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Poll: NOOPEPT - THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN? (386 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Voted THUMBS UP (291 votes [75.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 75.39%

  2. THUMBS DOWN (95 votes [24.61%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.61%

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#181 mrd1

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Posted 12 August 2013 - 01:44 PM

Did I just get voted down for providing a counter case example and primary source of someone not experiencing sexual side effects from noopept? Or, is it for the use of the term "orgasm"? *Sigh* Freud may of just shed a tear. Anyway, I notice everyone is so concerned about their T levels being lowered. But, I am interested in how much of a effect it has on your T levels compared to things like inactivity, watching television, lack of sleep, alcohol, junk food, and some other myriad of things people do without a second thought. TBH, I am willing to give maybe 10 or 20% of my testosterone for the benefits noopept gives me. IF that is happing but it could be esp in some people.

"The happy/novel feelings were coupled with a worse WM performance. Overall hazy feeling, kinda trippy even... being way too easily entertained as if inebriated.

Thumbs down from a person who likes to be in control of his thoughts and not have a happy-go-lucky brain-growing experiment going on. Again, I am also the person who hated Piracetam's worthless effect while absolutely loving Aniracetam and Modafinil for the rigor of thought it produced and predictability of the mechanisms."

I get this too! I thought I was the only one because I couldn't find any quotes anyway. I feel kinda hazzy. Everything has the like vibe to it. Like idk, almost like your looking at things likely mildly intoxicated with something maybe ambien or weed. Like shinny and prettier idek its very subtle. And ya I get really excited over everything and normally I just listen to music all smiley and texting my friends and reading and really just like happy to be alive. Keep in mind its probably a combo from all the supplements and meds. But, it really adds something to the mix. TBH I like how it makes me feel so much I could really care less about the noot properties they kinda took a backseat although are there!

Edited by mrd1, 12 August 2013 - 01:46 PM.

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#182 robosapiens

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Posted 15 August 2013 - 09:19 PM

I have noticed a psychological libido increase, but a physiological decrease.

Also, I have noticed a general anabolic effect, it probably isn't increased Test, it might be a GH increase.

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#183 Eruditus

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 04:52 PM

After 2 weeks of consistent dosing at 10 mg and then upping the dose to 20 mg for a week I am experiencing a hard crash. The motivation I had gained after one week of sustained noopept use is gone, I feel like all the plans and insights I have gained during this period have suddenly become worthless. It goes deeper than this though, when I look around inside my room I see less and by this I mean I will look around and see a chair and a table and then the wall and the mirror but I'm now missing the clarity to perceive all these components as one whole segment. My thoughts are returning to their usual repetitive intrusive anxiety laden patterns. I'm actually pretty depressed that this has happened and set me back to square one in healing the drug induced brain damage I was trying to repair with the noopept. I'm concerned about my tkrb receptors being dangerously low seeing as I dosed my usual 20 mg dose this morning and now I feel drowsy and like utter shit. What will the rest of the withdrawal be like if this is how I feel while still within the drugs half life stage. I read a post stating that withdrawals peak at day 3; can anyone confirm this for me and please tell me how long it generally takes for tkrb receptors to upregulate and what techniques are available to speed up this process???

Edited by Eruditus, 21 October 2013 - 05:12 PM.

#184 deeptrance

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:59 AM

I'm actually pretty depressed that this has happened and set me back to square one in healing the drug induced brain damage I was trying to repair with the noopept. I'm concerned about my tkrb receptors being dangerously low seeing as I dosed my usual 20 mg dose this morning and now I feel drowsy and like utter shit. What will the rest of the withdrawal be like if this is how I feel while still within the drugs half life stage.

I've had incredible success with phenylpiracetam as a way to eliminate the desire for harmful drugs. I generally go for triple-releasers/triple-reuptake inhibitors, which are pretty hard on the heart and brain and everything else. But today, for example, about 70mg of phenylpiracetam with 30mg noopept kept me in a very positive and productive mood. It's just about 10pm right now and the thought of taking anything "dirty" is totally unappealing as it has been all day.

