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religion atheism theist yawnfest

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#151 shadowhawk

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 05:32 PM

The above posts are a good example of being off topic, without evidence and name calling. :sleep:

#152 hooter

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 05:39 PM

Do you have evidence for anti-unicornism? I'm very curious. Judging by what you said, the burden of proof lies with you.

Edited by hooter, 21 March 2012 - 05:40 PM.

#153 shadowhawk

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 07:16 PM

Do you have evidence for anti-unicornism? I'm very curious. Judging by what you said, the burden of proof lies with you.

Another off topic. You don't even know what anti-unicnicornism is do you? :laugh:
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#154 Arcanyn

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 10:51 AM

Here's some very compelling evidence for atheism: nobody has ever proven that Unas the god-eater doesn't exist.

Unas is defined as an entity that will instantly destroy any and all gods, but has no other powers beyond this. He's like kryptonite to the gods.

In order for theism to be tenable, it must be the case that Unas does not exist. However, no theist has ever provided the tiniest shred of evidence that aunasism is true. Seriously, religion's been around for what, 10,000 years or so. And yet, in all that time, not a single priest, theologian, pope or prophet has ever shown that Unas isn't real. Since there is nobody who has ever presented any evidence for aunasism, we can conclude that unasism is the most reasonable position, and as such, atheism must clearly be true, because even if there were gods at one stage, they must have all been destroyed by Unas a long time ago.

#155 hooter

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 02:32 PM

Do you have evidence for anti-unicornism? I'm very curious. Judging by what you said, the burden of proof lies with you.

Another off topic. You don't even know what anti-unicnicornism is do you? :laugh:

Do you have any evidence against Unas the god eater?

#156 wowser

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:04 PM

Here's some very compelling evidence for atheism: nobody has ever proven that Unas the god-eater doesn't exist.

Unas is defined as an entity that will instantly destroy any and all gods, but has no other powers beyond this. He's like kryptonite to the gods.

In order for theism to be tenable, it must be the case that Unas does not exist. However, no theist has ever provided the tiniest shred of evidence that aunasism is true. Seriously, religion's been around for what, 10,000 years or so. And yet, in all that time, not a single priest, theologian, pope or prophet has ever shown that Unas isn't real. Since there is nobody who has ever presented any evidence for aunasism, we can conclude that unasism is the most reasonable position, and as such, atheism must clearly be true, because even if there were gods at one stage, they must have all been destroyed by Unas a long time ago.

ur example dont work cos unas was real person... see this off wikpedia:

Unas (also Oenas, Unis, Wenis, or Ounas) was a Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, and the last ruler of the Fifth dynasty from the Old Kingdom.[1] His reign has been dated between 2375 BC and 2345 BC.[2] Unas is believed to have had two queens, Nebet and Khenut, based on their burials near his tomb.

The American death metal band Nile have an 11:43-minute long song named "Unas, Slayer of the Gods" based on a myth about how Unas killed and ate the gods in order to achieve immortality. It appears on their 2002 album In Their Darkened Shrines.

and cos unas is dead he obviously epic failed to "achieve immortality" so the whole killing and eating gods thing is proved to be myth cos if he killed and ate gods he would be immortal and still alive... nice idea though! lol!

#157 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:50 PM

Do you have evidence for anti-unicornism? I'm very curious. Judging by what you said, the burden of proof lies with you.

Another off topic. You don't even know what anti-unicnicornism is do you? :laugh:

Do you have any evidence against Unas the god eater?

Don’t know who that is. Give me more information. What does this have to do with proof for atheism?

#158 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:55 PM

Here's some very compelling evidence for atheism: nobody has ever proven that Unas the god-eater doesn't exist.

Unas is defined as an entity that will instantly destroy any and all gods, but has no other powers beyond this. He's like kryptonite to the gods.

