I already stopped the treatment anyway as i felt it worsened my anxiety, i threw all that crap in the garbage...
This was likely a wise decision
Posted 09 November 2012 - 05:37 PM
I already stopped the treatment anyway as i felt it worsened my anxiety, i threw all that crap in the garbage...
Posted 09 November 2012 - 06:21 PM
i have a question hooter, who are you working for? big pharma?
Edited by hooter, 09 November 2012 - 06:37 PM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 07:28 PM
Yeah, I was too scared to make things worse.
I already stopped the treatment anyway as i felt it worsened my anxiety, i threw all that crap in the garbage...
This was likely a wise decision
Posted 10 November 2012 - 07:13 AM
hey what's wrong with you you rude bastard
calm down, first of all I haben't taken toluene yet, shipment is still ongoing
second I am NOT going to huff paint, toluene itself is not the real dangerous stuff in paint huffing, what's dangerous is impurities and other toxic chemicals in paint. we're not talking about street toluene, this is 100% PURE USP grade toluene we're talking about not some weird shit!
third, those side effects you quoted are from this wikipedia article : http://en.wikipedia....oluene_toxicity
can you read the headline? LONG TERM EXPOSURE
what you told me is effects due to long term exposure, I ain't gonna take that longterm just some days in order to upregulate my gaba receptors.
no one dies or gets brain damaged for taking toluene once, I'm going to make very strict dosages we're talking about serious shit here
benzos also can cause brain damage with long term exposure and I'm the living proof of it, this is killing and ruining my life even if toluene has some toxicity it's probably worth it.
if you're so smart tell me where to get a substance that upregulates my gaba receptors, I'm totally screwed up and yet its been ages that I haven't touched to that shit if you get a better idea tell me
Edited by MrHappy, 10 November 2012 - 07:14 AM.
Posted 10 November 2012 - 12:47 PM
Posted 10 November 2012 - 09:06 PM
If you want a GABA antagonist without messing with your flora (and all the side effects of an antibiotic) you can look into Tiocolchicoside, an atypical muscle relaxant. But as with all GABA antagonists, it is pro-convulsant, so be careful!Thanks but i'm fine.
I'm really sick about this situation, I only slept 3 hours and during those three hours I woke up several times, my gaba is really screwed up, do you think a CT or MRI scan can show such damage? Can it help? It's extremely expensive ($400 for CT and $900 for MRI)
I made my research on cipro and seems to be pretty good stuff, I'm gonna buy a box of it and try it out
Posted 10 November 2012 - 10:33 PM
Posted 11 November 2012 - 11:56 PM
Edited by hippocampus, 11 November 2012 - 11:57 PM.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 11:57 PM
I don't think they sell that in the US, but flora is not a problem, I take a lot of probiotics so that's fine!
I will soon get my cipro anyway
Edited by hooter, 11 November 2012 - 11:59 PM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 12:00 AM
Edited by hippocampus, 12 November 2012 - 12:01 AM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 12:06 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 12:37 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:45 AM
Maybe Aniracetam could help him, it's supposed to be anxiolytic.Are there any racetams that would help him with this condition? If he has damaged cognitive function maybe even piracetam could help him. But it can also exacerbate anxiety. :\
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:58 AM
this is unlikely, there are like billions of individuals in this planet, it's not one guy like me who's gonna screw a whole antibiotic resistance. besides all antibiotics will be defunct sooner or later so I don't get your pointwell, with probiotics you only ingest a couple of billion bacteria, while there are thousand of bacteria of more than 500 strains in your gut ... so, don't mess with antibiotics if you really don't need them. it's also not good because antibiotic-resistant bacteria may develop. they may not kill you, but may be harmful for other people ...
I looked up for gaba a benzo sites antagonists and among the results cipro came out.I don't think they sell that in the US, but flora is not a problem, I take a lot of probiotics so that's fine!
