With all this debate about using WILT to prevent cancer, no serious consideration seems to be given to DNA repair. Citing Potten's work, the lower GI tract has been offered as evidence that WILT will not work, because stem cell turnover would deplete the telomeres in far less than the 10 years proposed between reseeding of stem cell reservoirs.
Here is my analysis of Potten's data. I previously said that the telomerase-knockout study speaks for itself, and that we don't need to understand the underlying science. However, that was hasty. I believe that regardless of the validity of that study, the gut stem cell dilemma presents a problem for WILT. Either WILT won't work (stem cells turn over daily), or DNA repair will work better than is being represented by de Grey.
The Small Intestine as a Model of DNA Integrity and Longevity
Nuclear DNA integrity and the incidence of malignant cancers are strongly correlated; thus, any treatment which hopes to dramatically reduce cancer rates and slow the exponential increase of those rates must address the issue of nuclear DNA integrity. Slowing the exponential increase of cancer incidence rates can be restated as increasing the doubling period of cancer incidence rates—increasing the period of time that cancer incidence rates require to double.
In pursuing a body-wide treatment for the problem of DNA integrity in an aging mammal, it is proposed that the mucosal lining of the small intestine—as a model tissue—suggests that DNA integrity can be maintained much longer than currently anticipated. This would achieve the two goals of reducing cancer incidence rates and slowing the exponential increase of cancer incidence rates.
Resistance to Mutation and Tumorigenesis
The intestines offer an interesting dichotomy: both the large and small intestines are exposed to high concentrations of mutagenic toxins, and both have a physiology of crypts that maintain villi, with stem cells located at or near the base of the crypts. However, cancer rates in the large intestine are much higher than in the small intestine. In fact, certain regions of the small intestine have virtually no known disposition for cancer.
Studies of gene expression find that relative expression rates of tumor suppressors and apoptosis suppressors can account for at least part of this dichotomy. The large intestine express tumor suppressors to a lesser degree, and express apoptosis suppressors to a higher degree. While the reason for the dichotomy in gene expression is not understood, the effects on cancer incidence speak for themselves.
The proliferative cells of the small intestine—especially the stem cells, and most especially the ultimate stem cells—have a high sensitivity to mutagens (radiation, etc.), and will undergo apoptosis and replacement by neighboring proliferative cells. The cells with the lower sensitivity to mutation also display an increased capacity for repair.
Given the hostile environment of the small intestine, the relative balance of mutation-induced apoptosis and mutation repair achieved by various tiers of stem cells in the small intestine indicate that ablation by mutation-sensitivity (a tumor suppression mechanism) and replacement by cells with higher relative DNA integrity is an effective cancer prevention method.
Cellular Proliferation from Stem Cells
The cells of the small intestine offer another insight into the potential for body-wide cancer prevention (i.e. reduction in cancer incidence rates and the exponential growth of those rates).
Through experimental procedures, it has been determined that the crypts of the small intestine maintain 6 ultimate stem cells. This number is very precisely balanced: if a seventh ultimate stem cell mistakenly appears, one of the seven stem cells will undergo apoptosis. If one of the six ultimate cells dies (e.g. through mutation-induced apoptosis), it is replaced by a cell in the next tier of stem cells—a stem cell that has had higher repair capacity, and thus a typically similar or higher DNA integrity.
Likewise, as the number of second-tier stem cells falls below the normal range, it is replaced by a stem cell from the next tier—a stem cell that has had yet higher repair capacity, and thus a typically similar or higher DNA integrity.
While the tiered structure of these stem cells is indeed interesting, what is critical to understand is the total proliferative capability of the ultimate stem cells. The six ultimate stem cells must service three villi, each of which has 3,500 cells. Those cells turn over (ablation through apoptosis and/or release into the small intestine) about once every 1-3 days. This means that 10,500 cells must be replaced on a near-daily basis by only six ultimate stem cells. That works out to about 1,750 cells every 24-72 hours, per ultimate stem cell.
This workload is staggering. It implies that cells can be extremely proliferative, a metabolic activity that is very stressful on the genome, with a very high level of tissue fidelity. DNA integrity at the tissue level remains very high.
Whether individial cells can maintain such a near-perfect level of fidelity is not clear, but the turnover that is accomplished will ablate any tumorigenic cells, unless the cells in question have low turnover. Turnover seems to be the key. Cells with the lowest turnover can be kept mutation- and cancer-free by tumor suppression, and cells with high turnover can be kept mutation- and cancer-free by ablation and replacement. DNA repair and maintenance also plays a role in cells with an intermediate level of turnover.