What I really want is to be awake, compassionate, motivated, and clear-headed, and that's what I'm getting from the combo of phenylpiracetam and noopept. You might be better off omitting the noopept, I don't know. Try experimenting with different things.

#185 NZT-49

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:25 AM

After using Noopept @ 20mg x 2/day and Citicoline @ 250mg x 2/day for a little over a week, I must give it a thumbs up. I've noticed I am more social, less anxious, happier with life, and more focused at work than before. I also wake up feeling less tired and have more energy than before. Noopept does not increase color perception or increase my Cambridge Brain Sciences test scores from baseline at this point for me.

#186 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:25 AM

After 2 weeks of consistent dosing at 10 mg and then upping the dose to 20 mg for a week I am experiencing a hard crash. The motivation I had gained after one week of sustained noopept use is gone, I feel like all the plans and insights I have gained during this period have suddenly become worthless. It goes deeper than this though, when I look around inside my room I see less and by this I mean I will look around and see a chair and a table and then the wall and the mirror but I'm now missing the clarity to perceive all these components as one whole segment. My thoughts are returning to their usual repetitive intrusive anxiety laden patterns. I'm actually pretty depressed that this has happened and set me back to square one in healing the drug induced brain damage I was trying to repair with the noopept. I'm concerned about my tkrb receptors being dangerously low seeing as I dosed my usual 20 mg dose this morning and now I feel drowsy and like utter shit. What will the rest of the withdrawal be like if this is how I feel while still within the drugs half life stage. I read a post stating that withdrawals peak at day 3; can anyone confirm this for me and please tell me how long it generally takes for tkrb receptors to upregulate and what techniques are available to speed up this process???

How do you feel now?

#187 taktikz

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 05:15 AM

Tried noopept by optimum cognitiion and it did not work for me. Asked for a refund.

#188 Eruditus

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:39 AM

How do you feel now?

Much better, I noticed my reading speed has gone back up again (not to what it was while under noopept but about the same speed as prior to the noopept regimen) as I am no longer in need of scanning a line of text multiple times to understand it anymore. Funny how I can actually tell whether noopept is working just by the amount of sleep I need; while it was working at its peak I was getting by on 5 hours sleep a night and when I got a tolerance by the third week I started shifting up to 9 hours; when I quit noopept use during the first night I got a staggering 12 hours, the second 11 and the third my regular 8 hours again.

I think most of the depression was anxiety related due to the sudden cognitive decline and now I'm feeling much more hopeful once again. I believe my mistake was due to the fact I was dosing every day thinking that 28 days of dosing meant 28 consecutive days. However I have just red that 6 consecutive days of elevated bdnf levels is enough to reduce trk receptor length by 80% so this would definitely explain why it is advisable to do a 5 days dosing cycle with two days off for a total of 20 days on and 8 days off.

I should add in that I'm currently taking nothing except daily multivitamin, spirulina, krill oil, curcumin and ashwagandah. I'm not sure whether it's all of these or some of these that have aided some in speeding up the recovery process but currently I'm keeping off all racetams for a good week. Is it advisable to keep of racetams for the entire one month period cycled off of noopept? I actually have some need of them as I'm going for job interviews in the near future and I have a bad habit of being very unresponsive when nervous; usually aniracetam blocks this for me allowing me to express more of personality and make the impression I need to make. So would it be alright to take some during the second week off noopept?

Well it seems the devil is in the details so I can only say mea culpa, mea grande culpa; thank god however recovery was speedy and the shitty feeling only lasted 3 days. Hope others can learn from my mistakes, but in retrospect I should have laid of the panic button a bit longer to see how things where after a few more days :)
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#189 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:39 AM

Glad to hear things are stabilizing! :)

I should add in that I'm currently taking nothing except daily multivitamin, spirulina, krill oil, curcumin and ashwagandah. I'm not sure whether it's all of these or some of these that have aided some in speeding up the recovery process but currently I'm keeping off all racetams for a good week. Is it advisable to keep of racetams for the entire one month period cycled off of noopept? I actually have some need of them as I'm going for job interviews in the near future and I have a bad habit of being very unresponsive when nervous; usually aniracetam blocks this for me allowing me to express more of personality and make the impression I need to make. So would it be alright to take some during the second week off noopept?