I will soon get my cipro anyway
I'd really like to know where you get these ideas... Not only will you promote the formation of treatment resistant antibiotics by taking cipro, thereby endagering not only yourself but OTHER PEOPLE around you, but you will most likely come out worse than when you started. If you don't need to take antibiotics, especially one as strong as cipro, you will promote the proliferation of dangerous possibly life threatening bacteria. Just as hippocampus said.
A friend of mine took cipro and it partially dissolved his tendons, he wasn't able to walk properly for months. He also said it gave him more brain damage and brain fog than benzodiazepines.
You probably won't listen because you fancy yourself a pioneering genius, but honestly if you continue this you will end up completely destroying your mind and body to the point of irreversible damage.
quick? did you say QUICK? it's been OVER 3 YEARS I've been waiting for recovery, withdrawal took 6 months, you add up 3 years of horror it's been nearly 4 years I've been waiting for that!!! I tried everything, no nutrients worked at all, omega 3 does nothing to me nor magnesium nor anything, I tried supplement all I could within my means and that was wasted money. I've lost 3 years trying useless supplements.he won't listen because he's desperate imo. he wants quick solutions - but there aren't any.
also, I would take general brain nutrients, not specific to GABA, like omega-3, zinc, magnesium, anti-anxiety nutrients, like inositol, lysine and many others. but the problem is, he doesn't have money for experimenting (but then: how does he take a lot of probiotics - they are expensive - or at least the same cost like nutrients I have listed).
and although someone here said that bacopa hadn't helped him in the same condition, I'd recommend nootropic_addict to try bacopa if he haven't yet - of course, if you have money.
Are you crazy? I can't even exercise for a second, my HR is too damn high, I checked it up some hours ago, it's 112bpm, do you realize that? long before it was around 70bpm, now it's going crazy and besides it's coupled with arrythmia and skipped beats, this is freaking scary.He will readily drink hepato/neuro/nephrotoxic solvents with no approved medical use or unnecessarily dangerous antibiotics that can make you confused and unable to walk for MONTHS. If he keeps on this completely arbitrary experimenting, he will completely destroy himself.
He should start with rigorous cardiovascular exercise (an hour daily) and the nutrients you mentioned. I feel terribly bad for him.
PIRACETAM? OMG, do you want me to die? piracetam is a stimulant, I'm already jittery, hyper and wide awake all the time, I don't need more stimulation, besides it's a glutamate enhancer, my problem is that I have too much glutamate, what I need is GABA.Are there any racetams that would help him with this condition? If he has damaged cognitive function maybe even piracetam could help him. But it can also exacerbate anxiety. :\
Posted 12 November 2012 - 02:24 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 02:47 AM
well a lot of things :Maybe it could be useful if you write a list of the things that you already tried...
Posted 12 November 2012 - 02:52 AM
As of 2011 the FDA has added two black box warnings for this drug in reference to spontaneous tendon ruptures and the fact that ciprofloxacin may cause worsening of myasthenia gravis symptoms, including muscle weakness and potentially life-threatening breathing problems. [40] A case control study[41] performed using a UK medical care database found that fluoroquinolone use was associated with a 1.9-fold increase in tendon problems. The relative risk increased to 3.2 in those over 60 years of age and to 6.2 in those over the age of 60 who were also taking corticosteroids. Among the 46,766 quinolone users in the study, 38 (0.1%) cases of Achilles tendon rupture were identified. A study performed using an Italian healthcare database reached qualitatively similar conclusions.[42]
Tendonitis and other forms of tendon damage may manifest during fluoroquinolone therapy, and long after it had been discontinued.[43]
Edited by hooter, 12 November 2012 - 02:55 AM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:01 AM
tell me who are you working for to prevent me from repairing damage? the benzo lobby? "hey don't take such medications, just go back to your benzos and you'll be fine", I ain't buying this crap.
Your fragmented and strange writing style along with superfluous punctuation marks suggest you are suffering from thought disorder, either from psychosis or organic brain damage. Please seek help.Thanks but i'm fine.
