Please excuse the explicit content, it is relevant.
My piracetam arrived just a short while ago, so I took 600mg at midday friday, 1200mg half an hour later. Saturday I took 1200 mg at about 2pm. I took no dose at sunday due to concern about side effects.
The effects I noticed in chronological order where that: friday evening my orgasm was weaker than usual, less cum. I had an unusually wonderful dream that night. Morning after, same thing weak almost dry orgasm.
Later in the evening I noticed that a muscle was contracting wildly, something in my wrist was jerking rapidly. After about half a minute it disappeared. The it came back and disappeared a few times.
That night, same sexual problem. Dreams were normal.
Next (sunday) morning same problem.
Had some intermittent twitching in the afternoon, but sexual function was restored in the evening.
Does the twitching mean that I need a more regular intake? Will the sexual thing improve with time or choline supplements?