I didn’t take it as bate but your expression of your own faith. I answer the question of what God is like as a Christian but am very interested in the answers to the question following an affirmative answer to, Is There a God?
Of course there must have been a God. I don't say it lightly, born and raised atheist in the former Soviet Union. I see the proof of it in life, which to me looks very much like a programmed thing, starting with DNA, which clearly is a code. And the more I study biology, the more I become convinced that it is all designed. By somebody.
My mom, who too was born and raised an atheist, had the same thoughts. Her epiphany came when she was snorkeling in Hawaii. She said she was stunned by the beauty of a coral reef, and then she saw a pretty fish with a print of a fancy bow on its tail. So funny it was that my mom at that moment was convinced that someone had designed that fish, someone with a good sense of humor. Me too, when I see the beauty of fish, insects, flowers, I am convinced that someone designed all that. And some fish are so funny

My former education was in computers. I know how they work and what makes them work, that a complex machine, after a while, with all that programming put into it by various teams at various times, after a while acquires a mind of its own. With time it becomes difficult to predict its behavior or try to change or fix it. And that is being said about machines that were
not programmed to act out on their own accord, but to follow concrete instructions.
Of course, you can also program a machine to act out, to grow, learn and develop. But even if you don't do it purposefully, given enough time and complexity that inevitably arises with all those fixes by various teams and then fixes of fixes, lol, like it usually goes, the thing eventually evolves into something else, seemingly acting of its own accord.
And so I have been studying biology and physiology in the last several years, and with my background in computers it's very hard for me to see life other than a program. In fact the more I study it the more I become convinced that it
is a program.
I can see entertainment as being one reason for God creating us and the cosmos. I see nothing anti-theistic about amusement parks by what ever name you want to call them. I suppose we can always turn the good to evil. It is so in every universe I know about.
Evil I do not see. I know that Christians believe that Satan is the fallen angel, the embodiment of perfection turned into the embodiment of evil. But I don't see anything evil about him and his team. I rather see them as testers, you know, the ones who test the new software for bugs. It may seem from the side that they have "evil intentions" and all they want is to break the code, but in fact they are only testing the new software looking for bugs so that they could be fixed. What's evil about that?
Computers are made up of the material world. There is something non material about them and that is they are ordered to perform a intelligent purpose. There is a non material aspect to them and a purpose by a designer which is not material..see http://www.longecity...post__p__496211
that link has a bit too many letters for me at the moment. Maybe later. But talking about computers, even though they are made up of worldly materials that will undoubtedly continue to change, their organizational principle is already defined and will stay in the future as it is now. And, perhaps unbeknownst to you, it already defines organization of "space" that houses the evolving Cyber World. I put
space in quotes, because its organizational principles are clearly different from the space that houses our Universe, even though at the moment it seems just a part of it. But it is organized differently, and the thing is, the organizational principles of any space define the properties of the world it contains.
Christians believe we have both a material body and a non material spirit which is conscious. Mind orders the computer by design, to carry out the purpose of spirit. Because man has both a body and spirit, I would differ with you, God could enter into the material world just like our non material spirit does. 
I don't see where we differ. According to your statement that I put in bold, God is immaterial. Just like I said. Similarly, it is only our immaterial part that can enter the Cyber World, no?