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NOOPEPT - My personal experience (user feedback)

noopept memory nootropic cognition racetam piracetam cognitive smart drug learning attention

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#31 hX_

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:00 PM

Yeah unfair like when you take fuckloads of heavily brain altering chemicals and then wonder the new ones don't all work quite like they do for other people.

You might like to try taking each new particular substance individually one at a time, like me, then you'd avoid having that problem... ;)

I was being sarcastic and implying more so about chronic use of "nootropics"/endogenous process modifiers.

Multi day use of any compound is generally gonna have side effects so I use things like this occasionally, as needed, therefore if there are any side effects that build up they're completely avoided.

I had already had experience with NOOPEPT and find it helps with fluidity of speech and wakefulness on the day it is taken, something I was likely to struggle with after a psychedelic headstate and lack of sleep. It worked very well for that indeed.

#32 hX_

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:00 PM

Yeah unfair like when you take fuckloads of heavily brain altering chemicals and then wonder the new ones don't all work quite like they do for other people.

You might like to try taking each new particular substance individually one at a time, like me, then you'd avoid having that problem...

I was being sarcastic and implying more so about chronic use of "nootropics"/endogenous process modifiers.

Multi day use of any compound is generally gonna have side effects so I use things like this occasionally, as needed, therefore if there are any side effects that build up they're completely avoided.

I had already had experience with NOOPEPT and find it helps with fluidity of speech and wakefulness on the day it is taken, something I was likely to struggle with after a psychedelic headstate and lack of sleep. It worked very well for that indeed.

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#33 ScienceGuy

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:32 PM

Multi day use of any compound is generally gonna have side effects so I use things like this occasionally, as needed, therefore if there are any side effects that build up they're completely avoided.

Very sensible :)

Unfortunately for me I experience immediate side effects with NOOPEPT even when taken low doses and/or entirely by itself, so there is no 'build up' of side effects so to speak in my particular instance.

I had already had experience with NOOPEPT and find it helps with fluidity of speech and wakefulness on the day it is taken, something I was likely to struggle with after a psychedelic headstate and lack of sleep. It worked very well for that indeed.

It seems NOOPEPT is very much like a lot of the nootropics in that it works great for some people but not for others; for you it appears to be the former, for me the latter (at least for the time being).

Pure speculation of course, but from user feedback so far it does seem that more people respond well to NOOPEPT, like yourself, than not. :happy:

Edited by ScienceGuy, 22 January 2012 - 01:23 PM.

#34 ScienceGuy

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 12:05 PM

If you're getting similar effects to the megadose (recall a thread on here about someone taking 100mg+/day) from a normal dose) couldn't a ridiculously low dose give the "normal" effects?

Sorry but if you know that you are highly sensitive, then why on earth did you start at the highest recommended dose?!

Ah, excellent question! I can see why you asked that. :-D

It's due to the specific manner in which I am 'highly sensitive', in that my sensitivity is not dosage dependant but dependant on the particular substance itself.

To clarify, for me it's typically a somewhat unusual 'all or nothing' situation, wherein I either respond completely normally to a substance or don't get on with it AT ALL, at ANY dosage, and simply need to avoid it.

For example, I quite happily can take 5 GRAMS of PIRACETAM twice daily (TOTAL 10 GRAMS DAILY) without any problems whatsoever, yet I cannot take ANY dosage of ACETYL-L-CARNITINE without incurring intolerable side effects (even 25mg!)

It's a total pain in the behind, but it's simply a case of 'trial and error' for me to ascertain which substances I currently get on with and which I do not.

For me, for the time being at least, NOOPEPT falls squarely into the latter ;)

UPDATE: I finally got around to trying NOOPEPT at a dosage of just 0.5 mg (= 500 mcg; N.B. my digital scales are accurate to 0.0001g = 0.1mg), which I took once a day for two days in a row without my usual nootropic stack, and as I expected I received all the same side effects again.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 23 January 2012 - 12:05 PM.

#35 manic_racetam

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:09 PM

If you're getting similar effects to the megadose (recall a thread on here about someone taking 100mg+/day) from a normal dose) couldn't a ridiculously low dose give the "normal" effects?

Sorry but if you know that you are highly sensitive, then why on earth did you start at the highest recommended dose?!

Ah, excellent question! I can see why you asked that. :-D

It's due to the specific manner in which I am 'highly sensitive', in that my sensitivity is not dosage dependant but dependant on the particular substance itself.

