Think about it, if religion was such a strong force for morality, why have so many Catholic preists been charged with child sex abuse crimes?
Edited by Link, 07 April 2012 - 04:05 AM.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 04:03 AM
Edited by Link, 07 April 2012 - 04:05 AM.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 04:28 AM
Posted 07 April 2012 - 10:47 AM
One positive thing I will say about Religion (another IMO and specifically I am talking about Christianity/Catholism etc as thats the only ones I am familiar with) are the morals and ethics they place on modern day society (things like 'love thy neighbour', respect for others, compassion for those less fortunate etc). <-I'm not saying these ideals are anti atheist in any way!! But in countries where the governments and its people are predominately Christian etc, these ideals became the society values, no matter the religion.
Edited by hooter, 07 April 2012 - 10:58 AM.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 04:03 PM
One positive thing I will say about Religion (another IMO and specifically I am talking about Christianity/Catholism etc as thats the only ones I am familiar with) are the morals and ethics they place on modern day society (things like 'love thy neighbour', respect for others, compassion for those less fortunate etc). <-I'm not saying these ideals are anti atheist in any way!! But in countries where the governments and its people are predominately Christian etc, these ideals became the society values, no matter the religion.
Excuse me sir. The genital mutiliation community is EXCLUSIVELY faith based. The anti-abortion community is ENTIRELY faith based. People seem to forget that it was Christianity which was used to justify slavery in the United States! The subjugation of women is largely a faith based practice, since ancient societies were more matriarchal or equal. Look at Africa, where women had a higher societal standing until Christianity arrived. Look at what the missionaries have done to their aids rates by forbidding the use of condoms. These people have preyed on starving children to hand them bibles instead of bread, this is utterly despicable.
The anti-gay community is also largely faith based. God says gays are an abomination! There are NO other arguments than appeal to authority of a deity on this manner. Do you know how many children have killed themselves due to religious bullying by teachers and other adults they were supposed to trust? These people, acting on religious ideals, have told them that they are born sinful and wrong. All of the 'gay rehabilitation' camps are ENTIRELY religious. People also seem to forget that prohibition of alcohol (which caused THOUSANDS of deaths and despair to millions) was AN ENTIRELY FAITH BASED ENDEAVOR.
The people who are opposing women's rights to choose about their own body are ALL religious. The people killing abortion doctors are ALL religious. EVERYONE opposing stem-cell research is RELIGIOUS. It's a PURELY religious ideology to claim that stem cell research is amoral! Imagine how many people died as a consequence of slowing down the research of quite possibly the most important medical research since the dawn of mankind! Somehow these delusional fools have gotten it into their mind that the possible life of conglomerate with less brain cells than A FLY is worth more than the life of a suffering child with spinal injury. To those people I say FUCK you. If you truly stood by your ideals, you'd care more about a fly!
No one would ever do any of this ridiculous nonsense if it weren't for the illusory idea of some magical dad commanding them to! People should do right and good because it is inherently right and good, not because they are threatened with an eternal oven or a mystical realm of paradise where every day until eternity consists of eternal praise for a deity who just does something that comes naturally to him. This is grovelling and subjugation to a cruel dictator. If you obey him he will let you among the chosen few into his celestial mansion, if you disobey him he will throw you into an oven. That sounds like Kim Jong Il to me! And these people have the AUDACITY to traumatize and frighten their children with such drivel? We are all humans, there should be no sectarianism! Until religion is abolished, the nations of the world will never unite peacefully. Look at Ireland, at least 4000 people were murdered because of conflict between CATHOLICS and PROTESTANTS. Don't you see this is complete inhumane idiocy?
Science flies people to the moon, while religion flies people into buildings.
Anyone who thinks religion is moral needs to seriously do some more research. Just look at history if you want to see the vile and poisonous vines of religion. If they had the power to kill unbelievers in today's society, trust me they would without batting an eyelash. After all, this is what their doctrine tells them to do.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 06:07 PM
I'm not trying to promote religion as great so everyone should go for it. I just like some of the ideals of Christianity such as love, forgive, compassion etc. Whether Jesus is real or not he makes a good role model. Also, circumsition is not that important for the Christian faith and a Christian should never desire to 'kill unbelievers'. Those that do break their own rules but use religion as an excuse. Religion is used to justify many horrible things including slavery, but if you were to ask "Would 'Jesus' approve" I would guess NO! Same with Hitler killing the Jews! When you talk to many different religious people, you can see many of them dont understand the basics of their own religion. There are certainly some out their that claim to follow Jesus, but at the same time, have a deep seeded hatred for gay people or unbelievers even enough they would kill over it. (whatever happened to 'thou shalt not murder') ??
- Adolf Hitler in a speech from April 12, 1922 and published in his book "My New Order"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.
(Ephesians 6:5)Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.
(Colossians 3:22 )Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God
Timothy 6:1Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.
