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Poll: NOOPEPT - THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN? (386 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Voted THUMBS UP (291 votes [75.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 75.39%

  2. THUMBS DOWN (95 votes [24.61%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.61%

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#211 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 03:17 AM

CDP Choline -500mg
Alpha GPC- 400mg
ALCAR- 500mg
DMAE- 325mg
Galantamine- 8mg

If you take this stack and do not experience low mood, irritability or muscle stiffness, you must be my antithesis.

Of course, everyone is different and so on, but all these in combination seem like a massive cholinergic overkill to me. have you researched what the individual supplements do?
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#212 nootMaster

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Posted 16 February 2014 - 09:32 AM

What is your opinion on taking Lions Mane and Noopept concurrently? Noopept promotes BDNF/NGF while LM promotes BDNF.

Does that mean that they should not be taken concurrently.

I was thinking about cycling both:
LM (3g qd): 5 days on/2 days off
NP (20mg+ 250mg citicholine qd): 5 days on/2 days off (3 weeks)/ 7 days off (1 week)

What other supplements do you recommend?

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#213 Saffron

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Posted 13 March 2014 - 08:42 PM

thumbs down. feels like a jittery dysphoric stimulant at the 15 mg level. I gather it would cause vomiting at the 30 mg level. Thumbs down for everything except tianeptine. Cholinergics are bad, whereas mild anticholinergics enhance state. Stimulating AMPA is bad whereas blocking it is good. all racetams are bad. Matter of fact, Everything sold at nootropics sellers are all bad except tianeptine. I may take it anyway at the 10 mg level to down regulate whatever nasty receptor systems it targets. Racetams & Noopept are EXCELLENT at increasing dysphoria, lowering general well-being, making it harder to think & perform cognitively.

I think philosophical zombies are real & exist.
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#214 Michael Campbell

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 01:55 AM

Didn't vote, because I can't say it did anything for me. Maybe I got a bad batch (anyone recommend a seller that you've used that you had *SOME* effect with?) but I went from 10mg/day to 30mg thrice a day, and didn't feel anything anywhere in between.

#215 MrKappa

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 09:59 AM

One thumb up and one thumb down.


Can get unpleasant side effects from stepping into 35 mg range. I suspect the effects are cumulative from one day to the next, long half life or something, I dunno.


Other than that though, I do admit, it is "solid", in the sense that it truly does feel as if there is some neuro-rejuventation potential, but perhaps neuro depletion in other areas.


Enjoy guys!

Edited by MrKappa, 10 April 2014 - 10:15 AM.

#216 deeptrance

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:03 AM

Checking in with an update: I've been taking noopept every day, 2 or 3 times a day, doses ranging from 10 to 40 mg. The negative effects I used to experience seem to have vanished, but that could be due to some other substance I'm taking. I take a lot of things, so I cannot separate the effects very easily. I do know that with noopept there is extra capacity for me to perform mental tasks involving imagination, which I enjoy. It's easier for me to stay with a particular focus. In psychology it would be referred to as "stickiness" -- a tendency for someone to stay stuck in whatever they're doing or thinking about. It's usually considered a problem to be treated, but I have the luxury to be able to get "stuck" without worrying about having to divide my attention for other responsibilities.

I continue to find that noopept helps chill out the negatives of sunifiram, so I like the combo, although I have to be cautious with sunifiram because I'm quite sensitive to its glutamatergic qualities.

I've never had a problem combining noopept with any other supplement, herb, or drug. To me, it's a perfect mixer, as is piracetam, except with noopept it's actually doing something whereas I cannot tell if piracetam has any effects.

#217 swolo

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:33 AM

I took Noopept for a couple months daily. During that time I seemed to be much more passionate about my hobbies, like obsessed with them. I was also really irritable and snippy with people, reminiscent of a constant caffeine crash. I ended up discontinuing treatment because the irritability affecting my coworker relations. After that it seemed to subside. There were definitely other things going on in my life that could have caused it though.

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#218 deeptrance

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:06 PM

I was also really irritable and snippy with people...