In order for theism to be tenable, it must be the case that Unas does not exist. However, no theist has ever provided the tiniest shred of evidence that aunasism is true. Seriously, religion's been around for what, 10,000 years or so. And yet, in all that time, not a single priest, theologian, pope or prophet has ever shown that Unas isn't real. Since there is nobody who has ever presented any evidence for aunasism, we can conclude that unasism is the most reasonable position, and as such, atheism must clearly be true, because even if there were gods at one stage, they must have all been destroyed by Unas a long time ago.

ur example dont work cos unas was real person... see this off wikpedia:

Unas (also Oenas, Unis, Wenis, or Ounas) was a Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, and the last ruler of the Fifth dynasty from the Old Kingdom.[1] His reign has been dated between 2375 BC and 2345 BC.[2] Unas is believed to have had two queens, Nebet and Khenut, based on their burials near his tomb.

The American death metal band Nile have an 11:43-minute long song named "Unas, Slayer of the Gods" based on a myth about how Unas killed and ate the gods in order to achieve immortality. It appears on their 2002 album In Their Darkened Shrines.

and cos unas is dead he obviously epic failed to "achieve immortality" so the whole killing and eating gods thing is proved to be myth cos if he killed and ate gods he would be immortal and still alive... nice idea though! lol!

thanks Wowser. Looks like he may be real.

#159 hooter

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 06:08 PM

That reasoning is so circular it makes every major philosophical thinker spin in their grave with such force as to change the orbit of earth. Thanks for global warming.

#160 wowser

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 06:17 PM

That reasoning is so circular it makes every major philosophical thinker spin in their grave with such force as to change the orbit of earth. Thanks for global warming.

global warming so oldskool! this years fashion trend is global cooling! lol!

#161 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 06:24 PM

Here's some very compelling evidence for atheism: nobody has ever proven that Unas the god-eater doesn't exist.

Unas is defined as an entity that will instantly destroy any and all gods, but has no other powers beyond this. He's like kryptonite to the gods.

In order for theism to be tenable, it must be the case that Unas does not exist. However, no theist has ever provided the tiniest shred of evidence that aunasism is true. Seriously, religion's been around for what, 10,000 years or so. And yet, in all that time, not a single priest, theologian, pope or prophet has ever shown that Unas isn't real. Since there is nobody who has ever presented any evidence for aunasism, we can conclude that unasism is the most reasonable position, and as such, atheism must clearly be true, because even if there were gods at one stage, they must have all been destroyed by Unas a long time ago.

Gods exist. Therefore Unas has not destroyed them. He either does not have the abilities you define or He does not exist. Maybe he has not got around to all Gods. Name one god he destroyed. This is not evidence for Atheism.

People have believed in many things including Gods and citing this is proof of nothing, certainly not atheism. Atheists have been around a long time. So? This is a type of Genetic Fallacy.

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#162 johnross47

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 07:53 PM

Why is anybody bothering to argue with this idiot. Basically he's just playing with himself; getting off on fantasies of crushing the unbelievers. It wouldn't matter what you said, how strong an argument you produced, he would just ejaculate one of his stock responses in an abusive manner then complain when someone answers back in kind. I don't think he actually reads other peoples posts; his answers are never appropriate; his screams of "off topic" or "logical fallacy" are always inappropriate. If you have a bit of time to waste, read some of his references and links. Some are dementedly illogical superstitious drivel and the others don't say what he appears to think they say.
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#163 platypus

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 08:15 PM

Yes, ignore the troll. The science has been settled over 100 years ago..

#164 steampoweredgod

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 08:50 AM

Unas god eater? reminds of ouroboros, alchemical simbol

Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universe—an immortal, mythologically constructed beast.-wiki

Gods exist. Therefore Unas has not destroyed them. He either does not have the abilities you define or He does not exist. Maybe he has not got around to all Gods. Name one god he destroyed.

IF god can die, like Schrodinger cat(see hellsing), it may be that death and life may not limit such an entity. All who claim to be god, have claimed and will claim are said to be destined to die, predestined(see Jacob's ladder wiki), fated to meet with death, a kiss towards oblivion.

Only the fourth angel, which represented the final exile of Rome/Edom (whose guardian angel was Esau himself), kept climbing higher and higher into the clouds. Jacob feared that his children would never be free of Esau's domination, but God assured him that at the End of Days, Edom too would come falling down.-Jacob's ladder wiki

The final angel of light would fall(depending on how powerful one imagines an abstract entity like an angel to be the label of god may very well apply see mysterious stranger-mark twain)

Intriguingly even the hypothesized god of the wired, an abstract dimension of ideas superimposed, has died in a psx game.