(Peter 2:18-21)Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
(Titus 2:9)Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;
(Peter 2:18)Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
Edited by hooter, 07 April 2012 - 06:21 PM.
Posted 08 April 2012 - 12:12 PM
DAMABO 1. I am discussing evidence for the absence of god. Namely we don't see him/It/her. While I do not commit to taking any stance (I am agnostic, this seems most reasonable to me) this should not matter when discussing evidence. Yes absence of god is evidence. I did not say conclusive evidence (as I have already said evidence does not equal proof, so I don't see what your problem is with this evidence, given that it is observable for everybody), but that's what you might put into my mouth.
Change the topic. Is the only thing that is real, what you can see? I will address this here where it is on topic. Long debate over whether God is possible.
.2. If you're not interested in discussing evidence for god, I don't think you would take this much energy into this forum. So please just tell me directly what are the best arguments for the existence of god. why do you narrow down your topic so much, when you clearly know the only 'evidence for atheism' is that there is no evidence for god? This is not to say that god should not exist, but what will be most informative: scanning the entire cosmos if god really exists nowhere? This would be the strategy that an atheist looking for evidence must adhere to.
I am here interested in giving Atheists a chance to present the evidence for their case since they love to demand evidence from theists. I have discovered this only goes one way because they don’t want to give any proof. They play the child’s game of “why” to anything Theists say without any reasons of their own. I take from your answer that your vote for the topic is “none.” Good, what I was after.
I have dealt extensively with evidence for God but again that is not the subject here. If you don’t think there is any evidence for the hiddenness of God, deal with it there.
Both sides, Atheist and Theists present their cases.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
Look at the topics in this forum. I don’t think the topic of Religion is narrow.3. I don't really care what argument they made. Mutual respect is necessary for conversation, as you have pointed out yourself.
Agreed.4. I did provide evidence in one sentence (which I encourage you to do as well on your stance), namely that we don't observe a god. And no I don't believe only what I see. I did not say anything about my underlying beliefs. It is not just, to say that, just because I am giving evidence for atheism, that I am an atheist. You should know that. So, just because I make an argument for one position, doesn't mean anything about my underlying beliefs.
OK More than one sentence however..5. No that is not my definition of god. Even if it was, the argument would hold up, namely that we need a sound definition of something before we can start talking. We agree that this god would probably not exist. This would be a shock to the people in the BC-years, who believed that the god of the old testament was really the god that took care of Israel. The first post you refered to is about a pantheistic view, that god somehow underlies nature. Is this god then, nature? the term god would be superfluous if it were just nature. seems , to me, like an excuse for using the word god.
I will discuss this here.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
No I don't believe that that which we can't see is not real (for example, electricity, subatomic particles are invisble, yet do exist in the material world). I do however believe that immateriality is impossible, for materiality is that which exists. ( So God is materialistic?) See the other two posts.
So just to be clear: you believe in an immaterial god? Is that more evidence-based than the claim that there is no god? Immateriality may be nice to invent, whenever we just don't know the answer: for example: "what happened before the big bang?" we don't know so, let's invent something that can explain everything, yet can not be falsified, something immaterial. If however somehow you believed this god to be invisible but not immaterial, then the argument of being a god that created all matter doesn't hold up, for the matter in god himself already existed (and thus not all matter was created by god).
If you don't count the absense of god anywhere in our side at least as evidence (surely not proof, I will never claim that), then you know the answer (no). As I have said, it is impractical to try to confirm the 'there is no god'-hypothesis, namely to have an absolute proof, we would have to scan the entire cosmos with every technology that can be dreamed of.
And why insist that I should post in another topic, while clearly this is a more practical and direct way to engage in conversation?
I have read somewhere on one of the threads that you take these issues from a pure philosophical standpoint. In this line of thought, you argued mere existence is so wonderous, and things like this. I can't agree more of course on the latter. But then comes the step to an immaterial being.
I think it is quite clear that atheists have no way to ever find confirmatory evidence, as atheism is a negation of something (again, should we present evidence in the line of : "we have scanned galaxy CF257. No God. Now only 999 999999 more galaxies to go, and we'll know if our hypothesis has reasonable probability." As I have explained thus, in line with much of the comments here made, is that only the existence of god can be confirmed. So in this way, the question "Is there evidence for atheism?" is bound to give negative results, if you don't count in that all that we have observed ever, is, in most definitions, not god.
Sorry but I have continued this off topic "God" conversation elsewhere as i referenced above. Stick to the subject. You have already voted there is no evidence for Atheism. Want to talk about God? Sure. see below.
Edited by DAMABO, 08 April 2012 - 01:00 PM.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 05:07 AM
Posted 09 April 2012 - 06:15 AM
Posted 09 April 2012 - 12:07 PM
Hardcore Atheism is the height of (intellectual) arrogance; it is equally as dangerous as religious fanaticism, both socially and personally.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 11:01 PM
You are reading the Old testament which I agree is violent (open a random page and guarantee you find someone killed, such as a man gathering sticks on a Sunday. STONED!) Christianity is based on a lifestyle after Jesus in the New Testament.Some if the ideals of Christianity such as love, forgiveness and compassion? Have you read the bible before? Seriously, I don't understand how people can think this.
