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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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The first 1,000 things to do before you die.

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:21 AM

Lets have some fun/ give some inspiration and substance to this end of the concept of life extension.

List a max of 5 things at a time that a person could want to do before they die.

#2 brokenportal

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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:23 AM

Fish in the ocean,

be in a band,

live as a hermit off the lands in the mountains,

Go on a months vacation with 10,000 dollars,

help build a sky scraper,
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#3 Bruce Klein

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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:36 AM

also check: http://www.imminst.org/why

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#4 jaydfox

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 12:16 AM

1) Sing contrabass in a professional quality musical program

2) Sing bass in a professional quality musical program

3) Sing tenor in a professional quality musical program

4) Sing contratenor in a professional quality musical program

5) Sing alto in a professional quality musical program

Right now, I'm only capable of 3 and 4. I'd like to widen my range, but barring that possibility, I'd like to modify my range with time so I can sing all those parts well at some point or another, even if not in the same night or year.

Obviously, baritone should be between 2 and 3, but I only had 5 options, per the rules. I can almost do baritone, if it doesn't go too low (i.e. not below the F below middle C).

#5 Karomesis

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 01:58 AM

1.drive 200 mph in a porsche. [wis]

2.base jump angel falls venezuala(3200 ft high waterfall) [:o]

3.cave dive in yucutan peninsula [huh]

4.fly a mig over moscow russia [lol]

5.become the first or one of the first humans to upload conciousness [thumb]

#6 jaydfox

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 05:35 PM

1.drive 200 mph in a porsche. [wis]

Good one! I've never gone faster than 136 MPH in a car, and the difference in the adrenaline rush between 120 MPH and 136 MPH is mind-boggling. I can barely imagine the rush of going 150 MPH. I can't even begin to imagine the rush of going 200 MPH. Only way to know is to actually do it!

#7 susmariosep

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 10:02 PM


Before anything else, prior to a man's death, he must make sure that he has done all the things that his physiology entitles him to execute with his tissues and organs, and has achieves the products of all the particular physiologies of his biological constitution.

For example, in school we learn that there are the various physiological systems of man: nutrition, elimination, respiration, reproduction, sensation, thinking or cogitation, feeling or emotion and affection, and all other experiences that man can do, and most men in fact do prior to death which ends all such physiological acts and processes.

So, my friends here, talk not so much about seeing Paris or Washington before dying, or driving in a Porsche. Think rather on fulfilling all the dynamic blueprint of your physiology.

What does it profit a man, should he attain many things but missed everything that his body is designed to do and to accomplish?

Because he would then not have attained what animals usually do, even without rational intelligence. And that would be a tragedy, a catastrophic loss to that man.

Now, what is the most critical mission so to speak of man as a physiological being? What else but to produce a baby, a fellow human like himself, and bring him up to be in his turn self-sufficient, and a reproductive and teacher-guide to the the humans he would then in turn produce, and bring up to self-sufficient life.

Buddhists who live celibate unproductive life and aspire after the extinction of self in Nirvana, from where no births come into existence anymore, they are an awful waste of physiology.

That physiology that we have they want to throw away, in order to achieve a mystology that is in its last analysis, a nothingness, in a purely imaginary and innately contradictory order which no one has come to demonstrate unimpeachably to be of any value of existence in the universe. What a self-inflicted devastation.

So also all those who would deny their physiology in the name of some purely hypothetical and conceived essentially in the negative, spirituality.

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#8 jaydfox

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 10:22 PM

Susma, I have two children, and plan to raise them to be productive, independent, critically-thinking adults. But I still want to drive a Porsche 200 MPH.
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#9 susmariosep

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 11:04 PM

Lift up your eyes on high.

Think of something to do that is much more exciting.

Like find out whether Buddhism is all bunk or it is really into the ultimate constitution of being and the universe. For my part I think it's all bunk.

Then also, try to find the sense and nonsense in a lot of dense philosophical writings.

Congratulations just the same for what you have already done and are still pursuing in regard to the purpose evolution has mapped out for us.


