I do not proselytize my own belief "stack". I believe that some accounts of resuscitated dead people, quantum mechanics, the entire quantum "zoo", and other physics and chemistry topics more accurately lead towards metaphysical truth than any bible, koran, or the buddhist equivalent book, whatever it is. I was an athiest until about 1998 when I read the thin book MORE THAN A CARPENTER by J. McDowell which singlehandedly forced me to begin a reexamination of my atheism. McDowell is undeniably relevant and objective, if not brilliant. Years later all this has resulted in a personal metaphysical "system" which works for me. I can't convey it to others and don't wish to. But I know that atheism results from the unsatisfactory/pointless application of science to an essentially historical account of what we refer to as the offspring of what we also commonly refer to as the creator. And science will always be irrelevant when used to "process" history. McDowell has, IMO, penned the ultimate explanation of the sheer unproductiveness of analyzing history with science. I took his expanation and built on it.... and it is working very well - for me.
Would you say atheism leads or coexist with a mild form of altruism?