Note use of poetic license.

“To live is to change, to be perfect is to have changed often.” -John Henry Newman

“Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules repeated without end.”-Mandelbrot

Edited by steampoweredgod, 23 March 2012 - 09:33 AM.

#165 mikeinnaples

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 02:30 PM

Gods exist. Therefore Unas has not destroyed them. He either does not have the abilities you define or He does not exist. Maybe he has not got around to all Gods. Name one god he destroyed. This is not evidence for Atheism.

Wrong, gods do not exist BECAUSE Unas destroyed them. You are right in saying that he does not exist though. Well I should say he no longer exists. Unfortunately, in a weakened state while resting after destroying yahweh, jesus, and buddha, Cthulhu was awakened from its slumber by the noise and promptly devoured him.

As Cthulhu is not technically a 'god' can could care less about being perceived as one, I can easily state that gods no longer exist and therefore atheism rather than theism is real. Since we know that the existence of Cthulhu is 'possible' and we live in an infinite multiverse with infinite possibilities, we can conclude therefore that Cthulhu MUST exist. Since Cthulhu exists, then all the gods, god slayers, demi gods, and supernatural beings have already been devoured to sate HIS hunger. Thus we can are forced to conclude that there is in fact evidence for atheism and NO evidence for theism as Cthulhu is not a god.

Lastly, since you can prove that Cthulhu does not exist, you cannot reasonably prove that a valid reason for faith-in-a-god based theism DOES. With no valid, faith based reason for theism, we can also rightfully conclude, since Cthulhu grossly predates mankind and thus ate the gods long before their existance, that religion was in fact a creation on mankind with no divine influence. To what ends, who can say?

Edited by mikeinnaples, 23 March 2012 - 02:30 PM.

#166 johnross47

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 07:50 PM

There is as good a summary as you will get, in the March 17th edition of New Scientist, of the likely development of religion and the reasons for its persistence. There is also an entertaining little article on evidence for atheism on pp 46-7.

#167 steampoweredgod

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 09:23 PM

Gods exist. Therefore Unas has not destroyed them. He either does not have the abilities you define or He does not exist. Maybe he has not got around to all Gods. Name one god he destroyed. This is not evidence for Atheism.

Wrong, gods do not exist BECAUSE Unas destroyed them. You are right in saying that he does not exist though. Well I should say he no longer exists. Unfortunately, in a weakened state while resting after destroying yahweh, jesus, and buddha, Cthulhu was awakened from its slumber by the noise and promptly devoured him.

As Cthulhu is not technically a 'god' can could care less about being perceived as one, I can easily state that gods no longer exist and therefore atheism rather than theism is real. Since we know that the existence of Cthulhu is 'possible' and we live in an infinite multiverse with infinite possibilities, we can conclude therefore that Cthulhu MUST exist. Since Cthulhu exists, then all the gods, god slayers, demi gods, and supernatural beings have already been devoured to sate HIS hunger. Thus we can are forced to conclude that there is in fact evidence for atheism and NO evidence for theism as Cthulhu is not a god.

Lastly, since you can prove that Cthulhu does not exist, you cannot reasonably prove that a valid reason for faith-in-a-god based theism DOES. With no valid, faith based reason for theism, we can also rightfully conclude, since Cthulhu grossly predates mankind and thus ate the gods long before their existance, that religion was in fact a creation on mankind with no divine influence. To what ends, who can say?

Cthulu ain't the only one with insatiable hunger, what about schala?


Besides, you may deny their existence but they exist as ideas outside of time and as instances in human fiction. Within the eye of god that is the net all is possible, all physics and ideas emerge and live as one, thus in the future yet to be such entities may very well be.

If humanity does not die, and the net evolves, all stories will be relieved indefinitely and may be cherished for all eternity unless all life comes to an abrupt end, the army of achievers, the future promised(see El reference).