I'm really sick about this situation, I only slept 3 hours and during those three hours I woke up several times, my gaba is really screwed up, do you think a CT or MRI scan can show such damage? Can it help? It's extremely expensive ($400 for CT and $900 for MRI)
I made my research on cipro and seems to be pretty good stuff, I'm gonna buy a box of it and try it out
Edited by hooter, 12 November 2012 - 03:06 AM.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:39 AM
Yeah, and what do you want me to do? to put me at risk of a heart attack by exercising? no way, I know it reduces heart rate but this is plain dangerous and irreasonable. Do you know I have extreme arrythmia coupled with hyperreflexia?Exercise lowers your heartrate over time. I'm surprised you don't even know this...
And no my friend HAD NO UNDERLYING PROBLEM:As of 2011 the FDA has added two black box warnings for this drug in reference to spontaneous tendon ruptures and the fact that ciprofloxacin may cause worsening of myasthenia gravis symptoms, including muscle weakness and potentially life-threatening breathing problems. [40] A case control study[41] performed using a UK medical care database found that fluoroquinolone use was associated with a 1.9-fold increase in tendon problems. The relative risk increased to 3.2 in those over 60 years of age and to 6.2 in those over the age of 60 who were also taking corticosteroids. Among the 46,766 quinolone users in the study, 38 (0.1%) cases of Achilles tendon rupture were identified. A study performed using an Italian healthcare database reached qualitatively similar conclusions.[42]
Tendonitis and other forms of tendon damage may manifest during fluoroquinolone therapy, and long after it had been discontinued.[43]
You are seriously uninformed and deluded and at this point there is no other way of telling you this. You reject data from varying people who are trying to help. YOU ARE GOING TO GET WORSE. TRUST ME YOU DON'T WANT TO SCREW YOURSELF UP THIS BAD AT 20. If you continue like you have been, you will be worse off than if you continued taking benzos. I'm not joking. Cipro and toluene... What's next? Cyanide?
Your dosages (such as 50mg of melatonin) and your random combination of stuff you haven't researched adequately probably ruined you worse than benzodiazepines. Honestly you need a psychiatrist, this behavior is not normal nor is it healthy. You are constantly moving to more dangerous things. I hate to be so blunt, and please do not take this as an insult, but you have the behavioral signs of someone with severe brain damage and I assure you that you will have more brain damage from cipro. The friend who takes cipro is a honors medicine student, so greatly more educated on this topic than both of us. Please just HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE and stop poisoning yourself with utter rubbish.
Your lack of research and proper medical reasoning (considering you have NO MEDICAL EDUCATION WHATSOEVER) is a complete embarrassment and endangerment of not only yourself but this forum by promoting such ridiculous and dangerous tripe! SNAP OUT OF IT.
they don't, gaba antagonists increase BLOOD PRESSURE (and mine is fine) not HR.You realize that if you have high heartrate, gaba antagonists (cipro) will INCREASE your heartrate and possibly give you a heart attack right? Several people on this forum, including two moderators, have told you that what you are doing is irresponsible, masochistic and borderline suicidal. You will end up with terrible brain damage, and trust me you can have worse damage than you do now. Just look at Terri Schiavo.
I am paranoid BECAUSE of benzos, not because of anything because of BENZOS because for over four years I've been struggling against these products of evil, you understand now why I need to upregulate my gaba?tell me who are you working for to prevent me from repairing damage? the benzo lobby? "hey don't take such medications, just go back to your benzos and you'll be fine", I ain't buying this crap.
I never said go back to benzos. Behavior like this suggests you are suffering from increasing paranoia and possibly paranoid delusions as a result of your drug abuse. Please seek expert medical attention.
what? that last thing was because I suddenly slept during the day then I posted without checking the content, get your statements right instead of telling me I have OBS!Thanks but i'm fine.
