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Posted 18 March 2014 - 06:40 PM
Obviously, you are trying to avoid the questions' so here are some suggestions from the God Delusion book.
1. One of the greatest challenges to the human intellect has been to explain how the complex, improbable appearance of design in the universe arises.
2. The natural temptation is to attribute the appearance of design to actual design itself.
3. The temptation is a false one because the designer hypothesis immediately raises the larger problem of who designed the designer.
4. The most ingenious and powerful explanation is Darwinian evolution by natural selection.
5. We don't have an equivalent explanation for physics.
6. We should not give up the hope of a better explanation arising in physics, something as powerful as Darwinism is for biology.
But you are an agnostic so we should expect little from you.
Posted 18 March 2014 - 06:59 PM
I would, as an atheist, argue that god is real, as long as someone believes in him, since he is only an idea, a belief, nothing more. (which makes god mortal just as men, because once the last man that believes in him, or even knows of this religion dies, he would die too.)
So coming from this perspective, it is just natural that shadowhawk does not accept rational arguments, because his belief in god(who exists in his head cause he believes in him, so in a way he is right, and wants to prove it) is so strong that it filters out any logic, unless it goes conform with his beliefs.
Mark my words, if you continue to run into the wall shadowhawks beliefs create for him, you will archive nothing. There is no way he can think logically as long as his strong beliefs cloud his judgment(Which, as you may know, is the case for any belief. Scientists believing in their hypothesis, so they create studies the way that they prove their point etc. It is just natural). So, as long as he beliefs and answers in this thread, and others try to persuade him, this thread will continue until this site goes down. Without any purpose whatsoever.

No need for name calling though, it won't help with anyone who is as strongly believing as he is. Just move along, and ignore this thread, and your anger will go away.
Posted 18 March 2014 - 08:34 PM
I am amazed at how long this thread has been so far and what kind of endurance some users have in answering shadowhawk.
I would, as an atheist, argue that god is real, as long as someone believes in him, since he is only an idea, a belief, nothing more. (which makes god mortal just as men, because once the last man that believes in him, or even knows of this religion dies, he would die too.)
So coming from this perspective, it is just natural that shadowhawk does not accept rational arguments, because his belief in god(who exists in his head cause he believes in him, so in a way he is right, and wants to prove it) is so strong that it filters out any logic, unless it goes conform with his beliefs.
Mark my words, if you continue to run into the wall shadowhawks beliefs create for him, you will archive nothing. There is no way he can think logically as long as his strong beliefs cloud his judgment(Which, as you may know, is the case for any belief. Scientists believing in their hypothesis, so they create studies the way that they prove their point etc. It is just natural). So, as long as he beliefs and answers in this thread, and others try to persuade him, this thread will continue until this site goes down. Without any purpose whatsoever.
No need for name calling though, it won't help with anyone who is as strongly believing as he is. Just move along, and ignore this thread, and your anger will go away.
1. The thread topic is about evidence for Atheism. You comments about me and God are not evidence.
2. Your arguments are not rational but various logical fallacies.
3. This ad hominam and prediction is baseless. Say something rational, related to the topic. I have all kinds of things I can think of and have suggested topics on several occasions that could be developed as evidence for atheism. Instead, like you, no real evidence is forthcoming.
4. Name calling doesn’t help those who believe, they just keep on believing! Seriously, and this is rational? So, move on and your anger will go away. Typical Atheist.

Posted 19 March 2014 - 12:16 AM
Posted 19 March 2014 - 01:06 AM
Posted 19 March 2014 - 03:04 AM
IS THERE EVIDENCE FOR ATHEISM?It looks like I'm late to the party. What is the point of this topic supposed to be?
To give evidence for Atheism
1. Definition of Atheism?
2. Atheism isn’t a belief so needs no evidence.?
3. You can’t prove a negative?
4. The Burden of Proof Is not on the Atheist because they don’t believe in anything?
5. Ockham’s Razor?
6. Absence Of Evidence is Evidence of Absence?
7. Demands of Evidentialism, summary ?
8. Both sides, top Atheist and Theists present their cases.
9. Presumption of Atheism.
10. Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Guidelines for the use of the forem
Edited by shadowhawk, 19 March 2014 - 03:14 AM.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 03:25 AM
IT really isn't that much more complicated. theists have to make it more complicated because their arguments is akin to believing in ghosts - just "holy" ghosts.