I failed to mention that this irritability and snippiness is still an issue for me with noopept. It seems to be the most common negative side effect. One way I deal with this is to cut back on my dosage on days when I'm expecting to have more social interactions. It also helps if you can combine noopept with a lovey type of serotonergic or gabaergic compound, such as buspirone and phenibut, respectively.
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#219 Jeoshua

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 11:11 PM

I continue to find that noopept helps chill out the negatives of sunifiram, so I like the combo, although I have to be cautious with sunifiram because I'm quite sensitive to its glutamatergic qualities.

I'd like to second that. They have become semi-permanent additions to my stack... at least until I run out of noopept and at that point will be on the lookout for something else to add to the stack.
Not to mention that they are both two of the most cost effective nootropic supplements out there, and go together so well. Although, having to buy two noots to add to a stack together does somewhat mitigate their cost effectiveness.

Edit: Somehow double-posted.

Edited by Jeoshua, 04 May 2014 - 11:12 PM.

#220 Rambotaco

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Posted 08 May 2014 - 08:53 PM

I feel a difference at 20-30 mg. One of the cool benefit that I clearly see is that able to read so much better....the info flows in my head.

#221 sambensly

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Posted 29 May 2014 - 07:59 AM

This is my 2 week review for Noopept and Phenylpiracetam.


Day 1: 200mg Phenylpiracetam in morning.

Noticed nothing for about an hour, then it was like tunnel vision. My ability to focus was incredible. I could block out any background noises and focus on the task at hand. I compare it to how you imagine a cage fighter feeling while he is walking to the cage.

I was also very alert and aware of my surroundings when I wanted to be. The wakefulness feels similar to high dose caffeine but without the negative jitters.


Day 2: 30mg Noopept 9am.

I didn’t notice much until I got to work about 12pm. I felt very awake, focused (not as intense as the Phenylpiracetam), and again the same clean energy compared to caffeine without the jitters. I then had a large coffee and feel like they worked synergistically with each other, offering all the benefits but none of the negatives.

I had a second dose of 30mg at 3pm. I decided this was not a good idea as it seemed like it just build upon the last effect. I felt jittery and like I needed to focus on something or I would explode. Side note: Music sounded better then usual, a common experience on the racetams.


Day 3: 200mg Phenylpiracetam + 20mg Noopept.

At this stage I am unsure if it is the Nootropics or my week off the gym, but I am finding it very hard to get up in the morning the last two days, when I normally wake up hours before my alarm goes off.

Today I experienced incredible focus. I got to work and accomplished two weeks pricing updates I had been putting off. This lasted for 1.5 hours until the job was completed. Once I had nothing to focus on I became restless and just waited for work to finish.


Day 4: Noopept 20mg.

German practice does seem to be a bit smoother, some words I thought I had completely forgotten I was remembering, but new words I had just learnt I seem to be forgetting just as easily as normal.

I experienced the same thing today. After I have nothing to focus on I become restless, all I want to do is read, write, study or game.

I dosed a second time in the afternoon and had the same effect as the first time, like it builds onto itself and increases the effects. Seems very much to had a U shaped curve. A little is great but too much is worse than nothing.


Day 5: 200mg Phenylpiracetam + 50mg Noopept.

Despite my having negative experiences the last couple days with higher doses I nearly doubled my dose anyway. I arrived at work 1 hour early and straight away started studying German, my focus was incredible, I wanted nothing else but to stay here and study all day. I don’t believe I was learning any faster or retaining more information then usual but I had a willingness to study for longer periods of time.

Once work began and I was forced to sit and listen to my boss talk about numbers and targets the high dose got to me. High level of anxiety followed by a very high body awareness and increased irritability (common at high dose Noopept). This dosing for me seems counterproductive.


Day 6: 50mg Noopept.

Last night I decided to do even more research on higher doses and most of the reviews were very positive at high dose Noopept. Some people even taking 100mg-300mg per day.  It seemed that the problem may not be the dose but the administration method: Sublingually. So I changed to orally, instead of leaving it under my tongue for three minutes I just washed it down with water.

No change, the effect took longer with orally but I was more irritable then ever and I had a headache all day and night.