Now let's get to the topic of whether Jesus would approve of slavery. Now, we don't even have to ask outselves that because he CLEARLY did.
Jesus would have not approved of Hitler killing the Jews? Don't make me laugh. That was THE reason why the holocaust was even possible!
Edited by shifter, 09 April 2012 - 11:04 PM.
Posted 09 April 2012 - 11:28 PM
Atheism is only an ideology when it takes on an antithetical form, such as anti-Christianity. I wouldn't say soft agnosticism is an ideology like atheism, however, since agnosticism claims the question as the existence of God is meaningless for the time be. Irreligion in its widest possible sense is also an ideology IMO, an ideology which has caused untold harm in its own subtle ways. Saying irreligion isn't a doctrine/ideology because it is the absence of belief, is like saying anarchism isn't an ideology because they don't believe in the strictly-defined class struggle.Bullshit. Atheism isn't an ideology/ Show me one case where it leads to problems. Honestly, it's called being a rational human being. And don't give me that Stalin bullshit, he created a cult of personality where he WAS the god to the people.
Edited by dasheenster, 09 April 2012 - 11:30 PM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:09 AM
DAMABO 1. I am discussing evidence for the absence of god. Namely we don't see him/It/her. While I do not commit to taking any stance (I am agnostic, this seems most reasonable to me) this should not matter when discussing evidence. Yes absence of god is evidence. I did not say conclusive evidence (as I have already said evidence does not equal proof, so I don't see what your problem is with this evidence, given that it is observable for everybody), but that's what you might put into my mouth.
Change the topic. Is the only thing that is real, what you can see? I will address this here where it is on topic. Long debate over whether God is possible.
.2. If you're not interested in discussing evidence for god, I don't think you would take this much energy into this forum. So please just tell me directly what are the best arguments for the existence of god. why do you narrow down your topic so much, when you clearly know the only 'evidence for atheism' is that there is no evidence for god? This is not to say that god should not exist, but what will be most informative: scanning the entire cosmos if god really exists nowhere? This would be the strategy that an atheist looking for evidence must adhere to.
I am here interested in giving Atheists a chance to present the evidence for their case since they love to demand evidence from theists. I have discovered this only goes one way because they don’t want to give any proof. They play the child’s game of “why” to anything Theists say without any reasons of their own. I take from your answer that your vote for the topic is “none.” Good, what I was after.
I have dealt extensively with evidence for God but again that is not the subject here. If you don’t think there is any evidence for the hiddenness of God, deal with it there.
Both sides, Atheist and Theists present their cases.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
Look at the topics in this forum. I don’t think the topic of Religion is narrow.3. I don't really care what argument they made. Mutual respect is necessary for conversation, as you have pointed out yourself.
Agreed.4. I did provide evidence in one sentence (which I encourage you to do as well on your stance), namely that we don't observe a god. And no I don't believe only what I see. I did not say anything about my underlying beliefs. It is not just, to say that, just because I am giving evidence for atheism, that I am an atheist. You should know that. So, just because I make an argument for one position, doesn't mean anything about my underlying beliefs.
OK More than one sentence however..5. No that is not my definition of god. Even if it was, the argument would hold up, namely that we need a sound definition of something before we can start talking. We agree that this god would probably not exist. This would be a shock to the people in the BC-years, who believed that the god of the old testament was really the god that took care of Israel. The first post you refered to is about a pantheistic view, that god somehow underlies nature. Is this god then, nature? the term god would be superfluous if it were just nature. seems , to me, like an excuse for using the word god.
I will discuss this here.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
No I don't believe that that which we can't see is not real (for example, electricity, subatomic particles are invisble, yet do exist in the material world). I do however believe that immateriality is impossible, for materiality is that which exists. ( So God is materialistic?) See the other two posts.
So just to be clear: you believe in an immaterial god? Is that more evidence-based than the claim that there is no god? Immateriality may be nice to invent, whenever we just don't know the answer: for example: "what happened before the big bang?" we don't know so, let's invent something that can explain everything, yet can not be falsified, something immaterial. If however somehow you believed this god to be invisible but not immaterial, then the argument of being a god that created all matter doesn't hold up, for the matter in god himself already existed (and thus not all matter was created by god).
If you don't count the absense of god anywhere in our side at least as evidence (surely not proof, I will never claim that), then you know the answer (no). As I have said, it is impractical to try to confirm the 'there is no god'-hypothesis, namely to have an absolute proof, we would have to scan the entire cosmos with every technology that can be dreamed of.
And why insist that I should post in another topic, while clearly this is a more practical and direct way to engage in conversation?