You can give me all of the latin phrases in the world diagnosing certain arguments but it really does come down to the above point. I am amazed at how much effort people will go to to prove and obfuscate simple data to support their believes. In this case the data is that there is no data on god yet people want to believe in god since the dawn of time. Humans are not comfortable with the unknown and want to invent a solution to that.
All of this semantics dancing is driving me to drink or believe in God.
Edited by xks201, 19 March 2014 - 03:29 AM.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:18 AM
To give evidence for Atheism
In a larger sense. You made this topic for a reason, did you not? Or can you really claim to be "just curious" of whatever evidence exists for "strong" atheism, as that appears to be the only definition you will accept?
Edited by Vardarac, 19 March 2014 - 10:21 AM.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 09:19 PM
To give evidence for Atheism
In a larger sense. You made this topic for a reason, did you not? Or can you really claim to be "just curious" of whatever evidence exists for "strong" atheism, as that appears to be the only definition you will accept?
The original post from SH was
Many Atheists ask for evidence for theism and then assume the answer is there is none. But is there any evidence for Atheism? It is important to know what we are talking about here. The word Atheism comes from the Greek.
The real definition of atheism: the belief that there is no God. The fake definition of atheism: the lack of belief in God. The second false definition would make a Dog an Atheist! The Greek roots of the word Atheist is as follows.
A = Without
Theos = God
Atheos = Without God
Atheism is the belief that there is no God.
Why is there something rather than nothing? The atheist says God is not the reason because there is no God. No God, not simply the lack of belief in God is the true answer. So, what good evidence is there for Atheism? Use any communication tools acceptable to LONGECITY to make your case. "
As you suspect, he is not willing to accept what people actually think, but wants to force them into his own preferred kind of position. The first deliberate mis-statement is right there in the opening; most posters have said that they simply don't see evidence for god but he wants to turn it into a positive belief in no-god. Some of us have said that if we had to bet we would go on the atheist side, but again, he wants to make it a positive. It's all a waste of time.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 09:26 PM
I may add, rhetorical garbage doesn't convince me of anything.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:27 PM
Posted 20 March 2014 - 02:03 AM
1. Definition of Atheism?
Atheists are agnostics?
2. Atheism isn’t a belief so needs no evidence.?
3. You can’t prove a negative?
4. The Burden of Proof Is not on the Atheist because they don’t believe in anything?
5. Ockham’s Razor?
6. Absence Of Evidence is Evidence of Absence?
7. Demands of Evidentialism, summary ?
8. Both sides, top Atheist and Theists present their cases.
9. Presumption of Atheism.
10. Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Guidelines for the use of the forem
up to post 581
Posted 21 March 2014 - 09:09 PM
Many people confuse or equate the terms, but there is a definite difference between the two.
An atheist, on the one hand, believes that there is no God. Etymologically, the word means "not, or no God." In the atheist camp you can have a wide variety of reasons for their denial as well as differing levels of certainty. Some will deny emphatically that there is a God and claim to have "proof" of God's non-existence. Other's will simply say they do not believe there is a God though they could not prove God does not exist. The common denominator is that they do not believe in God.
Agnosticism is not a belief system as atheism is; rather, it is a theory of knowledge. Etymologically, it means, "not, or no knowledge." An agnostic is someone who believes human beings simply cannot know anything metaphysical or beyond the physical realm; therefore, they cannot know whether things like spirit, angels or God exist at all.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 12:44 AM
Posted 22 March 2014 - 04:08 AM
For me it's not that I don't think people are incapable of experiencing spirits, angels, and god. Many of us find deep spirituality directly while on shrooms. I'd love to believe in the god I experience while high -- a peaceful, loving, huge, and obvious presence that feels like home. Unending peace -- who doesn't want that? The problem is this warmth disappears when the high disappears, and my disappointment over the fleeing god results in my agnosticism. I'd love to believe in a loving, kind god that is accessible to all creatures everywhere. But given our vast, unnecessary suffering, I find god in general unlikely, and the god of christianity frankly deplorable. But no one knows yet if god is real or if god is just another brain state passed to us through natural selection.An agnostic is someone who believes human beings simply cannot know anything metaphysical or beyond the physical realm; therefore, they cannot know whether things like spirit, angels or God exist at all.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 05:58 AM
My main reason for this is that I am aware of no personal, historical, or modern empirical evidence that religious miracles have occurred. While this does not discount the possibility of such miracles occurring, it also means that it is more reasonable to tentatively defer to explanations of history and events that do not require that miracles or other such unprecedented events occur. This reasoning is typically used in science and in criminal court and is my primary reason for believing it probable that gods do not exist.
