Hello everyone, I've recently joined longecity and I know if there's any place to ask for this advice it's here. Like alot of people on this forum I am extremely interested in the ampakine class of drugs, however the extent of my interest exceeds that of a passing fancy at the idea of cognitive enhancement through ampakine intervention. I would like to obtain an ampakine such as cx516, cx546, or dare I say the cloaked compound cx717 (I've convinced myself that someone has acquired this compound either by participating in a study or by more mischievous means). I know some have gotten their hands on ampalex, but im curious as to how (without being a lab scientist) and would like someone to tell me (pm me i guess) just how he/she got it. And if anyone is up to date on recent ampakine studies/clinical development (cx1739, 1763, 1846 etc) could you enlighten me/us? Thanks

Posted 16 January 2012 - 05:29 PM
Hello everyone, I've recently joined longecity and I know if there's any place to ask for this advice it's here. Like alot of people on this forum I am extremely interested in the ampakine class of drugs, however the extent of my interest exceeds that of a passing fancy at the idea of cognitive enhancement through ampakine intervention. I would like to obtain an ampakine such as cx516, cx546, or dare I say the cloaked compound cx717 (I've convinced myself that someone has acquired this compound either by participating in a study or by more mischievous means). I know some have gotten their hands on ampalex, but im curious as to how (without being a lab scientist) and would like someone to tell me (pm me i guess) just how he/she got it. And if anyone is up to date on recent ampakine studies/clinical development (cx1739, 1763, 1846 etc) could you enlighten me/us? Thanks
Posted 17 January 2012 - 07:12 AM
Posted 17 January 2012 - 04:38 PM
I found that website when I first began learning about all of this stuff 3-4 years ago, I wish I had known because I would have bought it...
Unfortunately, no this is not available. This is the holy grail of smart drugs - the one everyone wants, but nobody can get. We gotta wait til either the FDA approves it and then we can in 10 years hopefully get prescriptions, or Ron Paul becomes president and free markets reign once again!
Posted 17 January 2012 - 10:30 PM
Posted 17 January 2012 - 10:30 PM
Posted 20 January 2012 - 01:08 AM
As far as ampakines go, I know you specifically stated that you were interested in the CX series of drugs, but Aniracetam IS the grand-daddy of the ampakines. Have you tried Aniracetam? Might help you get a feel for ampakines.
Posted 23 January 2012 - 02:53 AM
Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:41 PM
Posted 26 January 2012 - 12:48 PM
the ampakine org 26576 completed a phase II clinical trial in 2009, roughly three years ago. Organon (acquired by schering plough which was acquired by merck) has a few more dollars in the bank than cortex pharm, so if an ampakine does hit the shelves in 2-3 years it will probably be org 26576. i can only hope.
i found your post interesting, never heard of org 26576 before, if you have any more info on org 26576 or ampakines, please post, found it very interesting, by the way the chemical structure seems very different to the ampakines cortex was developing. there are also a couple bunch of ampakine post on longecity, bluelight, mindandmuscle, just search around in google, some compounds of interest may be PEPA, IDRA-21, Sunifiram, Cyclothiazide, S 18986 (though safety is not always confirmed!) , if you want to know more about ampakines get this book, http://www.amazon.co...27584761&sr=1-1, if you want to obtain it well you probably need to buy from alibaba or tocris or chemical suppliers for research chemicals.
Edited by Ampa-omega, 26 January 2012 - 01:43 PM.
Posted 27 January 2012 - 07:35 PM
the ampakine org 26576 completed a phase II clinical trial in 2009, roughly three years ago. Organon (acquired by schering plough which was acquired by merck) has a few more dollars in the bank than cortex pharm, so if an ampakine does hit the shelves in 2-3 years it will probably be org 26576. i can only hope.
i found your post interesting, never heard of org 26576 before, if you have any more info on org 26576 or ampakines, please post, found it very interesting, by the way the chemical structure seems very different to the ampakines cortex was developing. there are also a couple bunch of ampakine post on longecity, bluelight, mindandmuscle, just search around in google, some compounds of interest may be PEPA, IDRA-21, Sunifiram, Cyclothiazide, S 18986 (though safety is not always confirmed!) , if you want to know more about ampakines get this book, http://www.amazon.co...27584761&sr=1-1, if you want to obtain it well you probably need to buy from alibaba or tocris or chemical suppliers for research chemicals.
thanks AMPA-Omega, i've wanted to get that book for some time but it just costs so damn much. And the ampakines you mentioned (aside from cyclothiazide) look very promising, most if not all increasing BDNF levels, but have only been tested in animals (as far as i know). org 26576 also increases BDNF and is pretty far in the pipeline, and unlike cx717 and 1739 its structure is known so maybe it could be synthesized(?)
Posted 28 January 2012 - 08:05 PM
Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:27 PM
Damn. I prefer to stick to established and logically safe substances. Piracetam and aniracetam should be ampakine enough, add NGF and presto...
where are you buying your NGF from

Posted 29 January 2012 - 08:59 AM
Damn. I prefer to stick to established and logically safe substances. Piracetam and aniracetam should be ampakine enough, add NGF and presto...
where are you buying your NGF from?
Substances that increase NGF are numerous. I personally take cerebrolysin and sometimes hydergine.