I have read somewhere on one of the threads that you take these issues from a pure philosophical standpoint. In this line of thought, you argued mere existence is so wonderous, and things like this. I can't agree more of course on the latter. But then comes the step to an immaterial being.
I think it is quite clear that atheists have no way to ever find confirmatory evidence, as atheism is a negation of something (again, should we present evidence in the line of : "we have scanned galaxy CF257. No God. Now only 999 999999 more galaxies to go, and we'll know if our hypothesis has reasonable probability." As I have explained thus, in line with much of the comments here made, is that only the existence of god can be confirmed. So in this way, the question "Is there evidence for atheism?" is bound to give negative results, if you don't count in that all that we have observed ever, is, in most definitions, not god.
Sorry but I have continued this off topic "God" conversation elsewhere as i referenced above. Stick to the subject. You have already voted there is no evidence for Atheism. Want to talk about God? Sure. see below.
See I am completely on topic when I say that you cannot expect there to be evidence for atheism, even if the evidence consists of only not seeing a god. I am completely on topic, because when you ask a question, it has to be sensible to answer too, what I mean is the following:
Firstly, note that you seem to believe in an immaterial god, in which case detecting god would be impossible anyway. So in this way, the question of evidence, for atheism and for god-ism (or counterevidence for atheism) is a useless one, since god would not exist in the material world and can thus never be tested and neither can atheism. Yes discussing what is the definition of god is important to define atheism and thus this conversation on evidence for atheism. You first need to define god before you can talk about evidence that there is no god, so please just acknowledge that this is on topic. So please, give us a definition of your god, and then can we start talking 1. whether it is even a sensible question to talk about evidence for it. 2. (optional, if it has proven to be a meaningful question) if there is evidence for or counterevidence against atheism (yes counterevidence, so evidence for god is also relevant for this topic, do not deny this as well). On the first definition ("god is immaterial") I have already given my opinion, namely that we will never be able to test that he yes or no exists. If you have some other definition, then please insert it, so I can give my opinion on 1 and 2 (which are completely relevant to this topic).
Secondly, you are somehow trying to avoid that the question of "is there evidence against the existence of god" is independent of the question "is there evidence for the existence of god". If there was a way to prove the existence of god, it would be necessarily the proof that atheism is wrong, and vice versa: if there was a way to disprove the existence of good, it would be necessarily the proof that god-ism is wrong. Moreover, these proofs, would stem from the same question, namely: "does god exist?"
Another point why the question is pointless (a point relevant to this topic), is that you want evidence for the absense of something. Basically the question is "Is there evidence for the absense of god (in the entire cosmos (or beyond in the fictional "immaterial world"))?" Yes, there is, it is all around us, but somehow you claim that absense of evidence is not evidence for absense. Yes it is. Absense of god was the original question. And the evidence of his absense is all around us. That does not mean that it is a proof for his absense. It does mean that atheists beliefs are more based on present observations, and those observations can be verified by everybody. Whenever we should detect a god, atheism is an hypothesis easily rejected. However, we do not have any observational evidence for a god. So evidence is what you ask, but you seem to dismiss all of what we see as not even being evidence, without providing any reason, any other than perhaps 'god is invisible' or even 'god is immaterial'. While that may be the case, we will have a harder time finding evidence for god, than for the absense of god, perhaps also because would not be omnipresent, and rather located somewhere in the universe (if we are really talking about a material god that is, otherwise, the question is totally senseless to ask).
So if you like to interpret this as that there is no evidence for atheism, do know, that there is even less evidence for god-ism, since the absense of god is omni-present, so far as human inquiry has looked. Again, no absolute proof involved, but we will never be able to prove atheism: atheism claims the absense of something. This is much harder to proof than the existence of something. So, the evidence really is to be provided by the god-believers, since the evidence of the absense is omnipresent, yet is seems not enough to rationalize the non-existence of god for some. So if you ask evidence of the absense of god, it is all around us. However, when we ask: where is your god, you will respond: he is immaterial. In this case no evidence can ever be provided for both sides (atheism and god-ism), only wild speculation of some philosophers like the one in the video. So why, in this immaterial definition of god, even bother? If you have other definitions, you can provide them as well. Then the question becomes more meaningful, so, yes, talking what god is , is relevant to whether there is evidence.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:12 AM
DAMABO 1. I am discussing evidence for the absence of god. Namely we don't see him/It/her. While I do not commit to taking any stance (I am agnostic, this seems most reasonable to me) this should not matter when discussing evidence. Yes absence of god is evidence. I did not say conclusive evidence (as I have already said evidence does not equal proof, so I don't see what your problem is with this evidence, given that it is observable for everybody), but that's what you might put into my mouth.
Change the topic. Is the only thing that is real, what you can see? I will address this here where it is on topic. Long debate over whether God is possible.
