Edited by Nootropos, 02 November 2014 - 05:31 PM.

Posted 02 November 2014 - 05:30 PM
Posted 10 November 2014 - 03:01 AM
I've been interested with this thread, thank for this.
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Posted 10 November 2014 - 04:24 PM
I am going to ask me GP for advise on full vitamins/minerals, mercury and amnio acid test so which ever is down to fill that gap ... what do you think guys??
Posted 20 December 2014 - 08:31 AM
Thank you for this very interesting thread.
What about Mulungu (bark of erythrina verna)? It is an effective anti-anxiety and sedative herb. But is it avoid for long-term use?
Posted 20 December 2014 - 12:55 PM
As far as I know Mulungu shouldnt be problematic because it increases Gaba via a different mechanism as Benzos.
I believe to read somewhere that the mechanism is chlorid channel related but cant find it.
Hee are some references if You want to look into it:
You could also use Magnolia extract, but better with 100-200mg per tablet, which is sufficient or perhaps even too much
Dont underestimate Magnolia this is relative potent in this doses and it activates CB1 receptors to some extend.
Posted 20 December 2014 - 01:45 PM
Thank you for your response.
In fact, I already use Magnolia, I take one capsule (brand Nutricology) per day, before bed
Magnolia has an advantage for me: it improves my IBS-D. It slows intestinal transit time, probably because of the astringent properties of it tannins.
However, I don’t notice much sedative effect; in particular, it is not of great help for me for inducing sleep. Perhaps should I take more than one capsule?
Sometimes, I also take Mulungu: four capsules (brand dieti-natura)
have a sedative effect on me. However, there is a slight problem with Mulungu: it is also diuretic. If I take the four capsules on evening, before bed, it is Ok to fall asleep but later in the night, I wake up to go to the toilets. Therefore, I’ve rather chosen to take Mulungu in case of early awakening, if I want to get back to sleep for another hour or two.
Mulungu seems also to slow intestinal transit time, but not as much as Magnolia. Probably all bark extracts have tannins that are astringent and slow intestinal transit.
I am considering to try Posinol, an extract of Apocynum venetum
Do you think Posinol could be a good choice?
Posted 20 December 2014 - 08:20 PM
200mg is actually quiet sedating for me.
but it doesnt helps me either in inducing sleep.
My first vendor was actually Supersmart^^ back in 2008.
But I would avoid Supersmart because they are too expensive.
Look into Amazon and search for the known brands like Jarrows, NOW & etc.
You would get also a good qualitiy for a better price,
in contrast: the ebay stuff is far cheaper, but I doubt there´s any quality control.
found this:
Kaempferol from the leaves of Apocynum venetum possesses anxiolytic activities in the elevated plus maze test in mice.
it posses also a Dopamine modulating effect. I dont know whether its due the mentioned compound:
But I cant say that much about it
You could get it from this manufacturer, which is cheaper
Or get the herbal extract
( be carefull about any possible blood thinning properties)
This could be also interresting. The price/ammount ratio for the sole Posinol is low: 1/4 compared to Supersmart.
but ashwagandha and bacopa have some sedating properties as well
or kava kava
Its quiet sedating for me and it has gaba modulating effects without causing any addiction.
But I´ve heard that it supposedly damages the liver. So afaik, rather nothing for the long run.
PM me if You need to know a EU based vendor for this
Edited by Flex, 20 December 2014 - 08:26 PM.
Posted 20 December 2014 - 08:36 PM
Does Ebay not have any qualitey conrol and how do we know Amazon is any better ?? Just asking and im not trying to offend anyone
Posted 20 December 2014 - 11:07 PM
No its about the products which are sold on ebay.
In particular the bulk powders who arent lab tested, because it isnt affordable for the small Vendor/Importer.
In contrast to this, You wouldnt find that much bulk vendors in amazon.
Posted 23 December 2014 - 10:52 AM
Yes, you’re right, supersmart is too expensive.
I’m in France and I have some difficulties to get some products.
At first, I've ordered at supersmart but I've stopped because of their too high prices.
Then, I've ordered at betterlife, much cheaper. Everything was Ok during several years. But suddenly, for reasons unknown, three successive parcels were shipped but never delivered. I stopped to order at betterlife.
Amazon.com does not send to France, although some sellers on Amazon.com do (but generally with high shipping prices).
