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religion atheism theist yawnfest

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#1111 The Brain

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 09:14 PM

Proof is believing that the internal combustion engine in my car will start when I turn the key, it does, I have no idea how an internal combustion engine works other than what others have told me, but it works. I now have a powerful presence in my life that I can rely on and it's effects in my life are positive. All the information I've received about the uses and effects of a motor vehicle in my life have been proven to be truths by it's actions and results I have experienced.

I'm told god will positively affect my life, I'm told this by his word in his book the bible, I'm told this by christians who constantly praise his effects in their lives and tell me to come into their lord and saviour for these effects. I'm told all manner of wonderful things about god.

When I turn the key on god there is nothing, not even a spark, a churning of the engine alerting to a possible flat battery, the engine doesn't even make that dreadful click sound when there is no battery or spark, there is nothing, silence pervades, I wait for a sign that there is an effect, I try again, there is still nothing, nothing has changed, nothing has happened and nothing is happening that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't turned the key on god.

There is no evidence that what has been promised about god, by god, and by his followers is true or correct.

My experience with turning the key on god has been, no effect, no revelation, no conversation, change either positive or negative, just an empty lifeless silence of nothingness.

I notice no positive changes in christians lives that they purport to be the effects from god that I don't see in non believers. I see what appears to be just their manipulated experience of life to suit their beliefs. I see them alter truth and reality to suit their beliefs. I see them grasp at all manner of excuses to support that they are experiencing any effect from their beliefs. A desperation to make true that which they believe drives them to leave logic and sound reasoning skills behind to make their beliefs true in their mind.

I see them respond to this being pointed out to them by making up excuses and apologising for god and fabricating their knowledge of how god operates, to protect themselves from the obvious glaring truth that any effects they attribute to god is in fact a placebo effect.

I conclude by claiming there is no proof of god.

How many times do I have to point out this is not the topic? Look at the topic Evidence for Christianity for some evidence which has a lot of name calling and logical fallacies by those who didn't want to hear it. Evidence for atheism, not "Proof." But I have said this before.

I told you already, your thread has been hijacked and the topic has become multifaceted, just like any discussion.

It's time you stop using your security blanket protection device of listing the threads title to avoid answering or responding to comments you can't address or posts that make you uncomfortable.

And you wonder why you get named called really ???

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#1112 shadowhawk

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 10:51 PM

Best case for Atheism I have seen so far.  :laugh:

#1113 sthira

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Posted 21 May 2015 - 08:22 AM

If God exists, God should post comments here. Since God wont, or can't, then God probably doesn't exist. Some claim God once existed -- God manifested through Jesus Christ, for example. So, if God existed then -- through this one fellow Jesus -- then why wont God exist for us now? Why not? In this thread, post your new version of your Golden Thoughts right here, dear God. You won't? Can't? So we may safely say that you probably don't exist in any other way that's sensible to us. The current silence from God -- the silence from God that's right here, right now -- is probably evidence God doesn't exist anywhere.

#1114 Ark

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Posted 21 May 2015 - 09:10 AM

Just wondering how you'd know if God was posting or posing as human. I ask you do you have faith in atheism and do you know foresure atheism is real or is your post a strong rant as atheism is based off of atheism. (Friends here-say and random rants)
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#1115 The Brain

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Posted 21 May 2015 - 09:56 AM

Oh oh, god's apologist is back...
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#1116 shadowhawk

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Posted 21 May 2015 - 07:33 PM

If God exists, God should post comments here. Since God wont, or can't, then God probably doesn't exist. Some claim God once existed -- God manifested through Jesus Christ, for example. So, if God existed then -- through this one fellow Jesus -- then why wont God exist for us now? Why not? In this thread, post your new version of your Golden Thoughts right here, dear God. You won't? Can't? So we may safely say that you probably don't exist in any other way that's sensible to us. The current silence from God -- the silence from God that's right here, right now -- is probably evidence God doesn't exist anywhere.


If President Obama is real he would post here,  God if He is real would also give us an ice cream cone..right now.  If you are real god put a sign on the moon, "I am real."  Is this evidence for atheism?  It is as good as it gets.  I could say a lot more but I won't.  :)

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#1117 sthira

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 01:53 AM

No one doubts President Obama exists; Mr. Obama doesn't need to post here. We doubt God exists; God should post here.

People make ice cream cones and we buy them. God doesn't make ice cream cones nor does he give them.

If God wants to put a sign on the moon, that'd be cool. Do whatever you'd like, God, you're all powerful, knowing, and loving. But if that's all the imagination you've got, well, ok then Almighty. It's your gig. Do whatever you want, it's fine with us. Please make your existence plain to all so we'll stop killing and hating each other over obscure scriptural subtleties in your holy name.