.2. If you're not interested in discussing evidence for god, I don't think you would take this much energy into this forum. So please just tell me directly what are the best arguments for the existence of god. why do you narrow down your topic so much, when you clearly know the only 'evidence for atheism' is that there is no evidence for god? This is not to say that god should not exist, but what will be most informative: scanning the entire cosmos if god really exists nowhere? This would be the strategy that an atheist looking for evidence must adhere to.
I am here interested in giving Atheists a chance to present the evidence for their case since they love to demand evidence from theists. I have discovered this only goes one way because they don’t want to give any proof. They play the child’s game of “why” to anything Theists say without any reasons of their own. I take from your answer that your vote for the topic is “none.” Good, what I was after.
I have dealt extensively with evidence for God but again that is not the subject here. If you don’t think there is any evidence for the hiddenness of God, deal with it there.
Both sides, Atheist and Theists present their cases.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
Look at the topics in this forum. I don’t think the topic of Religion is narrow.3. I don't really care what argument they made. Mutual respect is necessary for conversation, as you have pointed out yourself.
Agreed.4. I did provide evidence in one sentence (which I encourage you to do as well on your stance), namely that we don't observe a god. And no I don't believe only what I see. I did not say anything about my underlying beliefs. It is not just, to say that, just because I am giving evidence for atheism, that I am an atheist. You should know that. So, just because I make an argument for one position, doesn't mean anything about my underlying beliefs.
OK More than one sentence however..5. No that is not my definition of god. Even if it was, the argument would hold up, namely that we need a sound definition of something before we can start talking. We agree that this god would probably not exist. This would be a shock to the people in the BC-years, who believed that the god of the old testament was really the god that took care of Israel. The first post you refered to is about a pantheistic view, that god somehow underlies nature. Is this god then, nature? the term god would be superfluous if it were just nature. seems , to me, like an excuse for using the word god.
I will discuss this here.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
No I don't believe that that which we can't see is not real (for example, electricity, subatomic particles are invisble, yet do exist in the material world). I do however believe that immateriality is impossible, for materiality is that which exists. ( So God is materialistic?) See the other two posts.
So just to be clear: you believe in an immaterial god? Is that more evidence-based than the claim that there is no god? Immateriality may be nice to invent, whenever we just don't know the answer: for example: "what happened before the big bang?" we don't know so, let's invent something that can explain everything, yet can not be falsified, something immaterial. If however somehow you believed this god to be invisible but not immaterial, then the argument of being a god that created all matter doesn't hold up, for the matter in god himself already existed (and thus not all matter was created by god).
If you don't count the absense of god anywhere in our side at least as evidence (surely not proof, I will never claim that), then you know the answer (no). As I have said, it is impractical to try to confirm the 'there is no god'-hypothesis, namely to have an absolute proof, we would have to scan the entire cosmos with every technology that can be dreamed of.
And why insist that I should post in another topic, while clearly this is a more practical and direct way to engage in conversation?
I have read somewhere on one of the threads that you take these issues from a pure philosophical standpoint. In this line of thought, you argued mere existence is so wonderous, and things like this. I can't agree more of course on the latter. But then comes the step to an immaterial being.
I think it is quite clear that atheists have no way to ever find confirmatory evidence, as atheism is a negation of something (again, should we present evidence in the line of : "we have scanned galaxy CF257. No God. Now only 999 999999 more galaxies to go, and we'll know if our hypothesis has reasonable probability." As I have explained thus, in line with much of the comments here made, is that only the existence of god can be confirmed. So in this way, the question "Is there evidence for atheism?" is bound to give negative results, if you don't count in that all that we have observed ever, is, in most definitions, not god.
Sorry but I have continued this off topic "God" conversation elsewhere as i referenced above. Stick to the subject. You have already voted there is no evidence for Atheism. Want to talk about God? Sure. see below.
See I am completely on topic when I say that you cannot expect there to be evidence for atheism, even if the evidence consists of only not seeing a god. I am completely on topic, because when you ask a question, it has to be sensible to answer too, what I mean is the following:
Firstly, note that you seem to believe in an immaterial god, in which case detecting god would be impossible anyway. So in this way, the question of evidence, for atheism and for god-ism (or counterevidence for atheism) is a useless one, since god would not exist in the material world and can thus never be tested and neither can atheism. Yes discussing what is the definition of god is important to define atheism and thus this conversation on evidence for atheism. You first need to define god before you can talk about evidence that there is no god, so please just acknowledge that this is on topic. So please, give us a definition of your god, and then can we start talking 1. whether it is even a sensible question to talk about evidence for it. 2. (optional, if it has proven to be a meaningful question) if there is evidence for or counterevidence against atheism (yes counterevidence, so evidence for god is also relevant for this topic, do not deny this as well). On the first definition ("god is immaterial") I have already given my opinion, namely that we will never be able to test that he yes or no exists. If you have some other definition, then please insert it, so I can give my opinion on 1 and 2 (which are completely relevant to this topic).