More and more, Amazon.fr has sellers who ship products from the UK or the USA with reasonable prices. But posinol is not available on amazon.fr (nor ebay), I will try to order this product at iherb (I’ve never tried this seller from now but it seems interesting).
I’ve used kawa in the past, I stopped because of the possible hepatotoxicity, and I’ve not resumed. I’m not sure to use it again now but I’m always interested with reliable and relatively cheap sellers who could ship to France.
I’ve tried ashwaganhda in the past but didn’t notice very interesting effects.
Bacopa is a good product, I use it regularly (Planetary Hebals). My only concern is that bacopa has the reputation to accumulate heavy metals, but I don’t know which brand could be the best to avoid this contamination.
Edited by alomani, 23 December 2014 - 10:53 AM.
Posted 23 December 2014 - 11:37 AM
Posted 23 December 2014 - 12:11 PM
Yes, saffron could be useful. I presume that saffron is effective after several weeks of continue treatment, against states of depression and anxiety.
Posted 23 December 2014 - 06:28 PM
iherb has a good reputation.
You could use parcel forward service like skypax, if iherb didnt stock what You want.
Posted 24 December 2014 - 02:26 PM
Posted 25 December 2014 - 01:31 PM
I've heard ancient civilizations smoke saffron to ease anxiety. Have you had success smoking it?Yes, saffron could be useful. I presume that saffron is effective after several weeks of continue treatment, against states of depression and anxiety.
Posted 27 December 2014 - 06:03 PM
Has anyone cured anxity in here and they weree fine after not taking any form of tablets
Posted 27 December 2014 - 09:32 PM
Someone know effective supplements that help alleviate symptoms of withdrawal benzodiazepines?
Kava Kava
I know that Science Guy says no, but I have used it to taper with great effect, and no withdrawal from the Kava.
Also Google Ashton Manual.
Edited by sensei, 27 December 2014 - 09:35 PM.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 08:27 PM
rupharma.com should accept PayPal now if I am not wrong
Yep, just received my Phenotropil order from rupharma.com. Very happy. I got a promo code by putting like on their FB page, so if you wanna save time then use code HAPPY5 at the checkout to get 5% off.
Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:23 PM
It seems that low-dose pterostilbene may have an anxiolytic effect:
It may be worth to try but the difficulty is to get a low-dose pterostilbene. I have not found product with a dosage of (for example) 5mg or 10mg pterostibene.
Jarrow and Source Naturals have bottles with caps of 50mg pteropure, but how to isolate 10mg from a 50mg capsule?
Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:33 PM
Jarrow and Source Naturals have bottles with caps of 50mg pteropure, but how to isolate 10mg from a 50mg capsule?
Mix dissolve the 50mg capsule into an edible solvent (e.g. water, ethanol, etc.) that dissolves the ptserostilbene, take 1/5th of the suspension.
Edited by sensei, 18 January 2015 - 04:34 PM.
Posted 19 January 2015 - 04:02 AM
Haven't been in this thread for awhile. What happened to ScienceGuy?
Posted 19 January 2015 - 07:39 AM
Mix dissolve the 50mg capsule into an edible solvent (e.g. water, ethanol, etc.) that dissolves the ptserostilbene, take 1/5th of the suspension.
Good idea!
I’ve open a 50mg capsule in 50cl water. The product stayed in suspension. After having well shaked, the mixture seemed to be homogenous, I've drank 10cl (and put the remaining in the fridge for further use).
After a regular usage, perhaps will I be able to estimate if this product has (or no) a psychotropic effect.
Posted 04 February 2015 - 07:52 PM
Okay, so I have tried Afobazole twice already. I have a current diagnosis of candida over-growth which I have been battling for a while due to the use of various narcotics and benzodiazapines. I have been off benzos for months, and still have inkling anxiety, social mostly. That is besides the point. Due to the fact that I am healing my body from leaky gut syndrome, candida fungal overgrowth, as well as adrenal fatigue, I am experiencing bouts of anxiety, sleeplessness, and anger. This is due to the fact that when this overgrowth dies, it releases over 80 toxins into the blood stream which the body is constantly fighting, one of which is acetaldehyde and produces a hungover feeling, the shakes, and random bouts of adrenaline rushes. Basically my nervous system is on hyper drive. Also with this fungal over growth comes leaky gut syndrome, in which the lining is inflamed and has small wholes inside leaking nutrients and undigested material into my body, causing a hyper immune response. This creates pain and tension in my whole body, because my body is always in a state of inflammation.