Day 7: 200mg Phenylpiracetam + 10mg Noopept.

I will now be taking smaller doses of Noopept and not exceeding 30mg per day for the rest of this experiment.

One hour after dose focus becomes incredible, it seems ideas come easier without thinking and I have an increased ability to do something for long periods of time without becoming restless.


Day 8: 15mg Noopept x2.

Feeling very good, no negative feelings at all like mild euphoria. I am burdened with a mild headache, this could either be due to the Noopept (taking Noopept without a choline source) or because I was gaming since 6am…

Days seem to go much, much faster while on Noopept.

I have started to notice my visual acuity increasing the last couple of days, colours seem mildly brighter and clearer.


Day 9: 400mg Phenylpiracetam + 10mg Noopept x3.

Noopepts effect seems to be becoming more present day by day, everything seems clearer, crisper and I am much more present with what I am doing. As for the megadose of Phenylpiracetam: not a good idea for me. I had a headache after the 400mg kicked in which lasted most of the day. I became incredibly irritable which is a well-known side effect of high dose Nootropics, AND a sore stomach and itchy hands. I will not be mega-dosing again as I now know these things have a U curve. A little goes a long way and too much you either get no effects or negative effects.


Day 10: 10mg Noopept x3.

After thinking it has become clear that the goal is not to have moments of intense focus and clarity but to be clear and focused all of the time. Which is why I will only be taking low doses from now on and not mega-dosing any Nootropics.


Day 11: 100mg Phenylpiracetam x2 + 15mg Noopept x2.

This will be my last entry for this experiment as I feel I have said all I am experiencing and decided how I want to dose Nootropics from now on. Low doses more frequently.




In my experience this was amazing for focus when taken at lower doses and not frequently which is why I will be saving all future Phenylpiraetam doses for when I really want to get something done.

I did take Phenylpiracetam before the gym twice with great benefit. The focus helped amazing with my lifts and endurance in the gym. Unfortunately the main thing I wanted to get from Nootropics I still have not gotten and that is memory enhancement. I do feel that things I have already learnt I am able to recall easier, but new things I am learning I still learn at the exact same pace.


Noopept I think is something I will take on a low dose everyday and cycle off every 2-3 months. I had no super present effects like the Phenylpiracetam, Noopept’s effects seem mild yet profound. I found myself being more present and in the moment but the other side of the coin I could drift off into what I call a “Noopept trance” where I sink into my head and suddenly realize 10 minutes later that I was not paying any attention. But I could also easily become very present and give anybody my absolute full attention and focus. Noopept seems to help my everyday dealings whereas Phenylpiracetam helps when I want to get something done and focus on only that.


Final review for Phenylpiracetam

Focus: 5/5

Short term memory: N/A (no noticeable improvement)

Long term memory: 3/5

Recall speed: N/A

Awareness: 3/5

Concentration: 5/5

Duration: 3/5 (about 2-3 hours)

Intensity: 4/5

Cost: 2/5 ($60 NZD for 25 doses, used frequently this is not ideal)


Final Review for Noopept

Focus: 3-4/5 (this depends, I could not take Noopept and study German for an hour, but my focus with everyday tasks improved)

Short term memory: N/A

Long term memory: 3/5

Recall speed: N/A

Awareness: 4/5

Concentration: 3/5

Duration: 5/5 (as it seems to be omnipresent once it is in your system for over a week)

Intensity: 1-2/5 (I believe this to be a positive as it works subtly all day)

Cost: 6/5 ($80 NZD Shipping included for over a years supply)


It has been 2 weeks since this review and I have stopped taking Phenylpiracetam and have still been experimenting with Noopept doses. I find the best dose for me is ONE single dose of 10-20mg in the morning with Choline and Fish oil and that is it. When I take a second dose in the afternoon I ALWAYS get a headache regardless of size, even if I have one 10mg dose in the morning and another 10mg in the afternoon.

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#222 sk_scientific

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 12:20 PM


Edited by sk_scientific, 07 August 2014 - 12:21 PM.