Secondly, you are somehow trying to avoid that the question of "is there evidence against the existence of god" is independent of the question "is there evidence for the existence of god". If there was a way to prove the existence of god, it would be necessarily the proof that atheism is wrong, and vice versa: if there was a way to disprove the existence of good, it would be necessarily the proof that god-ism is wrong. Moreover, these proofs, would stem from the same question, namely: "does god exist?"
Another point why the question is pointless (a point relevant to this topic), is that you want evidence for the absense of something. Basically the question is "Is there evidence for the absense of god (in the entire cosmos (or beyond in the fictional "immaterial world"))?" Yes, there is, it is all around us, but somehow you claim that absense of evidence is not evidence for absense. Yes it is. Absense of god was the original question. And the evidence of his absense is all around us. That does not mean that it is a proof for his absense. It does mean that atheists beliefs are more based on present observations, and those observations can be verified by everybody. Whenever we should detect a god, atheism is an hypothesis easily rejected. However, we do not have any observational evidence for a god. So evidence is what you ask, but you seem to dismiss all of what we see as not even being evidence, without providing any reason, any other than perhaps 'god is invisible' or even 'god is immaterial'. While that may be the case, we will have a harder time finding evidence for god, than for the absense of god, perhaps also because would not be omnipresent, and rather located somewhere in the universe (if we are really talking about a material god that is, otherwise, the question is totally senseless to ask).
So if you like to interpret this as that there is no evidence for atheism, do know, that there is even less evidence for god-ism, since the absense of god is omni-present, so far as human inquiry has looked. Again, no absolute proof involved, but we will never be able to prove atheism: atheism claims the absense of something. This is much harder to proof than the existence of something. So, the evidence really is to be provided by the god-believers, since the evidence of the absense is omnipresent, yet is seems not enough to rationalize the non-existence of god for some. So if you ask evidence of the absense of god, it is all around us. However, when we ask: where is your god, you will respond: he is immaterial. In this case no evidence can ever be provided for both sides (atheism and god-ism), only wild speculation of some philosophers like the one in the video. So why, in this immaterial definition of god, even bother? If you have other definitions, you can provide them as well. Then the question becomes more meaningful, so, yes, talking what god is , is relevant to whether there is evidence.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:30 AM
Edited by dasheenster, 10 April 2012 - 03:33 AM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 10:34 AM
DAMABO 1. I am discussing evidence for the absence of god. Namely we don't see him/It/her. While I do not commit to taking any stance (I am agnostic, this seems most reasonable to me) this should not matter when discussing evidence. Yes absence of god is evidence. I did not say conclusive evidence (as I have already said evidence does not equal proof, so I don't see what your problem is with this evidence, given that it is observable for everybody), but that's what you might put into my mouth.
Change the topic. Is the only thing that is real, what you can see? I will address this here where it is on topic. Long debate over whether God is possible.
.2. If you're not interested in discussing evidence for god, I don't think you would take this much energy into this forum. So please just tell me directly what are the best arguments for the existence of god. why do you narrow down your topic so much, when you clearly know the only 'evidence for atheism' is that there is no evidence for god? This is not to say that god should not exist, but what will be most informative: scanning the entire cosmos if god really exists nowhere? This would be the strategy that an atheist looking for evidence must adhere to.
I am here interested in giving Atheists a chance to present the evidence for their case since they love to demand evidence from theists. I have discovered this only goes one way because they don’t want to give any proof. They play the child’s game of “why” to anything Theists say without any reasons of their own. I take from your answer that your vote for the topic is “none.” Good, what I was after.
I have dealt extensively with evidence for God but again that is not the subject here. If you don’t think there is any evidence for the hiddenness of God, deal with it there.
Both sides, Atheist and Theists present their cases.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
Look at the topics in this forum. I don’t think the topic of Religion is narrow.3. I don't really care what argument they made. Mutual respect is necessary for conversation, as you have pointed out yourself.
Agreed.4. I did provide evidence in one sentence (which I encourage you to do as well on your stance), namely that we don't observe a god. And no I don't believe only what I see. I did not say anything about my underlying beliefs. It is not just, to say that, just because I am giving evidence for atheism, that I am an atheist. You should know that. So, just because I make an argument for one position, doesn't mean anything about my underlying beliefs.
OK More than one sentence however..5. No that is not my definition of god. Even if it was, the argument would hold up, namely that we need a sound definition of something before we can start talking. We agree that this god would probably not exist. This would be a shock to the people in the BC-years, who believed that the god of the old testament was really the god that took care of Israel. The first post you refered to is about a pantheistic view, that god somehow underlies nature. Is this god then, nature? the term god would be superfluous if it were just nature. seems , to me, like an excuse for using the word god.
I will discuss this here.
Long debate over whether God is possible.
No I don't believe that that which we can't see is not real (for example, electricity, subatomic particles are invisble, yet do exist in the material world). I do however believe that immateriality is impossible, for materiality is that which exists. ( So God is materialistic?) See the other two posts.