To clarify, for me it's typically a somewhat unusual 'all or nothing' situation, wherein I either respond completely normally to a substance or don't get on with it AT ALL, at ANY dosage, and simply need to avoid it.

For example, I quite happily can take 5 GRAMS of PIRACETAM twice daily (TOTAL 10 GRAMS DAILY) without any problems whatsoever, yet I cannot take ANY dosage of ACETYL-L-CARNITINE without incurring intolerable side effects (even 25mg!)

It's a total pain in the behind, but it's simply a case of 'trial and error' for me to ascertain which substances I currently get on with and which I do not.

For me, for the time being at least, NOOPEPT falls squarely into the latter ;)

UPDATE: I finally got around to trying NOOPEPT at a dosage of just 0.5 mg (= 500 mcg; N.B. my digital scales are accurate to 0.0001g = 0.1mg), which I took once a day for two days in a row without my usual nootropic stack, and as I expected I received all the same side effects again.

That would be the nocebo effect....
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#36 ScienceGuy

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:43 PM

That would be the nocebo effect....

Haha... could be! :laugh:

However, in reality whilst possible I don't think that is very likely in this particular instance, given the fact that I am a very positive and optimistic person; and the fact that when I trialled NOOPEPT at 10mg dosage I was sure that I would get a good response to it following the results of the poll that I started where there was an overwhelming positive 'THUMBS UP' vote and was VERY surprised to experience the side effects that I did; that could not have been the nocebo effect...

I'm certain it's an abnormal over-sensitivity caused by my residual Encephalitis.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 23 January 2012 - 07:45 PM.

#37 misabig

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 06:41 PM

Very interesting reading everyone's post. I have had very fortunate/unfortunate results from Noopept. Fortunate in the fact that I have had no ill effect (no mal-temper, paranoia, brain fog, decrease in libido, etc.). Unfortunate in that I have had none of the desired effects either. I have dosed the recommended amount and superdosed. I started about 60 days ago and.......nothing. Perhaps I am one of "those" people because for me, piracetam has the same non-effect, even when combining the two. I at least expected a placebo effect as I was highly anticipating my Noopept shipment. Very disheartening.

#38 Michael Campbell

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 11:57 AM

Very interesting reading everyone's post. I have had very fortunate/unfortunate results from Noopept. Fortunate in the fact that I have had no ill effect (no mal-temper, paranoia, brain fog, decrease in libido, etc.). Unfortunate in that I have had none of the desired effects either. I have dosed the recommended amount and superdosed. I started about 60 days ago and.......nothing. Perhaps I am one of "those" people because for me, piracetam has the same non-effect, even when combining the two. I at least expected a placebo effect as I was highly anticipating my Noopept shipment. Very disheartening.

I'm starting to feel this way too; I'm not sure it's doing anything, subtle or no. After this batch is gone, I will probably not re-up. None of the *tams have provided any noticeable benefit for me, but I might try the larger dosages of piracetam as have been described in other threads here lately one last time.

#39 Bamboo

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 01:26 AM

I notice a general increase in hostility if I take aniracetam, is there some similarity in the action of noopept and aniracetam?

Also, regards brain chemistry and differing effects of "smart drugs" there is a wide range of variables at play in "how & when & why" each substance does or does not do what it is intended.

I find what I eat has a big impact, ie if I am full of sugar and coffee then I am not going to have my brain and nervous system be in the best condition to reap the potential rewards of any smart drugs I may take.

#40 louieboym

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Posted 19 October 2012 - 03:13 PM

Anybody knows the duration of the effects of noopept? Piracetam has a peak duration of 4-5 hours after intake, and lasts about 8 hours. I usually take another dose after 4-5 hours. Thanks.

Very interesting reading everyone's post. I have had very fortunate/unfortunate results from Noopept. Fortunate in the fact that I have had no ill effect (no mal-temper, paranoia, brain fog, decrease in libido, etc.). Unfortunate in that I have had none of the desired effects either. I have dosed the recommended amount and superdosed. I started about 60 days ago and.......nothing. Perhaps I am one of "those" people because for me, piracetam has the same non-effect, even when combining the two. I at least expected a placebo effect as I was highly anticipating my Noopept shipment. Very disheartening.

I'm starting to feel this way too; I'm not sure it's doing anything, subtle or no. After this batch is gone, I will probably not re-up. None of the *tams have provided any noticeable benefit for me, but I might try the larger dosages of piracetam as have been described in other threads here lately one last time.