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#223 sk_scientific

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 12:31 PM

I take 10 to 20 mg sublingually at bedtime along with 5 mg of melatonin.  


After a long day at work, spun up on NSI-189 and Phenylpircetam, coffee and/or nicotinamides Noopept's acute action curbs any end of day anxiety or stressors that would normally have me tossing and turning in bed TRYING to sleep.  I think for the purpose of a short acting anxiolytic, it's safer than things like Phenibut or benxodiazepines.  Also, I seem to have wild recurring dreams when I take Noopept in this fashion that I haven't had since my childhood, which is interesting to note.

#224 Karla Markovich

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 02:57 AM

Thumbs down in this brain-hacker's book.

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#225 Milkyway

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:46 PM

Has anyone noticed insomnia with this, especially as a cumulative effect.  I took it for about a week or a week and a half and had no trouble sleeping.  I slept about the same.  Then two nights ago it took me quite a while to fall asleep and last night I did not sleep at all.  I am confused because the noopept seemed to have anti depressant effects, but obviously I don't want it to interfere with sleep.  I am just uncertain whether it is the noopept affecting my sleep or other stressors.  Can anyone offer some insight?

#226 karoshi

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 12:23 PM

Has anyone noticed insomnia with this, especially as a cumulative effect.  I took it for about a week or a week and a half and had no trouble sleeping.  I slept about the same.  Then two nights ago it took me quite a while to fall asleep and last night I did not sleep at all.  I am confused because the noopept seemed to have anti depressant effects, but obviously I don't want it to interfere with sleep.  I am just uncertain whether it is the noopept affecting my sleep or other stressors.  Can anyone offer some insight?


Some people experienced insomnia. I didn't experience insomnia, but noopept drastically alters my sleep stages. It increases REM sleep and decreases NREM sleep. I feel a bit tiredness in the morning. It seemed cumulative.

NREM sleep is responsible for erasing bad experience memory, so it might affect insomnia and tiredness?

Edited by karoshi, 14 August 2014 - 12:53 PM.

#227 Nneeoo

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Posted 03 September 2014 - 04:31 PM

Today passed examination for admission to the Institute.

Noopept. Long term memory, short term memory, memory consolidation.

I wrote off everything from memory. Tq noopept. 

#228 Nneeoo

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Posted 03 September 2014 - 04:43 PM


Focus: 4/5 (All around me is fading when i concentrate)

Short term memory:4/5 (Short term memory objectively improved. Testet by dual-n back.)

Long term memory: 5/5

Recall speed: 5/5

Awareness: 4/5

Concentration: 2/5

Duration: 5/5 (As i can see effect is permament)

Intensity: 1/5 

Cost: 3/5 10.5$ for 50 tablets 10mg

#229 Covalencies

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Posted 08 September 2014 - 04:52 AM

After around two months taking it daily, I can safely say, "Meh." When I started taking it, I ran into some of the short-term memory issues people have mentioned elsewhere on the board; those faded, though, and I haven't really felt or noticed anything from it since. I stopped taking it a few days ago, and have experienced neither subjective nor objective (CBS, Lumosity) performance drops. It has been a bit easier to wake up lately though, so that's something I guess.

#230 Sciencyst

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Posted 13 September 2014 - 11:06 AM

thumbs down. feels like a jittery dysphoric stimulant at the 15 mg level. I gather it would cause vomiting at the 30 mg level. Thumbs down for everything except tianeptine. Cholinergics are bad, whereas mild anticholinergics enhance state. Stimulating AMPA is bad whereas blocking it is good. all racetams are bad. Matter of fact, Everything sold at nootropics sellers are all bad except tianeptine. I may take it anyway at the 10 mg level to down regulate whatever nasty receptor systems it targets. Racetams & Noopept are EXCELLENT at increasing dysphoria, lowering general well-being, making it harder to think & perform cognitively.

I think philosophical zombies are real & exist.


I think tianeptine zombies are real & exist.

Edited by katuskoti, 13 September 2014 - 11:11 AM.