Posted 31 January 2012 - 12:52 AM
Posted 31 January 2012 - 02:29 AM
Actually they are doing a 3 year study with Ampakines in Sweden against Sleepapnoea, the drug is already on trial for Alzheimers. So they are on the way! Ill post some more info when I know more about the drug...
thanks for the info brainfogged, i'm really adamant about getting an ampakine, i dont care which one (as long as its one of the cortex compounds). i havent been successful as yet, but i will continue to try to get one as soon as possible.
Posted 01 February 2012 - 07:29 AM
It´s hard to say anything in conclusive, I mean if it is really Ampakines that they are evaluating. From what I can see there are two drugs that seems to target both Alzheimers and sleepapnoea.
CX-1739 is on a phase II study for sleep apnoea (cortex).
But then again there is the drug Donepezil that also is said to treat respiratory conditions.
So question is which drug they are evaluating. I guess we have to wait and see...
Posted 01 February 2012 - 12:39 PM
so perhaps an ampakine will be out in the market in 2015?
Posted 07 February 2012 - 02:17 PM
Unifiram (DM-232) is an ampakine drug which acts as a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors,[1] and has nootropic effects in animal studies with up to a thousand times higher potency than piracetam.[2][3] A number of related compounds are known, the best known being sunifiram (DM-235).[4][5][6] Unifiram has two enantiomers, with ®-(+)-unifiram being the more active isomer.[7]
Posted 07 February 2012 - 02:44 PM
Has anyone heard or read anything about Unifiram? All I can kind is a wiki entry but it seems extremely interesting:
Unifiram (DM-232) is an ampakine drug which acts as a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors,[1] and has nootropic effects in animal studies with up to a thousand times higher potency than piracetam.[2][3] A number of related compounds are known, the best known being sunifiram (DM-235).[4][5][6] Unifiram has two enantiomers, with ®-(+)-unifiram being the more active isomer.[7]
oh ya, definitely, although unifiram is the more active compound sunifiram's relative potency and simpler structure makes it a really attractive alternative as an ampakine, i never tried the research ampakines but i have been really interested in getting sunifiram as a stepping stone, as its structure is not too inherently complex yet it is fairly potent.
(unifiram mention here) http://www.longecity...scure-racetams/
(sunifiram mention, interesting post) http://www.aspiesfor...d.php?tid=21447
(ampakine/kainate) http://www.reddit.co...nes_and_others/
Edited by Ampa-omega, 07 February 2012 - 03:12 PM.
Posted 07 February 2012 - 02:49 PM
Has anyone heard or read anything about Unifiram? All I can kind is a wiki entry but it seems extremely interesting:
Unifiram (DM-232) is an ampakine drug which acts as a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors,[1] and has nootropic effects in animal studies with up to a thousand times higher potency than piracetam.[2][3] A number of related compounds are known, the best known being sunifiram (DM-235).[4][5][6] Unifiram has two enantiomers, with ®-(+)-unifiram being the more active isomer.[7]
oh ya, definitely, although unifiram is the more active compound sunifiram's relative potency and simpler structure makes it a really attractive alternative as an ampakine, i never tried the research ampakines but i have been really interested in getting sunifiram as a stepping stone, as its structure is not too inherently complex yet it is fairly potent.
(unifiram mention here) http://www.longecity...scure-racetams/
(sunifiram mention, interesting post) http://www.aspiesfor...d.php?tid=21447
Thanks for the info, I look forward to reading through it!
Posted 07 February 2012 - 03:48 PM
Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:16 PM
Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:40 PM
yeah, the thing about unifiram and sunifiram is that they haven't been tested on humans at all. Im sure they're powerful but i dont know the potential toxicology profile in humans. It's a shame, Gary Lynch, the founder of Cortex, is so damn excited about ampakines, not just the potential profit but the sociological and political impact they'll have if healthy people use 'em. i find it strange though that he would be so open about the use of cognitive enhancers by healthys.
I understand why he might be, its in effect achieving transhumanism through the use of ampakines, assuming your brain doesn't get cooked in the process. Maybe it would be a shortcut to speeding up our evolution or based on the some of the examples of people I see everyday, reversing our devolution lol
Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:48 PM
yeah, the thing about unifiram and sunifiram is that they haven't been tested on humans at all. Im sure they're powerful but i dont know the potential toxicology profile in humans. It's a shame, Gary Lynch, the founder of Cortex, is so damn excited about ampakines, not just the potential profit but the sociological and political impact they'll have if healthy people use 'em. i find it strange though that he would be so open about the use of cognitive enhancers by healthys.