Hard to say for sure, but my hunch is that it should be OK for you to take some ani as a one time occurrence.

I use the racetams as well as sulbutiamine in that fashion, i.e. as a one-time boost when I think it is called for. Works well for me. Then again, I have never experienced the severe withdrawal you describe, so I don't know how far my experience can be extrapolated.
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#190 DjangoBob

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:04 PM

I'm still in the honeymoon period with the stuff(fifth day of consecutive dosing today), but I really wasn't expecting too much. The most obvious effect for me is the killing of my slight HPPD(way, way too many psychedelics when I was younger, my last dose was over three years ago and that after over a year of abstinence) and sharpening of vision, which seems odd as some people had noted hallucinogen-like effects. My focus is razor sharp throughout the day even if I choose to intake a massive quantity of cannabis, although my desire to do so has pretty much faded off.

What I really wasn't expecting was enhanced endurance and strength. The latter I can chalk up to muscle memory and control returning, I was extremely active when I was younger(parkour and olympic weightlifting mostly, I also ran track and did a bit of boxing and martial arts), the former is just odd. I get fatigued but don't feel it, at the end of a work day I was straining to move some boxes with parts one at a time, when we came back the next morning I was able to grab two of them at a time without feeling any undue stress. I had an early morning meeting the second day I dosed which I woke up late for, not only did I enjoy the hell out of the bike ride(which I'm not normally a fan of) but I made it in about half the time I normally take, I didn't even realize I was panting and sweating until I was locking up my bike.

I seem to be enjoying music again, and regaining some level of my personality(four years of nearly constant alcohol abuse left me as little more than a shell, even when my cognition returned to pre-alcohol levels I was still a bit bland) and wit. Certainly not a wonder drug, but probably one of the more useful compounds I've plugged into my brain and much better than all the cheap alcohol, synthetic cannabinoids, and street speed I've hammered my brain with for that period of my life.

I haven't noticed the arrogance some people note, I've always been much faster than the people around me, mentally and physically, even in the depths of my alcoholism with noticeably damaged cognition and memory and I've always been rather arrogant about it. Currently I just find it amusing, if someone is too slow for me my mind just leaves behind the minimum amount of attention and sends the rest off to actually think about projects and planning.

We'll see how it lasts, I've been dosing 20mg 2x/day, upon waking and at noon, with coffee. Since I'm off today I took 30mg for my morning dose.

#191 thomasanderson2

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 06:27 PM

Am I using the wrong form of Noopept?
Might I be using it the wrong way?

Inspired to try Noopept by another thread, I'm now on my second day.
I'm using the CTD Labs, 10 mg sublingual tablets.
Directions are to use three tabs per day.

Yesterday, I used two tabs, within roughly an hour of each other (The first seemed to have virtually no effect at all, so I tried another about an hour later)
Later in the afternoon, I felt some of the effects described by others:
A very mild pleasantness, colors a bit more vivid, music a bit more enjoyable, etc.
Perhaps a bit calmer, less reactive and less irritable.

However, what I'm not experiencing (or not experiencing to anywhere the same extent) is the energized, clearer brain feeling that I've generally experienced with Piracetam, Aniracetam and Pramiracetam.
I know its possible that other changes I've recently made in my regimen might account for the lack of impressive results for me, but I'm still wondering:
Might I be using the wrong form of Noopept?
Or in the wrong way?
Would others agree that my experience is consistent with relative effects of Noopept compared to the other racetams?

Finally, are there any folks reporting continued benefits and efficacy after using Noopept for more than a few months?
I'm asking because many here seem to report that effects are relatively short-lived.

Edited by thomasanderson2, 31 October 2013 - 06:30 PM.

#192 Ichigo

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 06:41 PM


I have only recently started taking noopept, it might be to early for me to say anything in this regard, but noopept effects last for me all day and even more then that!