There are other reasons as well, but they are not as important as this one.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 07:29 PM
I believe that there is a possibility that God or gods exist(s). However, I also believe that not only have theists failed to make a case for the existence of gods, the weight of evidence is actually against existence, at least as far as God is traditionally thought of in the West.
My main reason for this is that I am aware of no personal, historical, or modern empirical evidence that religious miracles have occurred. While this does not discount the possibility of such miracles occurring, it also means that it is more reasonable to tentatively defer to explanations of history and events that do not require that miracles or other such unprecedented events occur. This reasoning is typically used in science and in criminal court and is my primary reason for believing it probable that gods do not exist.
There are other reasons as well, but they are not as important as this one.
There are many historical examples that miracles have occurred. All you have done is dismiss them and set up the evidence so that a miracle cannot occur. Reject all possiblities of evidence that mirracles can occur and then conclude none have. This is not evidence for Atheism or rational.
C.S. lewis on miracles.
As for court evidence, see h
Posted 22 March 2014 - 07:53 PM
I believe that there is a possibility that God or gods exist(s). However, I also believe that not only have theists failed to make a case for the existence of gods, the weight of evidence is actually against existence, at least as far as God is traditionally thought of in the West.
My main reason for this is that I am aware of no personal, historical, or modern empirical evidence that religious miracles have occurred. While this does not discount the possibility of such miracles occurring, it also means that it is more reasonable to tentatively defer to explanations of history and events that do not require that miracles or other such unprecedented events occur. This reasoning is typically used in science and in criminal court and is my primary reason for believing it probable that gods do not exist.
There are other reasons as well, but they are not as important as this one.
I can relate to most of this. I once had a coffee house in The Height in San Francisco. I have been around drugs a lot. Perhaps the reason you are disappointed on shrooms is because they are not God. While the experience may be wonderful so is getting drunk. Don’t expect the effects of drugs to end up well as those who thought you could find God on acid found out.
There is a God such as you would love to believe in but you must receive him. You took shrooms and entered into that world, try God. God is warm.

Given atheism, what is wrong with suffering? Natural selection, that should not bother you.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:02 PM
Do you believe what you are saying? Are you being emotional or rational? Given so many do believe there is no evidence for Atheism, is such belief emotional or rational? Can Atheists drop their belief when there is no proof?My thought is that all beliefs are emotional first and rational only later. That is why beliefs are difficult to change. If we were truly rational, that would not be the case, then we would be able to drop a belief just like that when presented with compelling logical evidence.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 07:32 AM
C.S. lewis on miracles.
As for court evidence, see h
This is your topic, but for the sake of any future discussions with me you might have in this thread, I'd prefer if you'd stick to posting arguments clearly, succinctly, and most importantly in your own words; it's really tiring (and I honestly don't have the time for it) to hash through entire books and hour-long YouTube videos without Very Good Reason.
There are many historical examples that miracles have occurred.
Humor me.
All you have done is dismiss them and set up the evidence so that a miracle cannot occur.
This is half right. I do dismiss miracles. But saying that I've "set up the evidence so that a miracle cannot occur" mischaracterizes my argument. If it wasn't clear, I should point out that I believe that gods and miracles are possibilities, if vanishingly improbable.
Miracles are, by definition, events that are without precedent (a nod to your video of Lennox). It follows that unprecedented evidence must be provided for such events that make them more rational to believe in lieu of explanations that do not break continuity of experience.
For example, we do not permit as likely the possibility that a knife could commit murder by floating up to stab its victim. Even if multiple innocent, sane eyewitnesses were present at the scene and said the same thing, it is rational, sane for those who were not at the scene to question if a floating knife actually committed murder.
This ties in to a point about improbability that one of your links brought up. That a thing is unlikely does not make it irrational to believe. This is true, and I admit that I had not considered this before.
Suppose we have the two following hypothetical scenarios:
1. A newscaster gives a very specific lottery number that was chosen out of millions.
2. (Let's up the ante!) A series of writings says that a man was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead after three days, then rose into heaven.