From what I read, people with the most mental "issues" will benefit the most from nootropics. If you're "normal", I recommend just to take 800mg of piracetam everyday for brain maintenance.
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#41 golden1

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Posted 19 October 2012 - 03:54 PM

What is normal? :P


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Posted 20 October 2012 - 01:18 PM

I've had nothing but negative side effects from Noopept at 10, 20 & 30mg / day, taken daily for up to 2 weeks at a time in the hope that it might work: Sleepiness, brain-fog, & suicidal thoughts. Noopept= No-more-pep, for me. FYI the racetam's I've taken also haven't impressed me. (The only noot that's ever given me positive effects has been Deprenyl.)

#43 Geoffrey

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 04:21 PM

Try 2.5mg per day (a quarter of a pill). I can't cope with much more than that long-term. Effects are still very noticeable, and I have to cycle off two or three days a week. This is after longer term use. It definitely builds up (or its effects build up, so you need less of it).
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Posted 25 October 2012 - 05:27 AM

I tossed about 8-9 grams of it. Not buying anymore.

#45 sapaiderman

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 01:38 PM

oh no!
I've just ordered Noopept...
I wish I'd come across this thread earlier!

this is the last racetam I'm going to try, all the others I've tried have had too many side effects to continue taking them

if this doesn't work then I'm going to stick with fish oil, a choline source and exercise!

#46 burgerking789

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 06:44 PM

I've been taking 10mg 3x/day for about two weeks now. Nothing spectacular but I have more confidence, verbal fluency and better sleep. It's dirt cheap so I can't complain. Noopept is the only nootropic I've ever tried. I figure I should try up some others to compare. I'm shocked at the negative side effects that people are describing. I have no side effects.

#47 sapaiderman

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 03:34 AM

I've been taking 10mg 3x/day for about two weeks now. Nothing spectacular but I have more confidence, verbal fluency and better sleep. It's dirt cheap so I can't complain. Noopept is the only nootropic I've ever tried. I figure I should try up some others to compare. I'm shocked at the negative side effects that people are describing. I have no side effects.

I'd be really happy with the effects you have experienced

in my experience Prami, Ani, Pira, all gave me side effects so if Noopept works for you then stick with it...

#48 Climactic

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 07:11 AM

I've been taking 10mg 3x/day for about two weeks now. Nothing spectacular but I have more confidence, verbal fluency and better sleep.

Can you please confirm if you take it orally (swallowed) or if you actually try sublingually (with unpreventable partial swallowing still), and if you believe the mode of administration matters to you with respect to the effects? I must ask this despite any general claims of oral bioavailability that exist for Noopept.

#49 Adaptogen

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 07:44 AM

i have dosed noopept 50mg with 4.8grams piracetam and the effect was very pronounced.. combine with this a small amount of x entheogen and you can have a life changing experience for the better

i take it orally, sometimes put it under my tongue for like 30 seconds :mellow:

Edited by Adaptogen, 14 December 2012 - 07:54 AM.

#50 burgerking789

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 08:35 PM

I've been taking 10mg 3x/day for about two weeks now. Nothing spectacular but I have more confidence, verbal fluency and better sleep.

Can you please confirm if you take it orally (swallowed) or if you actually try sublingually (with unpreventable partial swallowing still), and if you believe the mode of administration matters to you with respect to the effects? I must ask this despite any general claims of oral bioavailability that exist for Noopept.

Hi, I simply swallow it. Haven't bothered with the sublingual administration. I can't say for sure what method is best.

#51 golden1

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 09:30 PM

At first I tried partially sublingually, but then started just dosing orally... same effects. No difference at all.

#52 Keshan

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:55 PM

I started taking Noopept about a week ago. I find myself enjoying music more, and sometimes watching high definition (720 / 1080p ) videos it seems like they are 3D, like experiencing the depth of a picture/video differently, it is hard to explain. At first I could not understand what the hell was happening in the video. I was just amazed. My mood is improved, can't say much about memory yet. Sometimes I get spaced out and stare at my monitor for a couple minutes, to be honest I find this rather relaxing.

Anyone noticing similar things?

#53 health_nutty

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 08:08 PM

I started taking Noopept about a week ago. I find myself enjoying music more, and sometimes watching high definition (720 / 1080p ) videos it seems like they are 3D, like experiencing the depth of a picture/video differently, it is hard to explain. At first I could not understand what the hell was happening in the video. I was just amazed. My mood is improved, can't say much about memory yet. Sometimes I get spaced out and stare at my monitor for a couple minutes, to be honest I find this rather relaxing.

Anyone noticing similar things?

What dosage are you taking?