Now to get to the point here, as for afobazole, it helps with all of my symptoms. I want to take it only for the course of my treatment which is 6-12 months long to manage my anxiety. I will only want to use afobazole for 3 months. Here is my experience, after taking it for about 5 days my anxiety was lowered to a significant degree and I felt like I could start doing whatever I wanted. After about a week on 30mg a day, and so forth until It really made me feel tired and fatigued. It was a hit or miss, sometimes making me super cloudy headed and honestly retarded, but sometimes enhanced, kind of more laid back. Its almost like I became an observer in my mind, and was more in control of my self awareness and choices. For the negative aspects, it also made my cognition decline, while killing my anxiety and social anxiety, tension, and pain. It is a serious trade off for me since I am in graduate school. Let me say that it does have side effects and that just because it says online that it does not , doesn't mean that your body will react the same way. If anyone has had this same experience please let me know. I cycled it for 5 weeks and determined it was to much for me to handle since I could not really even go to the gym. It is hard to describe, kind of like a delayed slower muscle response, kind of like a fatigue/weakness feeling. Now also what I noticed is that it almost completely makes stimulants ineffective. Adderall, which is a strong stimulant combined with this drug lost its kick. When I would take afobazole to late, or at higher dosages I would wake up the next day like a zombie, foggy headed, and very tired, and not as much motivation. Let me say that it makes you not really care for what people have to say or think, you become an aplha human, literally you do whatever you want. I want to see if dropping the dose to 20mg a day will lower this fatigue/tiredness effect. If not I will try to lower it to 10mg per day and post my results. If this does not work, I hear that Bromantane is a great nootropic to, and that people don't experience this foggy zombie like feeling. This effect subsided within about 2-3 hours after waking up. IF ANYONE CAN RELATE TO THIS PLEASE RESPOND, I COULD USE SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS ISSUE.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:38 AM
Okay, so I have tried Afobazole twice already. I have a current diagnosis of candida over-growth which I have been battling for a while due to the use of various narcotics and benzodiazapines. I have been off benzos for months, and still have inkling anxiety, social mostly. That is besides the point. Due to the fact that I am healing my body from leaky gut syndrome, candida fungal overgrowth, as well as adrenal fatigue, I am experiencing bouts of anxiety, sleeplessness, and anger. This is due to the fact that when this overgrowth dies, it releases over 80 toxins into the blood stream which the body is constantly fighting, one of which is acetaldehyde and produces a hungover feeling, the shakes, and random bouts of adrenaline rushes. Basically my nervous system is on hyper drive. Also with this fungal over growth comes leaky gut syndrome, in which the lining is inflamed and has small wholes inside leaking nutrients and undigested material into my body, causing a hyper immune response. This creates pain and tension in my whole body, because my body is always in a state of inflammation.
How do you "know" you have candida, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue? these are all "conditions" basically only recognized by quack health practitioners and every damn symptom a human being can have is somehow tracked to leaky gut or something. Your symptoms sound more like benzo PAWS to me.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:51 PM
Well considering the fact that I had an antibody count of 1:180, also extreme digestive problems and that I have been getting so much better following this doctors protocol, I strongly believe that it is a huge part of my health problems. Also my thyroid function was low and I have done adrenal swab tests, and hormone tests, as well as every blood test on the planet to show that I was having trouble with my adrenals. As for the PAWS, it might be a part of it but I was not on benzo's for long at all maybe like 2 months... and then on and off use, but never anything crazy. I was on a variety of anti-depressants, which I stopped taking about 8 months ago because they made me feel even more crazy. Going back to the antibody count, this indicates that my body has an autoimmune issue, or that some sort of a serious infection is taking place in my body. Now to clear this up this shows up in people who have lupus, chrons disease, "fibromyalgia" and other autoimmune disorders. The reason that I do not have any of those disorders is because I did not have the other markers that go along with the anti body count. Now, the reasoning behind the autoimmune problem, which causes inflammation in the whole body, weakness, muscle pain, tension, and fatigue, is because when nutrients or undigested foods leak into the body through a porous gut line..AKA leaky gut, the immune system sees it as a foreign substance, therefore attacking these items. Now this uses up a lot of energy, and causes high inflammation markers in the body. Also considering the fact that almost all of your serotonin is located in the gut, and that all of your absorption and conversions of lets say glutamate to gaba also occur in the digestive tract, it is almost clear to see that this could be an underlying issue. If you have a digestive system that is seriously compromised by yeast overgrowth, it will destroy the gut lining, and if you have a leaky gut then most of your nutrients will be leaked into your body, and your intestines will be inefficient in converting and absorbing nutrients and neurotransmitters.... this can cause depression and anxiety, and phobias. Also candida, when it dies off releases over 80 toxic chemicals, and it does so all the time. One of this is acetaldehyde, the chemical that is released from alcohol use. This is one of the many that causes a hangover feeling, and increased rush of adrenaline , a nervous system that is on overdrive, as well as anxiety, insomnia, and frustration. Just to be clear, my doctor also knows of my use of these drugs, and he said considering the fact that I used all of those substances, for my nervous system to naturally calm down it can take anywhere from 6-12 months of complete sobriety, and a healthy diet.... so I do not see an issue of re balancing my digestive tract so that I can more quickly calm my nervous system , as well as ameliorate any PAWS....if that's the case..... in a quicker, and better fashion. I will be taking Afobazole for the time being for 8 weeks to help me push through the next two months. I also have Bromantane as well. Please advise......
