Well, I continued my search in this subject, and I found two interesting articles, which I'd like to share.
The theme was covered by a 2010 Nature article:
Garage biotech: Life hackershttp://www.nature.co...ll/467650a.htmlHere is an illustration which is exactly what I had in mind about a laboratory, with the instruments and prices:

The second one was in the
Transhumanist magazine, 2009 winter issue, on pages 46-52, available here:
The particularity of this one is that the
ImmInst forum is mentioned in it:

I thought about another minor project idea, that may worth some consideration:
I've found that there are established DIY-Bio communities around the world, a list of them:
diybio.org/local/, even with biotech labs/spaces, and some of them even allows biolab work for a minor monthly membership fee (like 100$), with free training, and other benefits.
I see there may be some possibilities here. I wondering that it would be possible that we find one or two
volunteers in the given area, like bio students with small poster-ads in campuses, and design relevant minor life extension research study. Then ImmInst would buy a one or two month membership in one of these places, and doing the research in that given lab.
Or all of this in a free DIY place if there exists such one among them, or if we can't find volunteers, then someone could be sponsored, like brokenportal said in the 5th post above:
through one on one persuasion, maybe through small money incentives to help get them started
I don't know, but hanging around in a lab in an ImmInst T-Shirt, and answering to the possible inquiries, like: "I am conducting research for ImmInst, or the longecity.org, life extension community." may can increase the awareness/recognition about ImmInst, and even possible that a couple of people there in the various groups (for example a CA DIYBio group on that list has around 2500 members on the facebook) could be lured into the life extension movement and join up as longecity members. In that case even the financial balance of this mini project would be positive.
Or extending all this and developing a long term collaboration between the two, the LE and the DIYBio movements.
I don't know exactly, I'm just thinking aloud.
I also found a topic here, in the Bioscience section, which contains a DIY bio science info-kit, if someone wants to delve more into it.
Open source, DIY biohacking kithttp://www.longecity...biohacking-kit/
Edited by Avatar of Horus, 01 April 2013 - 04:57 PM.