So just to be clear: you believe in an immaterial god? Is that more evidence-based than the claim that there is no god? Immateriality may be nice to invent, whenever we just don't know the answer: for example: "what happened before the big bang?" we don't know so, let's invent something that can explain everything, yet can not be falsified, something immaterial. If however somehow you believed this god to be invisible but not immaterial, then the argument of being a god that created all matter doesn't hold up, for the matter in god himself already existed (and thus not all matter was created by god).
If you don't count the absense of god anywhere in our side at least as evidence (surely not proof, I will never claim that), then you know the answer (no). As I have said, it is impractical to try to confirm the 'there is no god'-hypothesis, namely to have an absolute proof, we would have to scan the entire cosmos with every technology that can be dreamed of.
And why insist that I should post in another topic, while clearly this is a more practical and direct way to engage in conversation?
I have read somewhere on one of the threads that you take these issues from a pure philosophical standpoint. In this line of thought, you argued mere existence is so wonderous, and things like this. I can't agree more of course on the latter. But then comes the step to an immaterial being.
I think it is quite clear that atheists have no way to ever find confirmatory evidence, as atheism is a negation of something (again, should we present evidence in the line of : "we have scanned galaxy CF257. No God. Now only 999 999999 more galaxies to go, and we'll know if our hypothesis has reasonable probability." As I have explained thus, in line with much of the comments here made, is that only the existence of god can be confirmed. So in this way, the question "Is there evidence for atheism?" is bound to give negative results, if you don't count in that all that we have observed ever, is, in most definitions, not god.
Sorry but I have continued this off topic "God" conversation elsewhere as i referenced above. Stick to the subject. You have already voted there is no evidence for Atheism. Want to talk about God? Sure. see below.
See I am completely on topic when I say that you cannot expect there to be evidence for atheism, even if the evidence consists of only not seeing a god. I am completely on topic, because when you ask a question, it has to be sensible to answer too, what I mean is the following:
Firstly, note that you seem to believe in an immaterial god, in which case detecting god would be impossible anyway. So in this way, the question of evidence, for atheism and for god-ism (or counterevidence for atheism) is a useless one, since god would not exist in the material world and can thus never be tested and neither can atheism. Yes discussing what is the definition of god is important to define atheism and thus this conversation on evidence for atheism. You first need to define god before you can talk about evidence that there is no god, so please just acknowledge that this is on topic. So please, give us a definition of your god, and then can we start talking 1. whether it is even a sensible question to talk about evidence for it. 2. (optional, if it has proven to be a meaningful question) if there is evidence for or counterevidence against atheism (yes counterevidence, so evidence for god is also relevant for this topic, do not deny this as well). On the first definition ("god is immaterial") I have already given my opinion, namely that we will never be able to test that he yes or no exists. If you have some other definition, then please insert it, so I can give my opinion on 1 and 2 (which are completely relevant to this topic).
Secondly, you are somehow trying to avoid that the question of "is there evidence against the existence of god" is independent of the question "is there evidence for the existence of god". If there was a way to prove the existence of god, it would be necessarily the proof that atheism is wrong, and vice versa: if there was a way to disprove the existence of good, it would be necessarily the proof that god-ism is wrong. Moreover, these proofs, would stem from the same question, namely: "does god exist?"
Another point why the question is pointless (a point relevant to this topic), is that you want evidence for the absense of something. Basically the question is "Is there evidence for the absense of god (in the entire cosmos (or beyond in the fictional "immaterial world"))?" Yes, there is, it is all around us, but somehow you claim that absense of evidence is not evidence for absense. Yes it is. Absense of god was the original question. And the evidence of his absense is all around us. That does not mean that it is a proof for his absense. It does mean that atheists beliefs are more based on present observations, and those observations can be verified by everybody. Whenever we should detect a god, atheism is an hypothesis easily rejected. However, we do not have any observational evidence for a god. So evidence is what you ask, but you seem to dismiss all of what we see as not even being evidence, without providing any reason, any other than perhaps 'god is invisible' or even 'god is immaterial'. While that may be the case, we will have a harder time finding evidence for god, than for the absense of god, perhaps also because would not be omnipresent, and rather located somewhere in the universe (if we are really talking about a material god that is, otherwise, the question is totally senseless to ask).
So if you like to interpret this as that there is no evidence for atheism, do know, that there is even less evidence for god-ism, since the absense of god is omni-present, so far as human inquiry has looked. Again, no absolute proof involved, but we will never be able to prove atheism: atheism claims the absense of something. This is much harder to proof than the existence of something. So, the evidence really is to be provided by the god-believers, since the evidence of the absense is omnipresent, yet is seems not enough to rationalize the non-existence of god for some. So if you ask evidence of the absense of god, it is all around us. However, when we ask: where is your god, you will respond: he is immaterial. In this case no evidence can ever be provided for both sides (atheism and god-ism), only wild speculation of some philosophers like the one in the video. So why, in this immaterial definition of god, even bother? If you have other definitions, you can provide them as well. Then the question becomes more meaningful, so, yes, talking what god is , is relevant to whether there is evidence.