These are superficially similar. Faith is used to believe the newscaster as well as the writings. Both accounts describe highly improbable events. But what needs to be considered is the context of that improbability.
1. The lottery number is picked out of a pool of millions of lottery numbers. While the individual combination is extremely unlikely, the concept of an arbitrary lottery number being drawn is exceedingly mundane. The probability per draw of some number in the set of all drawable numbers, all told, is 1. The specific number, though one in millions, falls under the category of some number.
2. Other than accounts of people resuscitating after a brief period of (death? unconsciousness?), the idea of the dead miraculously returning to life is exceedingly rare in practice. The same could be said for, oh, turning water into wine, or ascending into heaven, or walking on water, or cursing fig trees, or being the Son of God. These things are not typically seen in any kind of everyday or empirical capacity. Unlike with the draw, there is no guarantee that any of these events is even a possibility.
In terms of rationality, the miracles cited in #2 are a step behind the lottery draw in that they fall outside the realm of things that physics and biology have been mostly (exclusively?) observed to allow. Naturally, there are other factors involved in the believability of each of these, but I think this is enough to begin a discussion for now.
Reject all possiblities of evidence that mirracles can occur and then conclude none have.
To reiterate, I have said that I find it unlikely that miracles have occurred and more rational to believe that there is another explanation. This does not mean that miracles are rejected as possibilities. The conclusion that "not-miracle" is the explanation for a given event is both tentative (not absolutely certain) and evidenced by the vast majority of events being "not-miracle."
This is not evidence for Atheism or rational.
In short, you are correct that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence; however, in the context of theistic claims, where God or the gods are or have been involved in world affairs, it is within reason to believe in absence of the gods where events have shown no evidence of doing anything but following the usual order of things. Of course, one could claim that the gods ordained everyday/empirical experience as well, but I do not think there is any way to prove or disprove this.
Given atheism, what is wrong with suffering? Natural selection, that should not bother you.
"Bother," "value," "should," "wrong." These are all concepts belonging to subjective evaluations and are not necessarily based on rationality. They start with what is ultimately an arbitrary preference. Suffering shouldn't bother me, you say. But it does. The "ought" here comes from the "is" of preference first, and after the "is" of circumstance.
Edited by Vardarac, 23 March 2014 - 07:49 AM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 09:52 AM
How come miracles are said to occur in non-Christian religions too?There are many historical examples that miracles have occurred. All you have done is dismiss them and set up the evidence so that a miracle cannot occur.
Who, besides you, thinks that there's no evidence for atheism? Not that it matters one iota but it would be interesting to know..Do you believe what you are saying? Are you being emotional or rational? Given so many do believe there is no evidence for Atheism, is such belief emotional or rational? Can Atheists drop their belief when there is no proof?
Posted 23 March 2014 - 09:57 AM
There are many legitimate religions that use psychedelic drugs as a way of accessing the divine, so by _definition_ those drugs are catalyzing _genuine_ religious experiences. Are you saying that the connection the practitioners of Santo Daime have to Jesus/Mary/Josef is somehow invalid?I can relate to most of this. I once had a coffee house in The Height in San Francisco. I have been around drugs a lot. Perhaps the reason you are disappointed on shrooms is because they are not God.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 09:49 AM
There is a God such as you would love to believe in but you must receive him. You took shrooms and entered into that world, try God. God is warm.
I may be an opposite of you, Shadowhawk. That is, your life's changes moved your faith from atheist to theist. You once had faith in atheism, now you have faith in theism. Neither can you prove. I had the theistic faith you've discovered. But like Eliot wrote, life's humility is endless. A series of terrible events happened in my life, the faith you've found in theism disappeared, I'm lost to your god. The longing may continue; but that infantile trust is extinguished. The "presence" is gone, and I'm lost in the dark wood, as Dante wrote. Sadly, my experience is common in these times, I'm far from exceptional. I'm the norm. Like many conscious, thinking modern people, I suffer the dark, uncertain times in the face of abandonment by the old god.