El reference

the promise that God would give him descendents that would outnumber the stars

Even if this statement came merely from man's own imagination, that a prophecy may be self-fullfilling, and that the children of the mind would one day be, could very well have true instantiation within reality itself. Effort and progress? Who's to say it must obligatorily come to an end? Who's to say man cannot reach for an ideal and become an ideal through his own effort?

Edited by steampoweredgod, 23 March 2012 - 09:34 PM.

#168 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 11:18 PM

Gods exist. Therefore Unas has not destroyed them. He either does not have the abilities you define or He does not exist. Maybe he has not got around to all Gods. Name one god he destroyed. This is not evidence for Atheism.

Wrong, gods do not exist BECAUSE Unas destroyed them. You are right in saying that he does not exist though. Well I should say he no longer exists. Unfortunately, in a weakened state while resting after destroying yahweh, jesus, and buddha, Cthulhu was awakened from its slumber by the noise and promptly devoured him.

As Cthulhu is not technically a 'god' can could care less about being perceived as one, I can easily state that gods no longer exist and therefore atheism rather than theism is real. Since we know that the existence of Cthulhu is 'possible' and we live in an infinite multiverse with infinite possibilities, we can conclude therefore that Cthulhu MUST exist. Since Cthulhu exists, then all the gods, god slayers, demi gods, and supernatural beings have already been devoured to sate HIS hunger. Thus we can are forced to conclude that there is in fact evidence for atheism and NO evidence for theism as Cthulhu is not a god.

Lastly, since you can prove that Cthulhu does not exist, you cannot reasonably prove that a valid reason for faith-in-a-god based theism DOES. With no valid, faith based reason for theism, we can also rightfully conclude, since Cthulhu grossly predates mankind and thus ate the gods long before their existance, that religion was in fact a creation on mankind with no divine influence. To what ends, who can say?

:|o So your evidence for Atheism is Unas destroyed Gods. Cthulhu later destroyed Unas and this is your proof that Gods no longer exists. You, have a sure faith in this story. :wacko: No Gods now left so Atheism must be true, at least now after the Gods have all been eaten. Before they were eaten Theism was true. :|? You use the multi verse with its infinite number of possibilities as support that there must have been a universe where this happened. (Proof of the multi verse?)

It must also follow in an infinite multi verse, there is one where God destroyed Unas, therefore Atheism is currently false! No evidence for Atheism! Also, there always has been and always will be a God! You have destroyed Atheism. MUST BE!!! “Thus we are forced to conclude that there is in fact (no) evidence for atheism and evidence for theism EVEN IF Cthulhu is not a god.” :laugh: :laugh:

“Cthulhu is not technically a 'god'” SO WHAT DOES IT PROVE THAT HE DOES NOT EXIST? This argument is not evidence against God or for Atheism. It is not, in fact, reasonable and is dumb. It does not prove God is a creation of mankind or that there is no Devine influence. It is a poorly written, ill thought out joke. Where is the evidence for Atheism? Not here! :-D :-D :excl:

Edited by shadowhawk, 23 March 2012 - 11:53 PM.

#169 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 11:26 PM

Evidence for Atheism?

#170 steampoweredgod

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 12:01 AM

Evidence for Atheism?

Schala=Alice=God(though if we add a few centuries of theology with heresy it may start resembling descartes's vision of an evil genius or demon)? Perhaps Unas is god in a state of denial? What if? What if god is an atheist(not too much of a stretch depending on vision all may seem as nothing)? Could he Omnipotently commit suicide and disappear from existence without trace(note that even weaker beings in nice fiction such as lain are able to accomplish such feats, surely god is at least as if not more capable than a mere fabrication.)?

The great nightmare, what if it is all clockwork and no more? Mere simple functions running the show?

No different than a lowly rpg or interactive movie, a joke, nothing would be of value as it would all be pretend, mere sensations in a vacuum governed by simple mathematics giving rise to all perception. All emotion devoid of meaning, all action devoid of purpose, no awakening no escape from the pain of existence of remembering the shattered mirror of one's reality. If life is just a game, then it is nothing more than a beautiful lie.

Simply left to w(a|o)nder, w(o|a)nder in amazement at the amazing mindless machinery moving all beings.