Not all body tissues can have their turnover rates increased. Certainly the skin, blood, muscles, and many internal organs are condusive to such a model. The brain, and perhaps other organ systems, might not be. However, the DNA-repair strategy seen in the tissues with intermediate levels of turnover (e.g. the second- and third-tier stem cells of crypts) seems to also be effective in preventing cancer.
Conflicting Interpretations of Cell Division Rates of “Ultimate” Stem Cells
Concern has been raised about how rapidly the ultimate stem cells divide. In one interpretation, the ultimate stem cells must divide daily. In another interpretation, the ultimate stem cells may divide far less often, matching the division rates of blood and skin stem cells. In yet another interpretation, the ultimate stem cells are replenished by sequestering blood stem cells.
Daily division of ultimate stem cells
In the study conducted by Potten, cell velocity in the crypts was measured, and division was carefully measured. Given the experimental data, the conclusion was that the ultimate stem cells divide approximately every 24 hours.
Monthly division of ultimate stem cells
In a study conducted on telomerase-knockout mice, it was noted that in generations of the mice in which telomeres were short enough to induce tissue dysfunction, the onset of intenstinal dysfunction did not precede dysfunction in blood and skin tissues. From this study, it was concluded that the ultimate stem cells of the small intestine cannot be dividing more frequently than blood or skin stem cells. In other words, the division rate of the intestinal stem cells is on the order of a month, not a day.
Sequestration of Blood Stem Cells
Yet another hypothesis, which seeks to reconcile Potten’s data with the telomerase-knockout study, proposes that the intestinal crypts sequester a blood stem cell to refresh the stem cell pool. An implication of such a radical idea is that it seems highly likely that any such system would have evolved, rather than being a consequence of chance. Given the sheer number of crypts in the small intestine, the simplest explanation that a very large percentage of the crypts would engage in such periodic sequestration is if such a system were by design.
Converging Conclusions Drawn from Divergent Interpretations
Given the divergent interpretations of Potten's data and the telomerase-knockout study, one might expect divergent conclusions to be drawn with respect to DNA integrity and WILT as cancer prevention methods. However, I find little such divergence, but rather a convergence.
Daily division of ultimate stem cells
If the stem cells of the small intestine divide daily, this implies that cells have a much higher capacity for division without tumorigenesis than under the current paradigm. The perceived combination of cellular ablation (programmed and responsive) and replacement, balanced with DNA integrity (repair and maintenance), is suggested as a model for other body tissues.
Monthly division of ultimate stem cells
If the stem cells of the small intestine divide monthly, this implies that the successive tiers of stem cells are much more proliferative than previously concluded. The proliferative capacity of the stem cell reservoir has now shifted to a tier of stem cells that relies on DNA repair/maintenance, not ablation, for DNA integrity in the crypt. This bolsters the case for DNA repair/maintenance as a suitable cancer prevention strategy.
Sequestration of Blood Stem Cells
If the crypts replenish themselves by sequestering blood stem cells, this implies an evolutionary pathway. However, it has further implications. Blood stem cell reservoirs must be more proliferative than previously thought, to support such replenishment. This implies that DNA integrity of the blood stem cells is higher than previously concluded. This has far-reaching implications for the rest of the body.
This also implies that periodic ablation of the ultimate stem cells, with replenishment by a secondary source of stem cells with higher DNA integrity, is a sufficient means to achieve DNA integrity within a tissue. This is in keeping with the principle of tumor suppression and replacement by stem cells with higher DNA integrity. It is also in keeping with WILT. However, the implication here is that the periodic reseeding would be a sufficient, but not necessary, means of achieving increased DNA integrity.
In WILT, the reseedings are necessary, as the WILT strategy is tantamount to programmed death in the absense of reseedings. In the DNA-integrity model, the absense of reseedings would merely leave one potentially subject to a "normal" aging process (albeit a greatly slowed process, due to the increased DNA repair/maintenance, ablation, and cellular proliferation suggested earlier).
Finally, this implies a method for reseeding the stem cells of the intestines: simply reseed the blood stem cell reservoirs.
Final Conclusion
The small intestine offers a model that suggests that ablation of cells with low DNA integrity, with a consequent replacement by cells with higher DNA integrity, is a viable approach to reduce cancer rates and preserve long-term DNA integrity. Various interpretations of experimental data each suggest that tumorigenesis can be prevented through a balance of increased apoptosis (through tumor suppression), increased DNA repair maintenance, and increased cell replacement (through proliferation).
The genetic framework for such a system is already within the genome, requiring not an engineering of new genetics, but of existing genetics.