In the real world nobody springs up as a ready made atheist or christian or anything else. The believers overwhelmingly learn their religion from their parents; converts are, thankfully few; but agnostics and atheists tend to drift gradually into their positions. Most people don't ever give it much thought. For many I suspect that it is a slow process of realising that the stories you've been told are a heap of inconsistent, illogical and often downright unpleasant nonsense. Even at that level most people don't actually consider the so-called proofs of god's existence. Most people couldn't even vaguely describe one, never mind analyse it logically. The default position of non-believers is mainly fairly casual rejection of the story told. For those of us who have thought about it the position is considered rejection; not a positive belief that no gods exist anywhere, but a denial of the stories told so far. You can reject this as much as you like but it will just result in more wasted time and pointless attempts to start a fight with a straw man.”
The topic is, Is there Evidence for Atheism. That is all I have ever asked for. I am talking about Atheism, not Agnosticism. I have abused no one. Show me where.
I didn’t learn my religion from my parents and I know many others also. What does this genetic fallacy have to do with anything?
More typical name calling from you.