I do not disagree with you, there is no evidence for Atheism though many Atheists would not agree with you. The universe is not capable of explaining itself, if it was than there would be evidence for atheism. Asking a completely different question is not an answer either. There are many issues we can discuss about God, elsewhere. You sure are desperate to not discuss the topic as an agnostic. It seems your stance says it all for atheism.
Saying you know there is no evidence for Atheism is a direct answer to the topic. Now if you are interested in another topic so am I and we can carry on at an appropriate place which follows the guidelines for use of the forum.
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Edited by DAMABO, 10 April 2012 - 11:27 AM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 12:37 PM
very creative misinterpretation of my post. and you also ignored the bulk of my points, by saying 'asking a completely different question is not an answer either'. moderate whatever you wish, I have explained why the definition of god is crucial to the question. I have also explained that evidence for god and for no god is an obsolete question to ask, if you define god as being immaterial. if you interpret not believing in 'immateriality' (the least evidence-based approach to the god-question possible) as atheism, then I am willing to subscribe to atheism.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 12:53 PM
Posted 10 April 2012 - 01:39 PM
On topic.....
I cannot believe in something without direct evidence or enough indirect evidence to support the likely inevitibility of something. To me, faith is a VERY real concept, but only when applied to something tangible. I can have faith in my child to do the right thing when given a choice, but I cannot have faith in mythological beings without enough evidence to support thier existence. Can I say without a doubt that a god, gods, or some other higher being doesn't exist? No, I can't. I am not that arrogant.
For the most part, people practicing religion might as well be practicing hypocrisy. It was this very hypocrisy that I noticed in abundance in 'good christian' people that led me to open my eyes and start thinking for myself. When I did open my eyes, all I can really say to describe it is 'wow'. Life is so much different when you see clearly and you value it far far more. Ask yourself this, who values life more ...the person that believes they will get a mansion when they die, want for nothing in paradise, and spend eternity with all thier loved ones -OR- the person the sees through the insanity, understands mortality, and realizes once they die or a loved one dies, they are gone forever?
(Yes I partially took something from The Invention of Lying .....but I can't help myself because the movie does such a good job making fun of religious beliefs. It captured the willingness and desperation of people to believe in something other than the harsh reality of life quite nicely).
Posted 10 April 2012 - 02:03 PM
Not to forget that some people who believe in afterlife also believe that indefinite lifespans are bad. Or given that they believe in the afterlife, that the afterlife somehow is only waiting for those who choose to die early. These beliefs are fundamentally against the ideology of imminst. Not that I believe shadowhawk to have these beliefs, since he seems to know a little more than those people, and he seems to support the thought of immortality by being member of this forum.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 02:05 PM
Edited by mikeinnaples, 10 April 2012 - 02:05 PM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 04:49 PM
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:19 PM
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:20 PM
The truth of the matter is, nobody knows whether or not a God exists.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:21 PM
Please read some more history books and ACTUALLY READ THE NEW TESTAMENT FROM START TO FINISH. It seems like I'm the only one who has done so. this thread is embarrassing.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:28 PM
You say you dont like Stalin to be used as an example to atheism as he created a cult. Well, Hitler created a 'Nazi-ism' which is generally accepted as a 'cult' too. Do you think Christians identify with him??
Yeah, Stalin is at number one. He (and others like Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung) may have created a cult where they are revered as a 'God' but that came when 'absolute power' had corrupted them. Theism is stamped out and atheism is enforced to keep the dictators power absolute.
Is killing in the name of religion any better than killing in the name of stamping out religion (in all its forms)? Stalin, Mao, Kim Jong-Il... 3 people responsible for at least more than 100 million deaths and hundreds of millions more in suffering. And all of them despised any kind of religion. Imagine if they were laid back Agnostics instead of Atheists. hehe
Actually, I propose that you read something of real value instead rather than a work of fiction like the New Testament.
Edited by hooter, 10 April 2012 - 05:31 PM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:39 PM
Actually, I propose that you read something of real value instead rather than a work of fiction like the New Testament.
More people have given up their faith after an indepth reading of the Bible than any other book.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:45 PM
Please read some more history books and ACTUALLY READ THE NEW TESTAMENT FROM START TO FINISH. It seems like I'm the only one who has done so. this thread is embarrassing.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:46 PM
Talk to someone in a deeply catholic family and see what they have to say about the Jews. I've talked to many highly religious families in SLOVAKIA, and they despise the Jews and treat them as lesser people. Keep in mind these are folks who were thrown into ovens along with the Jews, so why would they sympathize with Hitler? The point is that they don't, they sympathize with the biblical perspective towards Jews. Please read more history books...
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:49 PM
I don't think you have any idea what I said. It had nothing to do with history. I was suggesting that science and religion are separate entities.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 05:49 PM
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