#193 Eruditus

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 08:58 PM

Am I using the wrong form of Noopept?
Might I be using it the wrong way?

Inspired to try Noopept by another thread, I'm now on my second day.
I'm using the CTD Labs, 10 mg sublingual tablets.
Directions are to use three tabs per day.

Yesterday, I used two tabs, within roughly an hour of each other (The first seemed to have virtually no effect at all, so I tried another about an hour later)
Later in the afternoon, I felt some of the effects described by others:
A very mild pleasantness, colors a bit more vivid, music a bit more enjoyable, etc.
Perhaps a bit calmer, less reactive and less irritable.

However, what I'm not experiencing (or not experiencing to anywhere the same extent) is the energized, clearer brain feeling that I've generally experienced with Piracetam, Aniracetam and Pramiracetam.
I know its possible that other changes I've recently made in my regimen might account for the lack of impressive results for me, but I'm still wondering:
Might I be using the wrong form of Noopept?
Or in the wrong way?
Would others agree that my experience is consistent with relative effects of Noopept compared to the other racetams?

Finally, are there any folks reporting continued benefits and efficacy after using Noopept for more than a few months?
I'm asking because many here seem to report that effects are relatively short-lived.

Sublingual use of noopept is possible, but I found that it often left me with uncomfortable tension headaches, thereby also leaving me more prone to irritable outbursts towards minor nuisances. Other people have also reported that these contraindications while associated with noopept use in more sensitive users are more prevalent when dosing sublingual. You may want to consider dosing orally due its rapid absorption when taken with a meal reaching peak serum concentrations within 30 minutes anyway. However noopept is a prodrug so the liver metabolization into cycloprolylglycine is actually part of its method of action in achieving its neurotrophic effect. Sublingual use imo is only for the impatient; however should you note there is a notable advantage to this method of administration then by all means continue.

The first effects you will notice within the first few days are primarily focused on the anxiolytic and spatial awareness aspects of its nootropic benefits; the increase in visual acuity like you have reported is still only the tip of the iceberg. For me at its height, after 14 days of dosing, the effects were so prominent I could stand in the center of a town plaza and observe everyone traversing simultaneously. The awe this brought up in me, by being able to comprise all this movement without having to direct my attention to any one individual, was sublime. It was almost like everything was part of this fluid river of motion perfectly reflected within my mind. I started out dosing multiple times a day just like you but after the first week I found my reaction to noopept so strong and longitudinal that dosing after 2pm would keep me awake for at least another 14 hours and so I ended up taking only one dose in the morning. I would suggest that while you wait for the full range of effects to build up for the first seven days you do the same and dose only once in the morning at 10 or 20 mg and if you find you need more after a week then slowly build your dose up.

Hope it helps. Oh and if you experience a severe backlash a few weeks in and find your cognition completely confounded like I did I would advise you to cycle off the noopept for a month and supplement with some small doses of choline throughout the day. Even though noopept sensitizes the cholinergic system; I felt that somehow part of the severe reaction I experienced was not just tolerance to the noopept, but some form of cholinergic depletion, however that is only my personal subjective speculation.
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#194 thomasanderson2

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 02:45 AM

I appreciate the very intelligent input.

I'm now thinking that to consume orally, I could simple crush up one of the sublingual tablets into powder
- or even more simple - I could simply chew up a sublingual tab and swallow quickly without allowing to linger.
Does this make sense?
Would each of the CTD sublingual tabs (spec'd to contain 10 mg of Noopept), used this way, be equivalent to consuming 10 mg of a powder from another source?

This evening, I may already be noticing improved spatial effects, but I'll heed your advice that it Nooept take a week or two to reach peak effects and be patient.
All the same, the "backlash" that you and others describe leaves me feeling a bit inhibited about Noopept.
Are you still taking Noopept?
Are you able to derive a noticeable benefit over a sustained period of time?

Some of what you've described with Noopept remind me of my first experiences with my Piracetam - Hydergine - choline stack - about 20 years ago during my first year of law school.
I recall functioning at an extraordinary level - including an ability to simultaneously process many large chunks of information in single mental window.