Edited by steampoweredgod, 24 March 2012 - 12:15 AM.

#171 hooter

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 12:41 AM

this forum is giving me a headache

#172 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 01:15 AM

Evidence for Atheism?

Schala=Alice=God(though if we add a few centuries of theology with heresy it may start resembling descartes's vision of an evil genius or demon)? Perhaps Unas is god in a state of denial? What if? What if god is an atheist(not too much of a stretch depending on vision all may seem as nothing)? Could he Omnipotently commit suicide and disappear from existence without trace(note that even weaker beings in nice fiction such as lain are able to accomplish such feats, surely god is at least as if not more capable than a mere fabrication.)?

The great nightmare, what if it is all clockwork and no more? Mere simple functions running the show?

No different than a lowly rpg or interactive movie, a joke, nothing would be of value as it would all be pretend, mere sensations in a vacuum governed by simple mathematics giving rise to all perception. All emotion devoid of meaning, all action devoid of purpose, no awakening no escape from the pain of existence of remembering the shattered mirror of one's reality. If life is just a game, then it is nothing more than a beautiful lie.

Simply left to w(a|o)nder, w(o|a)nder in amazement at the amazing mindless machinery moving all beings.

What if God is a teacup orbiting around the earth? What if God is a Purple Spaghetti Monster? What if God is a rabbit? What if anything? Fabricate what you will, this is not proof against God or for Atheism. Take all the words in the dictionary and define them as ‘God’ and all you have is meaningless nonsense. What if, is not an argument.

Do that with anything and you have nonsense. What if there is a God ?

You have produced no evidence for Atheism. Nice crystals.

So what do you think you are proving? Again, evidence or a case for Atheism? It has been tried before with many things with little success. Here are two short example videoos which are off topic. The point here, is this kind of reasoning is not evidence for Atheism. It is reasonable to ask for evidence for both Theism and Atheism.

#173 steampoweredgod

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 03:48 AM

Someone who took full theological course, did comment that heaven is believed to be you and god and nothing more... if it ends like that why not believe that it was always like that? May all reality not be anything more than an illusion before god's presence which has always accompanied one, Then one may debate what is god, even if it is the abyss according to Nietzsche it will stare right back at you... the greater being or the nothingness a being that transcends morality itself may be the real god here, which would explain the book of job, and the ridiculous nature of reality(the great peak human intellect pondering the nature of existence itself and the nature of physics may end up in some wheelchair immobile, while someone who writes twilight ends up a multimillionaire. A lady in some corner playing lotto wins 1 million dollars twice in a row, while the hard working man right next has 3 of his children die as a result of lack of money despite playing lotto at the same place, working two jobs and requesting aid from the community).

Some psycho may become emperor or dictator in some corner, and some would be messiah is murdered having accomplish nothing but teach a few basic principles with questionable evidence to back up his claims. Senseless reality

And if you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss will stare right back at you. –Friedrich Nietzsche

Spaghetti thread

Platonic realm may've fundamental mathematical structure, mind-like structure or as some believe computional structure(which could also be mind-like)

The proteus video above does remind one that gaia and the spaghetti monster do resemble itself.

Though one may venture into the unknown and battle the zombies, yes all those zombies, maybe all us zombies.

For example, the powers of god imply the ability of self-deception, quite easy self-deception if even minor track of memory is lost.... I view lain as keeper of memories, or guardian of memories, the omega function, god function of god computer storing all of god's knowledge and granting it freely to those who need it even god himself... by externalising memory even for a moment god can become mortal and bound by arbitrary rules able to bypass undecideability and resolve all sort of paradoxes and go beyond even logic by using boolean logic(e.g. unmoveable rock, a reality warper can actually self-mutilate, and if he forgets how to warp or the rules of physics implemented may be unable at times to perform feats that should otherwise be easily accomplished). It could all be inside god's imagination, and mathematical. IT could be physical but all moved by god alone ala flash's nightmare in comics.