I understand why he might be, its in effect achieving transhumanism through the use of ampakines, assuming your brain doesn't get cooked in the process. Maybe it would be a shortcut to speeding up our evolution or based on the some of the examples of people I see everyday, reversing our devolution lol
search this document in adobe for the word toxic, to see the discussion,
sunifiram is supposedly low toxicity and could be since its potent at low doses,
mouse study obviously, i don't know of any human study,maybe just cant find it. and I'm not sure why maybe they just focused on transitioning to the other ampakines.
Posted 09 February 2012 - 04:49 AM
yeah, the thing about unifiram and sunifiram is that they haven't been tested on humans at all. Im sure they're powerful but i dont know the potential toxicology profile in humans. It's a shame, Gary Lynch, the founder of Cortex, is so damn excited about ampakines, not just the potential profit but the sociological and political impact they'll have if healthy people use 'em. i find it strange though that he would be so open about the use of cognitive enhancers by healthys.
I understand why he might be, its in effect achieving transhumanism through the use of ampakines, assuming your brain doesn't get cooked in the process. Maybe it would be a shortcut to speeding up our evolution or based on the some of the examples of people I see everyday, reversing our devolution lol
search this document in adobe for the word toxic, to see the discussion,
sunifiram is supposedly low toxicity and could be since its potent at low doses,
mouse study obviously, i don't know of any human study,maybe just cant find it. and I'm not sure why maybe they just focused on transitioning to the other ampakines.
actually go to that document and go to page 11, and read all of that page, that will tell you a lot about its pharmacology and toxicity. it could be dosed at a dose 1000 times higher then the minimal effective dose and still be devoid of any alteration in behavioral parameters , and at its highest effective dose did not impair motor coordination, which would imply that its pretty safe, at least in mice.
Edited by Ampa-omega, 09 February 2012 - 04:56 AM.
Posted 09 February 2012 - 01:04 PM
yeah, the thing about unifiram and sunifiram is that they haven't been tested on humans at all. Im sure they're powerful but i dont know the potential toxicology profile in humans. It's a shame, Gary Lynch, the founder of Cortex, is so damn excited about ampakines, not just the potential profit but the sociological and political impact they'll have if healthy people use 'em. i find it strange though that he would be so open about the use of cognitive enhancers by healthys.
I understand why he might be, its in effect achieving transhumanism through the use of ampakines, assuming your brain doesn't get cooked in the process. Maybe it would be a shortcut to speeding up our evolution or based on the some of the examples of people I see everyday, reversing our devolution lol
search this document in adobe for the word toxic, to see the discussion,
sunifiram is supposedly low toxicity and could be since its potent at low doses,
mouse study obviously, i don't know of any human study,maybe just cant find it. and I'm not sure why maybe they just focused on transitioning to the other ampakines.
actually go to that document and go to page 11, and read all of that page, that will tell you a lot about its pharmacology and toxicity. it could be dosed at a dose 1000 times higher then the minimal effective dose and still be devoid of any alteration in behavioral parameters , and at its highest effective dose did not impair motor coordination, which would imply that its pretty safe, at least in mice.
I took a read through it last night. Now I'm even more interested...
Posted 09 February 2012 - 01:38 PM
sunifiram is supposedly low toxicity and could be since its potent at low doses,
mouse study obviously, i don't know of any human study,maybe just cant find it. and I'm not sure why maybe they just focused on transitioning to the other ampakines.
There are no official human studies with sunifiram administration. But there are few people who tested it on themselves, including me

Posted 09 February 2012 - 02:31 PM
sunifiram is supposedly low toxicity and could be since its potent at low doses,
mouse study obviously, i don't know of any human study,maybe just cant find it. and I'm not sure why maybe they just focused on transitioning to the other ampakines.
There are no official human studies with sunifiram administration. But there are few people who tested it on themselves, including meI plan to make compilation on its effects in near future.
I look very much foward to reading that. If you don't mind my asking, how did you get a hold of some?
Posted 09 February 2012 - 03:08 PM
Rats in my lab made someIf you don't mind my asking, how did you get a hold of some?

Posted 09 February 2012 - 03:16 PM
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