This enabled me to assimilate reading materials by "capturing" several sentences at a time - often an entire paragraph - and then quickly assembling all the segments into a coherent meaning in my head.
It wasn't quite a "photographic" memory, but a high percentage of the words and concepts quickly "stuck" and "resonated" in my head...
and during some of my "peak" days, I was able to recall a great deal of what I had read hours later at will.

I also experienced the capacity to carry on multiple conversations with different people simultaneously - an ability I discovered by accident while sitting across from friends at the cafeteria. I remember it felt like my brain had enough bandwidth for me to be actively engaged in a conversation with one person - while an entire string of conversation with another person was simply suspended in RAM
- and then I could alternate back to the suspended conversation again while still retaining the first string almost completely - whenever I wanted to switch back.

I should note that at the time, I was doing virtually *everything* that would synergize with Piracetam to reach peak effects.
At the time, I was in my intellectual prime - middle to late twenties.
Plus in addition to the Piracetam, Hydergine, and Choline, I was also using very high doses of B vitamins, minerals and a whole range of other dietary supplements.
Also, I was eating an extremely healthy diet with load of fruits and vegetables - and I was running and bicycling virtually every day.
Finally, as if this wasn't enough, I believe I'm also slightly bipolar (Bipolar 3? 3.5?), which I think magnifies the racetam peak effects to some degree.

Edited by thomasanderson2, 01 November 2013 - 02:46 AM.

#195 thomasanderson2

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 03:02 AM

I should also note that while I really liked Hydergine - both in combination with Piracetam - and by itself,
I stopped taking it many years ago after reading about some of the reports of fibrosis
See here

#196 Eruditus

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 08:57 AM

At this point in time I have been off noopept for 11 days and intend to take a full length month break. The backlash I experienced has however completely dissipated; to avoid this in the first place I think self knowledge is essential in the way that when effects start to wane after the honeymoon period in week three or four you should immediately recognize this as a sign to take your break rather then to continue chasing the original noopept effects. I made this mistake by upping the dose for the final three days to 30mg a day trying to reconquer the original effects and all I got was more mental cloudiness, anhedonia and strong anxiety. I am somewhat mentally vulnerable to anxiety disorders so maybe my experience will not directly translate into something simillar for you; but better safe then sorry, especially if you have a job, family or some other responsibilities in which case you would not want to be a monged out zombie for three days due to excessive noopept use.
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#197 riloal

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 11:18 AM

Hi, i have another poll, what it,s your favourite source of noopept? Another question when you buy in a powder form how do you calculate your dose of 10 or 20mg? Thanks

#198 TomSk

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 12:53 PM

Hi, i have another poll, what it,s your favourite source of noopept? Another question when you buy in a powder form how do you calculate your dose of 10 or 20mg? Thanks

I ordered mine from 'mind nutrition'.. usually in capsules. But i never stick to regime of taking noopept..sometimes i took it for there or two days in a row, then i don't took it at all for days.. Now i plan to stick to regime tooking noopept with ALPHA GPC, centropenoxine and vinpocetine...

#199 DjangoBob

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Posted 04 November 2013 - 12:51 AM

I must correct a major error I made, I feel a bit dumb. This would have gotten me killed in my days playing with designer stimulants and psychedelics. 'course back then I had a ug scale and a bit of proper equipment as opposed to... a scoop.

My doses have been more on the order of 50-180mg. as opposed to the 10-30mg I'd assumed. I feel stupid enough I ordered a mg scale.

On a side note... I managed to do this for a few weeks with virtually no side effects, except for a spaciness in the over 150mg/day range so I dialed back. I've been working, studying and undertaking athletic activity on that kind of dose with nothing dangerous cropping up. It never lost anything, just made me realize too high of a dose wasn't really beneficial.