Posting here would be easy and effective, give it some thought. Ever see that old movie "Oh God"? That God seemed pretty chill. Take some notes off that guy, God, we like him.

We don't like you God. You have communication issues. Fix them. Stop blaming us for your silence. We have churches on every corner in every small town in America. It's not our fault, God. We pray and pray and pray to you, we build you countless monuments and beautiful cathedrals, giant murals and glorious stained glass, we lift our choirs to you, we give you our very very best, we praise you, we worship you, we give you so much money and time and attention, we debate you, kill and die for you, on and on. It's not us, God. We are doing our part in this relationship. It's you. Please check in after you've reperfected your perfection.

The fact that God doesn't do anything at all to make herself plain to us is probably evidence she doesn't exist. But who knows. And why does it even matter if she exists or not if our lives didn't change much even after the Great Knowing: The Golden Answer. Knowledge of her existence is fine, but if God exists and remains mulishly uninterested in ending useless suffering, who cares about her? Or him. Ask yourself how your life would change for the better or worse if you finally knew definitively one way or another.

#1118 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 02:18 AM

God made the universe and its contents, how's is that not proof to you?
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#1119 sthira

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 02:27 AM

Fine. If God made the universe and its contents, then it should be pretty easy for God to post here. Give it a go, God, we're counting on ya.

Everybody shut up now... God's big debut coming right up!
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#1120 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 02:58 AM

You've convinced yourself that you can summon God and if God doesn't post, God doesn't exist? Give it a rest already....sheesh.

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Edited by Ark, 22 May 2015 - 03:01 AM.

#1121 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:40 AM

Also God is the pinnacle of freewill, so I doubt God would take orders from you. (FYI)

#1122 The Brain

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:58 AM

God made the universe and its contents, how's is that not proof to you?

What dumbarse comment is this ???
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#1123 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 05:08 AM

Oh oh, god's facilitator is back...


Btw pinky, what are your reasons for choosing atheism and at what age were you indoctrinated?

#1124 The Brain

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:07 AM

Who chose anything, it's normal to grow up without a god belief

The only people indoctrinated are those who actively chose to believe there is something other than the reality they are surrounded by

You're too far gone god boy

I love the angry christians, it's fun knowing the doubt they hide causes them the most pain
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#1125 platypus

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:10 AM

Religious indoctrination of children should be banned because it works, no matter what the religion is. That should make you think.

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#1126 The Brain

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:13 AM

Dopey Ark would've been an easy victim of christianity

He's the kind of christian that are dangerous around young minds
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#1127 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:44 AM

I'm not a Christian per say- and you don't know me kid, so stop pretending.

#1128 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:47 AM

You didn't answer my questions, instead you avoided them. Is there a reason you don't want to talk about your atheist roots?

#1129 Ark

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:51 AM

Religious indoctrination of children should be banned because it works, no matter what the religion is. That should make you think.

I think your grouping the bad with the good.

#1130 The Brain

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 07:18 AM

Read my answers dopey
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#1131 The Brain

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 07:29 AM

Religious indoctrination of children should be banned because it works, no matter what the religion is. That should make you think.

I think your grouping the bad with the good.

It's pretty obvious what he's saying....

As obvious as you failing pathetically to say he's saying something different

Good grief
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#1132 platypus

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 07:51 AM


Religious indoctrination of children should be banned because it works, no matter what the religion is. That should make you think.

I think your grouping the bad with the good.


What is the good? 

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#1133 sthira

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 09:06 AM

Here's a presentation on how modern medicine is advancing efforts to understand and help end useless suffering:

Listened to while keeping alive the spiritual question of this thread is an interesting experience.

#1134 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 12:13 AM

The topic is is there evidence for atheism and here the burden of proof is on them.  I see none.   This is not the place to put the case for theism nor to defend it.   

#1135 The Brain

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 02:03 AM

Butthurt christian
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#1136 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 02:10 AM

Here's a presentation on how modern medicine is advancing efforts to understand and help end useless suffering:

Listened to while keeping alive the spiritual question of this thread is an interesting experience.


Not evidence for atheism.

#1137 Ark

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 08:16 AM

Read my answers dopey

I meant when did you realize and why did you come to your conclusion?

#1138 The Brain

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 09:34 AM

How can I come to a conclusion when there is no needed to conclude anything.

It's like saying how old were you when you concluded that rabbits swing from trees and are coloured pink and blue.
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#1139 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 08:53 PM

He has no reasons.  :)  Just one long string of logical fallacies. 

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#1140 The Brain

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 11:52 PM

Did you pray to god last night to end the suffering of the children being sexually abused?
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