#10 jaydfox

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Posted 04 March 2005 - 06:35 PM

Oh, something else I thought of, because I almost got to do it once before friends bailed out on me. Now that I'm married, I'll probably not get to do this until my kids are old enough to go camping, so many years from now at the earliest.

Pick a proper date for this to occur, based on the lunar cycle and weather patterns:

Hike to the top of Half Dome, watch the full moon rise, then a few minutes later watch the sun set. Then, the next morning, watch the sun rise, then a few minutes later, watch the full moon set. The same order in the same locations (rise in the East, then set in the West), but reversing the objects in question.

It has a certain symmetrical beauty. To know that the sun set and then rose while the moon was in the sky the whole time.

#11 Infernity

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Posted 04 March 2005 - 08:25 PM

[>] 1. Make sure I have a copy, so all my goals will be in process of success in my prespective.

[>] 2. Make sure she will make sure I am going be freezed (referring to cryonics).

[>] 3. Finding the possibility to go back in time so my copy will save me.

[>] 4. Love the one I want for case the three above will not success- so at least he shall have the memory and bring me back in further future (referring to the options above).

[>] 5. Upload myself- let my mate to know me all and decide according to this what who should know, and of course act according to that.

I didn't choose any of the pleasures I'd like to have now when I predict to be alive forever, because if I would die it will all be the same- same nothing. I better make sure I will live again so I'll have time for all my dreams to come true in future and be worth it and not go for vain.


Edited by infernity, 06 March 2005 - 03:31 PM.

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 12 March 2005 - 12:25 AM

1. Discover the nature of infinity,
2. Figure out how we got here,
3. Figure out how the universe got here,
4. Find out if there is a god, gods, no god or something else,
5. Ride with karomesis going 200 mph in a porsche.

#13 Infernity

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Posted 12 March 2005 - 06:37 AM

Hmmm brokenportal, I suppose after figuring what the hell are were doing here and so what does the universe came from and why, we may have no reason to live anymore... heh but remembering and knowing that [tung]

Heh about the fast ride- I'd do it anyway in my current life... why doing that when I know I won't remember it? I wish to do it now when I almost know I'll live forever and shall always have that sweet memory...

Yours truthfully

#14 lightowl

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Posted 12 March 2005 - 05:04 PM

Here is some inspiration:


Have you ever promised yourself you would learn to play an instrument, visit a far-flung country or simply tidy the garage? Well don't put them off any longer!  Make a list of everything you would like to do in your lifetime - your life ambitions, goals and targets.  Set yourself completion deadlines, and start living life to the full.

I really don't like those titles. "X things to do before you die" ... "X things to do in your lifetime" ... Why not just "Things you want to do."? Why does it have to be so finite?

"Infinite things I want to do" And I'll probably don't know what they are until I have done them. ;)

#15 rillastate

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 02:25 PM

1)Go back in time and spy on Einstein to see for myself how he came to his conclusions.

2)Go forward in time and get a sneak peak of life far far in the extremely unforseeable future.

3)Figure out how not to die.

4)Learn to fly for extended periods of time without having to expend a lot of energy.

5)Have kids and encourage them to be as healthy and athletic as I am while simultaneously teaching them the Real importance of education so that they can do something to change the world. Basically I want Olympic Geniuses for kids, but i'll be happy no matter what - as long as they some sort of ambition and try in life.

But hey, i'm only 21 going on 22, so maybe my goals for myself will change as I come closer to preparing for kids.

#16 Shepard

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 05:36 PM

Paddle the Mekong River
Spend a month hiking and camping in Yosemite with friends
See as many bands live as possible
Race in Top Fuel
Lots of things that I probably shouldn't post

#17 knite

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 08:50 PM

Go to space to play in zero g
Win a nobel prize
Welcome an intelligent(rational, kind) alien species
Write a formula to predict prime numbers.
Travel to Andromeda.

#18 justinb

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:56 AM

Cure Aging and then rejuvenate a few special someones... and hopefuly win a special someone.