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#231 ceridwen

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 03:02 AM

I dread to think what would have happened to me by now without it

#232 medievil

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 05:06 AM

The irritability can be exreme, like your girlfriend saying something and having a torture like reaction to it, how is it metabolised? as I take luvox, I didn't want to be tortured all day when my girl says something again.

#233 MasterDavid

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 05:58 PM

What happens when someone uses for long periods of time? Any downside?

#234 sylvan-k

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:19 PM

I've been taking noopept off and on for over a year. I don't take it too often, maybe a couple times a week as a boost when needed or bored.


My daily regimen usually contains a racetam of some sort, so I don't want to over do it.


I have found the stuff to be very effective clearing the fog, improving memory, mood, and enhancing 'discussion skills'. I've also noticed increased visual acuity when it comes on, colors get more vivid, things become sharper.


Bang for the buck is excellent. a 5-10 mg dose will do you for around 4 hours. I've had mine for over a year, so I think the potency is suffering, but it's still effective. I take it sublingually and effects usually start around 15 minutes. Warning: tastes like bitter hell (some people are more sensitive). Not as bad tasting as centrophenoxine (imagine a mouthful of ink), but up there.


Another observation: it works well with alcohol & hangovers. With alcohol, it can clarify your head and sober you up some. Don't go crazy though, you still have all that booze in you (you might make it worse) With a hangover, it is excellent at clearing the mind, settling your nerves, and well, just bringing you back around to normal.

#235 Peder Holdgaard Pedersen

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Posted 28 September 2014 - 12:22 PM

My wife, who has Systemic Lupus, Sjogrens Syndrom and a host of other autoimmune illnesses, often has trouble falling asleep. Noopept has a very powerful anxiolytic effect on her, as well as speeding up onset sleep and improving sleep quality. It is a long time ago since I tried it, but I experienced nothing but a headache and worsening of sleep deprivation symptoms (I was sleep deprived at the time) - and I normally have a positive reaction to racetams.

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#236 Nootrient

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Posted 28 November 2014 - 09:10 AM

Noopept definitely has an effect on me thats stronger than  it is for most people according to reports I've read, and I've never dosed over 15mg. I can tell exactly when it kicks in because colors become brighter. It's like a contrast knob has been turned up. Details that i normally wouldn't notice jump out at me. Indentations in a sidewalk, patterns on a rug, ripples in ponds, background props in movies, etc...I've also noticed enhanced/unusual dreams and better dream recall. Perhaps small levels of anxiety at onset that fade quickly and I've noticed the diminished interest in sex/masturbation that other people talk about. I have some theories about that but I feel I should make a different thread on that one.

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#237 Fenix_

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Posted 29 November 2014 - 11:49 AM

So far the closest substance I could compare noopept to would be coluracetam. Both have a superb mood boosting and anxiolytic profile, while also helping me with train of thought and focus.

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#238 weilepeile

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Posted 19 October 2015 - 02:11 PM

Hi guys, 

in my opinion it is thumbs up.


Btw: If anyone is interested in writing a review, i will translate and post it on a german website.


Or already has a review.



Edited by weilepeile, 19 October 2015 - 02:11 PM.

#239 jroseland

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Posted 24 October 2015 - 06:23 PM

I've used it probably fifty times. I'm really not sure if it has any effect... 

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#240 deeptrance

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Posted 29 October 2015 - 04:48 AM

I conducted a randomized semi-blind placebo-controlled test on one subject with noopept. I assigned neutral labels to two baggies (Mary-Kate and Ashley), put noopept in one and placebo in the other. It was a two-week trial at a dose of about 25 mg per capsule. 


At the end of the trial, the subject (a friend who is a database administrator and spends most of his waking life on a computer) told me about his perceptions of the two different weeks, and he came to a fairly firm conclusion that Ashley was Noopept because that was the one he thought he felt effects from. In fact, Mary-Kate was Noopept, and Ashely the placebo.


I wish I could afford to do a more thorough test with a large number of subjects and objective test measures, but I'll have to settle for the dodgy Russian studies. Vladimir likes it.

Edited by deeptrance, 29 October 2015 - 04:49 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, nootropic, nootropics, memory, cognitive, cognition, learning, smart drug, piracetam, racetam

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