I AM extremely lucky I didn't have an allergic reaction to any of these compounds(I discovered it shortly after a dose of phenylpiracetam while moving my stuff to a new box) before I discovered my error

#200 joseph583984

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 10:40 PM

After a month of 30mgs daily, thumbs up for me. After the first several days of dosing, the effect of noopept seemed subtle. Though after a month, I noticed the ability to hold an increased number of complex thoughts in my head, and conversationally revisit each one at any time. The words lay themselves out neatly with a clearly denoted start/endpoint, as opposed to being slightly jumbled in the past. As mentioned above my post, it opened/increased my mental window. I will be interested to see the effect of NSI-189.

Edited by joseph583984, 18 November 2013 - 10:42 PM.

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#201 zocco

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 04:22 AM

For me it worked almost exactly as described in original manufacturers manual. It worked very well for few weeks. I was taking scoop twice a day ~7mg or less and sometimes only once a day. I was suddenly recalling some old memories. Time seemed to run slower while more was done. Sleep was better. I felt so good, that i forgot or didn't need/want to take it. Less is more works for this one...

Then after few weeks i stopped (as manual says) and tried just occasionally(usally ~5mg). I noticed, like many others that it can make you irritated or angry by your annoying environment, especially if dose is too high(over 10mg). It also has some effect on sex(not always as bad as some reported). Maybe something has to do with u/n shaped responses? Short memory is not good on it. It's hard to read detailed material immediately after taking it, but probably nice for meditation or mind wandering.

Then tried it few times on days when i was also taking taurine (1-5g) drinking some nice green tea (0.5-1l) and chewing nicotine gum. Taurine alone, made me calm and focused while stil being sleepy. Something like i needed more oxygen.
Few days later i started to get weird headache (tension one, behind ears to the neck direction) and later i noticed i hear some weird low frequency noise(like 50Hz buzz). At first i thought it's heavy trucks from near road here, but then with ear plugs i realized it is inside my head. I only heard it when i was calm. (I thought maybe my brain somehow learned background noises..scary thoughts...) If i moved my head weird tinnitus was gone.
I stopped taking everything except normal food and after few day i was back normal.
I was curious what happened so i tired later few times one by one and combined. It seems that tension headache comes from taurine and/or green tea. Green tea alone is ok, but long time after that i didn't feel the need for it. I didn't try taurine any more after that combination and maybe it's the best to avoid it in higher amounts. Occasional energy drinks alone didn't induce similar head aches, but i didn't mix them with anything.
Weird tinnitus was from noopept. Even when used less than 5mg month later. Maybe i should wait much more like it says in manual, but I'm not sure if it's worth. I also eat food (eggs, pasta...) with spices like black pepper, garlic, chili...so those could also interact.
Anyone else hears low frequency sound on noopept?

Recently i tried sunifiram, 1 scoop, 5mg or less once a day, not every day. Taking it at first felt like 1s lasting panic, but then was gone. Maybe placebo, scared from unknown. I did not feel much else except like being in some serious calm normal feeling state. Real positive effect was after 2 or 3 days when i realized i sleep very well, 8h straight(but not at real world's normal time frame: ~4h-12h). A lot of dreams. It also made me to take short refreshing, full of dreams naps during the day. Time was running slow and more was done. Better then noopept in that sense. It has similar effects to nicotine and noopept regarding to sleep and dreaming, so this is probably related to ACh. Nicotine for example makes high frequency tinnitus, cold feet and nose...(i avoid it). Sunifiram seems to make head calm, almost no sounds inside. Probably very good for study, work, but you still need to motivate your self. When you feel good, your mind might trick you and you might start to procrastinate and do stupid useless things ;)
I didn't try higher doses of sunifiram, or take more then once a day nor i want to. I didn't take any other stuff except regular food, occasionally coffee and green or chamomile tea(not together, few hours apart).

I don't think any of mentioned substances made me any smarter or is worth taking every day. Only when you really need it. Just like prescribed medicine to fix your imbalances. For example like manufacturers manual of noopept says or less.
Sunifiram is probably best ~5mg few days in a row, or every other, third day, or as needed. When you wake up(or 1-2h later) and feel great you probably don't need it.
Taking noopept after i woke up and felt great ruined good feeling for me and made me more closed for outer world and sometimes induced circle of thoughts i did not want to think about. Usually about problems that needed to be solved but could be done only at some later time. So does eating food when not really hungry. It can make you sleepy. Listen to your stomach, not your fooled brain ;)
Physical exercise once or twice a week is very good for mind :-)

#202 chainwheel

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 10:07 AM

I've taken it for a week, and haven't noticed much of anything except possibly sleepiness and increased hand eye coordination.