#54 health_nutty

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 09:47 PM

Btw, I've been taking noopept at 10mg twice a day for 3 days. I've also been quite sick with a cold / flu. I think I'll need to be healthy to really determine the effects. Only thing I can report for sure is that it has no effect on my libido.

#55 Lepel

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 10:17 PM

New on longecity, experiencing (short term, moments of 'what am I doing again?') memory loss after 3 weeks at 20-30mg a day. Too bad because I like the focus (for learning) and vision. Maybe I'll just use it at specific moments (exams etc.), are there any experiences with snorting the noopept btw?

#56 Adaptogen

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 12:05 AM

New on longecity, experiencing (short term, moments of 'what am I doing again?') memory loss after 3 weeks at 20-30mg a day. Too bad because I like the focus (for learning) and vision. Maybe I'll just use it at specific moments (exams etc.), are there any experiences with snorting the noopept btw?

odd, memory loss from noopept? what in particular have you noticed?

I remember reading that it gave someone short term memory loss, said they had more trouble speed reading on it... but that would be hard to verify.

Snorting noopept would be pointless, i think. It is pretty bioavailable, so just swallowing it will get you the effects, and then you wont irritate your nasal cavity

Edited by Adaptogen, 18 December 2012 - 12:09 AM.

#57 Heh

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 01:13 AM

New on longecity, experiencing (short term, moments of 'what am I doing again?') memory loss after 3 weeks at 20-30mg a day. Too bad because I like the focus (for learning) and vision. Maybe I'll just use it at specific moments (exams etc.), are there any experiences with snorting the noopept btw?

Noopept does sometimes affect short term memory. There is a thread about it on the site somewhere. Have you tried stacking with another racetam, like Aniracetam or Pramiracetam?

#58 Lepel

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 11:48 AM

New on longecity, experiencing (short term, moments of 'what am I doing again?') memory loss after 3 weeks at 20-30mg a day. Too bad because I like the focus (for learning) and vision. Maybe I'll just use it at specific moments (exams etc.), are there any experiences with snorting the noopept btw?

odd, memory loss from noopept? what in particular have you noticed?

I remember reading that it gave someone short term memory loss, said they had more trouble speed reading on it... but that would be hard to verify.

Snorting noopept would be pointless, i think. It is pretty bioavailable, so just swallowing it will get you the effects, and then you wont irritate your nasal cavity

Alright, will just swallow it then.
I haven't got trouble learning stuff, actually improves it but I definitely notice short-term memory loss. Although I can't fully pin it on the noopept yet.

New on longecity, experiencing (short term, moments of 'what am I doing again?') memory loss after 3 weeks at 20-30mg a day. Too bad because I like the focus (for learning) and vision. Maybe I'll just use it at specific moments (exams etc.), are there any experiences with snorting the noopept btw?

Noopept does sometimes affect short term memory. There is a thread about it on the site somewhere. Have you tried stacking with another racetam, like Aniracetam or Pramiracetam?

I am currently using Aniracetam, stacked it with noopept for about 2 days, didn't notice a difference in short term memory directly so I would have to use/test it for a longer period.

The aniracetam is working though, became very calm and my vision changed a bit too, seems like I'm more creative and focused also :)

@Adaptogen I noticed that if I am distracted for a moment while attempting to do something, I forgot what I was planning to do.
Like I described earlier, I'm having these moments of 'What am I doing again?'.

Edited by Lepel, 18 December 2012 - 11:53 AM.

#59 Keshan

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 12:49 PM


What dosage are you taking?

On the first day I took 50 mg.

On the second I took 40 mg.

After that I took 30 mg per day, except once when I was going out to party, I took 50 mg before that because I read that it protects the brain cells from alcohol damage. The day after my friend had headaches which I did not have, my head was totally clear but had stomachaches because the amount of alcohol I drank.

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#60 louieboym

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 01:31 PM

On the first day I took 50 mg.

On the second I took 40 mg.

After that I took 30 mg per day, except once when I was going out to party, I took 50 mg before that because I read that it protects the brain cells from alcohol damage. The day after my friend had headaches which I did not have, my head was totally clear but had stomachaches because the amount of alcohol I drank.

Should have taken it with zantac or something. :) Anyways, for short term memory, noopept supposedly improves it. But there are reports people who took relatively too much for them experienced confusion and spacing out. Some of them said they just stared at their monitors for a long time and felt happy doing it. When they lowered the dosage it seems to fix that.

Edited by louieboym, 20 December 2012 - 01:32 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, memory, nootropic, cognition, racetam, piracetam, cognitive, smart drug, learning, attention

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