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CEREBROLYSIN - Does not NEED to be cycled?

cerebrolysin neuroprotection neuroplasticity neurogenesis neuron peptides nootropic memory cognition cognitive

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#61 ScienceGuy

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Posted 17 August 2012 - 04:53 PM

Don't use half a vial because then there is a risk that the other half could become contaminated.

Arent there ways to protect against that? How hard is it? How likely is it to become contaminated if you take precautions? What will happen if its contaminated under such conditions (if precautions are taken)?

Get yourself some sterile multl-dose vials... and put in there.This way you can use as much as you want/need.

Posted Image
+1 What he said :)

I do this for MAGNESIUM SULFATE, wherein I inject the entire contents of a 10ml single-use vial into a 10ml empty sterile water for injection vial, and then use 1.4ml (= 0.7g Mg) daily, and hence each 10ml single-use vial yields a weeks' supply.

N.B. It is vital that you store said multi-use vial in the fridge between doses and properly swab the rubber top with an pre-injection alcohol wipe before each injection
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#62 protoject

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Posted 17 August 2012 - 09:47 PM

Hmm.. Right.. totally obvious Alcohol swab ... why didnt i think of that???
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#63 NG_F

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Posted 17 August 2012 - 11:53 PM

Don't use half a vial because then there is a risk that the other half could become contaminated.

Arent there ways to protect against that? How hard is it? How likely is it to become contaminated if you take precautions? What will happen if its contaminated under such conditions (if precautions are taken)?

Get yourself some sterile multl-dose vials... and put in there.This way you can use as much as you want/need.

Posted Image
+1 What he said :)

I do this for MAGNESIUM SULFATE, wherein I inject the entire contents of a 10ml single-use vial into a 10ml empty sterile water for injection vial, and then use 1.4ml (= 0.7g Mg) daily, and hence each 10ml single-use vial yields a weeks' supply.

N.B. It is vital that you store said multi-use vial in the fridge between doses and properly swab the rubber top with an pre-injection alcohol wipe before each injection

Why is refrigeration necessary Science guy? I keep mine at room temperature.Will my solution of Cere become degraded or useless? Hmm got me concerned now. Please get to me as soon as you get a chance. Much thanks!

#64 protoject

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 01:42 AM

perhaps refrigeration lessens chance of biological contaminants breeding

Edited by protoject, 18 August 2012 - 01:42 AM.

#65 sunshinefrost

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 05:03 AM

Guys, common, this is basic, room temperature is fine. Just dont get it too hot if you have openend the vial... Think of it as sardines you bye at the market. If you open them and leave them on the counter, it will gather bacteria.... Isn't it obvious ?

As long as the vial isn't broken you are fine.
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#66 sunshinefrost

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 05:09 AM

If it is broken, just make sure the rest of it is contained in an uncontaminated vial. Use an extra seringe to keep the rest of cerebrolysin... Place the seringe in a air tight ziploc bag. Sorry for my initial rude reply, i like seing your feedback guys, keep them coming.

#67 NG_F

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 07:52 AM

Guys, common, this is basic, room temperature is fine. Just dont get it too hot if you have openend the vial... Think of it as sardines you bye at the market. If you open them and leave them on the counter, it will gather bacteria.... Isn't it obvious ?

As long as the vial isn't broken you are fine.

Thanks Sunshine :) I thought it would be fine in room temperature. Since its shipped and stored in room temps. Now I use other peps(HGH secretagogues) which have to be re-constituted and then refrigerated, the same with HCG, but I didn't think Cere needed refrigeration for any reason, other then like you said, to minimize the risk of pathogen contamination.
I swab the vial top and injection site each time as well.

Edited by NG_F, 18 August 2012 - 07:54 AM.

#68 ScienceGuy

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 08:05 AM

Why is refrigeration necessary Science guy? I keep mine at room temperature.

Will my solution of Cere become degraded or useless? Hmm got me concerned now. Please get to me as soon as you get a chance. Much thanks!

To clarify, my recommendation that you store the quantity extracted from the vial and transferred into a multi-use vial is specifically and only with regards to minimising chance of PATHOGENIC CONTAMINATION / INFECTION; the substance itself is stable at room temperature and does not require refridgeration. ;)

When it comes to self-administering injections I strongly urge others to follow proper clinical protocol, which would entail storing any partially used medicines for injection in the fridge so as to minimise chances of PATHOGENIC CONTAMINATION / INFECTION. You don't have to follow my advice, but it is sound; I have been self-administering multiple intramuscular injections daily for over 20 years and have never ever suffered even a minor infection from doing so. Better safe than sorry. :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 18 August 2012 - 08:09 AM.