#203 chainwheel

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 12:32 PM

I take that back. I've been studying chemistry with flashcards and it's been sticking pretty effortlessly, but this is on a combination of pram and noopept so I can't tell for sure how much can be attributed to the noopept.

#204 mrd1

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 02:04 PM

I used to take 127 mg of noopept everyday before school with nothing other than feeling really calm really happy and really good with memory. I only lowered it to 7mg because I am running low any that is the first bimodal peak in the research. Now, noone should ever take 127 mg of noopept! I just am a little wacky.

#205 karoshi

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 05:54 PM

Take 3.3mg per meal. Recently I had bad dreams everyday. It's not nightmare, but something weird.
Another problem is my sleeping time is prolonged from 7 hours to 12 hours if I don't use alarm. Maybe it's time to break.

#206 Keizo

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:43 PM

It does make me more annoyed after a few days. Also I experienced small cuts or cracks in my skin on my hands (like I had been really dry there etc, without the dryness), also the corner of my eyes seemed to experience some similar temporary degradation resulting in soreness.
Some slight allergic reaction (which I get with a lot of things) was noted, slight allergic urticaria. Some sleepiness and lack of focus at times, but seems to normalize after a short break. This in doses of 10-20mg/day.

Many positives, but it doesn't seem worth it for me personally

Edited by Nume, 31 December 2013 - 01:43 PM.

#207 M3phisto

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 02:44 PM

t-up on Noopept. While it does bugger all in terms of cognition and memory (at least for me) it is a really good mood stabiliser and i didnt get any negative side effects from it.

#208 boythatssomebreath

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 07:33 PM

it is best to cycle nootropics though, to prevent tolerance. 1 month though is a long time.

Yes, but not all nootropics need to be cycled. It depends on their mechanism of action as to whether a particular nootropic needs to be cycled or not. For example, a nootropic that induces receptor downregulation and consequent tolerance most certainly does need to be cycled; however, others do not and retain their efficacy with sustained continuous use. In fact, some need to be taken with sustained continuous use in order to reap their rewards, such as phosphatidylserine for example. ;)

ScienceGuy, what other Nootropics should be taken daily to achieve their maximum effectiveness? I have read that Piracetam is like this, as well as Noopept, and Bacopa. I have almost always cycled all noots daily.

#209 andrea23

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 04:12 PM

i read that noopept is a glutamate blocker, is it truth?

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#210 Boleslav

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 08:51 PM

Noopept seems to be a hit or miss for people. I personally have mega dosed for the past three consecutive days. This is the stack I have taken.

CDP Choline -500mg
Alpha GPC- 400mg
ALCAR- 500mg
DMAE- 325mg
Galantamine- 8mg
Phenylpiracetam- 150-350mg (Varied on the day)
Noopept- 200-400mg (Once again varied on the day)

I usually took it all at once but 2 of the days I went back for a second dose of another 150mg of the phenylpiracetam and 100mg of the Noopept.

I suppose I felt a little more calm and perhaps spacey headed, though I've had days like these before where I hadn't taken anything. I have slept fine and the only impact I've noticed of memory and learning has been a very subtle negative one. Like I said I feel a little "spacey" which makes focusing a little difficult but it's really not that bad. Oddly enough one thing that has been noticeable is increased endurance and energy when I workout, I don't know if it's related and maybe I've just been eating healthy and sleeping well. I haven't been drinking coffee or energy drinks, one day I have some white tea that contained 50mg of caffeine but that is all in term of caffeine intake. So I will continue to play around with it but I don't think I will mega dose because it could potentially be having a very negative affect that I am just not feeling.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, nootropic, nootropics, memory, cognitive, cognition, learning, smart drug, piracetam, racetam

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