Posted 08 February 2015 - 02:50 PM
Okay, so I have tried Afobazole twice already. I have a current diagnosis of candida over-growth which I have been battling for a while due to the use of various narcotics and benzodiazapines. I have been off benzos for months, and still have inkling anxiety, social mostly. That is besides the point. Due to the fact that I am healing my body from leaky gut syndrome, candida fungal overgrowth, as well as adrenal fatigue, I am experiencing bouts of anxiety, sleeplessness, and anger. This is due to the fact that when this overgrowth dies, it releases over 80 toxins into the blood stream which the body is constantly fighting, one of which is acetaldehyde and produces a hungover feeling, the shakes, and random bouts of adrenaline rushes. Basically my nervous system is on hyper drive. Also with this fungal over growth comes leaky gut syndrome, in which the lining is inflamed and has small wholes inside leaking nutrients and undigested material into my body, causing a hyper immune response. This creates pain and tension in my whole body, because my body is always in a state of inflammation.
How do you "know" you have candida, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue? these are all "conditions" basically only recognized by quack health practitioners and every damn symptom a human being can have is somehow tracked to leaky gut or something. Your symptoms sound more like benzo PAWS to me.
Just an update, so I have been on afobazole for about 13 days at 30mg, my gosh it really is helping a lot. I am combining it recently with Bromantane and have been using that at 50mg in the morning each day. I literally feel great on it! I also have some other supplements like rhodiola to combat fatigue, and bacopa for focus considering I do not want to down-regulate or destroy my GABA system anymore, I will be taking things like the above-mentioned to up-regulate the GABA while I am re-balancing my body this year =D. CHECK OUT MY ABOVE RESPONSE TO YOUR ANSWER. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.
Edited by jerzyroginski, 08 February 2015 - 02:52 PM.
Posted 22 February 2015 - 11:26 AM
Hi everyone Out of all this list which one worked for people??
Posted 22 February 2015 - 04:57 PM
Well considering the fact that I had an antibody count of 1:180, also extreme digestive problems and that I have been getting so much better following this doctors protocol, I strongly believe that it is a huge part of my health problems.
Also considering the fact that almost all of your serotonin is located in the gut, and that all of your absorption and conversions of lets say glutamate to gaba also occur in the digestive tract, it is almost clear to see that this could be an underlying issue.
So they put you on an anti-fungal medication? Candida is a fungus; in order to get rid of it (if you really have systemic candida overgrowth) -- you need to take a systemic anti-fungal like women do for a YEAST INFECTION.
No, all of your serotonin is not in your gut. Yes you have serotonin receptors there -- but that is not the same thing.
Glutamate to gaba in your gut ?? GABA cannot cross the blood brain barrier -- all those supplements that have GABA in them are rubbish. Glutamine is converted to GABA in the brain by neurons.
Posted 23 February 2015 - 02:31 AM
Well considering the fact that I had an antibody count of 1:180, also extreme digestive problems and that I have been getting so much better following this doctors protocol, I strongly believe that it is a huge part of my health problems.
Also considering the fact that almost all of your serotonin is located in the gut, and that all of your absorption and conversions of lets say glutamate to gaba also occur in the digestive tract, it is almost clear to see that this could be an underlying issue.
So they put you on an anti-fungal medication? Candida is a fungus; in order to get rid of it (if you really have systemic candida overgrowth) -- you need to take a systemic anti-fungal like women do for a YEAST INFECTION.