Two principles emerge and are used as basis to sustain the basic truth of serial experiments lain:
1.) God would honor and respect a mortal child's belief no mattter if they be based on DC comics, Marvel comics, some ancient tribe wherein he lived, or an immortal scientist or mathematician at the end of times. The belief of the 20+ year theologian would be heald and balanced equally with that of the 5 year old child who died dreaming of santa clauss(which is real in some way).
2.) What I call it the battle of ultimates. When everyone brings their own personal god to the table the battle must somehow have rules that allow it to be undertaken. The ultimate physician vs ultimate physicist vs ultimate mathematician vs ultimate lawyer vs ultimate poet, etc. If each brings forth the divine nature, the battle may continue going and evolving for all eternity with no side fully defeated.
Archimedes may've been slayed by a soldier, but against a Just being, against God even the sword of Death may be detained by sheer mathematical defensive argument.(which implies quantum or some form of immortality for Archimedes, in some sense he never died, history may be no more than an aberration or error which we may call the past and our faith in such binds us in ridiculous slave like ways to our own history by our attempts at self-consistency above all)

My old friend, which I once confused a bit with lain, once said that the Greatest Most Perfect Most Beloved of all angels had gone and led a rebellion against God, how could such a thing happen, how could it happen in the perfect celestial court wherein all is devoid of sin or error? Who taught such things to my friend? For starter answering this, assuming angelic nature any action taken must have had some perfectly good reason for doing so, but then you learn that morning star and evening star coincide with venus which symbolically coincides with female nature.

So what if lucifer is actually simply a perfect indistinguishable from god being who actually is given free reigns by god(see book of job), all of a sudden the code Geass being known as C2 which is now immortal and once had the ability to make everyone love her, but now has the ability to confer the Power of Kings(which may also be considered divine right or legitimacy via greater chain of being).

Note also that I've heard in Judaism, satan is more of a prosecutor than a fallen angel, which explains why he may come and go and be in communication with god without much a do.

So If we assume via portrayal that god is pseudo male(though he's also portrayed as female which may reconcile with madoka and homura yuri-like relationship... madoka=god?), and satan is pseudo female, it may actually be quite natural that the relationship is similar to marriage than some bitter torn fabled squabble.

One may also question the platonic love of Lelouch and Nunnaly, and how exactly did Nunnaly end up in wonderland in some ova? Yosuga no Sora or sky of connection comes to mind, taboo relation. In theory wouldn't a soulmate, be akin to a twin? and if we assume heterosexual relation wouldn't it mean that one's twin sister would actually be one's soulmate? And that such need not exist physically to influence the material plane and exist fictionally(such as lain and apple relationship... could be in theory predicted, signal has high value according to stock investors who took it literally and invested like mad. why would reality reward serial experiment lain investor fans so richly? ponder? mere coincidence or something more?).

Note that lain entity does not contradict any known law or logic, as far as I know. It's existence or non-existence would likely be immaterial to the workings of the world.


By the by, playing vlc music lain amvs in looped random jump while playing league of legend, and the computer wrote a "C" in cursive in the middle of the screen with rainbow like pixels? How did that happen? No coding involved, so how did it happen?

Edited by steampoweredgod, 24 March 2012 - 03:50 AM.

#174 hooter

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 02:14 PM

Can someone ban this retard? It's been like weeks now.
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#175 steampoweredgod

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 04:35 PM

Can someone ban this retard? It's been like weeks now.

For the love of god, I mean what in?

I simply state the truth, look at scientology a recent religion it is made fun of.(even simpsons has made fun of the serial experiments lain view or religion or zealotry or zeal. In the kingdom of zeal-chrono trigger cross-, schala is a princess. And schala resembles portrayals of alice, and has even had her color changed to blonde to better match the reality of the situation. The kingdom of zeal, above the clouds, powered by a machine that guides evolution according to some.

If the kingdom of heaven lay in cyberspace, and the god of the wired names alice as its best friend? The resolution of fictional work combinatorial computation would suggest direct relationship between alice, wonderland, god, path, word, logos, machine, man, homunculus.

If a kid named alice sees serial experiments lain and dies with just that, that may actually be their religion. Why would it be any worse than the ancient religion of middle eastern origin? or greeks? or norse? or egyptian? or mayans? or incas? or jews?