I'm really sick about this situation, I only slept 3 hours and during those three hours I woke up several times, my gaba is really screwed up, do you think a CT or MRI scan can show such damage? Can it help? It's extremely expensive ($400 for CT and $900 for MRI)
I made my research on cipro and seems to be pretty good stuff, I'm gonna buy a box of it and try it out
Your fragmented and strange writing style along with superfluous punctuation marks suggest you are suffering from thought disorder, either from psychosis or organic brain damage. Please seek help.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:48 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:49 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:54 AM
I tried gabapentin, it gave me suicidal ideation, never trying that crap again.I completely agree with what hooters is writing. Please don't harm yourself. You wrote the list of things you tried. There are MANY other options for depression and anxiety, and I mean MANY! There are tricyclics, tertracyclics, wellbutrin, racetams, pregabalin, gabapentin, atypical antipsychotics, lamictal, etc.
So don't worry, I know it's very hard, I've been there. Find a psychiatrist and go, stat! Your life will eventually get better. Continue to be patient but hell, do something! And I don't mean taking more irrational crap, but going to a doctor who can treat you in the best way possible!
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:55 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:19 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:34 AM
Guess what? I'm out of this forum, you make me sick, you don't care about human life you just care about your dubius theoriesI'm done trying to help you, but I assure you that my posts will resonate in your head once you irreversibly damage your mind and body with all the experimental nonsense you are subjecting yourself to. You will look back and wish that you had listened to not only me, but all the other people in this thread actively discouraging you from destroying your health completely.
Mark my words: whatever anxiety you have, cipro will make it worse. You can either believe me, or wait until you take it. I told you this about toluene, but you didn't heed my word and had to figure it out on your own. This is exactly what you will experience with cipro, possibly worse. You will take it, get worse and start complaining, possibly move on to another, more dangerous substance.
I actually asked my psychiatrist on your behalf, merely telling him the substances you are considering on taking, and he said that he would likely have you sectioned to prevent you from doing further harm to yourself. What you are doing is not 'life extension', it's not 'cognitive repair', its not 'nootropic enhancement', it's reckless endangerment and chemical self-destruction.
You seem to think everyone on the forum is 'against you', even the moderators with considerable experience trying to stop you from taking garbage. Maybe find a free clinic or stop spending your money on solvents and antibiotics so you can afford a single doctors visit.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:43 AM
I'm bipolar, have been since a couple of years... I'm not cured, but in semi-remission, bipolar can't be cured. If I stop my meds, I relapse almost instantly. I waited for four years, four terrible years of self-harm, self-medication, alcohol abuse and reckless behaviour.I tried gabapentin, it gave me suicidal ideation, never trying that crap again.I completely agree with what hooters is writing. Please don't harm yourself. You wrote the list of things you tried. There are MANY other options for depression and anxiety, and I mean MANY! There are tricyclics, tertracyclics, wellbutrin, racetams, pregabalin, gabapentin, atypical antipsychotics, lamictal, etc.
So don't worry, I know it's very hard, I've been there. Find a psychiatrist and go, stat! Your life will eventually get better. Continue to be patient but hell, do something! And I don't mean taking more irrational crap, but going to a doctor who can treat you in the best way possible!
racetams wtf? they're stimulants, this isn't the solution at all.
I don't want antipsychotics, they give parkinsons on long term, I'm already shaky I don't want to be more shaky like that guy :
I will talk to my MD about tricyclics and tetras, we'll see how it goes.
do something? that's what I'm doing but some people on this forum are trying to slow me down, I'm just taking what seems to be the best, what happened to you? did you have the same symptoms? how did you cure?
Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:59 PM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:41 PM
Posted 13 November 2012 - 02:10 AM
Posted 13 November 2012 - 11:55 AM
Did you try Lysine ? Sorry, I didn't go through all 13 pages to find the answer. Lysine really helped where no other substance did.
Edited by Thorsten2, 13 November 2012 - 11:57 AM.
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