Acquire an IQ of 200+ and then Know Thyself.

The rest wont be determined until the first and second one becomes reality.

#19 Infernity

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 10:27 AM

Man, you guys don't get the oblivion thing? What does it matter all these stuff you impend to do if non of this means anything.
The only things you should do is think of a way of coming back (for its being worth)...


#20 justinb

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 10:37 AM

What does it matter if you are dead or alive, if you don't live today.

#21 Shepard

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 05:42 PM

Yeah, I have no interest in living forever if I don't experience life.

#22 signifier

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 06:13 PM

1. Live (at least) 1 billion years
2. Have my own flying island
3. Learn how to play bass guitar
4. Learn topology, abstract algebra, sacred geometry and catastrophe theory
5. Learn how to bellydance

#23 eternaltraveler

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 06:39 PM


Man, you guys don't get the oblivion thing? What does it matter all these stuff you impend to do if non of this means anything.
The only things you should do is think of a way of coming back (for its being worth)..

I get the oblivion thing. I mostly agree with your take on it, but not entirely. I think our disconnect involves a temporal problem. I see time as another dimension, like space. If our lives end at some point in time they still exist as a 4 dimensional object. Defined both by 3 dimensions of space, and one dimension of time.

For this reasoning I do not equate death as the same thing as never existing. Whereas you do.

#24 knite

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 08:11 PM

Actually, if you really think about it, Einsteins reasoning of time as another dimension was sheer brilliance, when you consider what follows from relativity. As you approach light speed time slows down, when you reach light speed, time stops. As your velocity through 3 dimensions increases, your velocity through the 4th dimension decreases.
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#25 eternaltraveler

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:36 PM

velocity is by definition a 1 dimensional vector.

#26 knite

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Posted 20 July 2005 - 09:41 PM

well, if time were the same kind of dimension, spatial, it would be only one, but you actually move through both simultaneously. Otherwise you could stop aging just by moving, but then that gets into all kinds of complications, so i think we can agree that it doesnt happen like that.

Edited by knite, 20 July 2005 - 10:19 PM.


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 08:37 PM

1.Become an expert marksman.
2.Take a bite out of the steaming liver from a just felled buffalo.
3.Take another bite out of the still beating heart from that same albino buffalo.
4.Make the finest couture from the silky white furred skins of that buffalo so exemplary that I am taken on as a designer at one of the more prestigious design houses with little more than a swish of my tail upon arrival at their cocktail party.
5.Try to stick to that alcohol-free, vegan diet I've been contemplating but only after the buffalo pate and Dom Perignon toast to my nascent skyrocketing career.

Edited by liplex, 22 July 2005 - 08:59 PM.


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Posted 22 July 2005 - 08:47 PM

Remember, it's only relatively that you seem to be 'out' of time. The rest of us are watching a tremendous but shortlived plume of fire emit from your rearend as you shoot across the sky...in fact, most of us won't even catch a glimpse as we'll be watching my show on the telly of this winter's collection of finest duckskin halfgloves....with mousebottom liiiiining....!

#29 justinb

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Posted 23 July 2005 - 10:35 AM

Actually, here is my real list.... [tung]

1. Cure aging.
2. As soon as viable rejuvantion therapies are here I am going to go and rejuvenate my teenage crush in every sense of the word. (That will be one really cool mind trip... some random guy that had a crush on you 30 years ago comes to you and offers you your youth back... ;) )
3. Increase my g factor to the nth degree, if possible, so I can work on being an evolving human for the rest of time and make sure whoever wants to live forever, does his or her darnist to do so.
4. After that, who the heck knows.....

#30 th3hegem0n

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 07:38 PM

1. drive my car 200 MPH, 300 MPH, 400 .... etc etc etc. (i've only gone 135)
2. fly (like superman, yeahh)
3. play battle school war game like in Ender's Game (the enemy's gate is down [tung] )
4. Finally achieve super sayan 4... hehe.
5. create a civilization on a new planet

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