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 05:02 PM

I have been using Piracetam for anxiety on and off for a few years now. I think its even better than SRRIs. How does Noopept compare to Piracetam in terms of relaxation/anxiety relief?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, nootropic, nootropics, memory, cognitive, cognition, learning, smart drug, piracetam, racetam

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