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#69 ScienceGuy

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 08:57 AM

If it is broken, just make sure the rest of it is contained in an uncontaminated vial. Use an extra seringe to keep the rest of cerebrolysin... Place the seringe in a air tight ziploc bag.


It is not often that I find myself disagreeing with you, but this is one of those rare instances ;)

It is crucial that individuals self-administering injections follow proper clinical protocol and take the necessary precautions so as to eliminate risk of PATHOGENIC INFECTION. It is quite simply not worth taking unecessary risks with your health. You can never be too cautious when it comes to self-administering injections; and as such, the words 'better safe than sorry' spring to mind. :)

RE: "If it is broken, just make sure the rest of it is contained in an uncontaminated vial." - If a vial is in any way cracked or broken it is not fit for purpose due to possible PATHOGENIC CONTAMINATION as a consequence of the contents having been potentially exposed to the outside. Therefore, the entire vial and its complete contents should be disposed of. ;)

RE: "Use an extra seringe to keep the rest of cerebrolysin..." - If one carries out this method in the proper manner, then yes, it is possible to safely store the rest of the cerebrolysin in a second syringe; however, one would need to follow proper protocol and take necessary precautions to avoid risk of PATHOGENIC CONTAMINATION / INFECTION. These are as follows:

1) Thoroughly wash and sterilise one's hands (such as scrubbing with alcohol rub);

2) Employ NON TOUCH POLICY in every regard, throughout, with regards to the respective sterile surfaces;

3) Swap over the needle used to draw the cerebrolysin into the second syringe with a fresh one which still has its needle cover in place and hence both needle and inside of needle cover are still 100% sterile. N.B. Ensure that the needle is firmly pressed onto the end of the syringe to avoid possible contamination through the joint (you may wish to consider sealing the joint with a sterile band-aid).

4) Then as you helpfully suggest, place the syringe (with attached needle and unremoved needle cap) into an unused air tight sealable food bag (or similar)

5) Store in fridge; and use within 48 hours. ;)

I should add that I am aware of numerous instances wherein individuals have incurred site infections following administering IM injections using syringes that have been used to store the partial contents of a vial of substance, without taking the proper precautions that I have outlined above. In one such instance, the individual subsequently developed SEPTICEMIA and nearly died as a result. Like I have already said, better safe than sorry! :)

Hmm.. Right.. totally obvious Alcohol swab ... why didnt i think of that???

Apologies in advance to any and all individuals who consider any of this 'obvious'. I would ask such individuals to respect that this information is for the benefit of those individuals who are less wise and educated in this regard :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 18 August 2012 - 09:08 AM.

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#70 sunshinefrost

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 10:13 AM

Yep you are correct science guy, after Reading my comments again i realise i was a bit fast to comment ;) all questions refarding this are legit.
You can never be too carefull when it comes to IM. Thanks for clarifying
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#71 protoject

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 11:56 AM

Apologies in advance to any and all individuals who consider any of this 'obvious'. I would ask such individuals to respect that this information is for the benefit of those individuals who are less wise and educated in this regard :)

Thank the heavens that I can use a multi-dose vial!!!
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#72 NG_F

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 01:08 PM

Thanks for all your info Science guy, much appreciated :cool:
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#73 CIMN

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 02:54 AM

I think anything needs cycling, there is usualy always a homeostasis to endogenous variations to a internal environment.
science guy thanks for the good info you have here.

Why is refrigeration necessary Science guy? I keep mine at room temperature.

Will my solution of Cere become degraded or useless? Hmm got me concerned now. Please get to me as soon as you get a chance. Much thanks!

To clarify, my recommendation that you store the quantity extracted from the vial and transferred into a multi-use vial is specifically and only with regards to minimising chance of PATHOGENIC CONTAMINATION / INFECTION; the substance itself is stable at room temperature and does not require refridgeration. ;)

When it comes to self-administering injections I strongly urge others to follow proper clinical protocol, which would entail storing any partially used medicines for injection in the fridge so as to minimise chances of PATHOGENIC CONTAMINATION / INFECTION. You don't have to follow my advice, but it is sound; I have been self-administering multiple intramuscular injections daily for over 20 years and have never ever suffered even a minor infection from doing so. Better safe than sorry. :)

#74 lelf

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 03:10 PM

So I assume it's stable enough for using 10mg as 5+5 (for 2 days)?

And this is why I'm asking:

My Celebrolysin instruction has the words “solution has to be used immediately after opening”. Is it really just the contamination precaution? I've never seen anything like that anywhere else.

#75 spookytooth

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 04:04 PM

So I assume it's stable enough for using 10mg as 5+5 (for 2 days)?

And this is why I'm asking:

My Celebrolysin instruction has the words “solution has to be used immediately after opening”. Is it really just the contamination precaution? I've never seen anything like that anywhere else.