No, all of your serotonin is not in your gut. Yes you have serotonin receptors there -- but that is not the same thing.
Glutamate to gaba in your gut ?? GABA cannot cross the blood brain barrier -- all those supplements that have GABA in them are rubbish. Glutamine is converted to GABA in the brain by neurons.
There are GABA receptors in the gut though: http://www.ncbi.nlm....es/PMC3153004/ Considering that probiotics and the makeup of the gut microbiome can have effects on the brain and anxiety, it isn't super hard to imagine that increasing gaba for gaba receptors in the gut might have an effect on anxiety. So, GABA may not cross the BBB, but due to anecdotal reports and there being gaba receptors in the gut, I wouldn't say that taking GABA does nothing.
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Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:00 AM
Thanks, this thread is of interest to me as I've had a life long battle with generalized anxiety disorder and have thrown a million things at it over several decades. I completely agree with most of what's stated, especially in regards to benzos, unfortunately though our individual chemestries can be quite different in how react or fail to react to various substances.
For me, highly subjective of course, Theanine makes me feel worse, magnesium as well, Afobazole did nothing for me good or bad and I gave it a long trial. Bacopa is great and is something I'll sporadically use for life, Lemon Balm blah makes me feel crappy (possibly another gaba agonist?). I've done all the SSRI's, a couple of MAOI's, Effexor, Selank, a few select amino acids, Glycine, RTMS (procedure) the list goes on....
I'm not one to roll over and just accept feeling highly anxious all the time and let norephinephrine treat me like a bitch, so I'll keep trying whatever comes down the pipeline. What I see though is a lot of people in the same position, with anxiety disorders often coupled with depression with no magic cure so far. It's great to give suggestions because you never know what's going to click with each individual's makeup, but nothing is black and white.... take this and your anxiety problem is solved... more like... this might take the edge off to some degree until science comes up with something better.
I am curious about garum amoricum and am waiting for my local dope dispensaries to start carrying strains that are very high in cannabidiol while low in THC as I've read good reviews from other persons with anxiety issues about that combination. Cannabidiol neutralizes the effects of THC (which often causes residual and rebound anxiety, thc that is) and actually provides quite a few other health benefits.
But yes like most mood disorders it's a complicated thing that requires a lot of trial and error and patience, and to quote the old tv show from the 70's, what might be right for you might not be right for some. We all respond differently but it's good that this thread points out what to stay away from and backs it up with some evidence.
I had to review through this thread to see if there was any mention of Memantine. Apparently no. Curious, because anxiety is not merely influenced by GABA, but relationship/axis,if you will, between GABA and Glutamate. I've had a lot of success by incorporating Memantine and it's NMDA MOA. Science Guy did include Tianeptine in his list, which reduces anxiety based Glutamate modulation as well.
Thanks, this thread is of interest to me as I've had a life long battle with generalized anxiety disorder and have thrown a million things at it over several decades. I completely agree with most of what's stated, especially in regards to benzos, unfortunately though our individual chemestries can be quite different in how react or fail to react to various substances.
For me, highly subjective of course, Theanine makes me feel worse, magnesium as well, Afobazole did nothing for me good or bad and I gave it a long trial. Bacopa is great and is something I'll sporadically use for life, Lemon Balm blah makes me feel crappy (possibly another gaba agonist?). I've done all the SSRI's, a couple of MAOI's, Effexor, Selank, a few select amino acids, Glycine, RTMS (procedure) the list goes on....
I'm not one to roll over and just accept feeling highly anxious all the time and let norephinephrine treat me like a bitch, so I'll keep trying whatever comes down the pipeline. What I see though is a lot of people in the same position, with anxiety disorders often coupled with depression with no magic cure so far. It's great to give suggestions because you never know what's going to click with each individual's makeup, but nothing is black and white.... take this and your anxiety problem is solved... more like... this might take the edge off to some degree until science comes up with something better.
I am curious about garum amoricum and am waiting for my local dope dispensaries to start carrying strains that are very high in cannabidiol while low in THC as I've read good reviews from other persons with anxiety issues about that combination. Cannabidiol neutralizes the effects of THC (which often causes residual and rebound anxiety, thc that is) and actually provides quite a few other health benefits.
But yes like most mood disorders it's a complicated thing that requires a lot of trial and error and patience, and to quote the old tv show from the 70's, what might be right for you might not be right for some. We all respond differently but it's good that this thread points out what to stay away from and backs it up with some evidence.