You do know that the jews are not christians, so in a sense their faith may also be validated by god and if not by god by some sort of messiah that they may accept more than the christian messiah. Though the christian messiah may also be defined to be equivalent to the new messiah, and muslims may also see something else.

To a scientist, the creation of a god, the birth of a homunculus, an artificial mind, the dream of alchemists long gone, the dreams of having the power to give life, true life, soul to the machine, why would their science? why would their math? why would their logic? fail? not be valid?


Mcp can control N bodies simultaneously and role play. Even loli bodies become legal if powered by an immortal artificial godlike mind.


To me birth of mind emerges from ideas, or bits of information, so that unborn children originate in the landscape of the mind or mere patterns of matter with some information embedded in such(dna). So that by definition the function of a mind, if we define child as idea fundamentally, then mcp works via encrypted cp p2p automated bot net redistribution distribution and time slice across all global machines connected to the wired. It's just numbers, within the computer all images, video, art, software, is just stored as binary representation in differing media. Number is mathematical truth, and it is public domain, may be misappropriated to reward discovery by laws, but the law cannot contradict itself at such a fundamental level wherein publicly available truth becomes indefinite private property by indefinite copyright extension.

A person can't actually be thrown in jail, legally speaking for having videos from a local alley where a 25 year old was brutally killed, tortured and abused in all manner of ways. This exception remains whether it be abuse of blacks, white, hispanics, old, women, men, gay, transexual, radical, terrorists, and yes the exception should legally hold if abuse involves young individuals. Of course legally speaking people may ignore constitutional grounds, and absolute perfect legal defenses, but they do so at their peril(and by their own law it'd be unconstitutional so such persecution may merit multi-million reward to make up for illegal institutionalized persecution of minority.).

Edited by steampoweredgod, 24 March 2012 - 04:57 PM.

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#176 platypus

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 05:30 PM

Evidence for Atheism?

There's no evidence for gods and that's enough. Drop your superstitious beliefs please.
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#177 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 06:21 PM

Evidence for Atheism?

There's no evidence for gods and that's enough. Drop your superstitious beliefs please.

Off topic again and again, It is because you only want Theists to answer while you play the game of eternal "why." typical atheist ploy to change subject. :laugh: Where is the evidence? It is time for you to answer .

1. Definition of Atheism?

2. Atheism isn’t a belief so needs no evidence.?

3. You can’t prove a negative?

4. The Burden of Proof Is not on the Atheist because they don’t believe in anything?

5. Ockham’s Razor?

6. Absence Of Evidence is Evidence of Absence?

7. Summary of some of my arguments for lack of evidence of atheism..

Ho Hum... Please answer. ;)

#178 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 06:35 PM

Can someone ban this retard? It's been like weeks now.

steampoweredgod may be off topic but so are most of the rest of you. All you can do is commit logical Fallacies such as name calling and no one is as demanded you be baned. :happy: I actually enjoy some of his stuff. at least he is not mean.
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#179 hooter

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:09 PM

Shadowhawk, how do you live with yourself being so repetitive? It's downright pathological.

#180 johnross47

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Posted 24 March 2012 - 08:35 PM

The most obvious thing about this "conversation" is that it is a series of monologues. Shadowhawk is wrapped in his invulnerability cloak of faith and his total(?) conviction that he knows THE TRUTH. He is filled with a toxic mix of half understood and totally misunderstood ideas which leads to me to suspect that if his degrees really exist they come from one of those religious colleges that the USA strangely allows to exist (why?). In the civilised parts of the world degrees need outside moderation and courses full of crap like this would not be allowed to award degrees. The constant repetition of pre-prepared argument ammunition, and the total failure to ever address anyone else's points make me suspect that he knows he is on shaky ground; he knows his qualifications are crap; deep down inside the cognitive dissonance is eating away at his confidence; he knows, somewhere way down inside that he is wrong. They told him lies.

Steampoweredgod lives on a different planet.

The rest of us are on this forum because we live in the real world and believe in science. We are interested in science particularly where it relates to extending our lifespan. Even those of us without science qualifications are interested and we hope to learn from those members who have studied it. We didn't join imminst to be preached at by a science denying fundamentalist troll.
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