I believe that someone posted an email from an Ever Pharma rep somewhere on this board which stated that Cerebrolysin -at room temperature- degrades within an hour hour two after being opened.

#76 Sholrak

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 04:12 PM

If you use those 5 ml in the next few days (1-3 máx.) there shouldn't be a problem. I used once a few ml in a syringe that had been stored in the fridge for 6 days, and nothing bad happened, although it was extremely irresponsible by me.

Just don't let it be more than 2-3 days (ie. you leave it on friday and you will inject monday, that's valid). Make sure you put it in the coolest zone of the fridge. Of course, you need to put the liquid into fridge as soon as possible since you open the ampoule.

#77 NG_F

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 04:18 PM

So I assume it's stable enough for using 10mg as 5+5 (for 2 days)?

And this is why I'm asking:

My Celebrolysin instruction has the words “solution has to be used immediately after opening”. Is it really just the contamination precaution? I've never seen anything like that anywhere else.

I believe that someone posted an email from an Ever Pharma rep somewhere on this board which stated that Cerebrolysin -at room temperature- degrades within an hour hour two after being opened.

Spooky..this is implying that Cere will still degrade after being transferred into a Multi-Dose Vial ??

Can you please find that OP with the Email if you can or clarify, as to if that was also what he was implying.Did you get that message from the way it was stated? let us know, as I know I'm not the only one using Multi-dose vials here to store Cerebrolysin in. You got me thinking now.. :|?

#78 spookytooth

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 05:11 PM

So I assume it's stable enough for using 10mg as 5+5 (for 2 days)?

And this is why I'm asking:

My Celebrolysin instruction has the words “solution has to be used immediately after opening”. Is it really just the contamination precaution? I've never seen anything like that anywhere else.

I believe that someone posted an email from an Ever Pharma rep somewhere on this board which stated that Cerebrolysin -at room temperature- degrades within an hour hour two after being opened.

Spooky..this is implying that Cere will still degrade after being transferred into a Multi-Dose Vial ??

Can you please find that OP with the Email if you can or clarify, as to if that was also what he was implying.Did you get that message from the way it was stated? let us know, as I know I'm not the only one using Multi-dose vials here to store Cerebrolysin in. You got me thinking now.. :|?

No, what it means is that if you leave it open at room temperature it will degrade very quickly. If you transfer it into a multi-dose vial and store it in a refrigerator it should last longer.

Edited by spookytooth, 08 October 2013 - 05:41 PM.

#79 lelf

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 05:20 PM

So I assume it's stable enough for using 10mg as 5+5 (for 2 days)?

And this is why I'm asking:

My Celebrolysin instruction has the words “solution has to be used immediately after opening”. Is it really just the contamination precaution? I've never seen anything like that anywhere else.

I believe that someone posted an email from an Ever Pharma rep somewhere on this board which stated that Cerebrolysin -at room temperature- degrades within an hour hour two after being opened.

Plot twist: the same instruction states that

compatibility of Cerebrolysin (for 24 hours, room temperature, presence of light) has been tested with following solutions: 0.9% NaCl, Ringer's solution, 5% glucose.

#80 lelf

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Posted 08 October 2013 - 06:00 PM

Plot twist #2 and maybe the solution to the puzzle.


My instruction is in Russian. So I checked the English one (this one). And… corresponding phrase is


 “Remove the solution from the vials/ampules immediately before use”

vs “после вскрытия ампулы/флакона раствор должен использоваться незамедлительно” (“has to be used immediately after opening”)


Quite a difference, so I declare a mistranslation. And if you have to remove the solution from vial only because of possible contamination (cerebrolysin solution is quite an environment for bacteria growth I suspect), then everything is right in the world again. If not, tell me more

#81 MenDis

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

Do you guys think refrigeration causes any relevant structural changes to amino acid/ protein constituents of cerebrolysin that could effect its effectiveness?

#82 MenDis

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 07:53 PM

To answer my own question....probably not since on the packaging, I found this:

"A se pastra la temperaturi sub 25C, în ambalajul original" (Romanian)

Which means:
"Store below 25C in original packaging"

Edited by MenDis, 24 December 2013 - 07:55 PM.

#83 jroseland

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Posted 13 September 2017 - 01:30 PM

So did this thread reach the consensus that, in fact, Cerebrolysin does not need to be cycled?

Edited by jroseland, 13 September 2017 - 01:31 PM.

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#84 tunt01

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Posted 13 September 2017 - 03:30 PM

No one should be taking cerebrolysin due to unknown immune effects for foreign (animal) proteins that may generate neutralizing antibodies, which then react with endogenous human proteins and ultimately be counterproductive and harmful.  No cycling.  Nothing.  Period.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cerebrolysin, neuroprotection, neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, neuron, peptides, nootropic, memory, cognition, cognitive

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