I had to review through this thread to see if there was any mention of Memantine. Apparently no. Curious, because anxiety is not merely influenced by GABA, but relationship/axis,if you will, between GABA and Glutamate. I've had a lot of success by incorporating Memantine and it's NMDA MOA. Science Guy did include Tianeptine in his list, which reduces anxiety based Glutamate modulation as well.
Thanks, this thread is of interest to me as I've had a life long battle with generalized anxiety disorder and have thrown a million things at it over several decades. I completely agree with most of what's stated, especially in regards to benzos, unfortunately though our individual chemestries can be quite different in how react or fail to react to various substances.
For me, highly subjective of course, Theanine makes me feel worse, magnesium as well, Afobazole did nothing for me good or bad and I gave it a long trial. Bacopa is great and is something I'll sporadically use for life, Lemon Balm blah makes me feel crappy (possibly another gaba agonist?). I've done all the SSRI's, a couple of MAOI's, Effexor, Selank, a few select amino acids, Glycine, RTMS (procedure) the list goes on....
I'm not one to roll over and just accept feeling highly anxious all the time and let norephinephrine treat me like a bitch, so I'll keep trying whatever comes down the pipeline. What I see though is a lot of people in the same position, with anxiety disorders often coupled with depression with no magic cure so far. It's great to give suggestions because you never know what's going to click with each individual's makeup, but nothing is black and white.... take this and your anxiety problem is solved... more like... this might take the edge off to some degree until science comes up with something better.
I am curious about garum amoricum and am waiting for my local dope dispensaries to start carrying strains that are very high in cannabidiol while low in THC as I've read good reviews from other persons with anxiety issues about that combination. Cannabidiol neutralizes the effects of THC (which often causes residual and rebound anxiety, thc that is) and actually provides quite a few other health benefits.
But yes like most mood disorders it's a complicated thing that requires a lot of trial and error and patience, and to quote the old tv show from the 70's, what might be right for you might not be right for some. We all respond differently but it's good that this thread points out what to stay away from and backs it up with some evidence.
I had to review through this thread to see if there was any mention of Memantine. Apparently no. Curious, because anxiety is not merely influenced by GABA, but relationship/axis,if you will, between GABA and Glutamate. I've had a lot of success by incorporating Memantine and it's NMDA MOA. Science Guy did include Tianeptine in his list, which reduces anxiety based Glutamate modulation as well.
Thanks, this thread is of interest to me as I've had a life long battle with generalized anxiety disorder and have thrown a million things at it over several decades. I completely agree with most of what's stated, especially in regards to benzos, unfortunately though our individual chemestries can be quite different in how react or fail to react to various substances.
For me, highly subjective of course, Theanine makes me feel worse, magnesium as well, Afobazole did nothing for me good or bad and I gave it a long trial. Bacopa is great and is something I'll sporadically use for life, Lemon Balm blah makes me feel crappy (possibly another gaba agonist?). I've done all the SSRI's, a couple of MAOI's, Effexor, Selank, a few select amino acids, Glycine, RTMS (procedure) the list goes on....
I'm not one to roll over and just accept feeling highly anxious all the time and let norephinephrine treat me like a bitch, so I'll keep trying whatever comes down the pipeline. What I see though is a lot of people in the same position, with anxiety disorders often coupled with depression with no magic cure so far. It's great to give suggestions because you never know what's going to click with each individual's makeup, but nothing is black and white.... take this and your anxiety problem is solved... more like... this might take the edge off to some degree until science comes up with something better.
I am curious about garum amoricum and am waiting for my local dope dispensaries to start carrying strains that are very high in cannabidiol while low in THC as I've read good reviews from other persons with anxiety issues about that combination. Cannabidiol neutralizes the effects of THC (which often causes residual and rebound anxiety, thc that is) and actually provides quite a few other health benefits.
But yes like most mood disorders it's a complicated thing that requires a lot of trial and error and patience, and to quote the old tv show from the 70's, what might be right for you might not be right for some. We all respond differently but it's good that this thread points out what to stay away from and backs it up with some evidence.
I had to review through this thread to see if there was any mention of Memantine. Apparently no. Curious, because anxiety is not merely influenced by GABA, but relationship/axis,if you will, between GABA and Glutamate. I've had a lot of success by incorporating Memantine and it's NMDA MOA. Science Guy did include Tianeptine in his list, which reduces anxiety based Glutamate modulation as well.
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