Yet there's a line by WS Merwin somewhere that ultimately -- despite the cruelty -- we all bow down to the deep "not-knowing." All of us are agnostic: we do not know if god does and we do not know if god does not exist. One of our modern lessons is to get over ourselves, and allow ourselves to be the little ignorant creatures that we are
Posted 24 March 2014 - 12:08 PM
Yet there's a line by WS Merwin somewhere that ultimately -- despite the cruelty -- we all bow down to the deep "not-knowing."
For the Anniversary of My Death
WS Merwin
Every year without knowing it I have passed the day
When the last fires will wave to me
And the silence will set out
Tireless traveler
Like the beam of a lightless star
Then I will no longer
Find myself in life as in a strange garment
Surprised at the earth
And the love of one woman
And the shamelessness of men
As today writing after three days of rain
Hearing the wren sing and the falling cease
And bowing not knowing to what
Posted 24 March 2014 - 09:58 PM come miracles are said to occur in non-Christian religions too?There are many historical examples that miracles have occurred. All you have done is dismiss them and set up the evidence so that a miracle cannot occur.
Who, besides you, thinks that there's no evidence for atheism? Not that it matters one iota but it would be interesting to know..Do you believe what you are saying? Are you being emotional or rational? Given so many do believe there is no evidence for Atheism, is such belief emotional or rational? Can Atheists drop their belief when there is no proof?
I suggest you read the thread. I asked for evidence for Atheism and have on several occasions made suggestion for topics. No one so far has presented any. You seem to think they have. Show me.
Edited by shadowhawk, 24 March 2014 - 10:00 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 10:08 PM
There is a God such as you would love to believe in but you must receive him. You took shrooms and entered into that world, try God. God is warm.
I may be an opposite of you, Shadowhawk. That is, your life's changes moved your faith from atheist to theist. You once had faith in atheism, now you have faith in theism. Neither can you prove. I had the theistic faith you've discovered. But like Eliot wrote, life's humility is endless. A series of terrible events happened in my life, the faith you've found in theism disappeared, I'm lost to your god. The longing may continue; but that infantile trust is extinguished. The "presence" is gone, and I'm lost in the dark wood, as Dante wrote. Sadly, my experience is common in these times, I'm far from exceptional. I'm the norm. Like many conscious, thinking modern people, I suffer the dark, uncertain times in the face of abandonment by the old god.
Yet there's a line by WS Merwin somewhere that ultimately -- despite the cruelty -- we all bow down to the deep "not-knowing." All of us are agnostic: we do not know if god does and we do not know if god does not exist. One of our modern lessons is to get over ourselves, and allow ourselves to be the little ignorant creatures that we are
Thanks for this response. It is honest and answers our topic. You don't know but perhaps there is someone who does. You are not saying you can't know, are you?.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 10:15 PM
Lack of evidence for gods is all the evidence needed. I think you should move on.I suggest you read the thread. I asked for evidence for Atheism and have on several occasions made suggestion for topics. No one so far has presented any. You seem to think they have. Show me.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 10:18 PM
There are many legitimate religions that use psychedelic drugs as a way of accessing the divine, so by _definition_ those drugs are catalyzing _genuine_ religious experiences. Are you saying that the connection the practitioners of Santo Daime have to Jesus/Mary/Josef is somehow invalid?I can relate to most of this. I once had a coffee house in The Height in San Francisco. I have been around drugs a lot. Perhaps the reason you are disappointed on shrooms is because they are not God.
You do believe in legitimate religious experience of God through drugs. This may evidence for God but is it not evidence for Atheism?
e evidence for God
You said this before. Why don't you do it?Lack of evidence for gods is all the evidence needed. I think you should move on.I suggest you read the thread. I asked for evidence for Atheism and have on several occasions made suggestion for topics. No one so far has presented any. You seem to think they have. Show me.
Posted 25 March 2014 - 10:50 AM
That is not a "belief" but a fact. There are and have been hundreds or even thousands of real religions that use "drugs" to contact gods/spirits. Therefore the religious experiences caused by sacred plants etc. are "legitimate religious experiences" already by definition.You do believe in legitimate religious experience of God through drugs.
Posted 25 March 2014 - 07:21 PM
That is not a "belief" but a fact. There are and have been hundreds or even thousands of real religions that use "drugs" to contact gods/spirits. Therefore the religious experiences caused by sacred plants etc. are "legitimate religious experiences" already by definition.You do believe in legitimate religious experience of God through drugs.
OK, this is evidence against atheism and for reliion I gess is your point.
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